
123.50 €
Saatavuus: yli 2-4 viikkoa +/-maailmantilanne (tilauksesta)
Voit varata tuotteen ostoskorin kautta.
Tuotteen toimitus alkaen 0 eur. Postikululaskuri

Vengeance is a miniatures board game that embodies the essence of pulp revenge movies like Kill Bill, Old Boy, John Wick and the like.

You play a hero that has been left for dead by shady underworld gangs, out to avenge yourself. You win by building your hero up into an unstoppable killing machine, mowing down the villains who wronged you, bursting into their bosses’ dens to lay down your vengeance upon them in action-packed fight sequences. These are resolved through a dice-based system that is more puzzle than dungeon crawl, yet is highly evocative of the action sequences it abstracts.

Vengeance is a fast paced game where 1-4 players compete to avenge themselves on the baddies that wronged them. While competitive in nature the game also has a collaborative feel, as players work towards the common goal of eliminating the gangs that plague their city.

Vengeance alternates between montage turns and fight turns. In montage turns, players heal and upgrade their heroes through new abilities and items. They also go out scouting gang dens to find the bosses who wronged them and take revenge on them in the fight turn.

The fight turn is the heart of the game. Players pick one of the scouted gang dens containing a boss who has wronged them and burst into the gang den to exact bloody revenge. Players gain VPs for killing the boss, clearing the den from all the minions or, for maximum points, both. Players have three turns to do this and get out of the den in one piece.

* 80 miniatures
* 80 base clips
* Turn Marker
* 18 custom dice
* 3 game boards
* 5 hero boards
* 28 ability tiles
* 16 item tiles
* 12 double-sided den boards
* 45 montage cards
* 40 vengeance cards
* 20 boss cards
* 4 gang cards
* 4 reference cards
* 5 solo mission cards
* 5 mission cards
* 15 achievement cards
* 60 wooden cubes
* 12 wooden player markers
* 24 wild tokens
* 24 recon tokens
* 20 objective tokens
* One 3 minute fight timer
* Rulebook
* Quickstart guide

1-4 players
Ages 14+
30 minutes per player

GreenBrier Games
tullut Fantasiapeleihin

summittainen saatavuus liikkeissä

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