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Game of Thrones LCG 2: DS1 -The Shadow City Chapter Pack
Game of Thrones LCG 2: DS1 -The Shadow City Chapter Pack

The first Chapter Pack in the Dance of Shadows cycle for A Game of Thrones: The Card Game!

Darkness falls across the world of A Song of Ice and Fire. While Daenerys Targaryen struggles to rule Meereen, conspirators plot her downfall. Jon Snow serves the Night’s Watch as their new Lord Commander, but there are dissidents hidden within his ranks. In the darkling alleys of King’s Landing itself, House Lannister, House Tyrell, and the faith of the Seven clash for control of Westeros. There are shadows everywhere.

The Shadow City marks the beginning of the fifth cycle of Chapter Packs—the Dance of Shadows cycle. Here, you’ll find the story advancing into the pages of A Dance with Dragons and the return of a beloved mechanic from the game’s first edition: shadows. Throughout this expansion and the rest of the cycle, you’ll find characters, locations, attachments, and events emblazoned with the shadow keyword. Assassins, spies, conspirators, and secrets hide in the twilight, ready to spring into view. Every faction must embrace the darkness and the path of shadows—or fade into obscurity.

Shrouded by Shadow
Your battles for the Iron Throne fall into darkness with the advent of the Dance of Shadows cycle and its new keyword, shadow. Before this cycle, most cards in the game were drawn from your deck and remained in one of two spaces: in your hand or in play. The shadow keyword introduces a new place for your most devious, underhanded, and unexpected cards to be played.

For example, we may look at one of the new characters introduced in this expansion: Ser Gerris Drinkwater (The Shadow City, 16). Ser Gerris Drinkwater may seem like a standard character, but his shadow (5) keyword and the dark sigil attached to his gold cost destine him for the game’s most shadowy areas.

Cards that bear the shadow keyword can be played normally by paying their gold cost, or they can be marshaled or setup facedown in the shadows area by paying two gold! Cards in shadows exist in a unique state—separate from your hand and play area and hidden from your opponent’s sight. Though your opponent can see how many cards you have in shadows, he won’t know what they are until you reveal them. Once you’ve played cards into shadows, you can bring them out of shadows as Actions in any phase, at any point during the game. To bring a card out of shadows, you must pay its shadow cost: the number found as part of its shadow keyword.

In other words, you could marshal or setup Ser Gerris Drinkwater in shadows for two gold. Then, at any point in the game, you could take an Action and pay his shadow cost—five gold—to bring him out of shadows and into play!

The advantages of holding cards in shadows are readily apparent. Your cards in shadows almost form a second hand of cards—a place to put cards where they can’t be lost to intrigue claim or discarded to meet reserve. You can setup shadow cards into shadows, potentially improving your setups. And cards in shadows have many similarities to cards with ambush, letting you spring them into play without warning! Unlike the ambush keyword, however, cards in shadows aren’t fettered to the challenges phase. You can bring them into play as an Action in any phase.

And if the inherent benefits of shadows weren’t enough, many shadow cards offer a powerful effect when they come out of shadows! Ser Gerris Drinkwater, to return to our earlier example, lets you choose a card in your plot deck and switch it with a card in your used pile—potentially reusing powerful plots like Valar Morghulis (There Is My Claim, 80) or The First Snow of Winter (No Middle Ground, 79) without cycling through your entire plot deck. If the plot you need is locked in your used pile, Ser Gerris Drinkwater can get you what you need.

A character like Ser Gerris Drinkwater could be played in a deck without any other shadow cards, simply on the strength of his ability alone. But if you’re trying to build a Martell deck based around shadow cards, you’ll want to enter The Shadow City (The Shadow City, 17). This location can, of course, enter the shadows itself, but its true potency is only apparent while it’s in play. First, The Shadow City reduces the cost to marshal your cards into shadows by one—meaning you’ll only pay a single gold to put a card in shadows. And if that weren’t enough, you can kneel The Shadow City and discard a card from shadows to draw two cards!

By giving you both an economic advantage and a way to reliably draw cards, The Shadow City can serve as the linchpin for a Martell deck dedicated to the shadows. You may even use The House with the Red Door (Journey to Oldtown, 39) to ensure you always start the game with The Shadow City in play. After all, four gold is the perfect amount to setup two cards in shadows.

