Transformers: Time is Now (HC)

Transformers: Time is Now (HC)
54.00 €
Saatavuus: noin 2 viikkoa +/-maailmantilanne (tilauksesta)
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Roll Out!
The Decepticons are enacting a nefarious scheme that could change the face of the galaxy in this Adventure Series for the Transformers Roleplaying Game!

The Time is Now takes your Autobots on a massive four-part adventure. Your team will face perils from both the ancient past and outer space! This Adventure Series can be used immediately after playing the "Troubled Waters" and/or "Beacon of Hope" introductory adventures.

This book contains everything you need to run an action-packed adventure for 4-6 characters!

* Face off against iconic Decepticon enemies including Soundwave and Mindwipe
* New enemies to face, locations to explore, and maps for tactical combat!
* Start with 2nd-level characters and advance up to level 6 when you finish!

Full-Color Hardcover Book

viivakoodi 9781957311258

Transformers: Time is Now (HC) - kuva 2
Renegade Game Studios
RGS 01125
The Time is Now
tullut Fantasiapeleihin

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