Your Best Life

Your Best Life
39.00 €
Saatavuus: noin 2 viikkoa +/-maailmantilanne (tilauksesta)
Voit varata tuotteen ostoskorin kautta.
Tuotteen toimitus alkaen 3 eur. Huomaa alemmat kulut 40 euron ostoksesta alkaen. Postikululaskuri

Your Best Life is a flip & write life story game. Playing as couples and/or singles, players will manage their Happiness and Joy as they experience various choices in their lives. Players can choose to invest across a myriad of self-improvements relating to Education, Creativity, Business, Friendship, Nutrition, and even Romance!

Take vacations with family, friends, or on your own! Experience both the stress and joy children can bring, and even spend time with their pets! Invite players to your important life events with customizable Invitation Cards! Balance Health, Knowledge, Social Skills, Finances, Time and even a little bit of luck to come out on top.

There is also a solo or co-op mode that can be enjoyed by a single player or couple! Live your best life!

* 152 Cards
* 8 Erasable Character Sheets
* 8 Erasable Family Sheets (Couples on one side, Singles on the other!)
* 8 Action Tokens
* 4 Stress Dice
* 8 Markers

1–8 Players
45 Min
Age: 10+

WZK 87573

summittainen saatavuus liikkeissä

Muistathan että voit varmistaa saatavuuden varaamalla tai noutotilaamalla tuotteen. Aloita laittamalla tuote ostoskoriin ja seuraa korin päälle tulevia ohjeita, jos tuote on varattava, tai etene kassalle, jossa pääset valitsemaan noutopisteen. Lue tästä lisää: noutotilaamisesta.

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