While many shadow cards can be played normally or into shadows, some powerful cards must pass through the shadows, such as Beneath the Bridge of Dream (The Shadow City, 11). Instead of its gold cost, Beneath the Bridge of Dream bears a cost of “—“ to signify that it cannot be played normally. Instead, you must pay two gold to place Beneath the Bridge of Dream facedown into shadows, and pay its shadow cost (in this case, zero gold) to bring it out. These cards offer unusual and powerful effects, such as regaining access to your entire plot deck. You just need a little forethought to marshal these cards into shadows so they’ll be there when you need them.

Darkness Falls
The summer has been long, but winter is coming to Westeros—and with it, the return of shadows to A Game of Thrones: The Card Game. Your games are about to become much darker.

· The first Chapter Pack of the Dance with Shadows cycle
· The shadows mechanic enters the second edition of A Game of Thrones: The Card Game
· Assasssins, spies, and secrets lurk in the shadows, waiting to spring into view
· Characters like Ser Robert Strong and Varamyr Sixskins enter the game for the first time
· Contains sixty new cards (three copies each of twenty distinct cards)

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18.00 €
Game of Thrones LCG 2: KL2 -City of Secrets Chapter Pack
Game of Thrones LCG 2: KL2 -City of Secrets Chapter Pack

The second Chapter Pack in the King’s Landing cycle for A Game of Thrones: The Card Game

Throughout your conquests in A Game of Thrones: The Card Game, you have journeyed to the farthest reaches of Westeros, following those vying for the Iron Throne through George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire series. But in the sixth cycle of the A Game of Thrones: The Card Game, the game steps beyond the page and into the world.

In the King’s Landing cycle, you are no longer tied to a set time, but to a place—the capital of King's Landing. You have approached the grand city and stood before the walls that surround the pit of snakes. Now, you are invited to move past the gates and begin your exploration of the treacherous and majestic city within.

City of Shadows
As A Game of Thrones: The Card Game continues to progress in the King’s Landing cycle, you have the chance to lay new schemes with the continued exploration of the shadows keyword. In every corner of the city, the twisting streets and hidden alleys conceal dangers. Your cards in shadows act as almost a second hand, one protected from intrigue claim and reserve restrictions. There's no telling what traps you have hidden away until you are ready to spring them.

But you are not the only one with their eye set on the capital of the Seven Kingdoms. Threats gather in every corner of the realm, with a new set of events that lurk in the shadows. The Shadow of the South (City of Secrets, 36) lets House Martell steal a challenge icon from a character, while across the Narrow Sea, the Shadow of the East (City of Secrets, 34) gives House Targaryen the chance to destroy one of their opponent’s attachments. Even the Night’s Watch have grown impatient with the meaningless squabbles between Houses and Shadow of the Wall (City of Secrets, 26) lets you stand a character with one or fewer challenge icons.

Each of these events bear a "—" in place of their gold cost, meaning that they can only be played from shadows. But each also has a condition under which you can return the event to your hand, giving you another chance to use its ability in the future. If there is a Scheme plot, like The Long Plan (Taking the Black, 16) revealed, Shadow of the South is returned to your hand, while a Targaryen player may wish to fill their plot deck with Summer cards, and the Night’s Watch waits for Winter plots to divide the weak from the worthy.

No Surprises
Beyond these events that lend each House a tailored advantage, City of Secrets also offers cards that interact with the shadows in new and powerful ways. City of Secrets introduces some characters (found throughout the King's Landing cycle) that can work around their shadow cost, allowing you to spring deadly traps even if you are low on funds. For example, the Red Keep Gaoler (City of Secrets, 27) has a shadow cost of four—but if you'd rather not pay, you can move two power from your faction card to a Baratheon character in order to put the goaler into play. Meanwhile, Cersei and the Lannisters can recall a non-Lannister Ally worth four or more gold to put The Regent's Guard (City of Secrets, 29) into play from shadows.

