
Ruutunäkymän liikennevaloissa vihreä on heti saatavilla, punainen juuri nyt loppu varastosta, keltainen ei vielä ilmestynyt tai huutomerkin kera ei hyllyvalikoimaa, eli me tilaamme sitten, kun sinä olet tilannut meiltä. Saatavuusinfossa kerrotaan tarkemmin saatavuustiedoista.

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For generations, harvesting bamboo has brought prosperity to your home. Work, perseverance, balance and prayer have made a small town flourish that has grown at the expense of the cane fields. Today, various clans live in harmony with nature.

In Bamboo, players take on the role of clans that grow bamboo and use the fruits of their labor to take care of their family and thus add happiness points. This is an action management and tile optimization game that is both accessible and deep. With a very careful setting, Bamboo is part of the Kemushi saga, to which Bitoku and Silk also belong.

Bamboo games are made up of 4 years or rounds, which in turn are divided into 4 phases or seasons. On their turns, players will burn incense in temples to seek favor from the spirits, and use bamboo shoots to perform actions such as seeking balance, cooking, home improvement, or managing finances.

Following the doctrines of the home balance discipline allows for better optimization of home tiles, making it a fundamental pillar for progressing through the game. To score balance tiles you must use the balance action and follow the pattern indicated on the tile, which always has something to do with the type of home tiles you get during the game. There are four classes of home tiles: decoration, garden, faith, or useful. Depending on how they place them on their board, players will earn happiness points.

In addition to managing the household, players will need to prepare for when tough times come. To get through the winter, it will be necessary to feed the family members with the tea, rice or ramen that has been prepared and stored in the previous season. And all this without forgetting to honor spirits and ancestors in the temples. The player who has made the largest offering of incense in each sacred space will receive the favor of one of the seven spirits of the forest, as a token of thanks. Spirit tiles, in addition to helping players throughout the game, offer bonus points in the final phase based on the number of different spirits in each player's play area.

With accessible and easy-to-learn rules, Bamboo is a very versatile title that will fit into any shelves. However, behind its apparent simplicity lies great strategic depth, with plenty of options available to players. In addition, Bamboo has an advanced game mode on the back of the personal boards, which will give the games an extra level of demand. Harvest bamboo and find balance in your home to win the game. May the spirits be with you!

2–4 Players
90–110 Min
Age: 14+

      heti saatavilla
52.00 €

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is dead. His last conscious action on his deathbed was composing the Lacrimosa movement of his Opus Requiem. You, as one of his sponsors, will meet with the widow in order to participate one last time in the funding of the works of the Austrian genius. Also, you will reminisce and retell all your memories alongside Mozart in order to make sure that she portrays you under the best light when writing her memoirs in order to enter history as Mozart's most important patron.

In Lacrimosa, players take the roles of patrons of the late musician, contributing with their fundings to the composer's works one last time. During the game, you play in two different timelines: the present and the past. In the present, you commission the missing parts of the Requiem from other composers in order to complete it. When developing past events, the game takes place in five epochs in which you contribute by buying new compositions from the composer to sell or exhibit, accompany him on the different journeys through the main courts and theaters in Europe, and gather the resources you need in order to support the musician during his career.

During the game, you play cards from a limited hand that you will improve as the game progresses. These cards can be played either as actions or as resource generators, and players need to optimize their resources and finances in order to support their best version of the story and their relationship with Mozart.

1–4 Players
90 Min
Age: 14+

      heti saatavilla
100.40 €
Mazescape: Cryo-C
Mazescape: Cryo-C

Mazescape is a clever and fascinating maze game for one player that will challenge even the most active minds. The Cryo-C version is designed by Pablo Céspedes and Victor Hugo Cisternas, authors of Tesoros del Rey Pirata, and illustrated by David Yuyo Correa.

When the mainframe computer of the supply ship unexpectedly awakens from suspended animation, something’s probably going to go wrong. You’re still in outer space, there’s nobody by your side, and the central reactor’s alarm won’t stop sounding. Upon exiting your capsule you realize that everyone else has disappeared. Who, or better yet, what has taken them? To find out, sharpen your wits, patience and powers of observation.

The Mazescape saga introduces a completely unique concept that fans of logic and puzzles will love. In this original game from Devir, you will place a map on the table and look for the compass rose as the starting point of the maze. Using the wooden styles that comes with the game, you’ll trace the white pathways, maintaining contact with the maze at all times, and you’ll open and close sections of the map while looking for the exit point of the Impossible Triangle. Pass under bridges, climb staircases, and keep your head from spinning until the exit point takes you to the next scenario.

Each Mazescape box contains seven different challenges to face. The first maze is a relatively accessible challenge, and little by little the mazes become increasingly difficult until the final elegant explosion of pathways, which can only be untangled by the sharpest minds.

