Zombie Princess and the Enchanted Maze

Zombie Princess and the Enchanted Maze
48.00 €
Saatavuus: heti nouto- / postitilauksena
Tuotteen toimitus alkaen 0 eur. Postikululaskuri

Build and navigate a treacherous hedge maze by placing and rotating maze tiles, retrieve your key, and escape before the Zombie Princes catches and turns you!

Once upon a time, she was looking for love...

Now she’s looking for lunch!

As a knight, you are bound by chivalry to rescue the trapped princess. However, this princess is a zombie! And she is roaming free in an enchanted maze. Get to the other side to grab a key and race to the castle — before becoming a zombie yourself!

A competitive game of tile placement, as you build out the maze by playing tiles and changing the paths within the maze by rotating tiles. Your goal is to get to your key on the other side of the maze while avoiding the Zombie Princess – or even any Zombie Knights. Of course, you may have helped create those Zombie Knights by arranging a convenient path for the princess to get that knight.

A lighthearted game of undeath awaits you in Zombie Princess and the Enchanted Maze!

2-5 Players
45-60 Min
Age: 10+

WZK 87514
tullut Fantasiapeleihin

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