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Arkham Horror LCG: DL1 -The Miskatonic Museum Mythos Pack
Arkham Horror LCG: DL1 -The Miskatonic Museum Mythos Pack

The first Mythos Pack in The Dunwich Legacy cycle for Arkham Horror: The Card Game!

It begins with a book… Somewhere in the Miskatonic Museum, Olaus Wormius’s Latin translation of a book called the Necronomicon lies hidden away, kept locked and secret so that those individuals who shouldn't gain access to it do not. When recent events at the university and the Clover Club lead you to believe that someone may now be searching for this strange and ancient tome—someone who should not be permitted to delve its secrets—you make your way to the Museum. The hour is late, and the front door is locked. But you know you must recover the book before anyone can access its arcane secrets for dark purposes.

The cards and adventure from The Miskatonic Museum grant you access to the Museum and its many exhibitions. Whether you conduct your investigation as a relatively simple book recovery or incorporate it into the campaign from The Dunwich Legacy, you'll find it marked by a frightening urgency. You aren't alone within the museum's darkened chambers; something else stalks the exhibits…

Artifacts on Display
The Miskatonic Museum offers plenty more than a book hunt, and as you navigate its halls in search of the dread Necronomicon, you may find yourself tempted in plenty of other directions.

The Miskatonic Museum contains twenty-six player cards, ranging from levels zero to two, and their secrets may help you unlock new Talents and Tactics. They may afford you new Insights, or you might equip them as Tools. Altogether, you'll find that artifacts on display in The Miskatonic Museum suggest plenty of ways to spend the experience points you accrue over the course of your The Dunwich Legacy campaign.

Some of these cards will even adjust the ways you gain and spend your experience, making them quite unusual in the realm of customizable card games. Exhibit: Adaptable

Among the other things we find on display in The Miskatonic Museum is the first card in Arkham Horror: The Card Game with the Permanent keyword. Unlike most keywords, Permanent has no impact on gameplay. Instead, it's a special deckbuilding keyword with a set of abilities outlined in the game's rules:

* A card with the permanent keyword does not count towards your deck size.
* A card with the permanent keyword still counts as being part of your deck and must therefore adhere to all other deckbuilding restrictions.
* A card with the permanent keyword starts each game in play and is not shuffled into your investigator deck during setup.
* A card with the permanent keyword cannot be discarded by any means.

Accordingly, an experience point investment in the Permanent Talent Adaptable (The Miskatonic Museum, 110) is just what it sounds like—an investment in your investigator's ability to adapt to the mysteries he or she uncovers over the course of a campaign. And given how much the card may allow you to adapt your deck to the challenges you could never predict at the campaign's outset, you'd be wise to consider Adaptable among your very first acquisitions once you have a point or two of experience in hand.

Exhibit: Delve Too Deep
While Adaptable suits the Rogue class as a card built around exploiting every available resource, one of the Mystic cards from The Miskatonic Museum serves to exemplify the high-risk and high-reward focus of the class as well as any other.

Offering what may very well be the most purely detrimental game effect ever printed on a player card, Delve Too Deep (The Miskatonic Museum, 111) "allows" you and your fellow investigators to draw and resolve one card each from the top of the encounter deck. More or less, this event costs you one resource to play and then gives the encounter deck another turn to rip at your body and melt your mind.

So why would you ever want to play this card? The answer is printed in bold at the bottom center of the text box—below the flavor text. "Victory 1."

Once you play it, the card is worth a point of experience that you can then invest toward other cards. Sure, you have to survive all the nasty effects you and your fellow investigators invoke when you Delve Too Deep, but this is the world of Arkham Horror… Madness is par for the course, and since there's no guarantee you'll go mad just for playing the card (nor be devoured), why wouldn't you want more experience? After all, whatever doesn't kill you only makes you stronger—right?

Not Your Ordinary Museum
With cards like Adaptable and Delve Too Deep that explore the effects between your games—rather than within them—Arkham Horror: The Card Game is leading you to places you will have never previously explored within customizable card games. It's half card gaming and half roleplaying, and it's all moving toward something deeper, darker, more profound, and more horrifying than you could have ever imagined...

• The first Mythos Pack in The Dunwich Legacy cycle for Arkham Horror: The Card Game
• A new adventure pits you and your fellow investigators against a shadowy terror
• Serves as the third scenario in the campaign from The Dunwich Legacy delule expansion
• Twenty-six player cards allow you to adapt your deck and equip your investigator for new challenges
• Requires a copy of the Arkham Horror: The Card Game Core Set and The Dunwich Legacy

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22.00 16.50 €
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Arkham Horror LCG: DL2 -The Essex County Express Mythos Pack
Arkham Horror LCG: DL2 -The Essex County Express Mythos Pack

The second Mythos Pack in The Dunwich Legacy cycle for Arkham Horror: The Card Game!

Among the sixty new cards in The Essex County Express, you'll find twenty-eight player cards, including four copies of a new weakness, along with a thrilling new scenario. In The Essex County Express, your investigations lead you outside the town of Arkham, and while the train may offer the fastest transit to your next lead, it may not offer the safest...

When the train rumbles, shakes, and lurches to a halt, you and your fellow investigators must race from your car to the engine. If you can't get the train moving in a hurry, you and all the other passengers may fall prey to whatever unnatural things seem to be crawling, shifting, and oozing their way from car to car, growing ever larger as they do so.

Going Off the Rails
Nothing in the world of the Arkham LCG is ever as simple as it seems—not even a train ride. In The Essex County Express, the linear progression you might expect to follow through a train may lead you, instead, through any of a vast number of permutations.

At the beginning of the scenario, you'll randomly select one of three different versions of the Engine Car to put into play facedown. Then, you'll create a line of six random Train Cars , all of which you select randomly, and place to the left of the Engine Car. You and your fellow investigators must then work your way from the leftmost Train Car to the Engine Car, but there's no telling what you'll find along your path.

As a game that blends the traditional customizable card gaming and roleplaying experiences, Arkham LCG® goes to extraordinary lengths to place you into your investigator's shoes and allow you to see the in-game world through your investigator's eyes. By creating a measure of suspense every time you open the door to the next Train Car, the scenario from The Essex County Express serves as yet another example, and you can expect that you'll gain a thorough appreciation of your investigator's sense of dread and anxiety in the face of uncertainty.

Learn from Experience
While the scenario from The Essex County Express offers you new terrors to confront, its player cards offer new ways for you to learn from your adventures—and even to make sure you get started on the right foot.

As a cooperative card game of mystery, suspense, and horror, Arkham LCG not only grounds your adventures within a series of different locations, but allows you and your friends to decide—like so many characters in different horror stories throughout the ages—to decide whether you'll stay together or split up to cover more ground. Horrible as it may be, you will likely have to split your group at times in order to meet your objectives. But if you can afford to stay together, it's almost always safest, especially when you might gain the experience to upgrade your deck with one or two copies of Stand Together (The Essex County Express, 148).

The opportunity to level up your deck will, itself, also lead to some tough choices once you get your hands on The Essex County Express. Will you spend your experience to gain access to powerful cards like Stand Together, Shotgun (Core Set, 29), and Hot Streak (Core Set, 57), or will you use that experience, instead, to increase your ability to do more with the cards already in your deck?

In Arkham LCG, you are limited in the number of upgrades that you can utilize by the slots you have to hold them, but three different player cards from The Essex County Express give you access to additional slots, two of which are neutral. Like Charisma (The Essex County Express, 158), these cards don't just allow you to circumvent the standard slot limitations; they allow you to search for combinations among the upgrades of their type.

What can two allies do for you? You could, for example, play two Beat Cops (Core Set, 18) to gain two combat, or you could recruit Dr. Milan Christopher (Core Set, 33) to your cause and retain his services, even while you work with an assortment of different, passing Research Librarians (Core Set, 32) and Arcane Initiates (Core Set, 63). In fact, you could even convince as many as three different allies to follow you on your adventures if you were to invest in two copies of Charisma.

Finally, there are times that no measure of experience, no measure of Charisma, and no measure of teamwork will save you from the unfathomable beings you might encounter. At these times, an experienced investigator might just say, "I'm outta here!" (The Essex County Express, 151). Maybe you won't discover every clue, but if you begin your campaign with this card in your deck—or spend an experience point to add it in later—the Trick may just help you keep all the other experience you've gained—and avoiding the mental or physical trauma that you would suffer if you were defeated.

All Aboard!
You get on the Essex County Express to follow the next lead in your investigations, but when you get on a train, you can only go where it takes you... And this one's taking you straight into the maw of madness!

Get on board for a thrilling descent into madness and mystery with The Essex County Express.

• The second Mythos Pack in The Dunwich Cycle for Arkham Horror: The Card Game
• A new train ride adventure thrusts investigators into confrontations with otherworldly terrors
• Randomized locations greatly enhance the adventure’s replayability
• Twenty-eight player cards, including a new weakness, increase deckbuilding options
• Requires a copy of the Arkham Horror: The Card Game Core Set and The Dunwich Legacy

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22.00 €
Arkham Horror LCG: DL3 -Blood on the Altar Mythos Pack
Arkham Horror LCG: DL3 -Blood on the Altar Mythos Pack

The third Mythos Pack in The Dunwich Legacy cycle for Arkham Horror: The Card Game!

In the scenario from Blood on the Altar, your investigations lead you to the village of Dunwich, where you suspect a series of recent disappearances may be related to the events in Arkham. But the more you explore, the more you get the impression the townsfolk aren't exactly pleased to see you. There are secrets in this town that its inhabitants don't wish to share...

With its sixty cards (including a complete playset of each new player card), Blood on the Altar challenges you to delve the secrets of Dunwich. You'll need to travel throughout the town in search of clues, stopping to investigate many of the locations infamously identified in H.P. Lovecraft's classic tale, The Dunwich Horror.

Meanwhile, the player cards in Blood on the Altar allow you to translate the experience you gained in your previous adventures to Permanent new Talents, several new assets, events, and skill cards, and a higher-level, more efficient version of the Core Set card, Emergency Cache (Core Set, 88).

Master New Talents
The deeper you find yourself amid the mysteries of The Dunwich Legacy, the higher the stakes. If you hope to survive—not to mention discover and deal with the terrible forces behind the recent events—you will need to learn from your experience. You will need to master new Talents and arm yourself for greater challenges.

You are, after all, throwing yourself headlong into a nest of supernatural horrors.

Fortunately, for all the evils it calls forth, Blood on the Altar also allows you to arm yourself with any of five new Permanent Talents, each of which offers a new variation upon—and complement to—one of the skill-focused Talents from the Core Set. For example, if you were relying upon your Physical Training (Core Set, 17) to help you overcome some of the most terrifying or physically demanding threats you might face, you could consider investing experience points in Keen Eye (Blood on the Altar, 185) or Blood Pact (Blood on the Altar, 191).

