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Game of Thrones LCG: KR6 -A Hidden Agenda Chapter Pack
Game of Thrones LCG: KR6 -A Hidden Agenda Chapter Pack

The sixth and final Chapter Pack in the Kingsroad cycle for A Game of Thrones: The Card Game! Schemes, secrets, and mysteries pervade the sixty new cards of A Hidden Agenda (three copies each of twenty individual cards). Drawing the Kingsroad cycle to its climactic conclusion, A Hidden Agenda returns players to a Westeros forever changed by the War of the Five Kings, expands the traditional themes of each Great House, and asks the question, “Who is truly pulling the strings?” * Are the Lords of the Great Houses the powers to watch? In A Hidden Agenda, the Lords show their appreciation to those who serve them in the form of powerful and inexpensive Favor attachments. * Should the Lords be less concerned with each other and more concerned with Daenerys Targaryen and her three growing dragons? A Hidden Agenda gives new shape to the threat these Dragons pose. * Or are the kingdoms’ advisors the ones who are secretly pulling the strings? You’ll find new Maesters and other schemes coming out of the Citadel. Throughout the Kingsroad cycle, its Chapter Packs have introduced new cards and tactics to blend into formerly established mechanics. Appropriately, A Hidden Agenda concludes with a wide sampling of these mechanics: the Bannerman trait, Shadows, cards at your command, decks without agendas, and the Maester trait. Each offers a different path to power, but only one House can sit the Iron Throne! Masters of Manipulation Wars are fought by archers, footmen, and mounted knights with swords and lances. However, they begin and end according to the designs of the Lords and Ladies with enough talent, cunning, and charisma to manipulate the invisible threads of history and animosity that bind the Great Houses. Indeed, to such individuals, war is merely another tool they can employ to achieve their larger objectives. Other such tools may include espionage, sabotage, marriage, and assassination. One of the most devious of all these characters emerges from the shadows in A Hidden Agenda. Littlefinger (A Hidden Agenda, 112) made his first appearance in the Core Set and then, again, in the King’s Landing cycle Chapter Pack, Secrets and Spies, but as he constantly does in the novels, Littlefinger reveals another aspect of himself in this new version. Core Set Littlefinger (Core Set, 141) represents his role as the wily Master of Coin; he enters play as an Ally and offers additional gold to whichever player controls him, even as he uses his Stealth to maneuver around opponents’ defenses. The Littlefinger from the King’s Landing cycle (Secrets and Spies, 84) represents the quick-witted Lord who plays two rival Houses against each other to his benefit. This new version, however, more fully represents Littlefinger’s personal ambitions and his eye toward an endgame that finds him claiming as much power as possible. Accordingly, the Littlefinger from A Hidden Agenda comes with the Shadows crest as a means of representing the timely revelation of his ambitions. In fact, the player community that worked with the game’s developers at Days of Ice and Fire 2012 didn’t just build that timely reveal into Littlefinger’s Shadows crest; they also built it into his cost. Littlefinger’s cost is reduced by one for each power on an opponent’s House card, meaning that this is a Lord who aims to make his move in the endgame. He is the ultimate underdog and an expert at orchestrating surprising comebacks. At the appropriate moment, he can quickly change the tide of a game, increasing the claim of your plot against any opponent with more power than you. If there’s anything Littlefinger knows how to do well, it’s allying himself to the right House at the right time to advance his personal power... How Will You Claim the Iron Throne? Will you give Littlefinger the power he desires in order to gain his services in your bid for the Iron Throne? Or will you heed the Conclave’s counsel? Perhaps you’ll throw your lot in with Queen Daenerys and her dragons? • The final Chapter Pack in the Kingsroad cycle for A Game of Thrones: The Card Game • Includes such notable schemers as Mace Tyrell, Grand Maester Pycelle, and Littlefinger • As part of the Kingsroad cycle, marks a return to players’ favorite themes • Deliberately light on new rules • Allows players to battle for the Iron Throne with a climactic blend of new twists on established mechanics

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Game of Thrones LCG: SO3 -Called by the Conclave Chapter Pack
Game of Thrones LCG: SO3 -Called by the Conclave Chapter Pack