But even those who don't wish to rely on the underhanded intrigues of King’s Landing find powerful new tools and allies in the City of Secrets. House Stark can ensure that there are No Surprises (City of Secrets, 22) for a round before sending out warriors like the hasty Smalljon Umber (City of Secrets, 21). But perhaps the best way to defeat your secretive enemies is by joining them, engaging in Shadow Politics (City of Shadows, 38). While the card itself can only be played from shadows, one of its greatest uses is to discard a card from the largely protected shadows. But even if your enemy proves a straightforward opponent, this card can still be a worthy addition as you purge five cards from an opponent’s discard pile, or look at your enemy’s hand, reading their plans and forming a counterstrike.

Lies and Treachery
King’s Landing is not a place for the weak of spirit. Do you have what it takes to stand amongst the plotting courtiers of the capital, or will you meet your end in the capital as so many have before you? Assemble your allies, plan your schemes, and prepare to navigate the City of Secrets!

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19.50 €
Night City
Night City

You can hear them moving up fast; faster than your meat legs can carry you. There's a snick as they pop the rippers and move in for the kill; you flatten against the alley wall, and brace your Minami against the slick, slimy stone. It's now or never, you think, slamming back the bolt and offering up a prayer to whatever dark and nameless gods might be listening.

Maybe if you'd known this was Blood Razor turf, you woulda been smart enough to stay clear after dark. Maybe there was another way to get crosstown and infiltrate Arasaka's Japantown base, but you didn't know it. Maybe if you'd stopped to download some info from a dataterm before you walked right into the sharp end, you wouldn't be here now, waiting to become a booster's latest mutilation victim...

But you're never gonna know. Not now. You're not getting a second chance.

Because this is NIGHT CITY.

NIGHT CITY. A monster sourcebook containing over 180 jam-packed pages of information on the definitive CYBERPUNK® setting! Hit the CONTROLLED URBAN ZONES with 3D maps and detailed, building by building descriptions to match. Each section also includes comprehensive overviews of FLOOR PLANS, PERSONALITIES, ENCOUNTERS and CONTACTS. The FLASHMAPS Section puts you "on the spot" at the hottest restaurants, clubs, and theatres, as well as SCHEDULES, TRANSIT MAPS and AREA VIEWS. the ARTICLES Section interfaces you with background on SECURITY, PEOPLE OF THE CITY, GANGS & TURFMAPS, plus a U.S. 2020 overview!

So, if you're looking for the ultimate dark future urban environment, take a trip to NIGHT CITY. because you may not live to get another chance.

This product does not come with the fold-out full color map of Night City included in the original printing.

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22.00 €
Sin City 1: The Hard Goodbye 4th Edition
Sin City 1: The Hard Goodbye 4th Edition


30th Anniversary of Frank Miller's Noir Classic!

The acclaimed crime noir from comics legend Frank Miller is presented at original size with new wrap-around cover art and pinup gallery. This tale of Marv and his angel is steeped in murder, mystery, corruption, and vengeance.

There is no light in a place like Sin City--only misery, crime, perversion . . . But for a single moment, amid the filth and degenerates, the hulking and unstable ex-con Marv has found an angel. She says her name is Goldie--a goddess who has blessed this wretched low-life with a night of heaven. But good things never last--a few hours later, Goldie is dead--murdered by his side without a mark on her body. Who was she? And who wanted her dead? The cops are on their way--it smells like a frame job, and this time, they won't let him live. Whoever killed Goldie . . . is going to pay. Marv's got a soul to send to hell, and it's going to get nasty.

Frank Miller returns to his hit comic opus with original cover art for the fourth editions of the graphic novel series, printed at their original size, beginning with Volume 1 The Hard Goodbye. This volume also includes a new six-page pinup gallery featuring art from Joyce Chin, Amanda Conner, Klaus Janson, Paul Pope, Philip Tan, and Gerardo Zaffino! The seven-page cover and pinup gallery from previous editions is also included, as well as a spread featuring the new wraparound cover art.

Devoted fans and new readers can again experience the groundbreaking and unparalleled noir masterpiece that has engrossed readers for nearly three decades!

Brand new original cover art by Frank Miller!

Includes a new six-page pinup gallery featuring art from Joyce Chin, Amanda Conner, Klaus Janson, Paul Pope, Philip Tan, and Gerardo Zaffino!

Includes 7-page cover and pinup gallery from previous editions, as well as a spread featuring new wraparound cover art.


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32.50 €

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