Like Physical Training, these Talents stay with you and offer you the means to boost your skills as needed. Also, like Physical Training, they come free of any slot requirement. But that's pretty much where the equivalencies end. Because they are Permanent, both Keen Eye and Blood Pact start in play once you spend the experience to "buy" them, meaning you'll never need to draw either. Also, because Permanent assets don't count against your deck size, you don't need to swap out any other cards in order to include either of these.

Finally, Keen Eye and Blood Pact come with different costs. Keen Eye demands that you spend two resources for each point you want to increase your combat or intellect, but the bonuses then last until the end of the phase, making it more expensive—compared to Physical Training—to combat an enemy once, but less expensive to hit it three times in the same round. And with Blood Pact, your investigator gains the ability to use doom as a resource, increasing his or her combat or willpower by three—but only at the risk of accelerating the enemy's designs.

The Secret Chambers of Dunwich
The world of the Arkham LCG is one of buried secrets and realities that lie just beyond the periphery of our natural senses. So it is that throughout your adventures in Blood on the Altar you'll find yourself unable to shake the eerie feeling that there's more to the town of Dunwich than first meets the eye… Of course, there's a reason to this: somewhere, beneath one of the village's buildings, you will find a secret chamber that holds such monstrous truths as to test the limits of your sanity.

In Blood on the Altar, even as secretive forces move against you, you must race through the town and discover this secret chamber. You must also find the key to unlock it. And then you must enter.

What will you face? Will you be injured, defeated, or devoured? Will you flee in terror? Will your mind shatter beyond repair? The mysteries of Blood on the Altar are layered so that each new turn leads you deeper into a sense of doom and dread, and the Mythos Pack comes with multiple copies of each location so you'll never know what to expect behind the next door...

Your Dunwich Horrors
How are the disappearances in Dunwich connected to the strange events taking place in Arkham? The truth may lead you closer to your goal—or it may drive you mad.

• The third Mythos Pack in The Dunwich Legacy cycle for Arkham Horror: The Card Game
• Investigators travel to Dunwich and explore many of its most infamous locations
• A randomized setup ensures your search for a secret chamber varies from game to game
• Twentyfive player cards including a complete playset of each, allow you to level up your deck
• Requires a copy of the Arkham Horror: The Card Game Core Set and The Dunwich Legacy

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22.00 16.50 €
alin hinta 30 päivää ennen alennusta 22.00
Arkham Horror LCG: DL4 -Undimensioned and Unseen Mythos Pack
Arkham Horror LCG: DL4 -Undimensioned and Unseen Mythos Pack

The fourth Mythos Pack in The Dunwich Legacy cycle for Arkham Horror: The Card Game!

Things are definitely getting weird. By the time your pursuit of two missing professors leads you through The Dunwich Legacy cycle to the scenario from Undimensioned and Unseen, you'll have traveled far from the familiar comforts of Arkham, and you'll have witnessed things you know no one would ever believe. You'll have encountered strange, extra-dimensional entities, and you'll find yourself neck-deep in furtive cultists and their sacrifices.

Inundated with information about "Ancient Ones" and unholy rituals, you'll suddenly find yourself forced to destroy terrifying, monstrous creatures that are literally impervious to everything in your arsenal...

A mystery within a mystery, the adventure you'll enjoy with Undimensioned and Unseen carries you ever closer to your ultimate goal, even as it challenges you to track down whatever Esoteric Formula (Undimensioned and Unseen, 254) may allow you to defeat a number of otherwise invulnerable Abominations. And it demands that you find this formula quickly... lest you should no longer be the hunter, but the hunted!

Think Quickly
If you find the thought of confronting a horde of invulnerable abominations somewhat unsettling, you can at least take heart in the fact that you'll find some new help among the twenty-two player cards in Undimensioned and Unseen (two copies each of eleven different cards). Save your experience, and you'll be able to refine your deck with a range of new Weapons, allies, Conditions, events, and Spells like the level four Rite of Seeking (Undimensioned and Unseen, 233).

Additionally, since the Mythos Pack's scenario pushes you into combat with unfathomable creatures, many of its player cards present new ways to fight and investigate—offering you some limited means to advance your efforts—even as you teeter on the brink of despair. Others, however, introduce surprising new ways for your investigator to interact with the adventure, and this is the case with the skill card, Quick Thinking (Undimensioned and Unseen, 229).

Because Quick Thinking features the "wild" question mark icon, it can be committed to any skill test attempted by you or another investigator at your site. Then if the test succeeds by two or more, you can immediately take an action as though it were your turn—even if it is not your turn. In its simplest form, then, Quick Thinking allows you to pad your investigator's skill test for greater peace of mind and the chance at an extra action, but its potential value increases whenever you commit it to a fellow investigator's skill test.

As an example, you can imagine a turn in which Rex Murphy (The Dunwich Legacy, 2) finds himself confronted by an enemy at a time when the team really needs him to focus on investigating his location for clues. Jenny Barnes (The Dunwich Legacy, 3) might race to his aid, using one action to move and two more actions to blast at the enemy with her Twin .45s (The Dunwich Legacy, 10). Her first shot might wound the beast. Her second shot might wound it further—but fail to kill it. Here, Rex has a choice; he can attempt to evade the monster, fight it, or go ahead with his investigation knowing that the monster will attack him when he turns his back to it.

At this point, traditional wisdom says it's foolish for Rex to investigate when the monster can attack him, but the clock is always ticking. If Jenny can support Rex's efforts with her Quick Thinking, and if Rex can succeed by two or more, then the time savings may prove worth the risk. Rex will suffer his damage, and he may even take a blow to his sanity. But he'll gain two clues for his efforts—since he succeeded by two—and Jenny can jump in once more with her Twin .45s to finish off the monster, leaving Rex free to investigate the location twice more, hopefully finding enough clues for the investigators to advance the act deck.

Of course, this is just one possible use for Quick Thinking, and Quick Thinking and Rite of Seeking are just two of the new player cards from Undimensioned and Unseen that may allow you to react to the strange and unpredictable challenges you'll face along your adventures.

How Do You Prepare for the Impossible?
Despite their many uses, neither Quick Thinking nor any of the other player cards from Undimensioned and Unseen will provide you the means to damage the Abominations you must destroy. No weapon nor science will suffice. So how do you prepare to defeat the impossible?

You must rewrite the limits of possibility.
Confronted with ancient evils and otherworldly horrors, will you find the means to create new possibilities? Some may call them miracles. Other may call them magic. If you hope to survive, you will call them into being before you're devoured.

Start consulting the rarest and darkest of tomes. Open your mind to all the possibilities.

• The fourth Mythos Pack in The Dunwich Legacy cycle for Arkham Horror: The Card Game
• The investigators must find the knowledge that will allow them to combat a number of otherwise invulnerable abominations
• Amplifies the game’s themes of Lovecraftian terror
• Twenty-two player cards, including a complete playset of each, present new ways for investigator to respond to the dangers before them
• Requires a copy of the Arkham Horror: The Card Game Core Set and The Dunwich Legacy

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22.00 €
Arkham Horror LCG: DL5 -Where Doom Awaits Mythos Pack
Arkham Horror LCG: DL5 -Where Doom Awaits Mythos Pack

The fifth Mythos Pack in The Dunwich Legacy cycle for Arkham Horror: The Card Game!

Who could have ever guessed that your search for two missing professors would lead to this? The wind howls. Ritual magic vibrates through the air. And the world is ripping apart. Your time is running out. Your doom is fast approaching!

Even as it carries your investigations rapidly toward their climactic conclusion, the scenario from Where Doom Awaits dizzies your investigator with a distorted version of reality. The woods outside of Dunwich are changing. You'll find clearings strewn with blood and bodies, rivers frozen solid despite the temperate air, and paths that rip open, revealing chasms through the dimensions and other worlds elsewhere in the void…

Strangely, though, you'll find yourself not wholly unprepared for the alien challenges these dimensional rifts represent. Perhaps you may have found the situation overwhelming at the beginning of your investigation, but the intervening days—and Mythos Packs—will have supplied you with the experience and resources you need to find your way through these altered woods.

In fact, you'll find even more resources among the expansion's twenty-eight player cards (two copies each of fourteen different cards), provided you've earned the experience points to add them to your deck.

Gear Up and Get to Work
Among the new player cards you'll find in Where Doom Awaits are no fewer than seven different cards of level three or higher. Like "I've had worse…" (Where Doom Awaits, 261) and Ace in the Hole (Where Doom Awaits, 266), these are powerhouse cards that won't just force you to think about how to build your deck—they'll force you to budget your experience points as you play through your campaign.

Will you spend your experience in smaller increments, outfitting yourself from adventure to adventure with cards like Extra Ammunition (Core Set, 26), Flare (The Miskatonic Museum, 115), and Deduction (The Essex County Express, 150)? Or will you save six experience for an Ace in the Hole?

These are choices made possible by the game's campaign mechanics and the way card levels permit wildly powerful abilities to exist alongside more generic fundamentals. And they give you freedom to explore wildly different character builds. After all, your character is your deck, and if adding a couple copies of "I've had worse…" lends you the reassurance you need to set off headlong into a distorted reality, then your investigator is bound to play differently than if you had worked toward the ability to take the equivalent of two turns in a row.

In fact, in the woods outside of Dunwich, all those extra actions may prove troublesome as you explore an Eerie Glade (Where Doom Awaits, 286). Then again, those actions could save you from ruin if you accidentally stumble into some Uprooted Woods (Where Doom Awaits, 291). The problem is that you won't know what you'll find down your Altered Path until you follow it.

There's Only One Way to Find Out
As the fifth Mythos Pack in The Dunwich Legacy cycle, Where Doom Awaits represents its penultimate chapter. As you delve deeper and deeper into the cycle's many-layered mysteries, you swiftly find all sense of normalcy and security cast aside. There's more to the world—and the universe—than you had ever dreamt, and there's no telling what strange fate may have befallen the people you hope to save.

There's only one way to find out what lies at the end of all this madness; you have to keep racing along the path. No matter where it leads. In the end, there's no time to spare.

Brave your next step into a world gone mad.

• The fifth Mythos Pack in The Dunwich Legacy cycle for Arkham Horror: The Card Game
• The investigators must stop a magical ritual while reality is breaking apart all around them
• Challenges players to find their way through an ever-changing forest
• Twenty-eight player cards (two copies each of fourteen different cards) allow investigators to make good use of the experience they’ve earned through their campaign
• Requires a copy of the Arkham Horror: The Card Game Core Set and The Dunwich Legacy

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22.00 €
Arkham Horror LCG: DL6 -Lost in Time and Space Mythos Pack
Arkham Horror LCG: DL6 -Lost in Time and Space Mythos Pack

The sixth and final Mythos Pack in The Dunwich Legacy cycle for Arkham Horror: The Card Game!