Moreover, each map includes a series of secondary challenges that allow you to travel through a second time, giving each set of maps a high degree of re-playability. Look for all of the hidden treasures in the seven maps. And the portable format is easy to play anywhere; all you need is a place to set the map and the stylus to start your journey. But beware, nobody said that escaping from the labyrinth would be easy!

Mazescape Cryo-C offers the most advanced challenges of the Mazescape saga, including the most complex mazes to date. Are you up for the challenge?

Players: 1
Playing time: 15 Min
Age: 8+

      heti saatavilla
15.50 €
Red Cathedral
Red Cathedral

Autumn is not the best time to climb up on a scaffold in Moscow, but it is still far better than doing so in the winter. Tsar Ivan wants to see results and our team will prove to him that we are the best builders in the city. We are sure to finish off those decorative arches with the brightest shining stones and ensure our place on the list of the government’s trusted workers.

Sheila Santos and Israel Cendrero make up the game designing duo known as Llama Dice. To date they have put out various titles with different Spanish publishers (1987 Channel Tunnel, Mondrian, Smoothies), and The Red Cathedral is the first game they have published with Devir. Pedro Soto (Holmes, Sherlock & Mycroft, Papua) and Chema Román (El mundo de Águila Roja) took care of the graphic elements of the game with a grand homage to Ivan Bilibin, an iconic Russian artist from the turn of the twentieth century. Despite being from a far later period, his mark is very recognizable in the game.

The Red Cathedral is a strategic, “Euro” board game in which the players take the roles of construction teams. Their job is to work together to put up St. Basil’s cathedral in Moscow, as ordered by Ivan the Terrible. However, only one of them will be able to gain the favour of the Tsar.

During the game, the players can carry out one of these three actions: assign a section of the cathedral, send resources to that section to build it, or go to the game board to achieve more resources. Each of these actions has its own mechanism and requires that the players pay close attention to what the other players are doing.

When the sections of the cathedral are assigned the players take possession of the spaces in each of the columns that make up their section. The more sections built and the completion of each with its own tower, the more points the player will be given at the end of the game.

The players can send resources to the cathedral sections that they have claimed. When they complete each of those sections they will obtain rewards in money and prestige points. They will also be able to install decorations on the completed sections to achieve even more recognition from the Tsar. This part of the game also works as a clock, since once any player completes the construction of their sixth section it brings about the end of the game.

The game board shows us the iconic rondel of The Red Cathedral. It is where the players obtain all the resource types needed to complete their work on the cathedral, as well as to get favors from the guilds and professionals to make the most of their trip to the market. In the central rondel the players choose the die they wish to use and move forward as many spaces as is shown on the top side of said die, in order to obtain the resources indicated in the space destined by the die.

The Red Cathedral is a very accessible game with regard to its rules because it is very easy to understand the various levels of the game, but it remains very interesting with regard to strategy. It is sure to please those who are more interested in the challenge offered by trying to strategically optimize their position in each game rather than the complexity of the rules.

1–4 Players
Playing Time: 60+
Age: 10+

      heti saatavilla
35.00 €
Red Cathedral: Contractors
Red Cathedral: Contractors

The construction of St. Basil’s Cathedral is going at a steady pace. The moment has arrived to seek out the best specialists of each guild and to apply their skills and knowledge to turn this monument into something that will even surprise the Tsar himself. It’s necessary to send contractors to the far reaches of Russia to be able to stand out from the competition and achieve victory.

Contractors is the first expansion of The Red Cathedral, the hit game from Shei Santos and Isra Cendrero in which players construct Moscow’s St. Basil’s Cathedral and compete to make the most memorable contribution and win the favor of the Tsar. The expansion is also illustrated by Pedro Soto and Chema Román, two artists inspired by the work of Ivan Bilbin, the Russian artist renowned for his majestic representation of Slavic folklore in his works. The Red Cathedral stands out among recent games for its original rondel mechanism, winning the hearts of thousands of gamers around the world.

The expansion comes in a box that contains almost as much content as the original game and takes the experience into another dimension. In Contractors we find 10 new guilds that can be combined with those from the basic game, 6 additional blueprint cards, and a new card for the solo mode. Many of these new guilds use the Contractors module, which among other things, adds a new board containing a map of Russia. We Will send our contractors throughout Russia to recruit the talent of the best specialists and artisans of the country to aid in the construction of the cathedral.

As in the original game, each of these guilds contains 3 different cards, of which one per guild can be included into the game, meaning that Contractors offers 30 new different ways to play The Red Cathedral. And among other highlights are a black die that can be used alongside the 5 existing dice used to obtain resources, diamonds which serve as a wild-card form of resource, and the contractors, which are Cossack meeples that incorporate a worker placement element into the game.

      heti saatavilla
39.50 €
Savernake Forest
Savernake Forest

Autumn is coming to an end in the Savernake Forest...

