
Ruutunäkymän liikennevaloissa vihreä on heti saatavilla, punainen juuri nyt loppu varastosta, keltainen ei vielä ilmestynyt tai huutomerkin kera ei hyllyvalikoimaa, eli me tilaamme sitten, kun sinä olet tilannut meiltä. Saatavuusinfossa kerrotaan tarkemmin saatavuustiedoista.

Haun tulokset 265 - 288 / 542

KeyForge: Worlds Collide Archon Deck
KeyForge: Worlds Collide Archon Deck

One year ago, KeyForge introduced the world to a new kind of game, one where every deck is one-of-a-kind and where anyone has the chance to become a champion. Richard Garfield’s imaginative design welcomed players to the endlessly diverse world of the Crucible, where they stepped into the role of mighty Archons leading teams from three of the planet’s great houses in tactical competitions of wits and wills. Victory means the chance to unlock ultimate knowledge and power, and the chance to ascend beyond this plane to discover what waits beyond the world you know.

In both Call of the Archons and Age of Ascension, you have had the chance to explore seven distinct Houses of the Crucible, learning their key characteristics, playstyles, and ways they interact with other Houses to discover synergy within each unique Archon Deck. But just when you thought you knew the Crucible, the clever Architects have altered its make-up once again. Now, two new Houses join the fray and the world will never be the same.

Uncharted Lands
Discover a new side of the Crucible in Worlds Collide! As with other sets of KeyForge, Worlds Collide is a companion to Call of the Archons and Age of Ascension, not a replacement or a sequel. You do not need to start with Call of the Archons in order to reach Worlds Collide, and Archon Decks from each set are equally matched, so you do not need to switch to Worlds Collide Archon Decks in order to remain competitive. Rather, you are invited to continue your exploration of the planet with a cardpool of 405 cards, mixing in cards from each of the other KeyForge sets and introducing two brand new Houses!

Worlds Collide rotates out Mars and Sanctum to make way for the Saurian Republic and the Grand Star Alliance, but that does not mean that they are gone for good. The Crucible is ever-changing and evolving, and these beloved Houses will have the chance to return in future sets of the game!

As an empire that is millions of years old, the Saurian Republic is possibly the oldest coherent culture on the Crucible. Although it has risen and fallen many times in its long history, the Saurians have survived and thrived over epochs. Under the lead of the wise Sauras Rex, first among equals in the Saurian Senate, they live side-by-side with the other peoples of the Crucible, a shining example to what the Hegemonic political party calls “lesser beings.” Some argue that the Republic is in decline, but others say simply that it has outgrown its expansionistic, warmongering days.

The Tribes of the Saurian Republic trace their lineage back to dinosaurs placed on the Crucible some sixty-five million years ago. Although there’s substantial variation both between and within the tribes, Saurians tend to be large and physically imposing creatures that even the giants of Brobnar would think twice before fighting! But more than that, the Saurians pride themselves on their philosophical debates led by brilliant minds like the Philophosaurus (Worlds Collide, 207) and technology so advanced that lesser civilizations mistake it for magic.

Standing opposite the long-established Saurian Republic is perhaps the newest arrival of the Crucible, the Grand Star Alliance. On their continuing mission of exploration, the crew of the SAV Quantum found themselves falling through an anomalous energy field and crash-landing on the Crucible. Despite this setback, the scientists, explorers, and small military contingent of the Grand Star Alliance remain dedicated to their mission, boldly going where no man, woman, neuter, or other-gendered-being have gone before!

The Star Alliance has spent decades exploring the galaxy, bringing dozens of star-systems into the peaceful and democratic Alliance. Since their crash, the Alliance crew have built a small city where their polyglot, multi-species community from dozens of star systems have managed to survive. Their crew brought with them advanced technology, including sophisticated computers, jet packs, ray guns, and the omni-present wrist modules that links each crew member back to the Quantum’s central computer. For their part, Captain Val Jericho (Worlds Collide, 326) and her crew are happy to enlist native guides as they set out to unlock the mysteries of the universe!

Unprecedented Possibilities
In addition to these two thrilling new Houses that join the fight for the Crucible’s Vaults, Worlds Collide also continues to explore the world of KeyForge by introducing new mechanics that add more variety and synergetic possibility to the game. The first of these new concepts is warding. When a creature becomes warded, either through the use of technology like a Force Field (Worlds Collide, 310) or the skill of a creature like The Feathered Shaman (Worlds Collide, 383), you simply place a ward status counter on it. Then when the creature would be damaged or leave play, you instead discard each ward counter on it and your creature lives to fight another day. A creature may only have a single ward counter on it at a time, allowing your opponent to land a second attack on a creature if they so choose, but this additional protection help tip the scales of power in your favor as the competition continues.

Opposing this more defensive mechanic, Worlds Collide also introduces the possibility of enraging a creature, which is also marked by a status counter. An enraged creature must be used to fight, if able, at which point the creature removes all enrage counters. Interestingly, different Houses take different approaches to this mechanic. Some, like Shadows, enrage their enemies with cards like Pestering Blow (Worlds Collide, 245) to distract them from reaping or using action abilities, while other like Brobnar may use it to strengthen their warriors with treasured artifacts like the Irestaff (Worlds Collide, 10).