“The Conclave met in Oldtown behind closed doors, Tyrion knew; its deliberations were supposedly a secret. So Varys has little birds in the Citadel too.” - A Song of Ice and Fire, Volume III: A Storm of Swords Called by the Conclave is the third Chapter Pack in the Secrets of Oldtown expansion cycle for A Game of Thrones: The Card Game! Featuring 60 never-before-seen cards cards (3 copies each of 20 unique cards) designed to augment existing decks and add variety to the A Game of Thrones metagame, this exciting expansion strengthens the Maesters further, as well as the Houses that the Conclave compels them to serve. Introducing new characters to the LCG environment like Maester Murenmure and Galbart Glover, as well as a powerful new version of Magister Illyrio, Called by the Conclave will add new dimensions to your A Game of Thrones experience. This Chapter Pack also features new additions to the developing Chain theme of attachments, including Lead Link and Tin Link - more tools to make your Maesters stronger and craftier than ever. Called by the Conclave adds more variety to each House’s arsenal, including support for House Targaryen’s Dragons, House Martell’s Sandsnakes, a new Warship for House Greyjoy, and much more! • The third Chapter Pack in the Secrets of Oldtown cycle • Focuses on neutral Maesters, but offers options for all Houses • Enhances the deck-building experience for A Game of Thrones: The Card Game • Features three copies each of 20 unique cards (a total of 60 cards)

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Game of Thrones LCG: SS1 -Reach of the Kraken Chapter Pack
Game of Thrones LCG: SS1 -Reach of the Kraken Chapter Pack

The call for naval superiority pervades the Chapter Packs from the A Song of the Sea cycle for A Game of Thrones: The Card Game, especially while the krakens of House Greyjoy sail the coastlines in their longships. Reach of the Kraken kicks off the cycle by introducing a hostof fleets and other characters that make use of new naval challenge enhancement, which allows a character to join a challenge…even after attackers and defenders have been declared! Fantasy Flight Games is proud to announce the upcoming release of Reach of the Kraken, the first Chapter Pack from the A Song of the Sea cycle for A Game of Thrones: The Card Game! As the Great Houses of Westeros play their game of thrones, their battles and bids for power necessitate they maintain strong fleets of warships, lest their opponents find their shores ripe for the picking. Naval superiority is the call of the day, especially while the krakens of House Greyjoy sail the coastlines in their longships. The Chapter Packs from A Song of the Sea introduce the challenge enhancement mechanic to A Game of Thrones, and Reach of the Kraken allows players to make good use of the new naval enhancement. No fewer than ten characters from Reach of the Kraken feature the enhancement, which allows players to have them join a challenge as an action... even after the challenge’s attackers and defenders have been declared! Along with these Smugglers, Captains, and Ironborn, players will be able to get their hands on three new plots, a new agenda, and five powerful new Fleets, one for each House except Martell. Like the Fleet from Pyke (Reach of the Kraken, 5), these new Fleets are powerful seven-strength Armies, each of which features a enhancement on one of its icons, carries the war crest, brings a strong keyword into challenges, plays at a discount if your opponent controls an agenda, and allows you to stand and remove a character from any challenge the Fleet joins as a attacker. Fleet from Pyke Salt, spray, and wind are no strangers to the ironborn of House Greyjoy. Sailing comes as naturally as walking to these ferocious raiders, and though they may have suffered a grievous defeat during Balon’s rebellion against Robert Baratheon, no House dares overlook the potential threat posed by their massed longships. Both the Starks and the Lannisters have sought to make allies of the Greyjoys, in order to employ the strength of their fleet against mutual enemies. However, the ironborn are proud warriors who would rather rule, seizing kingdoms by force, than play the part of good and obedient soldiers who would aid others in their schemes. They are all about what they can claim for themselves. When the deadly Fleet from Pyke assembles, it most likely signals a brutal Greyjoy strike against some part of the Seven Kingdoms. Driving their foes before them, the fleet captains’ Military enhancement allows them to strike a swift and lethal blow after one of Greyjoy’s rivals bite on a feint. While your revealed plot has a high claim value, the Fleet from Pyke can force your opponent into some difficult decisions. Will they allow you to win a challenge with a low-strength character and suffer the deaths, along with potential responses – like The Price of War (Kings of the Sea, 38) – or will they commit enough strength to the challenge to face your fleet? And if they do work to win the challenge, how will they cope with the Fleet’s deadly keyword? We Do Not Sow The krakens of House Greyjoy take pride in their House words: “We Do Not Sow.” Never content to live comfortably under another’s rule, they look to play their part in the game of thrones with their axes and their longships. Soon, the A Song of the Sea cycle will give players of A Game of Thrones: The Card Game new ways to appreciate the naval battles and ship captains from George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire, and when it does, you can expect House Greyjoy to feature prominently.

