Magical Kitties Save the Day! Mars Colony

Magical Kitties Save the Day! Mars Colony
18.00 €
Saatavuus: noin Joulukuu 2022
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An adventure and setting book for Magical Kitties Save the Day.

When colonists traveled to Mars, of course their magical kitties came with them! Now the kitty krew is ready to stretch your paws, and there’s a whole planet’s worth of new adventures waiting!

But problems are tougher on the Red Planet. The Martian landscape is dangerous and riddled with strange magic. And inside the colony’s domes, their humans seem to run into a new problem for each one the kitties solve. With a growing colony and overwhelmed humans to take care of, the kitties had better be ready to save the day!

* An out-of-this-world hometown adventure and setting book takes the magical kitty krew to Mars.
* Fully compatible with Magical Kitties Save the Day, an RPG of cute, fierce kitties.
* Includes a gorgeous full-color poster map to keep players curious and engaged.

Softcover, 9.25 x 9.25 in, saddle-stitched, 32-page full color book with poster map bound inside.

viivakoodi 9781589782068

Atlas Games
ATG AG3116

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