Ynis Aielle 1: Echoes Of Fourth Magic

Ynis Aielle 1: Echoes Of Fourth Magic
10.40 €
Saatavuus: yli 3 viikkoa (tilauksesta)
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Tuotteen toimitus alkaen 3 eur. Huomaa alemmat kulut 40 euron ostoksesta alkaen. Postikululaskuri

The extraordinary beginning of an epic series brimming with the unbridled action, adventure, and imagination that have made the name R. A. Salvatore synonymous with the best in fantasy!

Jeff "Del" DelGuidice was proud of his assignment to the research submarine The Unicorn. But his mission had barely begun when the vessel was sucked into a mysterious underseas void where time stood still, before propelling it forward, through the centuries. The crew surfaced in a strange, magical world changed forever by nuclear holocaust. Here a race of angelic beings had taken pity on the remnants of humankind, offering a chosen few a precious second chance.

Thus the Isle of Hope was raised from the poisoned seas and set like a jewel in Earth's ravaged crown. But the jewel had a flaw, a dark vein of evil. For a sinister expert of the mystical arts had embraced the forbidden third magic, the most deadly sorcery of all. Only Del could defeat it—a hero sworn to peace and fated to wield the dazzling power of the fourth magic. . .


viivakoodi 9780345421913

Bantam Books
Salvatore, R. A.

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