Dungeon Crawl Classics 82: Bride of the Black Manse

Dungeon Crawl Classics 82: Bride of the Black Manse
12.00 €
Saatavuus: yli 4 viikkoa +/-maailmantilanne (tilauksesta)
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Tuotteen toimitus alkaen 3 eur. Huomaa alemmat kulut 40 euron ostoksesta alkaen. Postikululaskuri

A Level 3 Adventure for DCC RPG

Centuries past, Lady Ilse ascended to scion of House Liis by trading the archdevil Mammon what he wanted most: her immortal soul – and a diabolical betrothal. The triumph proved hollow, for every year on the eve of her fell covenant, she was beset by visions of Mammon and her foul promise. Seeking to save herself, she was buried alive, swaddled in the holy symbols of a dozen divergent faiths. This desperate ploy held Mammon at bay for centuries…but a devil can afford to wait a very long time.

After hundreds of years, the last of the holy wards has fallen. The devil has come to collect his due. Tonight a storm crashes against the ancient manor house and forgotten spirits rise from the muck and mire. The fallen belfry tolls once more, announcing the hellish fete. As the adventurers arrive to explore the Black Manse, Mammon calls for his winsome bride. He will leave with a soul at the end of the night. The only question is: Whose?

Bonus Adventure: This module also includes the bonus adventure Blood for the Serpent King, by Edgar Johnson! In this level 2 adventure, the legendary Emerald Cobra returns. Danger awaits in his mysterious trap-filled jungle crypt, where his fabled crown is a treasure worth dying for!

16 pages

Writer: Harley Stroh, with bonus adventure by Edgar Johnson
Cover Art and Cartography: Doug Kovacs

viivakoodi 9781946231178

Goodman Games
GMG 5083

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