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Star Wars Legion: 1.4 FD Laser Cannon Team Unit Expansion
Star Wars Legion: 1.4 FD Laser Cannon Team Unit Expansion

No matter where the Rebel Alliance establishes one of its bases, it must always be prepared for an Imperial attack. Rebel ground troops are always willing to put themselves in harm’s way, but troopers are not enough to stem the tide of the Imperial legions and their heavy walkers. Laser cannon emplacements can provide these troops with the fire support they need to fend off any assault they might face during your games of Star Wars: Legion.

Within the 1.4 FD Laser Cannon Team Unit Expansion, you’ll find an unpainted, easily assembled 1.4 FD Laser Cannon Team miniature that can be fielded as a support unit for your Rebel army. Alongside this team, you’ll find three upgrade cards that invite you to further modify your cannon to make it an even more stalwart line of defense against the forces of the Empire.

Begin Your Defense
As the second support unit for the Rebel Alliance, the 1.4 FD Laser Cannon Team joins the AT-RT in providing much needed backup to your Rebel troops. Every Star Wars: Legion army can have up to three support units, and now you can mix the mobile versatility of the AT-RT with the strength of the 1.4 FD Laser Cannon Team in whatever combination you choose.

Rebel ground forces are constantly faced with the challenge of breaking through the heavy armor worn by most Imperial troopers, while avoiding the intense fire these units can send back at them. To compensate, units like the Rebel Troopers must rely on their elusiveness to dodge enemy attacks and stay in the fight long enough to secure their objectives.

At 70 points, a 1.4 FD Laser Cannon Team perfectly complements these troops by providing the cover fire they need to continue their operations, even while under heavy fire. The 1.4 FD laser cannon has a longer range than a standard unit of Rebel Troopers and, with a pool of five black attack dice, it packs quite a punch, making it more than capable of keeping enemy units at bay while your troopers are on the move.

All this firepower does have its drawbacks, however. A 1.4 FD Laser Cannon Team is a stationary unit that cannot perform moves except for pivots, so this turret must be deployed to key points on the battlefield in order to be effective. What’s more, the laser cannon can only target units in its front arc. This means that the trooper team manning it must rely on their much less powerful DH-17 blaster pistols if anything manages to slip past them.

Still, even a single 1.4 FD Laser Cannon Team can be the cornerstone of a solid defensive perimeter, even when enemy units are out of range. The cannon team always keeps a watchful eye on the horizon and its Sentinel keyword extends its standby range to three, making it even more difficult for enemy units to move within range without a quick response.

There's also plenty of ways for you to upgrade your 1.4 FD Laser Cannon Team and specialize your unit's attacks. Adding a Barrage Generator can help increase its rate of fire, for example, pinning down any troopers that might be advancing on your position. If an AT-ST is stomping toward you, however, having an Overcharged Generator can give your 1.4 FD laser cannon the power to punch through the walker’s armor. Finally, an HQ Uplink is always useful to keep your team in contact with the rest of your army, especially when your commander is far afield.

Hold the Line
No matter what the Empire throws your way, 1.4 FD Laser Cannon Teams are ready to protect the Rebellion and its troops. Build your defenses and prepare for Imperial attack!

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35.60 €
Star Wars Legion: 74-Z Speeder Bikes Unit Expansion
Star Wars Legion: 74-Z Speeder Bikes Unit Expansion

The howl of a 74-Z Speeder Bike racing past is not something that’s easily forgotten. The Empire commonly uses these speeder bikes for scouting and reconnaissance missions, but they can also be deployed to terrifying effect on the battlefield, where their sheer speed often prevents the enemy from taking a clean shot.

As a unit capable of racing across massive swathes of the battlefield in a single round, the 74-Z Speeder Bikes are a crucial part of any Imperial deployment. Since they’re often ranging the far edges of the battlefield or flanking the enemy, a Long-Range Comlink is an undeniable boon, enabling you to issue orders to your Speeder Bikes even when they’re on the far side of the map. Alternatively, you may choose to equip these fast-moving vehicles with a Comms Jammer, preventing nearby enemies from receiving orders and potentially throwing your opponent’s plans into disarray!

