Ice Dragon: An Illustrated Novel (HC)

Ice Dragon: An Illustrated Novel (HC)
19.50 €
Saatavuus: heti nouto- / postitilauksena
Tuotteen toimitus alkaen 3 eur. Huomaa alemmat kulut 40 euron ostoksesta alkaen. Postikululaskuri

A tale of courage and sacrifice set in the world of the bestselling series A Song of Ice and Fire, basis for HBO's megahit Game of Thrones.

The ice dragon was a creature of legend and fear, for no man had ever tamed one. When it flew overhead, it left in its wake desolate cold and frozen land. But Adara was not afraid, for Adara was a winter child, born during the worst freeze that anyone could remember. She could not remember the first time she had seen the ice dragon. It seemed that it had always been in her life. In her fourth year she touched it, in her fifth year she rode upon its broad back for the first time. Then, in her seventh year, on a calm summer day, fiery dragons from the North swooped down upon the peaceful farm that was Adara's home. And only a winter child, and the ice dragon who loved her, could save her world from utter destruction.

HC, 6x9, 112pgs, B&W

viivakoodi 9780765378774

Song of Ice and Fire, Game of Thrones
Käsikirjoitus: George R. R. Martin
Kuvitus: Luis Royo
tullut Fantasiapeleihin

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