Shadowrun: Crossfire Character Expansion Pack 2 -Street Legends

Shadowrun: Crossfire Character Expansion Pack 2 -Street Legends
19.50 €
Saatavuus: yli 2-4 viikkoa +/-maailmantilanne (tilauksesta)
Voit varata tuotteen ostoskorin kautta.
Tuotteen toimitus alkaen 3 eur. Huomaa alemmat kulut 40 euron ostoksesta alkaen. Postikululaskuri

Shadowrunners are nothing if not individuals and Character Expansion Pack 2 gives you plenty to use in your Shadowrun: Crossfire game. It includes a new set of upgrade stickers, adding options for making the exact character you envision, five street legend cards for players who want to leap into the shadows with a head start, and 20 standard character cards with new art for players designing runners from the ground up. You can hit the streets ready to take down any obstacles that dare rear their heads.

• Immediate expandability to Shadowrun: Crossfire with 20 new runner cards featuring new art
• Includes five Street Legend characters (one per major metatype)
• Comes with full set of new stickers included in the Shadowrun: Crossfire High Caliber Ops Expansion

viivakoodi 9781942487371

Catalyst Game Labs
CAT 27702
Deckbuilding game
tullut Fantasiapeleihin

summittainen saatavuus liikkeissä

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