The 74-Z Speeder Bikes Unit Expansion includes a unit of two 74-Z Speeder Bikes, and all the unit cards and upgrade cards you need to expand your forces with these lightning-fast speeders.

· An Imperial unit expansion for Star Wars: Legion
· Contains two unpainted and unassembled 74-Z Speeder Bike miniatures to grow the armies of the Galactic Empire
· Features one miniature with a different sculpt than the 74-Z Speeder Bikes in the Core Set
· An assortment of upgrade cards let you customize the 74-Z Speeder Bikes to play however you like

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30.00 €
Star Wars Legion: A-A5 Speeder Truck
Star Wars Legion: A-A5 Speeder Truck

Getting troops safely to the front lines is vital in times of war and armored transports are the ubiquitous vehicle assigned to the task. For the Rebel Alliance, the acquisition of these assets often turns to the repurposing of civilian vehicles, and such is the case of the A-A5 Speeder Truck. Designed as a cargo transport for harsh environments, these already robust vehicles are further reinforced with armor plating and equipped with powerful turret mounted weaponry when deployed to the battlefield.

Armored transports serve a crucial role in many Rebel strategies and soon you can protect your troops and their advance by adding the A-A5 Speeder Truck Unit Expansion to your arsenal! This expansion features a vehicle miniature with a fully-detailed interior and two turret-mounted weapon options. The doors of the A-A5 can be modelled closed or open to reveal the detail inside and a clear windshield shows the interior of the cockpit and a pilot. This expansion opens up new tactical options never before available to the Rebel Alliance, and is sure to find a place among many player's favorite strategies. Read on to learn more about how the A-A5 Speeder Truck Unit Expansion might fit into your battle plans!

Mobile Command
The A-A5 can serve a greater purpose than safely getting your units where they are needed most. Enter Shriv Surgaav , celebrated hero from Star Wars: Battlefront II. With Shriv behind the wheel, the A-A5 becomes a mobile command center, enabling him to issue orders safely behind armored walls. Not only does this free up valuable points, as your A-A5 Speeder Truck can now serve as your commander, Shriv's ability to hand out dodge tokens to nearby units also offers welcome support for nearby Rebel units. This ability can even hand out an optional suppression token, which could be quite useful for units that have Danger Sense, like the or Jyn Erso . It should also be noted that Shriv’s expertise is not limited to piloting the A-A5 Speeder Truck and he could alternatively take the controls of a X-34 Landspeeder or even zip about the battlefield in a T-47 Airspeeder!

If the inclusion of this Field Commander was not enough, an A-A5 can further coordinate your forces by use of an Onboard Comms Channel . This handy upgrade can ensure that your transport and the unit inside can work in unison, ensuring the disembarkation of your troops goes as planned.

Outfitted for Battle
Through the A-A5 does not come equipped with standard weaponry, it does have two options for outfitting it with turret-mounted laser cannons. Rebel forces looking for longer range fire support may be interested in the Heavy Laser Retrofit . The weapon’s range of 4 and Critical 1 keyword make it an inexpensive option to pick off long range targets, even in cover. If you are in the market for more firepower, the AG-2G Quad Laser brings double the dice and Impact 2, turning this humble transport into a weapons platform capable of breaching enemy armor.

In addition to these weapon options, the A-A5 comes packed with crew and pilot options that help define its battlefield role, and the inclusion of two crew slots and a pilot slot for the vehicle can present some custom-tailored combinations. For example, players after a way to better neutralize enemies in cover may want to enlist the help of a Hotshot Pilot for the Sharpshooter 1 bonus to the attack pool.

