Punisher Epic Collection 2: Circle of Blood

Punisher Epic Collection 2: Circle of Blood
52.00 €
Saatavuus: noin 2+ viikkoa +/-maailmantilanne (tilauksesta)
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The Punisher goes solo!

After years making life complicated for Spider-Man, Daredevil and more, the Marvel Universe's deadliest vigilante fires his way into his own series - beginning behind bars!

Find out exactly who Frank Castle is as he makes his way back out of prison - and renews his bloody war on crime! Gangsters, drug dealers and other lowlifes beware!

These are the formative solo adventures that defined the world of the Punisher - establishing his alliance with Microchip, rivalry with Jigsaw and more! From taking on terrorists to massacring the mob to attacking an assassins guild, the Punisher's mission never ends - but when he crosses paths with the Man Without Fear, will their renewed grudge match turn deadly?

Collecting PUNISHER (1986) #1-5, PUNISHER (1987) #1-10, DAREDEVIL (1964) #257 and MARVEL GRAPHIC NOVEL: PUNISHER - ASSASSIN'S GUILD. 504pgs

Marvel Comics
Käsikirjoitus: Steven Grant, Etc
kuvitus: Mike Zeck, Etc

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