Freight Cars

Freight Cars
36.00 €
Saatavuus: heti nouto- / postitilauksena
Tuotteen toimitus alkaen 3 eur. Huomaa alemmat kulut 40 euron ostoksesta alkaen. Postikululaskuri


Fill your cars with Tetris-style freight pieces and make deliveries faster and more efficiently than your competition to win.

Freight Cars is set in the not-so-distant future where corporations have superseded governments for global control. With the dawn of improved mag-lev technology, competition on the high speed railways of America is fierce.

Players take the helm of a grand shipping company delivering produce to the north, lumber to the south, and oil and coal coast to coast. Profit is the name of the game as players strive to earn the most credits, but only one player will make the right deliveries to earn enough credits to win the day!

In Freight Cars, your goal is to earn the most credits by efficiently shipping trainloads of goods, satisfying the demands of America’s cities, and taking advantage of your Corporation’s specialty.

After setting up the main play area, each player then manages their own tableau of freight as the operations of their chosen corporation. By carefully selecting freight cars among those available to everyone at the table, you can reallocate freight in a “Tetris”-like fashion—once the car is full, it hits the rails, and you score points for your company!

Credits are earned by:
* Shipping trains of loaded freight cars
* Claiming City Demand bonuses
* Satisfying conditions of your Corporation card

Do you have what it takes to become the future’s next major rail tycoon and steam your competition? Find out in Freight Cars!

* 84 Tarot-Size Masterpiece Cards
* 54 Inspiration Cards
* 48 Voting Tokens
* 108 Victory Point Tokens
* Rules Insert & Variant Card

2–4 Players
20–45 Min
Age: 8+

Quick Simple Fun
QSF 177638
tullut Fantasiapeleihin

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