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Hungarian Steel: Mid-War Hungarian Forces 1942-43
Hungarian Steel: Mid-War Hungarian Forces 1942-43

The Hungarians joined the war against the Soviet Union in June 1941, first contributing a mobile corps of light tanks, motorised infantry and cavalry. By 1942 they had committed an entire field army of 220,000 men made up of ten divisions in three corps. The freshly raised force was made up of young Hungarian recruits with little combat experience, but they were soon proving themselves in hard fighting on the Don River. They were backed up by the 1st Armoured Field Division who had many veterans of the fighting in 1941.

Inside Hungarian Steel: Mid-war Hungarian Forces 1942-43 you will find:
Background on the 2nd Hungarian Army on the Eastern front 1942 to 1943.

Instructions on how to build:
* A T-38 Tank Company armed with German suppled Czech T-38 (Panzer 38(t)) tanks, as well as Panzer III and Panzer IV medium tanks, and Toldi light tanks.
* A Panzer IV Tank Company based around Panzer IV (short 7.5cm) and Panzer IV (long 7.5cm) medium tanks. This formation can also field a Toldi light tank platoon.
* An Autocannon Company fielding Nimrod AA tanks armoured with Bofors 40mm AA guns, filling the role of both anti-aircraft weapons and tank-hunters.
* A Motorised Rifle Company from the 1st Armoured Field Division, like the other formations above from this division the troops have good ratings. As the infantry of the armoured division that have a good selection of weapons, including HMGs, anti-tank rifles, light mortars, available in the Motorised Rifle Platoons, as well as formation weapons units with machine-guns, 81mm mortars, and 40mm and 50mm anti-tank guns.
* A Huszár Squadron formation of cavalry. You can field a whole squadron of famous Hungarian Huszars complete with their own 75mm Huszar Gun Battery and anti-tank guns.
* A Rifle Company from one of the Light Divisions with machine-guns, 81mm mortars, anti-tank and regiment guns adding to their firepower.
* Backing these up is a good selection of support including Marder Tank-hunters, Csaba armoured cars, 75mm anti-tank guns, Assault Pioneers, anti-aircraft, artillery and air support.

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20.00 €
Hungarian Turan I / II
Hungarian Turan I / II

with turrets for both the Turán I and Turán II tanks.

In 1939 Hungary was searching for a medium tank which they could manufacture under licence. |koda offered the Hungarians the S-IIc, a design they had been working on and with further refinements the design become to be known as the T-22.

Shown to the Hungarians in May 1940, an agreement was reach between the two parties in August 1940, but before going into production the Czech design went through a series of modifications. These modifications included the alteration of the original two-man turret into a three-man turret and the installation of a Hungarian built engine.

Armed with the 40mm 41M gun which fired the same ammunition as the 40mm 37M Bofors Anti-aircraft gun and two 8mm 34/40M machine-guns, the first prototype of the Turán I was completed in August 1941 and went into production in October that same year.

Delivering to the troops begun in the beginning of 1942 and they were used to equip the 1. and 2. Armored divisions and the 1. Cavalry division in 1942-43. However, the Turán I was hopelessly outclasses by the Soviet T-34 and it was concluded that a minimum main armament of at least 75mm in caliber was needed.

Such a version of the Turán was on the drawing board as early as 1941 and was originally intended as a support vehicle to the Turán I. Armed with the short-barreled 75mm 41M gun, the new design become known as the Turán II. The Turán I and II continued to see heavy fighting during 1944 despite their inferiority to Soviet armour of the time. Regardless of this fact, the chassis of the Turán was used in the design of the Zrínyi II Assault gun and was the basis of a design intended to mount the 75mm gun of the German Panther.

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11.00 €
Hungarian Unit Cards
Hungarian Unit Cards

Contains: 37x Unit Cards

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9.00 €
Infantry Platoon
Infantry Platoon

Includes one Formation Commander FAMAS Rifle Team, five FAMAS team with AC-58 anti-tank, one APILAS anti-tank team, two LRAC 89mm anti tank team, three two-hole small bases, one three-hole small bases, five foru-hole medium plastic bases, one plastic base insert sprue and six Unit cards

A Section de Chasseurs (mounted in AMX-10P APCs) is organised into three combat groups, each with seven men. Each group is further divided into a 300m team and a 600m team. The 300m team is armed with FAMAS assault rifles and anti-tank rifle grenades, while the 600m team are additionally armed with a 7.62mm NF1 machine-gun. The unit is also armed with a pair of short range anti-tank weapons, usually the 89mm LRAC (Lance-Roquettes AntiChar de 89 mm modèle F1) reusable rocket launcher, but some units are issued with the new disposable APILAS (Armor-Piercing Infantry Light Arm System) portable one-shot 112mm recoilless antitank weapon.

A Section d’Infanterie (mounted in VAB APCs) is made up of a headquarters group, four combat groups and an anti-tank group. The combat groups are armed with the 5.56mm FAMAS (Fusil d’Assaut de la Manufacture d’Armes de Saint-Étienne) assault rifle and 7.62mm NF-1 general purpose machine-gun. The FAMAS is also designed to fire a number of different rifle grenades including the AC-58 anti-tank grenade for short range defence against armoured vehicles. The antitank group is armed with two 89mm LRAC F1 (Lance-Roquettes AntiChar de 89 mm modèle F1) anti-tank rocket launchers. Sometimes the LRAC’s firepower is also supplemented with the new APILAS disposable 112mm recoilless anti-tank weapon.

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16.00 €
Jaguar Jagdpanzer Zug
Jaguar Jagdpanzer Zug

Includes three Jaguar 1 or Jaguar 2 tank-hunters, decal sheet & two Unit Cards.

The Jaguar 1 and Jaguar 2 were German Raketenjagdpanzer (rocket tank-hunter) tank destroyers armed with anti-tank guided missiles.

The Jaguar 1 can support your Panzer Kompanie. It carried the HOT missile system, with an automated firing system allowing the crew to fire it from inside the vehicle under NBC (nuclear, biological and chemical) protection.

The Jaguar 2, which can support your Panzergrenadier Kompanie, mounted the older US-made Improved TOW missile system.

The Jaguar 1 equipped the Panzerjäger Kompanien (tank-hunter Companies) of the Panzer Brigades, where their role was to provide long-range anti-tank support to the Panzertruppen (armoured troops).

The Jaguar 1 is a development of the Kanonenjagdpanzer (Cannon Tank-hunter), a 90mm gun-armed tank-hunter introduced in the 1960s. The first anti-tank missile-armed version was the Raketenjagdpanzer 1 (rocket tank-hunter) armed with the SS-11 anti-tank missile. 316 of these vehicles were uparmoured and converted to mount the new HOT antitank missile system between 1978 and 1983 as the Jaguar 1.

HOT (Haut subsonique Optiquement Téléguidé Tiré d’un Tube, or High-subsonic Optical remote-guided, Tube-launched) is a long-range anti-tank missile system. The HOT missile system, as fitted the Jaguar 1, was designed to be used under NBC (nuclear, biological and chemical) protection, and the missile could be retracted into the vehicle for reloading using an automated loading system.

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35.00 €

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