
Ruutunäkymän liikennevaloissa vihreä on heti saatavilla, punainen juuri nyt loppu varastosta, keltainen ei vielä ilmestynyt tai huutomerkin kera ei hyllyvalikoimaa, eli me tilaamme sitten, kun sinä olet tilannut meiltä. Saatavuusinfossa kerrotaan tarkemmin saatavuustiedoista.

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Odyssey: Wrath of Poseidon
Odyssey: Wrath of Poseidon

The war is over, and your ships are trying to sail back to your homeland after a long absence. To do so, you must beg forgiveness of the wrathful sea god, Poseidon. You need to reach the Sacred Island to make offerings and prayers to the gods… But the irascible Poseidon will use all his powers to prevent you from getting there!

As one of up to four players commanding the Greek ships, you must sail through endless storms, blind to all around you, trying to gather clues to your whereabouts to stay on course.

As Poseidon, you throw powerful storms against the sailors, driving them off-course and confounding them, so they can’t reach the Sacred Island in time.

The game uses two boards, hidden from each other. The Poseidon player uses special tiles to secretly move one or all the ships on his game board, which shows the real position of the ships, giving information to the sailors about what they see around them. The navigators have to guess where they are, moving their ships on their own game board based on their deductions, as they trace their course to the Sacred Island. Multiple game boards enhance replayability; special overlays are included to make the game easier or harder, according to the players’ preferences.

Designed by Leo Colovini (Inkognito, Cartagena, Clans) and illustrated by Francesco Mattioli (Micro Monsters, Sails of Glory, Dino Race), Odyssey - Wrath of Poseidon is a new deduction game in Ares Games “Euro” range, featuring games with easy to learn rules, beautiful components, fun mechanics, and deep gameplay.

* 8 plastic ships
* 2 game boards
* 11 trident tiles
* 1 rulebook

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47.90 €

Hey Orc! Are you sad that the days of heroes are in the past? Do you feel upset that brave warriors such as yourself have no chance to use their fury and courage?

If so, we have just the thing for you! Dive into the world of business, a vortex of competition, a fight to be the best. Build up your companies with your strong green hands and bargain to the bitter end with your rivals. Legends will be told of your glorious business ventures!

Orconomics is a game for 2-5 players, competing against each other to establish Companies in ten industrial sectors. The game board assembles randomly for each new game. That gives a good replay rating as sectors will have different value and will affect each other.

Companies in each industrial sector generate income or losses, and grant players abilities that can be used during the game. For example, a leader of a Totemology industry will get an ability to send a crisis to an opponent’s sector. That also gives a variety of tactic decisions.

To win the game a player needs to be the first to found 10 companies on the game board or sometimes even less if they successfully fulfilled some business quests of Greed, Rage or Dare!

What is new in Orconomics 2.0 version:
* victory condition is changed - new quest system is introduced
* activation of sector abilities are now directly bonded with influence cards
* sector abilities are completely reworked
* startup mechanics are fully reinvented

2–5 Players
25–40 Min
Age: 10+

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51.90 €

Medieval cities were home to very different types of people. Not only pious monks, humble scholars and trustworthy merchants, but also those mischievous, cunning and dishonest. Welcome to the city of Slyville, where you become one of the latter kind! As head of a guild operating in one of the world's major trade and cultural centers in the Middle Ages, you will be sending your trusted henchmen to various districts to find trade bargains, make deals, and provide your organization with more power and wealth — maybe not always in a way that is completely legal, but the end justifies the means, doesn’t it? After all, you want to get in the graces of the Prince, right?

Slyville is a game of pretense and deceit for 3-5 players in which managing your resources matters just as much as your bluffing skills and the ability to figure out the opponents’ strategy. Try to predict what Goods your adversaries might need, and do your best to upset their plans, but above all, secure the most valuable Deals for yourself!

In Slyville, the players become heads of guilds operating in a medieval city and send their trusted henchmen to do business and close shady deals. Each turn they have seven cards in their hands and must play four of them onto spaces on the district boards placed in the center of the table. By using their card actions, they bid to acquire goods in five types that can later be spent on deal tiles. If a player has collected the goods required by a chosen deal, they must play a deal card and spend the appropriate goods. Tiles are worth 20-40 points, and the player who gathers 100 triggers the endgame. After that, the rest of the players take their final turn and points are counted. The highest scorer wins and becomes the most influential guild master of the city!

3-5 Players
45-60 Min
Age: 10+

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41.90 €

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