Phantom -Complete Newspaper Dailies 14: 1956 -1957 (HC)

Phantom -Complete Newspaper Dailies 14: 1956 -1957 (HC)
78.00 €
Saatavuus: noin 2+ viikkoa +/-maailmantilanne (tilauksesta)
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The critically acclaimed, best selling complete reprint of The Phantom continues!

The Phantom set the standard for action, adventure, intrigue, and romance in adventure comic strips and comic books; it has frequently been copied but never equaled.

Included in this volume are seven complete continuities, reprinted for the first time in their entirety, "The Shoplifters," "The Heavyweight Champion", "Wambo the Gambler," "The White Princess," "The Valley of No Return," "The Crown Jewels of Corba," and "The Scorpia." <> Strips from this issue are taken directly from King Feature's proofs.

HC, 9x13, 272pgs, B&W

Hermes Press
Käsikirjoitus: Lee Falk
kuvitus: Wilson Mccoy

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