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Game of Thrones LCG: SS2 -The Great Fleet Chapter Pack
Game of Thrones LCG: SS2 -The Great Fleet Chapter Pack

No House can long maintain a hold upon its lands without a strong fleet to safeguard its shores. The Great Fleet introduces sixty new cards (three copies each of twenty different cards) to A Game of Thrones: The Card Game that add strength and flavor to each House’s naval presence. Warships, captains, and Ironborn hoist their sails to head for battle. Furthermore, three new plots encourage battles for naval superiority and reveal some of what Martell and Targaryen hope to gain from their schemes. • The second Chapter Pack in the new A Song of the Sea Cycle • Continues to develop the new naval challenge mechanic • Features new warships, captains, and Ironborn • Includes 60 cards total; 3 copies each of 20 new cards Additionally, The Great Fleet further establishes the naval () enhancement mechanic that allows players tremendous tactical advantages. Eight of the pack’s new characters possess the enhancement and can join a challenge as an action... even after the challenge’s attackers and defenders have been declared. Paxter Redwyne One of the characters appearing in The Great Fleet commands the largest fleet in Westeros. Paxter Redwyne (The Great Fleet, 21) lends his service to House Lannister as a four-cost Lord and Captain with Intrigue and Power icons, and his Power icon bears the enhancement, making him an extremely versatile attacker or defender during Power challenges. It’s certainly no surprise that a Lord commanding the largest fleet in Westeros should be a versatile challenger during the power struggles of A Game of Thrones: The Card Game. Thematically, a strong fleet not only allows you to safeguard your coastline, but also ensures mobility and trade. Moreover, should you need to flex your muscles and posture a bit, a strong fleet can prove a tremendous bully stick; what it can protect and give to you, it can threaten and take away from others. Still, no matter how large or strong the fleet, it can falter under poor guidance or prosper under a wise Captain. Paxter Redwyne’s design reflects this principle: the better you position him and his fleet, the more they aid your cause. When you win the initiative, Paxter Redwyne allows you to add two gold from the treasury to your gold pool. This makes the Lord and Captain an interesting addition to House Lannister. After all, if there’s one thing the Lannisters know, it’s how to make use of their gold. This is another theme that plays throughout A Game of Thrones: The Card Game and receives more support in The Great Fleet in the form of the Warship, Arbor Queen (The Great Fleet, 22), which can convert spare gold to great strength. Look for Paxter Redwyne, Arbor Queen, and a host of new naval characters and Warships to contest the shores of Westeros when The Great Fleet arrives at retailers everywhere

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Game of Thrones LCG: SS3 -The Pirates of Lys Chapter Pack
Game of Thrones LCG: SS3 -The Pirates of Lys Chapter Pack

