Around the World Fluxx

Around the World Fluxx
24.00 €
Saatavuus: epävarma
Voit varata tuotteen ostoskorin kautta.
Tuotteen toimitus alkaen 3 eur. Huomaa alemmat kulut 40 euron ostoksesta alkaen. Postikululaskuri

Travel the world! The ever-changing card game is setting its sites on famous landmarks around the globe. Discover wonders across all 7 continents - it’s got everything from Stonehenge to the Taj Mahal, including the Galápagos Islands, Panama Canal, Angkor Wat and, of course, the Statue of Liberty. Perfect for vacationers or armchair travelers, Around the World Fluxx offers a bonus mini timeline game and can be combined with Across America Fluxx for double the bucket list fun!

Fluxx is a card game in which the cards themselves determine the current rules of the game. By playing cards, you change numerous aspects of the game: how to draw cards, how to play cards, and even how to win.

Game Play
It all begins with one basic rule: Draw one card, play one card. You start with a hand of three cards, add the card you drew to your hand, and then choose one card to play, following the directions written on your chosen card. As cards are drawn and played from the deck, the rules of the game change from how many cards are drawn, played, or even how many cards you can hold at the end of your turn.

Players: 1 – 6
Playtime: 10 – 30 minutes
Ages: 8 – Adult

Around the World Fluxx - kuva 2
Looney Labs
LOO 127
Mainio korttipeli, jonka säännöt muuttuvat pelin myötä.
tullut Fantasiapeleihin

summittainen saatavuus liikkeissä

Muistathan että voit varmistaa saatavuuden varaamalla tai noutotilaamalla tuotteen. Aloita laittamalla tuote ostoskoriin ja seuraa korin päälle tulevia ohjeita, jos tuote on varattava, tai etene kassalle, jossa pääset valitsemaan noutopisteen. Lue tästä lisää: noutotilaamisesta.

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