RuneQuest: Gamemaster Screen Pack

RuneQuest: Gamemaster Screen Pack
36.00 €
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Guide your players into a World of Adventure!

The RuneQuest Gamemaster Screen Pack is an essential play aid for RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha gamemasters, packed with useful references and materials to launch any new campaign, or add to an existing one.

All Important Rules, Charts, References, and Maps in one Place!

The RuneQuest Gamemaster Screen Pack is an essential play aid for gamemasters of RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha. The gamemaster screen itself is a landscape four-panel screen, 34-inches wide, with a gorgeous illustration of the famed Gods Wall facing the players, and all manner of important references and summaries of key rules on the gamemaster’s side.

Included with the screen is a full-color, 128-page Adventures Book. The first half of this book is a description of the Colymar tribal lands, led by Queen Leika Blackspear, detailing the fortress city of Clearwine and its important denizens. Nearby is Apple Lane, a small village beset with huge problems. Its residents and surroundings are described in detail, making it a perfect location for gamemasters to base RuneQuest campaigns in, establishing the adventurers in a renowned yet manageable hamlet with ample opportunity for great adventure.

The latter half of the Adventures Book includes three ready-to-play scenarios set in Apple Lane and lands nearby. The first adventure, Defending Apple Lane, pits the adventurers against a savage band of fearsome raiders. Cattle Raid, the second adventure, sends the adventurers to protect a sacred herd of cattle, a seemingly simple task that grows all-too-complex when tribal politics come into play. The last of these adventures, The Dragon of the Thunder Hills, involves dragon magic and old ghosts. Finally, a four-page group of rumors gives ample grist for potential adventure inspiration, and two pages of adventure seeds are ready to be fleshed out into full adventures or run as interesting interludes.

Additional materials include a 20-page reference booklet full of charts and references for ease of play, a 16-page full-color Gloranthan calendar, seven ready-to-play pregenerated adventurer characters, regular and deluxe adventurer sheets, squad and a non-player character sheets, as well as full-color fold-out maps of Apple Lane, Clearwine, Dragon Pass, and the world of Glorantha itself.

* The Gamemasters Screen Pack is more than justt a screen, containing a 128-page Adventures Book, a 20-page reference booklet, adventurer sheets, and three full-color maps.
* The Gamemaster Screen itself is mounted on thiick hardcover stock and folds out to 34 inches, 8.5 inches tall.
* The three adventures are loosely linked and suuitable for beginning or experienced adventurer characters.
* The evocative artwork on the screen helps sett the mood for RuneQuest games, illustrating many of the famous gods and demigods of Glorantha.

* A beautiful four-panel full-color gamemaster's screen
* 128-page full-color adventure book
* 20-page full-color reference booklet
* 16-page full-color Gloranthan calendar
* Amazing full-color maps (some fold-out) - Apple Lane, Clearwine, Colymar Tribes, Dragon Pass, South Peloria
* "Artisan" (full colour) and regular (suitable for B&W printing) RuneQuest adventurer sheets
* Non-player character and squad character sheets

viivakoodi 9781568825045

CHA 4029
tullut Fantasiapeleihin

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