The Pirates of Lys is the third Chapter Pack from the A Song of the Sea cycle for A Game of Thrones: The Card Game. As the Great Houses head to sea, The Pirates of Lys develops deep synergies between their characters, events, and locations. The naval challenge enhancement features prominently, appearing on several characters and interacting with new events and locations. Finally, a new agenda promotes the cycle’s themes of naval exploration and encourages radical new deck designs. • The third Chapter Pack in the A Song of the Sea cycle for A Game of Thrones: The Card Game • Develops the naval presence and identity of the Great Houses of Westeros • The naval challenge enhancement features prominently, opening new tactical options • Develops deep synergies between characters, events, and locations • A new agenda promotes naval exploration and encourages radical new deck designs As the tides carry the Great Houses and their fleets further out to sea, the A Song of the Sea cycle continues to give shape to each House’s naval presence with the sixty new cards (three copies each of twenty individual cards) from The Pirates of Lys. The naval challenge enhancement () continues to feature prominently, and players will find deep synergies between the Chapter Pack’s characters, events, and locations. Several cards reward players for winning challenges by four or more total strength. A new agenda encourages radical new deck designs. The Greyjoys and Lannisters cook up new schemes, and House Baratheon looks to hatch intrigues and win power with its burgeoning fleet of Smugglers. Salladhor Saan In his introduction to the A Song of the Sea cycle, lead developer Damon Stone wrote: “The naval challenge enhancement and the cycle’s theme of naval engagements gave me the opportunity to craft a naval identity for each House, one which would play to their strengths but would also give players opportunities to pursue deck builds that stood apart from the traditional favorites.” As for House Baratheon, he wrote that they benefit from an “influx of smugglers, enough to create a new deck type or supplement an existing build.” Featuring prominently among these Smugglers is Salladhor Saan (The Pirates of Lys, 47). The enhancement attached to his Intrigue icon allows the Lyseni pirate to lend his support, and that of his fleet, to Baratheon players caught in the middle of difficult Intrigue challenges. However, seasoned veterans are more likely to be drawn to Salladhor’s response: “After you play a Smuggler character, pay 2 gold to choose and discard from play 1 non-limited location with printed cost 3 or lower.” Since it came out in Tourney for the Hand, Newly Made Lord (Tourney for the Hand, 16) has found its way into many Greyjoy decks due primarily to its ability to force the discard of opponent’s locations. Now, for the price of two gold, Salladhor Saan will allow you to mimic the Newly Made Lord’s ability any time you play a Smuggler. Though the game currently features only one Smuggler, Ser Davos Seaworth (Where Loyalty Lies, 67), the first Chapter Packs from A Song of the Sea will soon provide us more of these cunning sailors. Later, with the release of The Pirates of Lys, we can expect to see Salladhor Saan standing at the helm of any deck that seeks to buy power with a fleet built of Smugglers, mercenaries, and pirates.

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Game of Thrones LCG: SS5 -The Captain's Command Chapter Pack
Game of Thrones LCG: SS5 -The Captain's Command Chapter Pack

Ships and sailors steer the course of history in The Captain’s Command, the fifth Chapter Pack in the A Song of the Sea cycle for A Game of Thrones: The Card Game! Its sixty cards (three copies each of twenty individual cards) allow players to make greater use of the cycle’s new naval challenge enhancement. Players will also find new locations, potent Prayers, powerful blood magic, and the first addition to the game’s melee titles found in the Core Set. • The fifth Chapter Pack in the A Song of the Sea cycle for A Game of Thrones: The Card Game • Continues to develop the cycle’s new naval challenge enhancement • Increases deck-building options with new locations, potent Prayers, and powerful blood magic • Introduces the first new multiplayer title card since the Core Set In The Captain’s Command, ships and sailors steer the course of history. While a fleet of Greyjoy Warships sails to Essos in search of a bold new alliance, the Kraken’s Raiders harass lesser fleets along the coasts of the Seven Kingdoms. Wyman Manderly schemes in White Harbor, dreaming how best to use his naval might to claim vengeance for the loss of his son. Stannis Baratheon barely sustains his claim to the Iron Throne by working with talented Smugglers. In King’s Landing, a new Master of Ships begins the construction of a fleet of ships to replace those lost in the Battle of Blackwater Bay. The sixty cards (three copies each of twenty individual cards) from The Captain’s Command include eight new characters – Raiders, Smugglers, Allies, Knights, and Ladies – that allow players to make greater use of the naval () enhancement. You’ll also find new locations, potent Prayers, and powerful blood magic. Even as the Great Houses ready their navies for war, The Captain’s Command simultaneously transports us across the Narrow Sea to Essos, bringing to life some characters and events inspired by the fourth and fifth books in George R.R. Martin’s beloved fantasy series, A Song of Ice and Fire. Master of Ships While the two-player "joust" format for A Game of Thrones: The Card Game recreates the battles, intrigues, and alliances of A Song of Ice and Fire by allowing players to make three distinct types of challenges, many players feel the game most fully comes to life in its “melee,” the multiplayer format. In a melee, players gain the opportunity to play each other as well as the cards in their hands. They form fragile and fleeting alliances, betray each other, or wait outside the course of battle for a chance to strike. The Core Set comes with six title cards that add further depth and clarity to the melee format, providing mechanics that allow players to gain control over the shifting tides of the dynamic multiplayer environment. While the Kings of the Sea expansion introduced an alternate set of title cards for an alternate melee format, the six Core Set title cards have resided at the center of the melee format, wholly unaltered…until now. The Captain’s Command introduces the neutral Master of Ships, Aurane Waters (The Captain’s Command, 100). Also known as the Bastard of Driftmark, Aurane Waters is a cunning character on his own right, able to join an Intrigue or Power challenge as a challenge action, even outside of the normal sequence for declaring attackers and defenders, because both his icons bear the enhancement. However, the Master of Ships permits you even greater tactical opportunities in a melee. Whenever he would die or be discarded during a melee, he is instead added to the title pool as a seventh title with a game effect that strengthens melee decks built around unique characters: “Once per round name a challenge icon. Until the end of the phase, unique characters you control gain a enhancement on that icon, if able.” Backed by Aurane Waters, your unique characters pose a threat in every challenge, forcing your opponents to think carefully about how much strength they wish to commit. Will they commit just enough to prevent the challenge from going unopposed? Or will you be able to lure them into committing all their available characters to the defense of an early challenge, leaving them exposed for another challenge in the future? Furthermore, as Master of Ships, Aurane Waters provides versatility not only to your characters, but to your ability to challenge other players. While he doesn’t oppose anyone and, therefore, won’t allow you to score extra power for winning any challenges, neither does he support anyone. Like the Crown Regent and Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, the Master of Ships is free to make challenges wherever he wishes. Strength at Sea Aurane Waters is just one of the many cards from The Captain’s Command that allow you to marshal your ships and hold your strength in reserve for key moments. Throughout the A Song of the Sea cycle, players will find characters with the enhancement and a host of cards that support it. In the two-player joust format, as in melee, these characters and cards provide valuable tactical advantages, and you can look forward to launching your fleets at just the right moment.

