Monsters and Other Childish Things: Curriculum of Conspiracy

Monsters and Other Childish Things: Curriculum of Conspiracy
12.00 €
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Osta tämä peli Fantasiapeleistä ja saa sen PDF -versio kaupan päälle!
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Welcome to Spring Crescent Middle School.
It's an overachieving, high-scoring institution, and all the grownups say you're lucky to be there.
Sure you are.

You're the new kid.
With a troublesome monster for a best friend.
And some of those teachers sure have been giving you funny looks.
Don't you feel lucky?

Curriculum of Conspiracy is a complete game setting and adventure for the roleplaying game Monsters and Other Childish Things. Curriculum of Conspiracy features dozens of enemies and potential allies, all of them alternately entertaining and creepy, and plenty of opportunities for monstrous action and suspense.

There's the bell—time for home room. Have a nice first day at school.

Paperback, 8.5" x 11", 56 pages
Written by Ross Payton
Illustrated by Rob Mansperger

viivakoodi 9780972778299

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Arc Dream Publishing
tullut Fantasiapeleihin

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