Unwired (HC)

Unwired (HC)
42.00 €
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Hack the planet!

Unwired is the advanced Matrix rulebook for Shadowrun, Fourth Edition. For everyday users, it explains how the Matrix works in easy-to-understand terms, and provides new software, qualities, and gear. For hackers and technomancers, it introduces new hacking tricks, malware, echoes, and sprites. It also covers system security and new Matrix phenomenon, from AIs to the resonance realms.Unwired contains everything players and gamemasters need for exploring the Matrix in Shadowrun.

• The highly-anticipated hardcover core rules expansion focusing on one of the key new elements of the Sixth World setting: Augmented Reality and the Matrix 2.0.
• Features a deeper look at the introduction and widespread impact of new wireless computer technologies following the Crash 2.0.
• Expands, explores, and explains the hacking and rigging rules presented in the core rulebook.
• Introduces a plethora of new options, tricks, and toys for the casual Matrix user, the hardcore hacker, and the versatile security spider.
• Provides an indepth look at the new denizens of the digital depths: technomancers, sprites, and a whole new generation of synthetic intelligences.

Pages: 208 [Hardcover]

viivakoodi 9781934857083

Catalyst Game Labs
CAT 26004
tullut Fantasiapeleihin

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