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Game of Thrones LCG: SS6 -A Journey's End Chapter Pack
Game of Thrones LCG: SS6 -A Journey's End Chapter Pack

The Great Houses of Westeros collide in new battles, intrigues, and power struggles as their long journeys from the A Song of the Sea cycle come to an end. The sixty new cards (three copies each of twenty different cards) in A Journey’s End launch players into heated naval battles and chaotic melees. You’ll find five new Warships, five cards to support the game’s Melee keyword, Mercenary lords, renowned Captains, and three new Prayers for the devout as they call to the Seven for guidance. A Journey’s End also concludes the A Song of the Sea cycle with three new cards to support the naval enhancement. Each of the Great Houses has wagered its future upon a path it hopes will lead toward dominion over the Seven Kingdoms. At A Journey’s End, it is time for you to throw in your lot. Will you wager your shot at the throne upon a whim? Or will you steer a true course – bold, direct, and fearless – as a conquerer come to claim your birthright? At Sea with the Ironborn Among those who seek to claim the Seven Kingdoms by force are the Ironborn of House Greyjoy, and these raiders are the natural beneficiaries of a cycle dedicated to fleshing out each House’s naval presence. The Ironborn rank among the Seven Kingdoms’ greatest and most daring sailors, and their longships afford them tremendous speed and mobility as they harry the coastlands with their attacks. Under the leadership of Euron Crow’s Eye, the Ironborn are no longer content to rule only their islands and the surrounding lands. Instead, they have set sail for destinations far, far from the Iron Islands, and they have turned their attentions toward the conquest of all Westeros. Still, it is one thing to launch a raid against a nation and another thing entirely to occupy and rule it. As the Ironborn extend their reach, they spread their forces thinner and thinner. Will they have enough strength to hold onto all that they take? The key might be how well they can make use of their conquests. The Ten Towers Longship (A Journey’s End, 103) can be of good use, here. Whenever you win a challenge by four or more strength, you can kneel the Ten Towers Longship to seize an event in your opponent’s discard pile and attach it to the Warship for later use. At the right time, then, you can discard an event attached to the Ten Towers Longship to play it as though it were in your hand. In this way, the Ten Towers Longship can win you your opponent’s best events. Do you want to steal your opponent’s A Game of Cyvasse (A Change of Seasons, 57) or He Calls It Thinking (Princes of the Sun, 21)? Did he frustrate you with a Misinformation (The Wildling Horde, 64) that you’d much rather turn against him? Win a challenge, and seize these events from your opponent’s discard pile. Also, because the Ten Towers Longship’s response allows you to stack an event during the resolution of a challenge, you can first stack and then play such cards as Make an Example (Princes of the Sun, 42) and Superior Claim (Kings of the Storm, 47) to give your victory in the challenge an extra punch. The Ten Towers Longship has some less obvious benefits, too. It can kill your opponent’s recursion, serve as a form of hidden card draw, and hold powerful, situational events in a manner that’s safe from your opponent’s intrigue challenges. Finally, in conjunction with Baelor Blacktyde (The Isle of Ravens, 67), the Ten Towers Longship adds a frightening element of event control to House Greyjoy. By limiting the number of events your opponent may play, and by using the best of them against him, you can force your opponent to think very carefully about when he’ll want to use events. You may even scare him from playing them at all until it’s too late… By then, you may have sailed straight into King’s Landing, bolstered by the might of your Ten Towers Longship, as well as the rest of your fleet. How Will Your Journey End? Will your journey end in victory or in tragedy? Will you successfully navigate your way through your opponent’s web of lies and past his allies to best him in battle? As the Great Houses collide, their lords and ladies know only one victor can emerge. After all, in the game of thrones, you win or you die. • The final chapter in the A Song of the Sea cycle for A Game of Thrones: The Card Game • Completes the cycle’s focus on the naval presence of each Great House • Introduces new Warship locations, Mercenaries, and Captains • Finalizes the cycle’s development of the new naval challenge enhancement

