Arkham (HC)

Arkham (HC)
72.00 €
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On the streets of Arkham, the threat of the Cthulhu Mythos is ever-present. A quiet town in New England—home to the prestigious Miskatonic University—Arkham’s underbelly hides criminals, speakeasies, and a witch-cursed history.

* Call of Cthulhu: Arkham is the definitive guide to the signature setting of Call of Cthulhu.
With 290 locations detailed across 9 neighborhoods, Call of Cthulhu: Arkham is the perfect supplement for a sandbox-style campaign. The book also contains Gossip & Rumors to use as scenario seeds, and over 80 fully-detailed NPCs with their own secrets to discover—investigators will never be without a lead to follow up on!

* New Rules & Game Aids
The book contains two Arkham city map posters (one designed for players, and one marked with hidden information for the Keeper!), as well as a poster-sized copy of the front page of the Arkham Advertiser—the perfect prop for any game set in Arkham. Call of Cthulhu: Arkham also introduces new rules and skills for Arkham investigators.

* The Definitive Guide To Arkham
Call of Cthulhu: Arkham is more than just a supplement for the Call of Cthulhu roleplaying game. With a richly described history of both Arkham and the famous Miskatonic University, street and neighborhood maps, and hundreds of locations, this book is perfect for fans of mythos fiction, as well as any board games, card games, or stories set in the fabled city of Arkham.

This supplement is part of the Arkham Unveiled line and is designed for use with both the Call of Cthulhu roleplaying game and the Pulp Cthulhu supplement, both available separately.

Page count 272

viivakoodi 9781568824727

Arkham (HC) - kuva 2
CHA 23182-H
tullut Fantasiapeleihin

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