Savage Worlds: Zeeks -Psionics in 2088

Savage Worlds: Zeeks -Psionics in 2088
18.00 €
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Source book for Interface Zero

Wanna Play Some Mind Games?
When Hernando Vasquez walked into the North American Coalition embassy in Madrid and torched everything just by glaring at it, everybody knew: zeeks are among us. Some people hate 'em; some people love 'em. And make no mistake about it, tomo, that means most people either want to shoot them or use them to their own ends. But then I suppose that just makes life more interesting, ne?

Have You Got What It Takes?
Zeeks: Psionics In 2088 gives you an opportunity to explore the subculture of zeeks, either as a GM wanting to incorporate them into your game or a player wishing to play a psychic character. Whether you want to have a full-blown campaign focusing on the tumultuous world of psions, or just know what might be lurking back there in the shadows, we've got your back —everything from the Psi-Hunters who stalk zeeks to the fringe cults that worship them.

In this book you'll find:
* Loads of information about psions and how they fit into the world of Interface Zero.
* Rules for creating psionic characters for Interface Zero, including new Edges, Hindrances and Powers.
* A new system for Savage Psionics, without the Power Points – and still Fast, Furious and Fun!
* More occupations for your characters, as well as new goodies from Malmart. Two complete Savage Tales and a half-dozen plot hooks to help bring zeeks into your game.
* Stats for new NPC friends and enemies, as well as stats for a few… other things.

This is an expansion for Savage Worlds Interface Zero, and not a stand-alone setting.

Size: Soft cover book, 8.5" x 11", 144pp
Interior Art: Black and White/Greyscale
Authors: Curtis and Sarah Lyon

viivakoodi 9780857440723

Cubicle 7 Entertainment
CB7 6702
tullut Fantasiapeleihin

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