If you are looking to get your A-A5 right into the thick of things with an aggressive advance, a Reckless Driver can help displace enemy troopers and hopefully take a few out in the process! Such recklessness could provide a perfect tool to help clear objectives of enemy troopers for your transported unit to secure. This is just a sample of the available pilot options. There are four more crew options that we will reveal via social media as we get closer to release, and we look forward to revealing some of our favorite options for building out this versatile vehicle!

A New Resource
The A-A5 Speeder Truck offers a whole new set of tactical options for the Rebel Alliance. The flexibility of the upgrade cards, the inclusion of a Field Commander option, and the Transport: Closed keyword on this unit can present bold new strategies and offer up a number of synergistic interactions previously unavailable to the faction.

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93.10 €
Star Wars Legion: Agent Kallus Commander Expansion
Star Wars Legion: Agent Kallus Commander Expansion

When the threat of Rebel insurgency is sufficient to warrant appropriate action, the agents of the Galactic Empire’s Imperial Security Bureau are deployed. Utilizing ruthless tactics and sheer cunning, the ISB quickly addresses any lapse in loyalty to the Imperial cause. Today we delve deeper into the methods of one of the organization’s most senior members in the Agent Kallus Commander Expansion for Star Wars: Legion!

Aleksandr Kallus is a formidable operative with considerable combat ability in the field, though his true strength can be found orchestrating his forces and anticipating his prey. His three signature command cards give him the chance to influence your entire army’s strategy at key points of a battle and playing the right card at the right time could shift the momentum in your favor. What’s more, as a commander, you can equip Agent Kallus with an array of upgrades that further enhance his ability to help friendly units.

In our announcement, we told you about Agent Kallus’ flexibility in making contingency plans that offer greater options in the Command Phase. Read on as we reveal the rest of his command cards, his flawed card, and how he can best fit into your battle plans!

Disruption and Disarray
Knowing your foe is crucial to anticipating their attack, and Agent Kallus excels at doing his research. By carefully orchestrating an ISB Investigation into the key players of the opposition, Kallus can curtail tactical avenues and disrupt the enemy’s plans with ease. This command card requires you to think ahead but can be pivotal – closing off options for your opponent at just the right time. Moving into melee combat with the likes of Luke Skywalker may be a death sentence for most, but Kallus can even make a jedi more manageable with some proper planning. The effect of this command card can turn off a devastating play like Son of Skywalker and other 1-pip cards in the subsequent round. Following up with Kallus’ Face Me card in the next Command Phase could further even the odds against such a powerful foe by insuring Kallus will activate first, possibly moving in to grab a dodge token or two from the Agile 1 keyword granted this round which will help him block any lightsaber strikes. Even if the enemy commander has some tricks in mind, this reliability is further backed up by Kallus’ Cunning keyword, which will break any ties when determining priority should some trickery unfold.

Focused Fire
In the chaos of the battlefield, identifying primary targets is vital for a coordinated attack. Showing no mercy, Kallus employs Ruthless Tactics when pursuing his prey – calling out threats so his forces can readily prioritize their fire. This effect becomes more potent if the enemy is suppressed to a level equal or beyond their courage value, making for a natural synergy with supporting forces with the Suppressive keyword. The observation tokens granted by this command card allow subsequent units to spend the tokens to reroll attack results. Notably, each attack on an enemy unit applies an observation token to their target afterwards, so focusing fire with multiple units can yield benefits throughout the round. These observation tokens can be built up for a powerful culminating attack, or spent incrementally, benefitting each unit as needed after the first. In addition, Kallus can perform a free recover action after playing this card, allowing him to ready useful upgrades that exhaust like Ascension Cables or to reconfigure his J-19 Bo-rifle for ranged or melee combat.

