Peanuts: Every Sunday Box Set 1970 (HC)

Peanuts: Every Sunday Box Set 1970 (HC)
110.50 €
Saatavuus: noin 2+ viikkoa +/-maailmantilanne (tilauksesta)
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We are proud to present a deluxe slipcased boxed set of Peanuts Every Sunday volumes five and six, showcasing an entire decade of Schulz's 50-year opus, one of his most creatively fruitful!

The fifth volume, Peanuts Every Sunday: 1971-1975, welcomes two new members to the cast of Peanuts: the bookish Marcie and the strip's youngest character, Rerun Van Pelt!

The sixth volume, Peanuts Every Sunday: 1976-1980, showcases Schulz at his philosophical and illustrative peak. Linus, Charlie Brown, Pig-Pen, Shermy, Violet, Sally, Patty, and Schroeder are all present, as is the burgeoning international superstar, Snoopy.

576pgs, FC

Fantagraphics Books

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