Nothing can prepare you for what you'll discover at the cycle's end. As your world dissolves into pathways of sound and color that extend for an eternity in all directions, the lines between objects grow jagged, shifting. Your skin starts to crawl, feeling as though it's turning inside out. Somehow, you must find your way across this foreboding alien landscape. And, somehow, you know you're not entirely alone...

As the conclusion of The Dunwich Legacy cycle, the new scenario from Lost in Time and Space is full to bursting with otherworldly chaos, non-Euclidean geometry, and menacing, extra-dimensional entities possessed of incomprehensible powers. And for those who play it as the capstone of The Dunwich Legacy campaign, the scenario's also littered with effects that call back to the decisions you've made. It is an adventure, a reckoning, and a descent into madness.

An End to All Your Struggles
One way or another, the scenario from Lost in Time and Space is going to bring about an end to all your struggles. One way or another, it's going to conclude your run through The Dunwich Legacy campaign. One way or another, you will find the finality for which you've been searching...

The ground before you shifts and disintegrates. Worlds appear and disappear. Pockets of reality spring into existence, only to collapse moments later. And you are somewhere—and somewhen—amidst all of this chaos, looking for some way to escape it.

Will find a pathway back to Arkham? Will you get lost? Will your mind unravel amidst the chaos of a realm beyond the veil of our reality? Will you be devoured by entities no other human has seen or heard? Will you end up stranded, forced to endure an eternal, withering existence of atrophy in an alien world beyond mortal time and space?

It may all depend on how you spend the experience you've gained over the course of your campaign. Do you shore up your weaknesses? Do you double-down on your strengths? Do you spend your points here and there, dishing out one or two for a series of smaller upgrades? Or do you cash in large chunks of experience for a couple key cards?

There's no telling which strategy may prove best, but if you've got the experience, the player cards from Lost in Time and Space will provide you plenty of ways to spend it. In addition to its scenario, Lost in Time and Space introduces twenty-four player cards (two copies each of twelve different cards), and most of these require some rather heavy experience expenditures.

In return, they grant you access to some rather astonishing abilities. Among those, you'll find the bigger guns you need, as both Lightning Gun (Lost in Time and Space, 301) and Chicago Typewriter (Lost in Time and Space, 304) are two-handed Firearms that cost four or more experience and deal three damage per shot.

But while those Weapons are undoubtedly powerful, they're also relatively straightforward. And there are other cards in Lost in Time and Space that are decidedly not so straightforward.

One of these is The Gold Pocket Watch (Lost in Time and Space, 305), an Exceptional accessory that requires you spend eight experience to add it to your deck. However, when you do, it grants you the astonishing ability to either skip a phase—such as the Mythos phase—or repeat one.

While forces beyond your comprehension are shifting time and space at will, it seems only fair for you to use The Gold Pocket Watch to fight back. Of course, even then, there's no telling it will be enough.

Truths You Can Never Unlearn
If you hope to survive your journeys through Lost in Time and Space and the end of The Dunwich Legacy cycle, you will need to find the order hidden beneath or amid the chaos. Or you will need to create that order.

But in the end, there will be no escaping the chaos. You may survive your adventure. You may return to Arkham. You may even return the professors to their former lives. But your life will never again be the same. You will never unsee the chaos that crawls within the corners of your mind and that eats at you while you sleep. You will never again unfeel the bonds that leave you sensitive to the otherworldly forces that spread their influence into our world.

You will never again be one of the blissfully ignorant and uninitiated.

How will you live with all you've seen and discovered?

• A Mythos Pack expansion for the hot cooperative LCG, Arkham Horror: The Card Game
• Introduces a scenario that stands alone or serves as the climactic final chapter in The Dunwich Legacy campaign
• Investigators scramble to hold onto their sanity as they look for a way home from a realm beyond terrestrial comprehension
• Twenty-four new player cards (two copies each of twelve different cards) are powerful enough that investigators just might survive their journey
• Requires a copy of Arkham Horror: The Card Game and The Dunwich Legacy

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22.00 16.50 €
alin hinta 30 päivää ennen alennusta 22.00
Arkham Horror LCG: Dream-Eaters Expansion
Arkham Horror LCG: Dream-Eaters Expansion

A deluxe expansion for Arkham Horror: The Card Game

There is a hidden realm beyond the world of the waking, a realm of wonder, imagination, and nightmares. After occult author Virgil Gray writes about his adventures in a place he refers to as the “Dreamlands,” you decide to learn the truth for yourself. But the deeper you fall into your investigation, the more you find yourself questioning: what is real and what is fiction? And what secrets await in the dark, forbidden places beyond the gates of sleep?

In this deluxe expansion, which kicks off the fifth cycle of Arkham Horror: The Card Game, 1–4 players take on the roles of either a group of investigators venturing into the Dreamlands or their companions who have been left in the waking world. Complete with 95 scenario cards to challenge your investigators and 56 player cards to strengthen them, this expansion contains the first two scenarios of The Dream-Eaters cycle; one scenario for each of these two groups. What wonders and horrors will you find lurking just beyond the reach of your waking mind?

One Reality of Many
Something strange is happening in Arkham. The dreary New England town has always been known for its odd occurrences, but this goes beyond anything the unshakeable citizens have seen before. Author Virgil Gray has released the latest issue of “Tales from Nevermore,” where he describes a journey he has taken in his dreams—a journey he claims is not a work of fiction. He writes of an impossibly long winding staircase, a pillar of living fire, a tree that came from the moon, and a talking cat, among other impossible things. Yet somehow, these experiences seem to be shared by other residents of Arkham who claim to have experienced the exact same dream. Experts convinced Gray and others to undergo therapy at the local asylum for this shared hysteria, but something tells you there is more to this tale than meets the eye.

In order to get the bottom of this strange phenomenon, your team of investigators will have to split up, and as you divide you will soon find that yours is but one of myriad realities—there are countless paths to follow. The Dream-Eaters cycle includes two campaigns for Arkham Horror: The Card Game, each with their own campaign log. The deluxe expansion where you begin your adventures includes one scenario for each of these campaigns. In the first of these, "Beyond the Gates of Sleep,” you descend into the realm of the dreamers in search of answers. From your initial dream, you are drawn into a familiar dreamscape: the same one that Virgil Gray traversed in his story in “Tales from Nevermore.” Even as you witness the truth of Gray’s stories, you must ask yourself, is this real? Or is your mind simply conjuring what it expects to see?

Each of the scenarios in The Dream-Eaters can be played on their own or combined with three of the six Mythos Packs in The Dream-Eaters cycle to form a larger four-part campaign. Alternatively, these scenarios can also be combined with all six of Mythos Packs to form a cohesive eight-part campaign. Whichever path you follow, you must learn whether you can trust your mind and your allies and hold onto what you know to be true if you wish to survive. Your fate is in your hands.

Luke Robinson, The Dreamer
As you prepare to journey into the dangerous realm that lurks beyond the waking world, you will need to rely on a new team of allies, and none are better prepared to guide you through the Dreamlands than the dreamer himself, Luke Robinson (The Dream-Eaters, 4). It was many years ago when Luke first discovered the entrance to the Dreamlands. Through the gift of an unusual box his uncle had left him, he learned of a way to travel to and from the Gates of Sleep. He has since spent the majority of his days wandering the land of dreams in search of adventure. From the streets of Celephaïs to the Enchanted Wood with its endless mysteries he wanders, unraveling the secrets of the land and of the myriad dreamers who reside there. Now, an ancient chaos threatens to annihilate not only the waking world but the world of his dreams as well. This is something Luke cannot allow.

The strange artifact that Luke’s uncle had gifted him so long ago was actually the powerful Gate Box (The Dream Eaters, 13) that is now Luke’s signature asset. He carries the box with him everywhere, beginning each game with it in play, and as a fast action, he may spend a charge from this Relic to disengage from each enemy and escape to the Dream-Gate (The Dream-Eaters, 15a). This location is only open to Luke, and it may act as a safe haven where he may heal or prepare for the trials ahead without the fear of being attacked by monsters. But this does not mean that the dreamer is removed from the fight entirely. The Dream-Gate is connected to all revealed locations, increasing Luke's ability to play an event card each turn as if it were at a connecting location. He may also use it as a device to aide with movement across a vast area, as if Luke is still at the Dream-Gate at the end of the investigation phase, he moves to any revealed location.

The Dream-Gate features the bonded keyword, first introduced in Before the Black Throne, which means that it can only enter play through use of the player card bonded to it, in this case the Gate Box. Bonded cards have no level and therefore are not part of your investigator deck. Rather, they are set aside out of play until summoned, leaving you more possibilities for fortifying your investigator for the challenges ahead. But along with the powers the Dream-Gate presents, there are also great dangers.

As Luke journeys through the Dreamlands, he must take care that he does not become Detached from Reality (The Dream Eaters, 14). If this Madness is revealed, the Pointless Reality version of Dream Gate (The Dream-Eaters, 15b) is brought into play and Luke Robison becomes trapped there until either he can successfully investigate the six-shroud location or the investigation phase ends. It is vital that Luke complete this task, and without the help of his fellow investigators who cannot enter the location, lest he be forced from the Dream-Gate to any revealed location, suffering two horror in the process. While Luke does have nine sanity, an admirable score even among the Mystics of Arkham, a misstep in the Dreamlands can have catastrophic consequences on the waking world; and Luke must never forget what is real, and what is only a dream.

Before I Wake
Something is haunting the dreams of Arkham’s citizens and only you can ensure the safety of the sleepers. Are you ready to embrace a new reality? Gather your team, strengthen your mind, and prepare to step beyond the world you know into the one you only dream of!

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43.10 €
Arkham Horror LCG: Dunwich Legacy Campaign Expansion
Arkham Horror LCG: Dunwich Legacy Campaign Expansion

A monstrous presence once terrorized the secluded village of Dunwich. The season of horror ended only after three professors from Miskatonic University—Dr. Henry Armitage, Dr. Francis Morgan, and Professor Warren Price—ventured to Dunwich, armed with secret knowledge that enabled them to defeat the creature. Now, several months later, Dr. Armitage’s colleagues have gone missing, and he fears the worst...

Return to the very first cycle of content for Arkham Horror LCG with The Dunwich Legacy Investigator Expansion and The Dunwich Legacy Campaign Expansion. Similar to the previously-announced Edge of the Earth expansions, all player cards for this cycle can be found within the Investigator Expansion while all campaign- and scenario-related cards can be found in the Campaign Expansion. This is the perfect opportunity for new fans of the game to experience its very first full-length campaign, and for longtime fans to catch up on any parts they may have missed. Whether you want just one of the expansions or both, no Arkham fan will want to miss The Dunwich Legacy!