Waivering Loyalty
Though the ISB prides themselves as being the enforcers of loyalty to the Galactic Empire, the dedication required to uphold these ideals can come at a cost. Over the course of Star Wars: Rebels Kallus had Developing Sympathies for the Rebels he hunted, eventually questioning his allegiances altogether as his narrative progressed. In terms of gameplay, this flawed card is a tool your opponent can leverage at an inopportune time, causing Kallus to make some difficult decisions. Thankfully Kallus’ can surround himself with a number of options to help mitigate the effects of this card. Simply keeping Kallus at full health prevents your opponent from playing his flawed card, so keeping Kallus out of sight until he is ready to strike or healing him up with supporting units and upgrades can keep his loyalties sound. Alternatively, if you want to stay aggressive and simply try to mitigate the suppression, upgrades like Endurance or Strict Orders can help keep Kallus from falling back during his next activation.

No Assignment Too Difficult
Agent Kallus is a tactically flexible support commander for your Imperial Forces whose options in armament, tactics and contingency plans allow him to respond to any threat. His cunning forethought systematically eliminates the enemy’s options while increasing his own chances for success. Beware enemies of the Galactic Empire, the Imperial Security Bureau likely knows your next move, and they will be ready!

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25.80 €
Star Wars Legion: Anakin Skywalker Commander Expansion
Star Wars Legion: Anakin Skywalker Commander Expansion

As the Clone Wars rage on, new heroes emerge with every battle. Whether they’re a famed Jedi Knight leading their troops into battle or a simple droid relaying key intel to the rest of its army, the actions of these few could determine the outcome of the entire conflict.

Hero of the Republic. The Chosen One. Anakin Skywalker’s exploits during the Clone Wars have made him a legend throughout the galaxy. Known as a fearless battlefield commander, his skill has earned him the respect of those under his command and the ire of his enemies. Now he’s prepared to take any means necessary to complete his goals.

As one of the most powerful Jedi in history, Skywalker has much to contribute to your armies. His mastery of the Djem So form of lightsaber combat allows him to make powerful counterattacks against opponents carrying blasters and blades alike, especially if he has taken an Offensive Stance. But Skywalker is also tempted by the dark side and should be careful to not allow his foes to exploit this weakness.

This dual nature is reflected in the beautifully detailed, unpainted hard plastic Anakin Skywalker miniature in this expansion, which can be assembled either with a firm two-handed grip on his lightsaber or with an open stance. Beyond his natural abilities, his three command cards give you the chance to perfect his skills as a leader and combatant, while six upgrade cards invite you to customize him to fit your strategy.

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19.50 €
Star Wars Legion: ARC Troopers Unit Expansion
Star Wars Legion: ARC Troopers Unit Expansion

ARC Troopers are among the most elite clone troopers, utilizing specialized equipment and intensive training to push their physical, tactical, and strategic skills to the limit. These troopers are capable of undertaking the most arduous missions, and the unshakable resolve has turned the tide of many vital battles in the Clone Wars.

No matter how you decide to use them in battle, you’ll find plenty of ways to customize your miniatures in this expansion. In addition to multiple helmet options for every ARC Trooper, some troopers can be assembled wielding dual DC-17 hand blasters or with a powerful DC-15x sniper rifle.

Finally, several troopers are highly posable as they blast into action with their JT-12 jetpacks. In addition to their appearance, eight upgrade cards let you outfit your ARC Troopers in battle and two unit cards let you add them to your army as either a full unit or a two-man strike team.

Already versatile in the field, these special forces units are also highly customizable, inviting you to assemble and deploy the unit that fits your style. Each of the seven finely sculpted, unpainted hard plastic miniatures you’ll find in these expansions can be built with a variety of weapons and gear, opening up a wealth of possibilities for each unit. Read on for more information about what to expect in these expansions!

The Best of the Best
The Galactic Republic’s clone troopers are some of the finest soldiers in the galaxy, but only the best of the best can call themselves ARC Troopers. Constantly pushing their physical, tactical, and strategic skills to the limit, ARC troopers undertake the most arduous missions on behalf of the Republic.

