Bofors AA Troop

Bofors AA Troop
41.00 €
Saatavuus: noin 2+ viikkoa (tilauksesta)
Voit varata tuotteen ostoskorin kautta.
Tuotteen toimitus alkaen 0 eur. Postikululaskuri

Contains three resin trucks and three plastic Bofors AA Gun sprues, complete with crews and ground mounts, so you can switch between the self-propelled or the towed version.

Looking at the stats for both versions, they have a 4+ save. The 40mm AA Gun has a range of 24” with AT7 and FP4+ making it useful for taking on light armoured, infantry and gun teams. Take a full complement of six and you can put out 18 dice whilst stationary or 12 dice on the move! The self-propelled version, being truck mounted, is relatively slow with an 8” tactical and terrain dash, 14” cross country dash, and impressive 36” road dash with a 5+ cross check. The towed version can be manhandled either 2” with a terrain dash or 4” with a cross country or road dash and cross check of 6. If you take the towed version, you may want to grab a Soft Transport command card for +1pt so you have the option to move them during the game if needed. Hey, then you can use the trucks in the box to do that!

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Battlefront Miniatures
Toinen maailmansota
tullut Fantasiapeleihin

summittainen saatavuus liikkeissä

Muistathan että voit varmistaa saatavuuden varaamalla tai noutotilaamalla tuotteen. Aloita laittamalla tuote ostoskoriin ja seuraa korin päälle tulevia ohjeita, jos tuote on varattava, tai etene kassalle, jossa pääset valitsemaan noutopisteen. Lue tästä lisää: noutotilaamisesta.

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