Note: Any longtime fans of Arkham Horror: The Card Game who already own everything from the original The Dunwich Legacy cycle will not find any new cards or content within these two new expansions.

Where Horror Awaits
Even if you have no interest in the investigators of the Investigator Expansion, you can still look forward to a thrilling story in The Dunwich Legacy Campaign Expansion!

The campaign begins with a call from Dr. Henry Armitage, the head librarian at Miskatonic University and an old mentor of you and your fellow investigators. The elderly man is distraught because two of his colleagues—Dr. Francis Morgan and Professor Warren Rice—have gone missing, and he worries they may be in trouble. You must try to find them, and the adventure begins with a choice: who will you look for first? That decision will determine which scenario you play first, and it will have lasting consequences for the rest of the campaign.

Your investigations will take you from the Miskatonic Museum to a speeding passenger train and, eventually, to the titular village of Dunwich itself. Throughout your journey, you must find Dr. Armitage’s colleagues and keep them—and Armitage himself—safe, and hopefully put a stop to the machinations of a mysterious group before they summon the end of the universe as we know it!

All eight scenarios of The Dunwich Legacy campaign are included in the Campaign Expansion, with all the twists and turns that come with them. With courage, wits, and a bit of luck, you may yet be able to solve the dark mysteries surrounding the village of Dunwich. Are you up to the challenge?

Undimensioned and Unseen
With dark forces on the rise and a sinister plot hidden in the backdrop of Dunwich, only you and your fellow investigators can hope to unravel the truth and save the world. Whether you missed the original version of The Dunwich Legacy or are just now getting into Arkham Horror: The Card Game, you can look forward to adding The Dunwich Legacy Investigator Expansion and The Dunwich Legacy Campaign Expansion to your collection

      loppu varastosta
91.40 €
Arkham Horror LCG: Dunwich Legacy Expansion
Arkham Horror LCG: Dunwich Legacy Expansion

A deluxe expansion for Arkham Horror: The Card Game!

Several months ago, three Miskatonic University professors armed themselves with secret knowledge, traveled to Dunwich, and brought an end to the strange and terrifying creature that had been terrorizing the secluded village. Their heroic efforts brought peace to the region—for a while—but also left the men scarred by the horrors they had witnessed. Now, one of those professors, Dr. Armitage, has need of your assistance. His colleagues have gone missing, and he fears the worst...

With five mini cards and 156 full-size cards, The Dunwich Legacy challenges you to find the missing professors and launches you into a campaign that leads to Miskatonic University, the notorious Clover Club, and beyond. Five new investigators arrive to offer their services, armed with fifty-nine new player cards (including a complete playset of each) that allow you to pursue new deck-building strategies and new styles of play. Finally, you'll find all manner of new terrors arrayed against you—from backroom thugs and bad luck to arcane hexes and wholly unnatural abominations.

Where Will Your Search Take You?
The Dunwich Legacy introduces two new scenarios, Extracurricular Activity and The House Always Wins, that pit you against the forces defined by eleven new encounter sets. You'll infiltrate the Clover Club and witness firsthand its shady and sometimes violent transactions. You'll traverse the halls and greens of Miskatonic University. And if you're lucky enough—and careful enough—you might just find Dr. Armitage's missing colleagues and live (with your faculties intact) to tell the tale.

However, the details of that tale will depend both on the decisions you'll make and your willingness to delve deeper into the layers of mystery you encounter… The Dunwich Legacy doesn't just allow you to explore two new scenarios and their challenges; it serves as the introduction to the whole The Dunwich Legacy campaign, the subsequent chapters of which will be released in an upcoming cycle of Mythos Packs.

For those investigators willing to pursue the horrifying truth, The Dunwich Legacy campaign offers a thrilling and spiraling descent into mystery and madness. Where will your search for Professors Rice and Morgan take you? What will you learn? What connections will you uncover between recent events and the rumors that date back to Dr. Armitage's involvement in the incident at Dunwich?

Each of the six Mythos Packs that complete the cycle adds new layers of intrigue and new challenges that you can enjoy either as a standalone adventure or as a part of an eight-act mystery. And it all starts with the scenarios and encounter sets from The Dunwich Legacy.

The Chef, the Musician, the Reporter, and More
If your investigators are driven insane or devoured as you confront the ghouls and cultists in the Core Set scenarios, don't worry! The Dunwich Legacy introduces five new investigators at the outset of its campaign. Like the investigators from the Core Set, these new investigators all come with unique assets and weaknesses. Unlike the Core Set investigators, however, the investigators from The Dunwich Legacy don't have primary and secondary classes.

Where Roland Banks (Core Set, 1) is primarily a Guardian, who can use Guardian cards of levels zero through five, his Seeker tendencies are represented by his ability to utilize Seeker cards of levels zero through two.

On the other hand, the investigators from The Dunwich Legacy don't have a secondary class. Instead, like Zoey Samaras (The Dunwich Legacy, 1), they have a single class, but can dabble in all the other classes, choosing as many as five level zero cards from classes other than their own.

In this way, they may offer you a shortcut to sampling all the new level zero class cards arriving in The Dunwich Legacy, along with a new neutral card and cards with levels higher than zero. For example, you might want to test Zoey Samaras in combat and play Double or Nothing (The Dunwich Legacy, 26) for a shot at extra damage. Or you might want to use the Rite of Seeking (The Dunwich Legacy, 28) so that Zoey can conduct her investigations with magic. The beauty of the matter is that because both of these cards are level zero, you can include one or two copies of each in your deck, albeit at the cost of two to four of your precious cross-class card slots.

Something Went Terribly Wrong
What secrets lie behind the sealed doors of Miskatonic University? Just how sinister are the gangsters that run Arkham's Clover Club? What do the disappearances of Professors Rice and Morgan have to do with the events of Dunwich, several months back?

You are an investigator. Gather your assets, gather your allies, and begin your investigation.

• The first deluxe expansion for the cooperative LCG Arkham Horror: The Card Game
• Explore the disappearances of two Miskatonic University professors through two new scenarios
• Five investigators encourage new play styles in each of the game’s five classes
• Fifty-nine player cards (including a complete playset of each) allow the pursuit of new strategies
• Eleven encounter sets lay the foundation for the Mythos Packs of The Dunwich Legacy cycle

      heti saatavilla
43.80 €
Arkham Horror LCG: Dunwich Legacy Investigator Expansion
Arkham Horror LCG: Dunwich Legacy Investigator Expansion

A monstrous presence once terrorized the secluded village of Dunwich. The season of horror ended only after three professors from Miskatonic University—Dr. Henry Armitage, Dr. Francis Morgan, and Professor Warren Price—ventured to Dunwich, armed with secret knowledge that enabled them to defeat the creature. Now, several months later, Dr. Armitage’s colleagues have gone missing, and he fears the worst...

Return to the very first cycle of content for Arkham Horror LCG with The Dunwich Legacy Investigator Expansion and The Dunwich Legacy Campaign Expansion. Similar to the previously-announced Edge of the Earth expansions, all player cards for this cycle can be found within the Investigator Expansion while all campaign- and scenario-related cards can be found in the Campaign Expansion. This is the perfect opportunity for new fans of the game to experience its very first full-length campaign, and for longtime fans to catch up on any parts they may have missed. Whether you want just one of the expansions or both, no Arkham fan will want to miss The Dunwich Legacy!

Note: Any longtime fans of Arkham Horror: The Card Game who already own everything from the original The Dunwich Legacy cycle will not find any new cards or content within these two new expansions.

Drifting into Dunwich
In order to help you overcome the terrors of the Mythos, The Dunwich Legacy Investigator Expansion comes with five playable investigators to rise to the challenge.

Each investigator has their own strengths and weaknesses, and the five from The Dunwich Legacy all share an interesting level of deckbuilding adaptability. While the investigators from the core set are limited to just one “primary” class and one “secondary” class of cards—such as Roland Banks (Revised Core Set, 1) only being able to include Guardian and Seeker cards, respectively—all of The Dunwich Legacy investigators can include cards from any class outside of their “primary” one in their deck! However, the trade-off is each of these investigators can only include up to 5 out-of-class cards in their decks, and only ever at their most basic level. You’ll have to plan carefully if you want to bring out the full potential of these five characters!

Whether or not you mix up their decks, there is no denying that the investigators themselves have plenty of tools to combat the Mythos. Take Zoey Samaras (The Dunwich Legacy Investigator Expansion, 1), for example. With high health and solid sanity, Zoey is perfectly suited to dive into the fray against monsters of all kinds. By using Taunt (The Dunwich Legacy IE, 17) to draw enemies in and then brandishing her cross (The Dunwich Legacy IE, 6) at them, Zoey can deal some preemptive damage before she even attacks her foes. With events like Emergency Aid (The Dunwich Legacy IE, 105) and "If it bleeds..." (The Dunwich Legacy IE, 225), Zoey can keep fighting pretty much indefinitely, which is good, since she also has an obsessive need to Smite the Wicked (The Dunwich Legacy IE, 7). If she can’t defeat her designated foe by the end of the scenario, then the guilt will haunt her for the rest of the campaign!

Where Zoey follows a determined path of righteous smiting, "Ashcan" Pete (The Dunwich Legacy IE, 5) follows the road to wherever it takes him next. With his trusty dog Duke (The Dunwich Legacy IE, 14) at his side, Pete is a kindhearted drifter who just wants to help any people he can. While Pete’s stats may not seem that impressive at first glance, Duke more than makes up for his lack of both combat and investigation skills, and the best part? Duke doesn’t even count toward Pete’s ally slot, which means he’s never forced to choose between his best friend and another ally. (And let’s be honest, who wouldn’t choose Duke?)

Even if Duke is exhausted, Pete still has access to some handy tricks up his sleeve. With a Fire Axe (The Dunwich Legacy IE, 32) in hand, Pete can spend some resources to reliably attack an enemy, and he can always check out the Newspaper (The Dunwich Legacy IE, 155) if he needs help with an investigation. Even if none of these things are available, Pete can always Rise to the Occasion (The Dunwich Legacy IE, 192) in a pinch. Pete just needs to be careful not to rely on his assets too much—if he becomes Wracked by Nightmares (The Dunwich Legacy IE, 15), he won’t be able to use any of them!

