DC Gallery: Superman the Animated Series -Supergirl PVC Figure

DC Gallery: Superman the Animated Series -Supergirl PVC Figure
58.50 €
Saatavuus: yli 4 viikkoa +/-maailmantilanne (tilauksesta)
Voit varata tuotteen ostoskorin kautta.
Tuotteen toimitus alkaen 0 eur. Postikululaskuri

DST is finally entering the world of the DC Animated Universe! Their first release takes them all the way to Metropolis, the home of Superman: The Animated Series - and the adopted home of Superman's cousin from Krypton, Super girl! Super girl rests atop a rocky outcropping, ready to hurl herself at the next foe to threaten her cousin or her favorite city.

Measuring approximately 9 inches tall atop her sculpted base, Super girl comes packed in a full-color window box, and is in scale with other Femme Fatales PVC statues. Sculpted by Steve Varner Studios.

Diamond Select Toys

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