Doctor Who: Twelfth Doctor Sourcebook

Doctor Who: Twelfth Doctor Sourcebook
48.00 €
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This Sourcebook explores the Twelfth Doctor's adventures on Earth and beyond. With detailed information on all the allies, enemies, aliens and gadgets they encounter, as well as examining each adventure, the book contains a wealth of material for the Doctor Who Roleplaying Game, and is also a fact-packed resource for fans of the show!

Gifted a new series of regenerations after rescuing the home-world they once thought they doomed, the Doctor barreled back into action. With a new lease of life and not a second to waste, the Doctor returned ready to save the universe, whether it wanted it or not. Duel with Robin Hood, journey to the center of a Dalek, outfox deadly two-dimensional killers, meet the Master's capricious new incarnation, and tell all of them to shut up!

Just one question... Do you happen to know how to fly this thing?

* Over 30 adventures detailing the daring exploits of the Twelfth Doctor.
* Spin offs, suggestions, and Game Master's guides to running the game in the Twelfth Doctor's era.
* In-depth data on the Twelfth Doctor, his companions, and every enemy they faced.
* Rules for new gear and gadgets, as well as ideas for including them in your games.
* High quality stills, info, and images from the show.

viivakoodi 9780857443335

Cubicle 7 Entertainment
CB7 1131
tullut Fantasiapeleihin

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