Help the animals gather and store food for the winter! Savernake forest is a game where 2-4 players build their own section of the forest with paths where animals and food will appear. To get the highest score, players must ensure that on each path the animals can collect their favorite food.

Foxes, hedgehogs, beavers, owls, rabbits, woodpeckers, wild cats... Up to 23 different types of animals live together in the Savernake Forest. At the end of autumn, they all prepare to spend the cold winter with enough provisions and here you are to give them a hand… Or a paw! To play Savernake Forest you have two decks of square cards, one showing the animals and the other with forest paths full of succulent food. Each player is randomly given an animal card, showing how many foods they can store and their preferences. For example, the fox loves eggs, but not berries or nuts. To get the best score, you must try to get each animal to collect its favorite foods.

During setup, three road cards and one animal card are laid out for all players to see. Each player, on his turn, will choose one of them and add it to his forest, always respecting three rules: there can never be two animals on the same path; cards must be adjacent and no cards can be placed outside of a 4x4 grid. The game ends when all participants have completed their forest, with a total of 16 cards.

Throughout the game, players will have the help of some animals, depending on the card they choose from the central market. The rooster will help you get up early, so you can be the first to choose a card in the next turn. The armadillo teaches you how to dig better shelters to store more food, so you can take a burrow token and add it to one of your animal cards to increase that animal's storage capacity by 1. The goat teaches you to hydrate yourself better, offering a water drop token that can be associated with a food and increase its value by 1. Finally, the rabbit helps you attract new animals to your forest.

For players looking for more advanced challenges, the rulebook includes a two-player variant with some modifications that increase the difficulty. Quite a boost if you already master the basic rules!

With a dreamy art, Savernake Forest offers a perfect balance between fun and strategy that makes it perfect for any type of playgroup. Family and friends will have a great time helping the animals of the forest, while trying to make the most of their paths to reach the highest score. Stroll through Savernake in the fall and be swept away by the enchantment of its wildlife!

2–4 Players
20–40 Min
Age: 10+

  !   tilattava tuote
26.00 €

An accessible game with a great theme to introduce new players to the world of modern board games. However, its competitive approach will bring out tactical qualities for board game veterans.

The Imomushi silkworms can live only in the cold peaks of the Akaishi Mountains, and they produce the most delicate and expensive silk in the world. Very few people can withstand the hardships of the lonesome life a shepherd of giant silkworms leads. It is a solitary existence that requires great dedication and strength of character to bear the pressures that stem from competing with the few other shepherds who fight over the scarce but desirable feeding grounds, while keeping the fearsome ookamy at bay.

Silk is a gateway game into area control and worker placement systems. Players have to move their silkworms to the optimal spaces so they can feed on the best grass available, while pushing the other players' pieces into less desirable feeding grounds. In this game, players roll dice in order to determine which actions they are allowed to perform during their turn. There are six types of actions available: breeding more silkworms, moving the shepherd or their mastiff, building fences or farms, moving the ookami monster around the board, and — most importantly — getting your silkworms to feed. When silkworms feed, they generate a number of silk points, depending on the type of terrain they are standing on at that moment. These points can be used to modify the outcome of a dice roll, all while keeping in mind that the player with the most silk points at the end of the game wins!

2–4 Players
45 Min
Age: 10+

  !   tilattava tuote
35.20 €
White Castle
White Castle

The heron flies over the Himeji sky while the Daimio, from the top of the castle, watches his servants move. Gardeners tend the pond where the koi carp live, warriors stand guard on the walls, and courtiers crowd the gates, pining for an audience that brings them closer to the innermost circles of the court. When night falls, the lanterns are lit and the workers return to their clan.

In The White Castle, players control one of these clans and want to score more points than the rest. To do so, they must amass influence in the court, manage resources boldly, and place their workers in the right place at the right time. All of the action takes place in the most imposing fortress in modern Japan: Himeji Castle, where the banner of the Sakai clan flies under the orders of Daimio Sakai Tadakiyo.

The White Castle is a Eurogame in which players use resource management, worker placement, and dice placement to carry out actions. During the game, over three rounds players send members of their clan to tend the gardens, defend the castle, or progress up the social ladder of the nobility. At the end of the match, these activities award players points in a variety of ways.

The central panel shows Himeji Castle in all its splendor, divided into several zones. The largest is inside the castle, with the Room of the Thousand Carpets, where the courtiers must ascend socially until they reach the circle closest to the Daimio to enjoy his favor. There is also the pond and the gardens, patiently tended by the gardeners where everyone can relax and contemplate its beauty without restriction. Another important area is the wall and the outside of the castle, where the warriors patrol and stand guard. Finally, we find the area of the three bridges, where the three types of dice that can be used to carry out actions are accumulated, and the personal domain of each player, where they will keep track of their resources and where they will have a reserve of workers.

1–4 Players
80 Min
Age: 12+

      loppu varastosta
42.70 €

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