This also means ARC troopers are among the most flexible warriors in the Grand Army of the Republic, able to fire with devastating accuracy even while on the move with their JT-12 Jetpacks . When deployed as a two-man fire team, they act as a scalpel, scouting ahead to snap off deadly long-range blaster shots. As they do, eight upgrade cards allow you to tailor your unit for the specific mission parameters with additional weapons, gear, personnel and more.

No matter how you decide to use them in battle, you’ll find plenty of ways to customize your miniatures in the ARC Troopers Unit Expansion. In addition to multiple helmet options for every ARC Trooper, some troopers can be assembled wielding dual DC-17 hand blasters or with a powerful DC-15x sniper rifle. Finally, several troopers are highly posable as they blast into action with their jetpacks.

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52.10 €
Star Wars Legion: AT-RT Unit Expansion
Star Wars Legion: AT-RT Unit Expansion

The Rebel Alliance is constantly outgunned in their war against the Empire. Since they cannot hope to match the awe-inspiring military production of a galaxy-spanning Empire, the Rebellion has turned to salvage in order to supplement their forces—such as with the AT-RTs. First introduced by the Republic during the Clone War, the All Terrain Recon Transport, or AT-RT, has since been co-opted by the Rebel Alliance to aid their war against the Empire.

As a relatively quick and maneuverable walker that can pack a significant punch with its weapons systems, additional AT-RTs have plenty to offer to your army as you supplement the single AT-RT in the Core Set. Since each AT-RT only offers a single hardpoint for a larger gun, it’s easy to have your walkers fill different roles in your army—deploying some armed with laser cannons against enemy vehicles and sending another to mop up Imperial infantry with a flamethrower.

The AT-RT Unit Expansion includes a single new AT-RT miniature for you to add to your Rebel army, complete with three different gun attachments that can be attached to your miniature. Along with the AT-RT, you’ll find the associated unit card and an assortment of upgrade cards for you to enhance your AT-RT and other units.

· A Rebel unit expansion for Star Wars: Legion
· Contains one unpainted and unassembled AT-RT miniature to grow your Alliance forces
· An assortment of upgrade cards let you customize the AT-RT to play however you like
· Three different gun attachments invite you to marry the appearance of your miniature with its mechanical function

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30.00 15.00 €
alin hinta 30 päivää ennen alennusta 30.00
Star Wars Legion: AT-ST Unit Expansion
Star Wars Legion: AT-ST Unit Expansion

The power of the Empire is visible on any subjugated world—few images are more representative of Imperial power than the shining white armor of a Stormtrooper or the rumble of a walker stomping through city streets or across the battlefield. Soon, you’ll be able to supplement your Stormtroopers with another symbol of Imperial oppression: the All Terrain Scout Transport!

The AT-ST towers above the battlefield.
An AT-ST is an awe-inspiring sight to the average foot soldier. It towers above the battlefield, stalking inimically forward on mechanized legs and raining a hail of fire and death from its laser cannons and powerful weapons systems. With the AT-ST Unit Expansion, you’ll find a single finely sculpted, massive AT-ST miniature, which can be assembled to loom over the battlefield and provide a rallying point for your entire army. Alongside this beautiful miniature, you’ll find an assortment of all the unit cards and upgrade cards that you’ll need to fully integrate the AT-ST into the Empire’s war machine—and your armies.

Unstoppable Force
Whether you deploy them in the tight, forested confines of a planet like Endor or the sweeping plains of a planet like Lothal or Hoth, each AT-ST you bring to the battlefield is sure to be a powerful sight. The AT-ST can march forward and concentrate fire on your opponent’s most powerful positions—all while absorbing the most dangerous firepower your opponent can pump out. The AT-ST is the first heavy unit for the Galactic Empire, and should you so choose, you can field two of them in your army. Though two AT-STs would take up nearly half of your army points—before you even assign them any upgrades—the fear these walkers instill in your opponent’s army is nearly palpable.