Undimensioned and Unseen
With dark forces on the rise and a sinister plot hidden in the backdrop of Dunwich, only you and your fellow investigators can hope to unravel the truth and save the world. Whether you missed the original version of The Dunwich Legacy or are just now getting into Arkham Horror: The Card Game, you can look forward to adding The Dunwich Legacy Investigator Expansion and The Dunwich Legacy Campaign Expansion to your collection

      heti saatavilla
58.80 €
Arkham Horror LCG: Edge of the Earth Campaign Expansion
Arkham Horror LCG: Edge of the Earth Campaign Expansion

In the far, uncharted reaches of Antarctica, unspeakable horrors dwell on the edge of shadows. They lurk, wait, and watch, and with them comes a secret so ancient and profound that it threatens to tear apart our very understanding of the planet we call home—if it doesn’t tear apart reality itself first. Thus, our intrepid investigators must delve into the mysteries of the great southern ice sheets and, hopefully, uncover the truth before it is too late. Will they save the world? Or will they perish in the icy depths?

Separate, But Related
Before we show off any new investigators, scenarios, or any other goodies, let’s take a moment to discuss the elephant in the room: the fact that these two expansions are both called Edge of the Earth. You may have guessed that one of the expansions has nothing but player cards and the other has nothing but scenario cards, and you would be right!

In the Edge of the Earth Investigator Expansion, you’ll find a treasure trove of player cards the likes of which you’ve never seen in Arkham history. With five investigators and around 250 cards to expand your deckbuilding options, you won’t want to miss this opportunity to strengthen your player card content like never before.

Meanwhile, the Edge of the Earth Campaign Expansion has no player cards in sight. Instead, this expansion contains over 300 scenario cards to support the entirety of the Edge of the Earth campaign, including the materials for a breathtaking new story, branching paths, and more. The best part? All you need is a core set and a copy of this expansion to jump right into this chilling tale—no other materials required! While we will no longer be releasing monthly Mythos packs going forward, this single expansion contains about the same amount of content as an entire cycle from the old release model. It’s a full campaign all in one package!

Which brings us to the main point we wanted to make: while both of these expansions share the name Edge of the Earth and their contents are thematically related to each other, you do not need to get them both to enjoy either one of them. Are you just looking to bolster your player cards? Grab the Investigator Expansion. Just want a new campaign to test your mettle? Pick up the Campaign Expansion. Craving as much Arkham goodness as you can get your hands on, like we know you do? Grab them both!

Frozen Fears
Whether or not you decide to pick up Lily Chen, Norman Withers, and the other investigators and player cards in the Investigator Expansion, you can still look forward to a pile of new adventures in the Edge of the Earth Campaign Expansion.

You begin this frigid tale at the site of a crashed airplane—your plane, to be exact. You, your fellow investigators, and the other surviving members of your expedition team are now stranded in the middle of the Antarctic wastes, with no real idea of what that thing was that swatted your plane from the sky. Now you not only need to figure out how to survive in one of the least hospitable environments on Earth, but you also still need to conduct the investigation you came here for in the first place. Will you uncover the secrets buried within the ice? Or will you fall victim to the frozen horrors that lurk there?

During your Antarctic journey, you will be accompanied by a number of members of your expedition team. These special asset cards can be thought of as bonus allies, but you must take care to keep them healthy and sane—once they’re gone, they’re gone. Their aid will be crucial at key story points throughout the campaign, and losing even one of them can make your trials in the frozen wastes all the more difficult.

Speaking of trials, this expansion comes packaged with a full, expansive campaign, with roughly the same amount of content as an entire cycle from our previous release model, as we said before. The way the scenarios of this expansion flow into each other is a lot more dynamic than before, and, depending on your decisions and who among your expedition team is still alive, you may wind up experiencing a different sequence of events each time you play through the campaign. Combine this with lengthy, multi-part scenarios containing checkpoints and interludes, and you will find that the Edge of the Earth Campaign Expansion will keep you busy for a long time!

Ice and Death
The ancient horrors of Antarctica threaten the world as we know it, and only a ragtag team of explorers and investigators can possibly hope to discover the truth before it is too late.

The Edge of the Earth Campaign Expansion has no player cards in sight. Instead, this expansion contains over 300 scenario cards to support the entirety of the Edge of the Earth campaign, including the materials for a breathtaking new story, branching paths, and more. The best part? All you need is a core set and a copy of this expansion to jump right into this chilling tale—no other materials required! While we will no longer be releasing monthly Mythos packs going forward, this single expansion contains about the same amount of content as an entire cycle from the old release model. It’s a full campaign all in one package!

      heti saatavilla
76.60 57.50 €
alin hinta 30 päivää ennen alennusta 76.60
Arkham Horror LCG: Edge of the Earth Investigator Expansion
Arkham Horror LCG: Edge of the Earth Investigator Expansion

In the far, uncharted reaches of Antarctica, unspeakable horrors dwell on the edge of shadows. They lurk, wait, and watch, and with them comes a secret so ancient and profound that it threatens to tear apart our very understanding of the planet we call home—if it doesn’t tear apart reality itself first. Thus, our intrepid investigators must delve into the mysteries of the great southern ice sheets and, hopefully, uncover the truth before it is too late. Will they save the world? Or will they perish in the icy depths?

Separate, But Related
Before we show off any new investigators, scenarios, or any other goodies, let’s take a moment to discuss the elephant in the room: the fact that these two expansions are both called Edge of the Earth. You may have guessed that one of the expansions has nothing but player cards and the other has nothing but scenario cards, and you would be right!

In the Edge of the Earth Investigator Expansion, you’ll find a treasure trove of player cards the likes of which you’ve never seen in Arkham history. With five investigators and around 250 cards to expand your deckbuilding options, you won’t want to miss this opportunity to strengthen your player card content like never before.

Meanwhile, the Edge of the Earth Campaign Expansion has no player cards in sight. Instead, this expansion contains over 300 scenario cards to support the entirety of the Edge of the Earth campaign, including the materials for a breathtaking new story, branching paths, and more. The best part? All you need is a core set and a copy of this expansion to jump right into this chilling tale—no other materials required! While we will no longer be releasing monthly Mythos packs going forward, this single expansion contains about the same amount of content as an entire cycle from the old release model. It’s a full campaign all in one package!

Which brings us to the main point we wanted to make: while both of these expansions share the name Edge of the Earth and their contents are thematically related to each other, you do not need to get them both to enjoy either one of them. Are you just looking to bolster your player cards? Grab the Investigator Expansion. Just want a new campaign to test your mettle? Pick up the Campaign Expansion. Craving as much Arkham goodness as you can get your hands on, like we know you do? Grab them both!

Steadfast in the Face of Horror
To help you face the terrors of the Mythos, the Edge of the Earth Investigator Expansion comes with a new group of playable investigators to rise to the challenge.

Among these newcomers is the long-awaited Lily Chen (Edge of the Earth Investigator Expansion, 10). As a master martial artist with a clear goal to eradicate evil, Lily comes to Arkham LCG as a Mystic who can also wield a large range of Guardian cards. Take advantage of her mix of martial arts and mysticism with cards like Dragon Pole (Edge of the Earth IE, 60), which enhances your combat ability while you have spells equipped, and tools like Butterfly Swords (Edge of the Earth IE, 25), which let you add your agility to your skill value while attacking.

Where Lily truly shines, however, is in utilizing her unique Discipline assets to power up each of her stats. She can include any one of her four Discipline cards in her deck during deck creation, and she can add an additional Discipline for every 15 experience she has earned in total. While these assets are powerful, Lily must maintain her focus in order to truly benefit from them. For example, Balance of Body (Edge of the Earth IE, 14a) is extremely useful for taking out enemies, especially when she’s already softened them up with cards like Sweeping Kick (Edge of the Earth IE, 23). However, once it’s flipped to its Broken (Edge of the Earth IE, 14b) side, she will need to refrain from fighting in order to refocus and regain the benefits of her Discipline. In addition, each Discipline she includes in her deck is balanced by a copy of Burden of Destiny (Edge of the Earth IE, 15), which means Lily must remain constantly vigilant and never take her power for granted.

Of course, Lily is not the only investigator to join the struggle against the Mythos. Having first appeared as a promo investigator in Ire of the Void, Norman Withers (Edge of the Earth IE, 4) finally arrives in a main Arkham LCG expansion with new art and his signature asset, Livre d'Eibon (Edge of the Earth IE, 5). This astronomer is similar to Lily in that he specializes in two classes: Seeker and Mystic. With his high mental stats and unique ability to play with the top card of his deck revealed, Norman can make ample use of cards like Written in the Stars (Edge of the Earth IE, 34) and Astronomical Atlas (Edge of the Earth IE, 67) to put his considerable mind to good use. Just watch out for The Harbinger (Edge of the Earth IE, 6), or else you may find yourself unable to access your vast trove of knowledge!

Both Lily Chen and Norman Withers are investigators with a heavy focus on two classes, and this theme continues with a large number of new “multi-class” player cards. These special player cards count as more than one class at a time, and an investigator can treat the card as any of its classes for the purpose of deckbuilding. For example, Lily can use her access to Guardian cards to call upon the aid of Michael Leigh (Edge of the Earth IE, 86), utilizing his powerful abilities in tandem with her raw stats to keep her momentum going. Likewise, Norman can use his access to Mystic cards to utilize the multi-class spell Blur (Edge of the Earth IE, 109), allowing him to use his high willpower to evade his foes instead of his low agility. While Norman cannot normally include higher than level 0 Seeker cards in his deck, he can bypass this with cards like Divination (Edge of the Earth IE, 101). Since Divination is a Mystic card as well, Norman can treat it as such for the purpose of fulfilling his deck-building requirements, opening the door to a whole new range of possibilities.

In the Edge of the Earth Investigator Expansion, you'll find a treasure trove of player cards the likes of which you've never seen in Arkham history. With five investigators and around 250 cards to expand your deckbuilding options, you won't want to miss this opportunity to strengthen your player card content like never before.

      heti saatavilla
62.60 47.00 €
alin hinta 30 päivää ennen alennusta 62.60
Arkham Horror LCG: FA1 -Threads of Fate Mythos Pack
Arkham Horror LCG: FA1 -Threads of Fate Mythos Pack

Whatever you did, you must reverse it.
In The Forgotten Age, you journeyed deep into the rainforests of southern Mexico to discover the remains of an ancient Aztec city. During your scientific expedition, you unearthed a priceless artifact, and you then had to decide how to protect it. The consequences of your decisions have now returned to haunt you as your world erupts into chaos. Three difficult tasks fall before you at once and time is of the essence. Which will you pursue? Fantasy Flight Games is proud to announce Threads of Fate, the first Mythos Pack in The Forgotten Age cycle for Arkham Horror: The Card Game,.

Choose Your Fate
Following the events of The Forgotten Age, you relinquished control of what may be the discovery of a lifetime. It was difficult choice, but you did what you had to, and now you have returned home, where a peaceful respite is in order. Your relaxation is cut short, however, when a forgotten guardian of the Aztec city appears on your doorstep, declaring that your actions on the expedition have set events into motion that have put the entire Earth in danger. Her claims are baseless and wild, but when strange, unexplainable events begin to occur throughout Arkham, you suspect that her mad claims may be right.

