Doctor Who: Sixty Years of Adventure Book 2

Doctor Who: Sixty Years of Adventure Book 2
48.00 €
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It’s a big year for Doctor Who as the series reaches its sixtieth anniversary this November! We are delighted to announce that Cubicle 7 will mark the occasion with the release of TWO roleplaying game books celebrating the Doctor’s adventures!

Book Two covers 2005-2023, from the War Doctor to the revelations of the Fugitive Doctor and beyond. From the Eighth Doctor’s surprising regeneration into an incarnation more suited to the battle against the Daleks, becoming the War Doctor – through to the Thirteenth Doctor’s regeneration into an unexpectedly familiar face. From the War Doctor’s appearance ‘Day of the Doctor’ and his return as the Ninth Doctor, to ‘The Power of the Doctor’ and beyond, relive the Doctor’s adventures and meet their most trusted companions. It offers a wealth of information for Gamemasters, players, and fans, to celebrate the anniversary of the world’s longest-running science fiction television series

In addition, each Doctor has a new adventure that mysteriously interweaves to create an epic multi-Doctor experience that spans millennia and additional guidance for regeneration. Book Two is the perfect companion to Book One, which looks at the series’ beginnings in 1963, from the First Doctor, through to the Eighth Doctor.

viivakoodi 9781787890077

Cubicle 7 Entertainment
CB7 1335
tullut Fantasiapeleihin

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