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Game of Thrones LCG: WC2 -A Deadly Game
Game of Thrones LCG: WC2 -A Deadly Game

The second Chapter Pack in the Wardens cycle for A Game of Thrones: The Card Game! A Deadly Game continues the main themes of the Wardens cycle, adding new support to trait-based decks and increasing the power of abilities such as the "limited response." In this Chapter Pack, you’ll find powerful Castle plots that trigger their effects upon moving to your used pile, even as Clansman, Dothraki, and Sand Snake decks grow in strength. From the sands of Dorne to the lofty heights of the Eyrie, every House gains new cards to strengthen their claim to the Iron Throne in this Chapter Pack. Meanwhile, at the fortress of Riverrun, House Stark and its allies in House Tully strengthen their defenses and forge their plans to claim power and victory by winning A Deadly Game. Manning the Walls In A Game of Thrones: The Card Game, House Stark has a reputation for its resolute defense. A Deadly Game introduces more cards to help you maintain your defense and establish superiority on the field of battle, beginning with Tytos Blackwood (A Deadly Game, 32). Tytos Blackwood bears two beneficial traits: Lord and House Tully, allowing him to interact with cards like Hoster Tully (Lords of Winter, 21) and Shaggydog (Core Set, 11). Tytos Blackwood’s text, however, is what makes him a boon for your defensive efforts: “Response: After you win a challenge as the defender, move 1 power from the attacking player’s House card to your own.” You don’t need Tytos Blackwood to participate in the challenge to trigger his ability, so long as he’s in play. With Tytos Blackwood on your side, just successfully defending challenges brings power to your House. In addition, he bears both the stealth keyword and the text, “Immune to opponent’s events,” making him an exceptional character for foiling your opponent’s attempts to evade his watchful eyes. As a bonus, Tytos Blackwood gains some House Tully compatriots in the Raventree Elite (A Deadly Game, 33). This Army also possesses the stealth keyword, and grants each of your House Tully characters immunity to your opponent’s triggered effects while participating in a challenge! This wide reaching effect grants you protection from tricks and traps ranging from powerful character abilities to a massive array of events. What’s more, both Tytos Blackwood and the Raventree Elite bear the War crest, meaning they receive plenty of benefits to boost their Strength and enhance their defending power. The Power of Arms (Core Set, 200) gives you a solid Strength boost for a round, and Frozen Outpost (Lords of Winter, 26) is even more potent. And when you choose to attack with your War crest characters, Die by the Sword (Lords of Winter, 47) gives you a way to deplete your opponent’s board and destroy any opposition to your victory. That’s not the end of House Stark’s new tools for enhancing their defenses in A Deadly Game, however. Seagard (A Deadly Game, 34) gives you yet another tool for deterring your opponent’s challenges. You may kneel this location during the challenges phase to choose a defending character, granting that character a higher Strength and the deadly keyword, potentially keeping your key characters from perishing. Even more important, if you win the challenge, you may stand Seagard, allowing you to use it again and again. Join the Game Do you dare to play the game of thrones? Whether you stand on the walls of Winterfell or Riverrun with House Stark, command the winds with House Greyjoy, or lead a khalasar with House Targaryen, you’ll find plenty of cards to aid you within this new Chapter Pack. • The second Chapter Pack in the Wardens cycle for A Game of Thrones: The Card Game • Players can gain powerful, delayed rewards by using Castle plots • New “Limited Response” characters, locations, and events offer players additional decisions • Features new versions of iconic characters and locations, such as Khal Drogo and The Eyrie