In perhaps the most immersive investigation in Arkham Horror: The Card Game so far, you must weigh your evidence, discuss your choices, and trust your instincts to decide which leads to follow and which to leave unexplored. You must choose between Three Fates (Threads of Fate, 114) as three tasks stand before you and you only have a limited amount of time before the trail goes cold. Where do you search first? Your adventure will be irrevocably shaped by the decisions you make, so choose carefully.

A Terrible Dilemma
Over the course of your investigation, you will weave your way through the stories spun by an incredible twenty-four potential Act cards. The Threads of Fate scenario contains three different Act decks, each constructed separately. Throughout the scenario, all three Act decks will be in play at once and the decision rests with you as to which Acts to pursue and which to ignore. The exact contents of each Act deck will vary depending on who was last in possession of the relic, the past decisions recorded in your campaign log, and even how you choose to pursue the tasks before you.

One of the Act decks that you'll encounter centers around the choices you made in The Forgotten Age, where you first made your grand discovery. Did you leave the relic with your trusted friend, or did you decide that it belongs in a museum and pass the item off to the Miskatonic Museum for their Eztli exhibit? If you believe Ichtaca, the relic could be used for terrible purposes if left in the wrong hands. Who can you trust? Next, you are faced with another worrying task where life and death may hang in the balance. One of your expedition companions has gone missing and you suspect foul play. Do you go to the police or do you believe that you will have a better chance of finding them on your own?

Among these other endeavors remains the question of what to do with your uninvited house guest. Do you trust Ichtaca? Should you continue to push her for answers about the relic and the people who pursue it, and would you believe her if she told you? You could bring her into the fold of your investigation, or leave her to her own devices and trail her to see where she goes. She could lead you to the answers you seek, but if you are wrong, you will lose precious time and perhaps a potential ally. Can you take that risk?

Choice and Consequence
As the first Mythos Pack in The Forgotten Age cycle, Threads of Fate offers you several new player cards that will shape the rest of your campaign. Arcane Research (Threads of Fate, 109) bears the Permanent keyword, staying with you for the entirety of your campaign once you have purchased it. But all power comes with a price. When you purchase Arcane Research, you immediately suffer one mental trauma as you attempt to quickly learn all you can about the mythos to survive the trials ahead. Still, once you have conducted your research you gain a lasting benefit—after each scenario, you may reduce the experience cost of the first Spell card you upgrade before the next scenario by one.

Beyond the realm of Mystics, Seekers may test their ability to make a Shrewd Analysis (Threads of Fate, 106) to permanently alter their campaign experience as well. Once you have made a Shrewd Analysis in your investigation, any time you upgrade a card that is either Unidentified or Untranslated, you may upgrade a second copy of that card at no experience cost. If you choose this path, however, the two upgraded versions are chosen at random from among the eligible options. You may be able to glean some information about the civilizations of ages past, but their language, like their lives, is strange. There is no telling what your investigation into the truth will uncover.

One Path Among Many
Now that the discovery has been made, you cannot turn back the clock. Time is running out. What are you going to do?

      heti saatavilla
22.00 16.50 €
alin hinta 30 päivää ennen alennusta 22.00
Arkham Horror LCG: FA2 -The Boundary Beyond Mythos Pack
Arkham Horror LCG: FA2 -The Boundary Beyond Mythos Pack

In The Forgotten Age, you embarked on a scientific expedition to discover ancient Aztec ruins in the rainforests of southern Mexico and returned home with a priceless artifact that you had to protect in the best way you knew how. Then, in Threads of Fate, your world fell into chaos as you were confronted with a series of objectives as the sands of the hourglass were quickly falling away. Now you seek to undo your mistakes, but the choices and sacrifices that you have made to reach this point will inevitably shape your mission moving forward. That is, unless time is not as stable as you believe.

Fantasy Flight Games is pleased to announce The Boundary Beyond, the second Mythos Pack in The Forgotten Age cycle for Arkham Horror: The Card Game.

Digging Up the Past
Arkham Horror: The Card Game has always blurred the line between madness and reality, and now in The Boundary Beyond, the distinctions between the past, present, and future start to become hazy. Following the events of Threads of Fate, you are driven from Arkham to Mexico City to find answers about an enigmatic relic and those who pursue it. After a seemingly endless string of failures, it appears the trail has gone cold. But on the very day you are ready to return home, something is wrong—the city has altered. Silver lightning crackles in the sky overhead, and the earth rumbles below your feet. Monstrous entities float just below the clouds and the architecture looks more like something out of a history book than modern Mexico.

Despite the altered landscape, it does not appear that you have traveled to the past. Rather, it is more like all of time is happening at once and the city is continuing to evolve before your eyes. During your investigation in The Boundary Beyond, you may be instructed to place new locations over existing ones. This is not to say that you have moved, but rather that the places themselves have changed as the fabric of time begins to unravel. When a location changes, all tokens, attachments, investigators, and enemies at the original location are considered to be at the new location when it is replaced. For example, if you are at the modern Metropolitan Cathedral (The Boundary Beyond, 169), you may choose to use the Explore action, first introduced in The Forgotten Age deluxe expansion, to uncover the secrets hidden within its walls. When you draw from the exploration deck, you discover the Temples of Tenochtitlán (The Boundary Beyond, 177). This Ancient location has a matching connection symbol in the upper left corner, marking that the Temples of Tenochtitlán replace the Metropolitan Cathedral and you are now considered to be at the Temples. You have not fallen through time, time has shifted around you.

As the thread pulls, the weave unravels. Throughout The Boundary Beyond, you may have increasing reasons to panic as you encounter Timeline Destabilization (The Boundary Beyond, 190). When this dreaded Hex is revealed, you must test your willpower. In the modern era, this test would not cause much worry. However, the test gains difficulty for each Ancient location in play and if you fail, you suffer one damage and one horror, and you must shuffle Timeline Destabilization back into the exploration deck as the clock appears to jump forwards and back of its own volition.

Remember Who You Are
To help you survive in this ever-shifting landscape, the player cards of The Boundary Beyond focus on helping you gain skill by embracing the nature of your faction. Mystics may learn how to perform a Ritual to Recall the Future (The Boundary Beyond, 158). While you possess this asset, you can put your foresight to the test by naming a chaos token during a skill test. If you successfully peer through the boundary and your named token is revealed, you may then exhaust Recall the Future to raise your skill for the test. Meanwhile, if you play as a confident Quick Study (The Boundary Beyond, 154), you may simply choose to place one of your clues on your location and exhaust Quick Study to significantly raise your skill for a test, knowing that you may easily regain this clue at a later time.

Even with these increased abilities, the more bookish investigators may find need for some added muscle. In times of crisis, a Bold Guardian may wish to defend their fellow investigators and Take the Initiative (The Boundary Beyond, 150) to spring into action. This skill rewards you for taking your actions early with the ability to commit three wild skill icons to one of your tests. However, the longer you wait to use this card, the weaker it becomes. Take the Initiative loses a wild icon for each action taken by any investigator, so if even one of your companions has completed their full turn, the card loses its value. With the fate of the past, present, and future at risk, this is no time to be timid.

Protect the Future
What has happened to city around you? Is this the future or the past, and most importantly, how do you return to your own time? The only way out is through. Step beyond the boundary, restore the timeline, and return home once more!

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22.00 16.50 €
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Arkham Horror LCG: FA3 -Heart of the Elders Mythos Pack
Arkham Horror LCG: FA3 -Heart of the Elders Mythos Pack

After completing a scientific expedition in the rainforests of southern Mexico, you returned home only to discover that you had done more harm than good. Now, you must return to some of the darkest corners of the Earth to undo your mistake. Fantasy Flight Games is pleased to announce the upcoming release of Heart of the Elders, the third Mythos pack in The Forgotten Age cycle for Arkham Horror: The Card Game!

Heart of the Elders invites you to take your campaigns deeper into the jungle with Scenarios V-A and V-B of The Forgotten Age campaign. With the sixty cards within this Mythos Pack, you'll find new players card to enhance your investigator decks and dangerous new scenarios to test your resolve.

The Cavern’s Maw
Following the events of The Boundary Beyond, you leave the safety of civilization behind and journey deep into the rainforest. Surrounded by uncharted wilderness, you can feel the glare of countless eyes watching you from beneath the shadows of the trees. It’s almost as if the forest itself does not want you to reach your destination. After days of struggle, you uncover the entrance of an enormous cave, but something is not quite right. Six large pillars stand near the mouth of the cavern, covered in strange carvings that you cannot understand, but something scratching at the edge of your consciousness tells you that you’ve seen them before.

Maybe they are some form of language, or a lock system? If you make one mistake now, it could leave you buried alive in the cave, but how much time can you afford to spend investigating the pillars as your provisions run low? Starvation will kill you just as surely as a cave-in.

You must make your decision quickly, for the threats of the jungle continue to encroach upon your expedition camp. The strange Flora of this region are among the deadliest in the world. Apex Strangleweed (Heart of the Elders, 219) will choke the life from you if you cannot cut yourself free, and even the most innocuous plant can prove lethal. Any investigator who finds themselves trapped in a location covered with Poisonous Spores (Heart of the Elders, 216) becomes Poisoned (The Forgotten Age, 102); and any who already bear this permanent weakness begin to hallucinate, suffering two horror.

Should you survive the treacheries of the jungle itself, even more dangers await you underground. Heart of the Elders is the first Mythos Pack in Arkham Horror: The Card Game to feature a two-part scenario, bringing your investigation from the jungle to the cavern. You will have to overcome both the horrors of the jungle in Scenario V-A as well as the terrors of the cavern beneath in Scenario V-B. What awaits you beneath the shell of the Earth, where sunlight has not touched for years? The investigation is yours, and the only way to find out is to continue onward.

Against All Odds
In addition to the next chapters of The Forgotten Age cycle, Heart of the Elders provides you with an assortment of new player cards to help move your expedition forward. If you wish to survive your extended stay far from civilization, you will need to fill your ranks with skilled allies and experts in their fields. If you are playing as a Rogue, you can hire archaeologist Lola Santiago (Heart of the Elders, 196) to help you dig up clues. In addition to increasing both your intellect and your agility, you may spend resources to discover a clue at your location. Meanwhile, Mystics may bring Olive McBride (Heart of the Elders, 197) into the fold of the investigation, using her skills to manipulate the chaos bag. If you exhaust this Witch when you would reveal a chaos token, you can instead reveal three chaos tokens and select two of them to resolve. It might backfire horribly, but without risk, there can be no reward.

