Disney Lorcana TCG: The First Chapter Starter Deck -Amber & Amethyst

Disney Lorcana TCG: The First Chapter Starter Deck -Amber & Amethyst
26.70 €
Saatavuus: heti
Tuotteen toimitus alkaen 3 eur. Huomaa alemmat kulut 40 euron ostoksesta alkaen. Postikululaskuri

A sudden explosion rocks the Great Illuminary. Inside, magical ink crashes together and a flood rushes through the hallways. Glimmers of characters swept up in the chaotic flood find themselves transformed in surprising ways, while precious lore is washed out into the Inklands far below.

As an Illumineer, you’ll wield six magical inks to summon glimmers of Disney characters. Glimmers can appear as familiar friends or in fantastically reimagined forms. Recruit glimmers to your team as you travel through the world of Lorcana.

To play Disney Lorcana, each player will need a deck of sixty cards. Ready-to-play starter decks contain a preconstructed deck with a specific card list. If you’re new to trading card games, or if you want to experience the game with a deck designed and tested by Team Lorcana, this is a good place to start.

This starter deck pairs loyal and empathic Amber character glimmers, who focus on supporting their teammates, and magical and mysterious Amethyst character glimmers, who can harness special powers to help you achieve your goals. If you like drawing cards and having a lot of characters, this is the deck for you.

Each starter deck includes:

1 starter deck of 60 cards, including 2 foil cards of the characters on the package front
11 game tokens
1 rulebook
1 booster pack containing 12 randomized cards

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