With a wound threshold of eleven, an AT-ST is already the most difficult unit in the game to completely disable. Combine that with the Armor keyword, which cancels all non-critical hits from every attack, and you have a powerful assault platform that your opponent will need to expend continuous effort in order to destroy. Still, all that armor is not without a weak point. The armor is thinner at an AT-ST’s rear hull, allowing even infantry weapons to potentially puncture the armor and strike something vital. Wise commanders would do well to support their advancing AT-STs with infantry support that prevents any Rebels from slipping behind the bipedal walker and concentrating firepower on its rear.

Even as the Rebels fight desperately to destroy an advancing AT-ST, it will be doing plenty of damage with its own weapons. The feet and legs of an AT-ST are equipped with deadly fence-cutting blades, which are equally effective against flesh-and-blood opponents. The AT-ST’s trademark twin blaster cannons can tear through squads from long-range—potentially decimating enemy squads of infantry soldiers before they even come close enough to use their weaker blaster rifles.

The AT-ST’s upgrade slots let you equip it with a pilot, but it also has three hardpoint upgrade slots—and the upgrade cards to fill those slots, if you so desire. These powerful weapons—the DW-3 Concussion Grenade Launcher, the 88 Twin Light Blaster Cannon, and the AT-ST Mortar Launcher—all have distinct uses on the field of battle, so it’s up to you if you want to load up your AT-ST with all three weapon loadouts, or if you’d prefer to leave those points open to allocate for another part of your army. Whatever you decide, the AT-ST miniature has the weapon options to reflect your choices, inviting you to assemble your AT-ST in a way that marries its physical appearance and its in-game abilities.

The Might of the Empire
The Rebellion fights for freedom and hope… but how much can those ideals really mean when the Rebel soldiers are facing down one or more All Terrain Scout Transports, stalking forward with guns blazing?

· An Imperial unit expansion for Star Wars: Legion
· Contains one unpainted and unassembled AT-ST miniature to tower over the battlefield
· An assortment of upgrade cards let you customize the AT-ST to play however you like
· Three different gun attachments invite you to marry the appearance of your miniature with its mechanical function

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78.30 €
Star Wars Legion: B1 Battle Droids Unit Expansion
Star Wars Legion: B1 Battle Droids Unit Expansion

The Republic’s Clone Troopers may be bred for battle, but even the finest soldiers eventually break under the crushing weight of legions of B1 Battle Droids. Despite possessing little cunning or tactical intelligence, these droids march heedlessly forward to crush any resistance through raw attrition alone. Mindlessly loyal and eminently expendable, the Separatist Alliance has few qualms about sacrificing endless waves of B1 Battle Droids to subdue a planet.

While they may not possess the same skills as traditional flesh-and-blood troops, B1 Battle Droids do have a number of features specifically designed to exploit their superior numbers. Unlike their organic counterparts, B1 Battle Droids are interlinked, allowing them to quickly coordinate with one another to form a cohesive army that opposing commanders can only dream of.

The B1 Battle Droids Unit Expansion gives you the chance to supplement your Separatist Alliance forces with even more battle droids. Nine finely detailed, unpainted B1 Battle Droid miniatures, identical to those found in the Star Wars: Legion Clone Wars Core Set, stand ready to form the backbone of your army, including two miniatures carrying heavy weapons. Joining these miniatures are a unit card and a variety of upgrade cards, inviting you to make your own personal refinements to your battle droids.

Create a massive droid army with the nine highly-detailed B1 Battle Droid miniatures found in this expansion! Seven Battle Droids can lay down heavy fire with their E-5 Blaster Rifles, while a B1 Trooper with an E-60R poses a threat to enemy vehicles. Finally, an E-5C B1 Trooper adds even more firepower to your battle droids in their quest to bring down the Republic.