Allies can give you the edge as you journey into the jungle, but when you don't know who to trust, the only person you can rely on is yourself. With enough spirit and will to survive, you just might complete this mission Against All Odds (Heart of the Elders, 202). Whenever you're performing a skill test with a difficulty higher than your base skill, you can play this event to reveal additional chaos tokens and choose one of them to resolve. Of course, this event is useful whenever you feel overmatched, but it can be downright essential for the game's newest investigator, Calvin Wright (The Forgotten Age, 5). While his willpower and lore increase for each horror on him, and his combat and agility increase for each damage, the base value of each of Calvin’s skills is zero. For example, let’s say that Calvin has suffered two damage during a scenario when he finds himself locked in a fight with an Apex Strangleweed. Calvin’s combat value is two, one less than the deadly Flora. However, since the base combat value printed on Calvin’s investigator card is zero, when he plays Against All Odds, he draws a total of three tokens from the chaos bag, greatly increasing his chances of victory before he even commits any cards! When a single test could mean the difference between life and death, this card may be the answer to your prayers.

No Turning Back
A great threat is coming closer to consuming humanity, and this time the fault is none but yours. If you wish to save those you have placed in danger, you must accept this peril. Discover what awaits you in the jungle and learn the secrets of the Heart of the Elders!

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22.00 16.50 €
alin hinta 30 päivää ennen alennusta 22.00
Arkham Horror LCG: FA4 -The City of Archives Mythos Pack
Arkham Horror LCG: FA4 -The City of Archives Mythos Pack

The veil that divides worlds has drawn perilously thin in Arkham Horror: The Card Game! In The Forgotten Age, you embarked on a scientific expedition to the rainforests of southern Mexico, returning home only to find that your actions have put the world in perilous danger. As The Forgotten Age cycle progresses, you struggle to make your way back to where the trouble began—to undo your mistake and gain insight into the dangers that threaten the fabric of time itself. Now, your expedition leads you to a city that defies imagination. Trapped in this maddening metropolis for an untold time, you may find yourself identifying more and more with the monsters that you once fought so hard to ward off.

The fourth Mythos Pack in The Forgotten Age cycle for Arkham Horror: The Card Game.

City of the Great Race
Following the events of Heart of the Elders, you and your expedition team find yourselves in close quarters with creatures that go beyond anything you expected to find in the rainforest. Time stretches on as you begin to wonder whether you have been trapped for days or weeks. You fade in and out of consciousness, attempting to comprehend all that is happening around you as your mind battles exhaustion and rages against what you know to be impossible—a hideous race of creatures that cannot be of this Earth, hidden from the world beyond. Their twisted bodies consist of immense corrugated cones of clammy flesh, with four thick limbs extending from the top. They are haunting to look upon, but does strange necessarily mean dangerous?

Some of these creatures are miraculously able to speak your language, and they question you about your world. They promise you freedom to roam their city if you answer their inquiries. A free exchange of information is only fair. You have come all this way seeking new truths of the world, and this civilization could easily be the greatest scientific discovery in the history of mankind. But do you dare to trust them?

Stolen Minds
As you spend more time in the city, interacting with its strange inhabitants, you may find it easier to sympathize with them. In fact, it may become too simple to identify with them. You even may discover that you’re feeling... not quite yourself.

The City of Archives offer you the chance to experience an entirely new worldview and step into the shoes of your new hosts with the Body of a Yithian (The City of Archives, 244) card. This new form does not erase who are or any of your past experiences, transferring any of your physical or mental trauma to your Body of a Yithian, as if it were your investigator card. Still, you will certainly find yourself profoundly changed.

Should you find yourself in this state, your investigator deck remains the same, but you must use the Body of a Yithian investigator card, preventing you from using any of your investigator’s special abilities. Unaccustomed to this form, each of your base skills are set at a value of two while you inhabit the body. However, you are able to double the icons on a card that you commit to a skill test once per test. In this way, you may still have an edge in the areas where you once excelled, holding on to at least one small piece of your identity.

Sadly, this condition does not offer freedom from your signature weaknesses. Throughout the scenario, your Body of a Yithian card is treated as if it has the same title as your former investigator card. For example, if you were once the human known as Father Mateo (The Forgotten Age, 4), you must treat your Body of a Yithian card as if its title were “Father Mateo.” This means that if you draw Serpents of Yig (The Forgotten Age, 14), the Father’s signature weakness, they will still hunt you despite your altered appearance.

If you wish to learn the secrets of this ancient city, you will need a new set of implements to further your investigations. In addition to the horrific adventures you will find within the city of the Yithians, this Mythos Pack provides you with new player cards to help you walk among the inhabitants of this world so similar to yet so alien from the one you know. If you are observant, you may be able to use your knowledge of the city’s layout to help you Slip Away (The City of Archives, 232) from any overly-curious Yithians. Or, you may uncover a precious Crystalline Elder Sign (The City of Archives, 235) safely tucked away among the shelves of the archives. With this powerful Mystic Relic, you may seal a +1 or the elder sign token—removing these highly beneficial tokens from the chaos bag, but in exchange for this sacrifice your willpower, lore, combat, and agility skills are all increased! Potentially trapped in a strange city and a strange body, this bonus may prove invaluable.

Remember Who You Are
Now that you're surrounded by these strange creatures, you must either adapt or perish. But be careful not to lose yourself in your fight for survival. Keep hold of your identity, find a way out, and uncover the secrets housed in The City of Archives!

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22.00 €
Arkham Horror LCG: FA5 -The Depths of Yoth Mythos Pack
Arkham Horror LCG: FA5 -The Depths of Yoth Mythos Pack

Your descent into madness has taken you far into the wilds of Arkham Horror: The Card Game! In The Forgotten Age, you took part in a scientific expedition that brought you to the dark rainforests of Central America in search of a lost Aztec city, but what you uncovered has set a series of events in motion that puts the entire world at risk. As The Forgotten Age cycle progresses, you must learn as much as you can about the dangers you unleashed to undo your mistake and save the Earth from a terrible fate. Now, your mission has brought you to a monster-filled chasm where the only way out is down.

The fifth Mythos Pack in The Forgotten Age cycle for Arkham Horror: The Card Game.

Pit of Despair
This Mythos Pack, which can be played as a standalone adventure or as part of the eight-part campaign, finds you on a perilous precipice looking into a seemingly bottomless cavern. Following the events of The City of Archives, you have reached the winding staircase that leads through the remains of another age and down into the unknown. Far below, a red glow illuminates a network of labyrinth caverns littered with the ruins of an ancient city, and from those depths there also emanates a strange, animal-like sound.

Something is down there.
And thus, your descent begins. The Depths of Yoth draws you down into the deepest reaches of the Earth, tracking the current depth level of your investigation in a separate space on the scenario reference card. While the depth level has no effect on its own, deeper levels of Yoth are deadlier. Some of the creatures that dwell there, such as an Eater of the Depths (The Depths of Yoth, 298), become stronger the further you descend into the cavern. You may find that it becomes more difficult to deny your terror as you journey deeper with treacheries like Lightless Shadow (The Depths of Yoth, 300) threatening to trap you in the ruined city for all time. But the answers you seek must be waiting at the bottom of this pit, though you wonder whether they are worth facing whatever awaits.

Relentless Pursuers
As you plunge into darkness with only the light of some unimaginable hell to guide you, you may wish to turn back—to find any other way out of this prison. But you are not alone in this cavern, and if you look back you are lost. Slithering creatures of Yoth stalk you through the twisting caverns, and even as you move deeper into the depths, they may follow by moving into the “pursuit area” beside the act and agenda decks. Enemies in this area are out-of-play, and although you can't attack them, at least they're too far away to reach you for now. Still, even if your assailants ease the chase, they are just out of view in the shadows, always watching. Waiting.

Even if your enemies may have fallen behind you as you plunge deeper into the depths, the fury of the Father of Serpents may compel them to rush forward and attack on his behalf. When his Scheme, Serpent's Ire (The Depths of Yoth, 302), is revealed, the most powerful Serpent enemy in pursuit of your team moves forward to strike, forcing you to test your agility. If you fail, that enemy immediately attacks you—and even if you dodge the first attack, you must still contend with this Serpent who's now engaged with you. To discover what awaits at the end of your journey, you must survive the descent, so be sure to stay light on your feet and pray you don't trip, lest you fall into the pit below.

Outrun, Outlast
To help you dodge the monsters breathing down your neck during the descent, The Depths of Yoth provides you with new, powerful player cards to strengthen your investigators’ decks and prepare you for the trials ahead. If you have The Skeleton Key (The Depths of Yoth, 270) in your possession, you may easily investigate nearly any location, unlocking the ruins’ secrets with an ease to make even Rex Murphy jealous.

Meanwhile, Mystics may use the experience gained over the course of The Fogotten Age cycle to increase the potency of their arcane talents with an upgraded version of Mists of R'lyeh (The Depths of Yoth, 271). This Spell has an incredible five charges which you may use to evade, using your willpower in place of your agility. And if that weren't enough, this Spell also dramatically increases your willpower for your attempt. Beyond the confidence this card offers you in your own abilities, Mists of R’lyeh rewards you further if you succeed. If you pass your skill test, you may move to a connecting location—continuing your investigation without becoming bogged down by enemies.

However, as often happens when you call upon the power of the Mythos, using this card comes with a certain amount of risk. If you reveal any chaos token other than a numbered token or the elder sign token, you must discard a card from your hand. Despite the inherent risk of magic, this is the time to pull out all the stops and use every tool in your arsenal. For as long as you remain trapped in this unholy pit, no one is coming to save you.

Light at the End
The closer you move to the end of your descent, the greater the threat to your life becomes. But despite the terrors and the monsters, you may find a strange sense of serenity among the ruins. If nothing else, at least you know where you are going. There is a light at the end of the tunnel.

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22.00 €
Arkham Horror LCG: FA6 -The Shattered Aeons Mythos Pack
Arkham Horror LCG: FA6 -The Shattered Aeons Mythos Pack

The sixth and final Mythos Pack in The Forgotten Age cycle for Arkham Horror: The Card Game

Your scientific expedition in The Forgotten Age took you far from Arkham, to the jungles of southern Mexico where you uncovered what may be the greatest scientific discovery of your time, along with a secret that defied everything you know about the history of your world. Then throughout The Forgotten Age cycle, you returned home only to learn that your actions have put everything you love in danger. Searching for answers, you journeyed to Mexico City, then back into the wilderness and beyond, to places beyond your imagination.

You have faced dangers both terrestrial and otherworldly, and stood strong as the very fabric of time ripped before your eyes. Now, you face your final test in the conclusion of The Forgotten Age cycle.

