Savage Worlds: Suzerain -Noir Knights (HC)

Savage Worlds: Suzerain -Noir Knights (HC)
42.00 €
Saatavuus: yli 2-4 viikkoa +/-maailmantilanne (tilauksesta)
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This is the tale of the 1930s Great Depression as you've never experienced it. For Heroic characters who are feeling in a particularly heroic mood, Noir Knights is part of our American Grit realm, where the characters are government agents investigating paranormal activity across a hard boiled film noir America.

Whether it's a cardboard city of hobos protected by magic wards scratched into dumpsters, swampland encounters in Florida backwaters full of unnatural activity, or supernatural conspiracies in Washington D.C.'s corridors of power, the truth is out there. Industry and legend clash in a time of folk heroes, hobo mages, and secret societies.

America is a nation of dust and determination. Ride the rails and prove your mettle.

Inside the covers you'll find:
* Everything you'll need to run games in a supernatural 1930s.
* Many new character options including new Edges, Hindrances and Powers.
* Weather-manipulating wizards, taxidermist reanimating priests, and railwalker hobo magic users -all as playable options!
* All the possibilities of the X-Files with femmes fatales and four-color G-men thrown in.
* 30 scenarios including a full plot-point campaign taking characters from Heroic rank to the brink of becoming demigods.

Size: Hardback book, 8.5" x 11", 144 pages
Interior Art: Full colour
Author: Stuart Gorman, Curtis and Sarah Lyon.

viivakoodi 9781907204739

Cubicle 7 Entertainment
CB7 5608
tullut Fantasiapeleihin

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