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39.10 €
Star Wars Legion: B1 Battle Droids Upgrade Expansion
Star Wars Legion: B1 Battle Droids Upgrade Expansion

The Separatist Alliance’s B1 Battle Droids are manufactured to attack in massive numbers and wear down enemy forces through raw attrition alone. But that does not mean they don't have other purposes to serve as the Separatists seek to overthrow the Galactic Republic. Other series of battle droids perform a variety of tasks for the Separatist military and a select few droids are outfitted with different weapons that give them unique capabilities.

While B1 Battle Droids are most commonly seen assaulting enemy positions in the thick of battle, they can serve functions outside of all-out combat. Once a planet has been conquered, for example, B1 Security Droids are needed to keep the peace and quash all resistance. As a result, they remove their fellow battle droids' compulsion to instantly attack any target that may present itself.

The B1 Battle Droids Upgrade Expansion helps you enhance your existing B1 Battle Droid units with new miniatures and cards. Four new unpainted, hard plastic B1 Battle Droid miniatures, including an OOM-Series Battle Droid, a B1 Security Droid, a Radiation Cannon B1 Trooper, and an E-5s B1 Trooper arrive on frames to offer new options for your Separatist forces. Meanwhile, a unit card helps you muster these miniatures and your existing B1 Battle Droids into a cohesive unit while seven upgrade cards invite you to seamlessly incorporate them into this or any of your other B1 Battle Droid units.

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32.60 €
Star Wars Legion: Barricades Pack
Star Wars Legion: Barricades Pack

When you’re seeking protection from enemy blaster fire, there are few substitutes for the solid weight of a barricade between you and your foes. Decorate your games with more terrain and provide cover for your troopers with the Barricades Pack for Star Wars: Legion!

Within this expansion, you’ll find eight unpainted barricades, identical to the barricades included in the Star Wars: Legion Core Set. By doubling your supply of barricades, you can create even more variety in your battles, sprinkling barricades across the field and providing places for units on either side to hunker down and take refuge from enemy fire. You can use these barricades as decorative terrain for an Imperial installment or a secret Rebel base—or you can integrate them fully into your game by providing heavy cover for any unit that hides behind them. Either way, the Barricades Pack invites you to bring a little more Star Wars flavor into your planetary battles.

Enter the Star Wars Galaxy
Supply crates, comms stations, moisture vaporators, and barricades—whether you’re fighting for the Galactic Empire or the Rebel Alliance, every new miniature in these expansions brings more of the Star Wars galaxy to life on your tabletop.

* An accessory terrain pack for Star Wars: Legion
* Contains eight unpainted barricade miniatures, identical to the ones included in the Core Set
* Provide heavy cover for your troopers to hunker behind by placing these barricades on the battlefield
* Decorate your battles with barricades to more fully evoke the Star Wars universe

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18.00 11.70 €
alin hinta 30 päivää ennen alennusta 18.00
Star Wars Legion: Boba Fett Operative Expansion
Star Wars Legion: Boba Fett Operative Expansion

Thus far, Star Wars: Legion has introduced a variety of commanders to the many unsung battlefields of the Galactic Civil War. From Darth Vader to Leia Organa, each of these commanders has their own methods for getting the most out of their troops. But some iconic characters work better on their own, as independent units capable of dominating sections of the battlefield without worrying about the troops fighting alongside them. Soon, Imperial generals will be able to add one such unit to their army. Fantasy Flight Games is happy to announce the Boba Fett Operative Expansion for Star Wars: Legion!

As evidenced when he tracked Han Solo and the Millennium Falcon to Bespin, Boba Fett is a cunning bounty hunter who considers all the angles. He’s also a formidable warrior, with his intimidating Mandalorian armor concealing an assortment of deadly weaponry. Although he works on his own, Boba Fett is just as lethal as any squad of Stormtroopers.

