Star Wars X-Wing: TIE Reaper Expansion Pack

Star Wars X-Wing: TIE Reaper Expansion Pack
46.50 €
Saatavuus: heti
Tuotteen toimitus alkaen 0 eur. Postikululaskuri

Fully compatible with 2.0

Engineered as a high-performance troop transport for in-atmosphere missions, the TIE reaper also made its debut in Rogue One. Equipped with advanced ailerons for precise atmospheric maneuvering, thick armor plating, powerful laser cannons, and the capacity to carry elite infantry, this menacing vessel struck fear into Rebel forces across the galaxy.

Any TIE reaper that you choose to fly in your squadron packs a potent strike, rolling three attack dice as its primary weapon attack. A TIE reaper is not especially agile, leaving it with only a single defense die, but with six hull and two shields, these starships are durable enough to stick around on the battlefield. In fact, TIE reapers bring something quite special to your Imperial X-Wing squadrons. This ship bears the unusual jam action that lets you jam nearby ships and prevent them from using a focus, evade, or target lock—opening a wealth of tactical opportunities when you’re building your squad or flying into battle.

Due to its primary nature as a troop carrier, it makes perfect sense that the TIE reaper has two crew upgrades as its upgrade slots. You may choose to fly Emperor Palpatine himself into combat in a TIE reaper, or you may use it as it was first deployed in Rogue One: to carry Director Krennic’s Death Troopers into combat. Death Troopers take up both of the TIE reaper’s crew upgrades, but they give you an undeniable reward for coming into close combat. The Death Troopers card reads, “After another friendly ship at Range 1 becomes the defender, if you are inside the attacker’s firing arc at Range 1-3, the attacker receives 1 stress token.” By dumping more stress onto your opponent’s ships, you’re limiting their options and giving yourself a better chance of coming out victorious.

In the TIE Reaper Expansion Pack, you’ll find the pre-painted TIE reaper miniature, four different ship cards, eleven upgrade cards, a maneuver dial, and all the other tokens that you need to bring the Empire’s deadliest troopers into the heat of battle.

Fantasy Flight Games
tullut Fantasiapeleihin

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