The Gateway
Following the events of The Depths of Yoth, hope is fleeting. What little remains burns in the bluish light emanating from the end of a passage before you. Deep beneath the Earth’s surface, you have almost forgotten the warmth of the sun, but there is no turning back for you. Whatever plan your enemies have been working toward lies ahead, and there is an unnatural power here—you can feel it in the Earth as it shakes beneath you. Pieces of the cavern start to fall, but they never reach the floor, floating in midair. The laws of reality are beginning to bend, and it cannot be long before they reach their breaking point. You must hurry.

Once you reach the ancient Nexus of N'Kai (Shattered Aeons, 324), the difficulty of the task before you increases with each passing moment. Beyond confronting beasts, like the Temporal Devourer (Shattered Aeons, 338) that chases you through time and space, you must also attempt to hold on to your mind as all that is sane falls away. Concepts of time and space cease their meaning as cities long lost to the grind of years appear anew, great metropolises of your age stand desolate, and unfathomable, unearthly expanses reveal themselves, as tangible as any city you left behind. The sight of Shattered Ages (Shattered Aeons, 339) threaten your sanity, forcing you to test your Willpower and see your knowledge and understanding sucked out into the beyond.

Worth Waiting For
Beyond bringing you the thrilling conclusion of The Forgotten Age cycle, Shattered Aeons also provides you with a new collection of powerful player cards to prepare you for the terrors that have awaited you since you first stepped beyond the mortal realm in The Forgotten Age. As is tradition with the grand finale of an Arkham Horror: The Card Game cycle, this Mythos Pack includes a new, powerful exceptional card to entice players. Rogues may take delight in living on Borrowed Time (Shattered Aeons, 308), storing actions to unleash in a single marvelous turn. If you and Leo De Luca (Core Set, 48) have an Ace in the Hole (Where Doom Awaits, 266) to go with your Borrowed Time, you have the chance to take up to ten actions in a single turn! While Rogues may be more inclined to keep to the shadows, it may prove impossible to resist stepping into the spotlight when you can guarantee that your entire team will be impressed.

But there are others who do not need the flash of exceptional cards to make their turns absolutely potent. Scholastic Seekers may claw their way to an advantageous Vantage Point (Shattered Aeons, 306) to get a better lay of the locations surrounding them, making it easier for themselves or an ally to investigate. Then, even the most down-to-Earth investigators have the chance to embrace the powers of the Mythos as Survivors gain access to their first Spell with Alter Fate (Shattered Aeons, 313). This fast event allows you to defy destiny and shape your own fate by helping you rid yourself or one of your fellow investigators of a non-weakness treachery. With the fate of all reality at stake, now is the time to pull out all the stops and examine the problem from every angle to find some kind of solution. The world is relying on you, and you cannot fail now.

The End...
Will you be able to stop the events that your own ignorance set in motion, or will your mistake destroy the world that you have worked so hard to save? Ready your investigators and prepare to throw everything you have into this battle. This can’t be how it ends!

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22.00 16.50 €
alin hinta 30 päivää ennen alennusta 22.00
Arkham Horror LCG: Forgotten Age Expansion
Arkham Horror LCG: Forgotten Age Expansion

The Forgotten Age, a new deluxe expansion for Arkham Horror: The Card Game

We think we know the history of the Earth, but there are secrets that lie beyond our reckoning and truths that could undo our entire understanding of the universe. When renowned historian Alejandro Vela discovers one of these secrets, the ruins of an ancient and forgotten Aztec city, it sets into motion a plot that could unravel the very fabric of time.

In The Forgotten Age, one to four players embark on a scientific expedition to the rainforests of southern Mexico with five new investigators, as well as an incredible eighty-seven scenario cards and sixty-four player cards (two copies each of thirty-two distinct cards). Here, you and your team will venture deep into dark rainforests and forbidden caverns in two new scenarios, which form the beginning of a new campaign for your investigation team as you step back into The Forgotten Age.

Join the Expedition
The first of the scenarios included in The Forgotten Age, The Untamed Wilds, throws you into the middle of your scientific expedition where your team of investigators has ventured far into the rainforests of southern Mexico in search of a forgotten Aztec city-state. Today, you depart from your camp in order to find the ruins Alejandro seeks. There is no telling what you may encounter beneath the thick jungle canopy, but you have come too far to turn back now.

In keeping with the new feel of your investigations, The Forgotten Age introduces the new Explore ability that you can initiate with an “activate” action, as seen on Agenda 1a. These abilities instruct you to draw the top card of the new, separate “exploration deck” which is filled with single-sided locations and treachery cards. Each Explore ability indicates a particular type of location that you are seeking to draw and, as a driven investigator, you must continue to draw from the exploration deck until you either discover the location you seek or a treachery brings your exploration to a halt. If a location of the type you seek is drawn, it is put into play and you move to that location to successfully tour the area.

For example, Agenda 1a instructs an investigator that their exploration is currently searching for a connecting location. Ursula Downs, currently at the Expedition Camp (The Forgotten Age, 50), spends her first action to explore and draws Circuitous Trail (The Forgotten Age, 73), which is not connected to the Expedition Camp. This card is therefore placed beside the exploration deck and Ursula draws again, revealing Low on Supplies (The Forgotten Age, 82). As this is a treachery card, she must resolve the card’s effects and her exploration ends unsuccessfully with Circuitous Trail reshuffled into the exploration deck.

However, a failed exploration does not necessarily indicate the end of the investigator's turn. A single setback is not enough to stop the determined investigators of Arkham Horror: The Card Game. As her second action, Ursula decides to explore again. This time, she draws Path of Thorns (The Forgotten Age, 69), which is connected to the Expedition Camp. Therefore, her exploration is successful, Path of Thorns is put into play, and Ursula immediately moves there.

Should you survive long enough to reach the ruins, you may encounter The Doom of Eztli. The discovery itself will be enough to earn you renown amongst the academic community, and a mysterious sense of doom seems to linger in the air… but what awaits you within the temple walls? Will you ever be able to forgive yourself if you don’t venture inside? Maybe just a quick look wouldn’t hurt...

Ursula Downs, The Explorer
The Forgotten Age draws five new investigators into the maddening realm of Arkham Horror: The Card Game as they search for answers among strange ruins from a bygone era. Among these brave investigators is the explorer, Ursula Downs (The Forgotten Age, 2). Ever since Ursula was a small girl, she has broken every rule set down for her: climbing trees, playing in mud, exploring the woods, and plenty of other things ill-considered for the behavior of a proper young lady. Since earning her degree in archaeology in Boston, she has traveled the world in search of forgotten civilizations and has continued to prove herself among her peers as a woman in a male-dominated profession.

Ursula knows that discovery is easy. Understanding is the hard part. As an investigator, she believes in brain over brawn with an intellect of four and a combat of only one. This explorer is, however, incredibly quick on her feet with an agility of four. After all, to live a life as exciting as Ursula's, you have to be quick on your feet if you're not interested in fighting.

No matter which continent you find yourself on, no matter what dangers you find yourself pitted against, when you play as Ursula Downs, there is always at least one person you can trust. Ursula’s close friend Jake Williams (The Forgotten Age, 8) will always have her back. When this loyal companion is in play, the first move or investigate action you perform does not provoke attacks of opportunity. What's more, you can take advantage of Jake's own insights into the new locations that you discover. After you reveal a new location or put one into play, you may exhaust Jake Williams to draw a card. Combined with The Forgotten Age’s new Explore action, Jake will prove an invaluable Ally, and make Ursula more powerful than ever.

Ursula’s driven nature and natural curiosity make her a skilled explorer, but at times her passion borders on obsession as she is tormented by the Call of the Unknown (The Forgotten Age, 9). When this weakness comes into play, Ursula must choose a location other than the one where she is currently located. If she does not successfully investigate that location before the end of her turn, she suffers two horror and must shuffle Call of the Unknown back into her deck. The only way that this investigator can break free of her obsession is to finally understand the riddles that each new discovery presents her with. Do you have the courage to join Ursula in her pursuit of knowledge and the fortitude to survive, or will you become one of the countless souls claimed by the mysteries lost to time?

Pack Your Bags
Embark on a new adventure. Make the discovery of a lifetime, unravel the terrifying eldritch mystery, and learn the secrets of The Forgotten Age!

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36.00 €
Arkham Horror LCG: Guardians of the Abyss Scenario Pack
Arkham Horror LCG: Guardians of the Abyss Scenario Pack

Something stirs beneath the sands of Egypt...

Investigators were gripped by The Eternal Slumber at Gen Con 2018. The decisions, victories, and failures of the brave investigators who took part will shape the story as it continues with The Night’s Usurper at Arkham Nights 2018. These innovative linked scenarios bring together the community like never before, but even if you're unable to take part in the event, you can still witness the day of reckoning when you bring the action home and try your hand at halting the fulfillment of an ancient prophecy.

A standalone scenario that features both the Gen Con 2018 and Arkham Nights 2018 scenarios for Arkham Horror: The Card Game.

The Eternal Slumber
Your investigation begins in The Eternal Slumber, where a strange disease has taken hold of the citizens of Cairo. Jessie Burke, a government agent working in Egypt, has asked you to help her solve this medical quandary—people across the city are falling into a wakeless slumber, including Jessie’s husband and partner, John. As of yet, there are no known factors that connect the victims, but Jessie hopes that your experience with other… peculiar cases will lead to a crack in the case.

Unfortunately, when you reach the city you meet resistance at every turn. As you scour Cairo for answers, you find many people who want nothing to do with you and worse, you’re being tailed by shadowy figures throughout the city. Whatever is going on here, it is clear that this is more than a simple medical mystery.

Your leads draw you away from the city and into the deserts of Egypt, where a strange force emanates from the sands. Whether this is the cause of all this chaos or another symptom is unclear, but whatever it is, it will not be ignored. Throughout your investigation in Guardians of the Abyss, you will be forced to contend with the strength of the abyss itself as it ebbs and flows like a river. The strength of the abyss at any moment is marked by resources on the scenario reference card. This power has no effect on the game itself, but as it strengthens, so do the forces set against you. For example, the combat strength of a Creature from the Abyss (Guardians of the Abyss, 15) is directly linked to the abyss, while the damage dealt by an Abyssal Revenant (Guardians of the Abyss, 45) becomes greater with the strength of the abyss. And as the days stretch on, you must take care not to fall into the cursed Slumber (Guardians of the Abyss, 51) yourself!

If you or one of your fellow investigators are overcome by the power of the abyss, you may become “Taken by the Abyss” and fall into a comatose state. Should this disaster occur, the strength to the abyss increases and the investigator's fate, if they will ever wake up, falls to those who remain.

Can you find the cure to this medical mystery and awaken the sleepers from their cursed reverie, or will you fall into your own inescapable nightmare? Even if you succeed, will that be the end of your troubles, or is this only the beginning of something far greater and more terrible? And if there is some conspiracy, who would ever believe your claims in this distant land so far from Arkham?

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28.40 €

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