Battlefield in a Box - Galactic Warzones: Defense Turrets (30mm)

Battlefield in a Box - Galactic Warzones: Defense Turrets (30mm)
22.00 €
Saatavuus: epävarma
Voit varata tuotteen ostoskorin kautta.
Tuotteen toimitus alkaen 3 eur. Huomaa alemmat kulut 40 euron ostoksesta alkaen. Postikululaskuri

Galactic Warzones is a new series of Battlefield in a Box terrain for Sci-Fi tabletop battles. No matter if your battles take place on nearby worlds in the near future or a long time ago in far away galaxies, these terrain pieces will turn your tabletops into battlefields worth fighting over. Look for new terrain sets from GF9 all summer long, as our tour of intergalactic venues takes us from harsh desert colonies to fortified industrial installations.

On the unforgiving sands of desert worlds, settlers construct buildings from local materials that maintain a cool interior temperature in the blistering heat and radiate comfortable warmth during the cold nights. These durable structures can last for generations and are often the sites of pitched battles between settlers and raiders determined to control of these desert homesteads.

The second wave of releases provides your sci-fi enviroments with powerful technology to ensure your forces survival. The massive Power Generator harnesses alien energies to power your encampments, drive your industries, or charge durable planetary shields. Each Generator set comes with a Coupling so you can connect multiple Generators together to create a large installation. Defense Turrets are the perfect emplacements to protect your territories with two powerful cannons. Finally, Objectives accents your battlefield with three tech objects for your forces to defend or claim; a security desk, a holographic projector, and a command table.

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