Runner's Black Book 2074

Runner's Black Book 2074
48.00 €
Saatavuus: yli 2-4 viikkoa +/-maailmantilanne (tilauksesta)
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This book expands on Shadowrun’s collection of gear by introducing new guns, vehicles, weapons, and military gear. It follows the successful Runner’s Black Book published in September 2011.

Asking a shadowrunner if they really need another gun is like asking someone if they need all that oxygen floating around them. Are you ever going to use all that air? Maybe not. But you’re sure as hell not going to be one of those suckers who’s going to be caught short.

Runner’s Black Book 2074 is about options, giving runners more choices of guns, weapons, vehicles, and other gear so that they can build a load out that suits them. Whether they want bleeding-edge gear built for those fighting the world’s latest wars or classic vehicles that have stood the test of time—or old crap they can get for cheap—Runner’s Black Book 2074 has what they need.

Collecting gear from digital products Gun H(e)aven 2, Used Car Lot, MilSpec Tech 2, and Euro War Antiques, along with exclusive material for this book, Runner’s Black Book 2074 contains full-color illustrations, detailed descriptions, and complete game statistics for each item. It’s an essential resource for runners looking to do some shopping—or to learn more about the guns that might be pointed at them in the near future.

* Provides a range of new gear, from bleeding-edge weapons and military gear to older vehicles and guns that may appeal to shadowrunners on a budget.
* Combines four PDF products—Gun Heaven 2, Used Car Lot, Mil Spec Tech 2, and EuroWar Antiques. The original Gun Heaven and Mil Spec Tech were two of the best selling PDFs in Shadowrun history.
* Provides details, game statistics, and full-color illustrations for every piece of equipment in the book.
* Includes updated information and content exclusive to the print edition of these products.
* Offers plot hooks in the descriptions of the items that can inspire ideas for encounters, adventures, and campaigns.
* Expands the history of the Sixth World by detailing gear that has been used in past years.
* Brings favorite pieces of gear from previous editions of Shadowrun into Shadowrun, Twentieth Anniversary Edition.

Requires Shadowrun, Twentieth Anniversary Edition

viivakoodi 9781936876266

Catalyst Game Labs
CAT 26105
tullut Fantasiapeleihin

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