Shadows of Brimstone: XL-Sized Enemy Pack -Dark Stone Scorpions

Shadows of Brimstone: XL-Sized Enemy Pack -Dark Stone Scorpions
9999 €
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Saatavuus: noin 2023 (tilauksesta)
Voit varata tuotteen ostoskorin kautta.
Tuotteen toimitus alkaen 0 eur. Postikululaskuri

The mines and deserts around Brimstone are filled with nightmare monsters and creatures beyond imagination! Though many of these monstrosities come from OtherWorlds or the Void between worlds, the unbridled energy of the Dark Stone has a corrupting influence on animals and creatures native to the deserts of the SouthWest too. One such mutation is the massive Dark Stone Scorpions that roam the desert wastes, nesting in the mines and hills near the strongest pockets of Dark Stone. Grown to enormous size, these hard-shelled terrors have razor-edged claws that can snap a man in two with a single powerful pinch!

This Enemy Pack contains everything you need to add these terrifying and poisonous Dark Stone Scorpions to your games of Shadows of Brimstone! There are 2 XL Dark Stone Scorpion models with 60 mm bases included, as well as the large Enemy Record Sheet, die-cut counters, and all of the Threat Cards needed to add them to your games.

* 2 XL-Sized Dark Stone Scorpions
* 2 60mm Bases
* 1 Large Enemy Record Sheet
* 8 Game Cards
* 1 Die-cut Counter Sheet

Flying Frog Productions

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