Buck Danny Classics 3: Ghosts of the Rising Sun

Buck Danny Classics 3: Ghosts of the Rising Sun
16.90 €
Saatavuus: heti
Tuotteen toimitus alkaen 3 eur. Huomaa alemmat kulut 40 euron ostoksesta alkaen. Postikululaskuri

New volumes of the adventures of ace pilot Buck Danny, but set during significant moments in history-World War Two, Korea, the Cold War.

September 1945. Japan has just capitulated, and World War Two is officially over. Buck, Tumb, and Sonny find themselves on a flight to Tokyo where they are to receive a well-deserved medal. But while the Emperor himself ordered his country to surrender, there are still die-hards in the Japanese military determined to continue fighting. Among them, members of the terrifying Unit 731, guilty of horrific war crimes and specialists in bacteriological warfare, among other things!

SC, 8x11, 48pgs, FC

viivakoodi 9781800441019

Käsikirjoitus: Frederic Zumbiehl
kuvitus: Jean-michel Arroyo
tullut Fantasiapeleihin

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