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Game of Thrones LCG: WC3 -Valemen
Game of Thrones LCG: WC3 -Valemen

In the struggle to claim the Iron Throne, even those who wait at the periphery of the struggle can have potent effects on the outcome of your battles and intrigues. The Valemen continues the major themes of the Wardens cycle, enhancing the power of trait-based decks, exploring the powerful “limited response” mechanic, and granting more support for some of the game’s most expensive and recognizable characters. You may choose to ride the plains of the Dothraki sea with a horde of Dothraki, defend the Baratheon kings with the Rainbow Guard, or reinforce your walls with the soldiers of House Tully. No matter whom you support in A Game of Thrones: The Card Game, you’ll find the cards you need in The Valemen Chapter Pack. A Viper in the Rocks In addition, this Chapter Pack provides cards that offer more support for the Sand Snakes of Dorne – the illegitimate daughters of Oberyn Martell, the Red Viper. Alone, the Sand Snakes can be overwhelmed, but when combined, there are few who can rival their thirst for vengeance. In A Game of Thrones: The Card Game, you can only trigger one Limited Response each turn. The Valemen Chapter Pack opens new choices for you, providing a Sand Snake with a powerful Limited Response in the person of Nymeria Sand (The Valemen, 48). Nymeria bears the text: “Limited Response: After a Sand Snake character you control is killed, choose and kill a character with an equal or lower printed cost. (Limit 1 limited response per round.)” Nymeria Sand allows you to claim revenge for every Sand Snake death. By choosing and killing a Sand Snake for military claim when Nymeria Sand is in play, you can ensure that your opponent’s characters pay the price for earning the Sand Snakes’ enmity. Of course, Nymeria’s Limited Response requires a Sand Snake to be killed before it can activate. Thankfully, House Martell and the Sand Snakes gain a way to cheat death in the Red Mountain Keep (The Valemen, 51). During the dominance phase, you may kneel Red Mountain Keep to shuffle one of your Sand Snake characters back into your deck from your dead pile, allowing you to play more copies of that character, ensuring the Sand Snakes never stay gone for long. Decks built around the Sand Snakes trait gain another tool for revenge in An Opening Gambit (The Valemen, 49). You may play this event immediately after you lose a challenge to choose a participating Sand Snake character you control. That character gains a power, and if that was the first challenge initiated during the phase, you may stand the character and draw a card! By strategically losing the first challenge of the challenges phase, you can take revenge and easily gain an advantage in power, standing characters, and cards in hand. Exact Your Revenge Whether you take revenge with the Sand Snakes of Dorne, raid and pillage with the clansmen of the Vale, or plot alongside iconic characters such as Euron Crow’s Eye and Ser Ilyn Payne, you’ll find the cards that will bring you to the Iron Throne within The Valemen Chapter Pack. • The third Chapter Pack in the Wardens cycle for A Game of Thrones: The Card Game • Players can gain powerful rewards on their next turn by using Castle plots • New “limited response” characters, locations, and events offer players additional decisions • Features new versions of such iconic characters as Euron Crow’s Eye and Ser Ilyn Payne

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Game of Thrones LCG: Westeros Draft Pack
Game of Thrones LCG: Westeros Draft Pack

