Red Dragon Inn: Gambling? I'm In!

Red Dragon Inn: Gambling? I'm In!
26.00 €
Saatavuus: yli 4 viikkoa +/-maailmantilanne (tilauksesta)
Voit varata tuotteen ostoskorin kautta.
Tuotteen toimitus alkaen 3 eur. Huomaa alemmat kulut 40 euron ostoksesta alkaen. Postikululaskuri

The Red Dragon Inn: Gambling I'm In! is a game about the games that the heroes play when they gamble at the Red Dragon Inn. Now, players of The Red Dragon Inn, The Red Dragon Inn 2 and the upcoming Red Dragon Inn 3 can play out an actual round of gambling when they play the "Gambling? I'm In!" card! Even better, the gambling games also can be played on their own as standalone games, or as part of your RPG, or LARP.

The game will come with a 93 card Rogues and Warriors Deck, a bunch of 6 sided dice, coin tokens, debt and loan tokens and rules for at least 7 games! Some of the games use dice. Some of the games use cards from the Rogues and Warriors Deck, and some of the games use dice and cards.

The Rogues and Warriors Deck
* The Rogues and Warriors Deck contains 90 cards, which are divided into 6 sets of 15 cards each.
* Each set contains 1 Warrior, 2 Ladies, 3 Bards, 4 Merchants, and 5 Rogues. So, when drawing, you only have a 1-in-15 chance of drawing a Warrior, but a 5-in-15 (or 1-in-3) chance of drawing a Rogue!
* Each set of 15 cards has an animal "suit" associated with it: Hawk, Wolf, Owl, Horse, Wren or Hare.
* In addition, there are 3 optional Dragon Cards, one of each color, which can be used. Each game lists variant rules for using Dragon Cards.

The Games
1. Rogues and Warriors - a quick, simple card game with a bluffing element
2. Threes - a dice game in which players bet on who will have the lowest total
3. King's Council - a hand-building card game in which players try to assemble the best group of advisors to the king
4. Jack of All Trades - a game in which players try to get rid of all of their cards or dice
5. Three Kingdoms - a hand-building card game in which players try to align themselves with the winning side in an epic war
6. Den of Thieves - a hand-building card game in which players try to attract the most profitable clientele to their inn
7. Dragon Hordes - a wagering game based on guessing the next card that will be revealed
8. City Square - a city-building card game where a city's score depends on how districts develop in relation to each other
9. The Wheel - a hand-building card game with cooperative elements

Using Gambling I'm In! with The Red Dragon Inn
Whenever a player plays "Gambling! I'm In!" to start a Round of Gambling, they may choose a game from The Red Dragon Inn: Gambling! I'm In! That game is played rather than a standard Round of Gambling.

During the Round of Gambling, players will be able to use Gambling and Cheating Cards to influence the outcome of the game! When the round is over, the player who wins the gambling game wins the Round and collects the anted gold.

viivakoodi 9780976914488

Slugfest Games
SFG 010
tullut Fantasiapeleihin

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