As the game’s first operative, the Boba Fett Operative Expansion includes everything you need to add the galaxy’s best bounty hunter to your Imperial army. A single unpainted, easily-assembled miniature depicts Boba Fett taking flight in search of his next quarry. Meanwhile, three command cards let you tap into the many dirty tricks that Fett has hidden in his Mandalorian armor, and three upgrade cards give you even more tools to equip Boba Fett or another unit for battle.

The Boba Fett Operative Expansion is set to be released alongside the Scout Troopers Unit Expansion in the third quarter of 2018. For a closer look at the Scout Troopers, click here!

Gun for Hire
With Boba Fett’s introduction to the game, Star Wars: Legion also welcomes a new unit type: the operative. Every Star Wars: Legion army can have up to two operatives, letting you pair these powerful units with one or two commanders. Whether Darth Vader dispatches Boba Fett to do the will of the Empire or he works alongside General Veers, Boba Fett can wreak havoc across the battlefield, beginning with his three signature command cards.

Although these cards only allow you to issue orders to Boba Fett himself, they also give you access to many of the gadgets Fett has added to his armor. For example, Boba Fett can shoot his Whipcord Launcher with lightning-quick reflexes, pinning an enemy trooper unit in place with two immobilize tokens and two suppression tokens. Not only could this leave a powerful unit such as Luke Skywalker exposed to attack, it also gives Boba Fett the chance to zip around the battlefield and find a better position while engaged to this unit.

When he does move in for the attack, Boba Fett has plenty of options to choose from. His E-3 Carbine is the most visible threat, piercing through enemy defenses from longer ranges. But Boba Fett also has a whole array of weapons hidden within his armor. Wrist rockets don’t have quite the same range as his carbine, but they can conveniently break through a vehicle’s armor. And if an opponent does manage to get close enough to Boba Fett to perform a melee attack, his boot spikes should prove to be more than a match.

But Boba Fett's Mandalorian armor does more than store weapons, of course. It adds a good amount of protection, ensuring that Boba Fett rolls red defense dice when he is attacked. On top of that, though, it also helps him become Impervious to enemy fire. This ability gives Boba Fett the opportunity to stave off damage by letting him roll an extra defense die for every point of Pierce in the attack pool.

Begin the Hunt
Boba Fett is the most infamous bounty hunter in the galaxy for a reason. You’ll soon be able to find out why in your games of Star Wars: Legion!

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34.20 €
Star Wars Legion: Bossk Operative Expansion
Star Wars Legion: Bossk Operative Expansion

Towering above most other beings, it’s not difficult to see how Bossk has gained a reputation as one of the most feared bounty hunters in the galaxy. Even more important to his work than his great height and reptilian features, however, are the natural Trandoshan hunting instincts he uses to track his prey across the galaxy.

When in the employ of the Empire, Bossk will throw himself at any enemy that will earn him the most money, often turning his claws into deadly weapons after softening his target up with his Relby-v10 Mortar Rifle. With the ability to easily scale obstacles and shrug off damage, Bossk is sure to be a true terror on the battlefield.

In the Bossk Operative Expansion, you’ll find an unpainted, easily assembled Bossk miniature armed to the teeth. Wearing his signature outfit and featuring two distinct poses (holding his Mortar Rifle raised, or preparing to throw a dioxis charge), this Bossk is sure to intimidate any opponent. Along with the unit card and upgrade cards that you need to fully outfit him for battle, you’ll find Bossk’s three signature command cards, giving you access to even more weapons and tactics exactly when you need them.

In the Bossk Operative Expansion, you’ll find an unpainted, customizable Bossk miniature armed to the teeth along with the unit card and upgrade cards that you need to fully outfit him for battle. Additionally, you’ll find Bossk’s three signature command cards, giving you access to even more weapons and tactics exactly when you need them.

* Contains a beutifully detailed, easily assembled Bossk miniature with different customization options
* Choose whether Bossk appears with his Relby-v10 Mortar Rifle at the ready or prepared to hurl a Dioxis Charge at his foes

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