Westeros is the second draft pool for A Game of Thrones: The Card Game Draft Play, consisting of 240 randomized cards, including a healthy representation of cards from the Kingsroad and Conquest and Defiance cycles, as well as no fewer than thirty-four preview cards from the Wardens cycle. Additionally, ten different “draft format only” cards ensure that your draft experience will be both truly dynamic and unique. At the heart of the Westeros play experience are its randomized Westeros Draft Packs. Compiled according to a custom algorithm, and drawn from a pool of 240 pre-selected A Game of Thrones: The Card Game cards, each Draft Pack introduces a unique combination of 50 draft cards. Draft Packs are printed and made available to you via Fantasy Flight Games in-house manufacturing. Bring the excitement of draft play to A Game of Thrones: The Card Game! Each player in a Westeros draft will need two separate packs: * One fixed, reusable Westeros Draft Starter pack – rules and 19 essential cards that provide the economic backbone of your deck * One Westeros Draft pack – a selection of 50 randomized cards to be drafted The cards in the Westeros Draft Starter and Draft Pack that are marked “draft only” are only legal within the draft play format. All other Westeros cards can be found in standard A Game of Thrones: The Card Game LCG products and are legal for use in any format. Due to slight differences in production quality, all draft cards used in tournament play must be sleeved in opaque or art sleeves. • The Westeros card pool introduces a markedly different experience than that associated with the Ice & Fire draft pool • Features no fewer than 34 preview cards from the upcoming Wardens cycle of Chapter Packs, as well as 10 “draft format only” cards • Draft play allows players to experience the excitement of a random draft without abandoning the transparency of the Living Card Game format; it does not replace the core LCG model • Each player will need one Westeros Draft Starter and one Westeros Draft Pack to play in this alternate format • All draft cards are clearly identified, and all cards from Draft Starters are clearly distinguished from the rest of the draft pool so they can be reused in multiple drafts • Excepting a few “draft format only” cards, all draft cards will be released in normal LCG products

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18.00 6.30 €
alin hinta 30 päivää ennen alennusta 18.00
Game of Thrones LCG: Westeros Draft Starter
Game of Thrones LCG: Westeros Draft Starter

Westeros is the second draft pool for A Game of Thrones: The Card Game Draft Play, consisting of 240 randomized cards, including a healthy representation of cards from the Kingsroad and Conquest and Defiance cycles, as well as no fewer than thirty-four preview cards from the Wardens cycle. Additionally, ten different “draft format only” cards ensure that your draft experience will be both truly dynamic and unique. The Westeros Draft Starter features 19 fixed cards that serve as the foundations for your Westeros draft decks. An essential mix of House cards, locations, and plot cards accompany rules for draft play and a “draft only” agenda. The Westeros Draft Starter is made available to you via Fantasy Flight Games in-house manufacturing, and you may reuse the contents of your Westeros Draft Starter through any number of Westeros draft events. Bring the excitement of draft play to A Game of Thrones: The Card Game! Each player in a Westeros draft will need two separate packs: * One fixed, reusable Westeros Draft Starter pack – rules and 19 essential cards that provide the economic backbone of your deck * One Westeros Draft pack – a selection of 50 randomized cards to be drafted The cards in the Westeros Draft Starter and Draft Pack that are marked “draft only” are only legal within the draft play format. All other Westeros cards can be found in standard A Game of Thrones: The Card Game LCG products and are legal for use in any format. Due to slight differences in production quality, all draft cards used in tournament play must be sleeved in opaque or art sleeves. • The Westeros card pool introduces a markedly different experience than that associated with the Ice & Fire draft pool • Features no fewer than 34 preview cards from the upcoming Wardens cycle of Chapter Packs, as well as 10 “draft format only” cards • Draft play allows players to experience the excitement of a random draft without abandoning the transparency of the Living Card Game format; it does not replace the core LCG model • Each player will need one Westeros Draft Starter and one Westeros Draft Pack to play in this alternate format • All draft cards are clearly identified, and all cards from Draft Starters are clearly distinguished from the rest of the draft pool so they can be reused in multiple drafts • Excepting a few “draft format only” cards, all draft cards will be released in normal LCG products

      heti saatavilla
6.00 2.10 €
alin hinta 30 päivää ennen alennusta 6.00

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