Magic 1

Magic 1
32.50 €
Saatavuus: noin 29. Toukokuuta 2024
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Across the vast Multiverse, those gifted with a "spark" can tap into the raw power of Magic and travel across realms. They are Planeswalkers, and in Ravnica, they are hunted.

Three Planeswalkers from rival guilds--Ral Zarek, Vraska, and Kaya--together investigate a series of assassination attempts that left Jace Beleren, the famous mind mage, in peril.

They soon learn that the assassins came from a cult with members from all of Ravnica's guilds. A cult that worships the ancient, incomprehensibly powerful being Marit Lage, whose physical manifestation is hurtling toward the city in a frozen comet. The influence of Marit Lage upon her followers tends in one direction: toward obsessive worship, and endless death as tribute.

The Planeswalkers' investigation becomes a battle: to rid Ravnica of the influence of the Cult of Marit Lage, and to save their world and every other world in the Multiverse from her maddening power. It will take more than three Planeswalkers working together, and one Planeswalker's ultimate sacrifice.

Collected for the first time in a value-priced softcover edition are the first two groundbreaking story arcs by bestselling acclaimed writer Jed MacKay (Moon Knight, Avengers), and artist Ig Guara (Silk), as well an issue by guest artist French Carlomagno (The Dead Lucky, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers).

Collects Magic #1-10.

SC, 256pgs, FC

Boom! Studios
Käsikirjoitus: Jed Mackay
kuvitus: Ig Guara, French Carlomagno

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