Flash 05: Dead Heat

Flash 05: Dead Heat
19.50 €
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Tuotteen toimitus alkaen 3 eur. Huomaa alemmat kulut 40 euron ostoksesta alkaen. Postikululaskuri

In THE FLASH: DEAD HEAT, the ruthless Savitar attempts to take control of the Speed Force, an indefinable energy field that is the source of all speedsters' powers. Learning that every one of his allies, including Impulse and Jesse Quick, has lost their speed, the Flash rushes to take on this new menace. But when the Scarlet Speedster confronts Savitar, he learns that his enemy has diligently studied the Speed Force and can use it in ways that Flash never dreamed of. Up against a foe who is more than his equal, Flash's only chance of victory now lies in the desperate self-sacrifice of one of his dearest friends.

Collects issues 108-111

DC Universe / 138pg. / Color / Softcover

DC Comics
Käsikirjoitus: Mark Waid
Kuvitus: Oscar Jimenez, Humberto Ramos, Jose Marzan, Jr., and Wayne Faucher

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