But while fighting is a key part of playing KeyForge, the most important part of the game is the æmber, and this new set adds a new way of bringing this precious into play by exalting creatures. When you exalt a creature, you place 1 æmber on it from the common supply. Just like captured æmber, if this creature then leaves play, the æmber is added in your opponent’s pool. While this may seem a foolish risk at first, cards with exalt, such as Paraguardian (Worlds Collide, 206) often offer powerful benefits if you choose to do so, introducing a greater element of pressing your luck to your games. Is the ability worth the risk? Only you can decide.

But more than new Houses and mechanics, Worlds Collide offers players something that has never been seen on this wondrous planet before. On the weird world of the Crucible, anything can and does happen. As the strange energy of the planet’s Æmber flows, glimpses of possible futures can burst into existence. These incredibly rare occurrences are known as Anomalies, and they can manifest in any House. For example, The Grim Reaper (Worlds Collide, A07) destroys without concern for loyalty to any House or Archon with its terrifying ability to purge both an enemy and a friendly creature each time it reaps. Beyond this, the robotic specter may also enter play ready if you are already haunted by the destruction of your team, possessing at least ten cards in your discard pile. You never know when or where these anomalies may appear. All you can do is expand what you know to be possible and embrace the infinite potential before you!

Define Your Experience
Once you have decided which option is right for you, you will be ready to take on the renewed world of the Crucible when Worlds Collide lands at retailers in the fourth quarter of 2019. At this time, you will continue to be able to track your Archon Decks from every KeyForge set in the Master Vault at KeyForgeGame.com. Here, you can record your decks, track their performance at events, follow the progress of other Archons across the globe, and stay updated on tournaments and event news from the Fantasy Flight Games Organized Play team. As KeyForge continues to evolve, so too will the Master Vault. Be sure to keep updated so you can engage with the community and see what surprises the Architects have in store!

The Infinite Cosmos
A new dawn is about to rise on the Crucible, and nothing will ever be the same. Are you ready to embrace new challenges and explore new corners of this impossible planet? Discover new friends, forge new alliances, and prepare to claim the world anew when Worlds Collide!

      heti saatavilla
12.00 €
KeyForge: Worlds Collide Deluxe Archon Deck
KeyForge: Worlds Collide Deluxe Archon Deck

If you’re discovering the Crucible on your own, jumping in on the go, or just looking for some extra tokens, you will now be able to pick up the KeyForge: Worlds Collide Deluxe Archon Deck. This deluxe deck is the perfect first step into the world’s first Unique Deck Game. This box provides you with all the tools one player needs to either begin or expand their adventures on the Crucible, including one unique Worlds Collide Archon Deck, a Quickstart Rulebook, a chain tracker, three keys, and all the tokens required to begin your cosmic clashes!

One year ago, KeyForge introduced the world to a new kind of game, one where every deck is one-of-a-kind and where anyone has the chance to become a champion. Richard Garfield’s imaginative design welcomed players to the endlessly diverse world of the Crucible, where they stepped into the role of mighty Archons leading teams from three of the planet’s great houses in tactical competitions of wits and wills. Victory means the chance to unlock ultimate knowledge and power, and the chance to ascend beyond this plane to discover what waits beyond the world you know.

In both Call of the Archons and Age of Ascension, you have had the chance to explore seven distinct Houses of the Crucible, learning their key characteristics, playstyles, and ways they interact with other Houses to discover synergy within each unique Archon Deck. But just when you thought you knew the Crucible, the clever Architects have altered its make-up once again. Now, two new Houses join the fray and the world will never be the same.

Uncharted Lands
Discover a new side of the Crucible in Worlds Collide! As with other sets of KeyForge, Worlds Collide is a companion to Call of the Archons and Age of Ascension, not a replacement or a sequel. You do not need to start with Call of the Archons in order to reach Worlds Collide, and Archon Decks from each set are equally matched, so you do not need to switch to Worlds Collide Archon Decks in order to remain competitive. Rather, you are invited to continue your exploration of the planet with a cardpool of 405 cards, mixing in cards from each of the other KeyForge sets and introducing two brand new Houses!

Worlds Collide rotates out Mars and Sanctum to make way for the Saurian Republic and the Grand Star Alliance, but that does not mean that they are gone for good. The Crucible is ever-changing and evolving, and these beloved Houses will have the chance to return in future sets of the game!

As an empire that is millions of years old, the Saurian Republic is possibly the oldest coherent culture on the Crucible. Although it has risen and fallen many times in its long history, the Saurians have survived and thrived over epochs. Under the lead of the wise Sauras Rex, first among equals in the Saurian Senate, they live side-by-side with the other peoples of the Crucible, a shining example to what the Hegemonic political party calls “lesser beings.” Some argue that the Republic is in decline, but others say simply that it has outgrown its expansionistic, warmongering days.

The Tribes of the Saurian Republic trace their lineage back to dinosaurs placed on the Crucible some sixty-five million years ago. Although there’s substantial variation both between and within the tribes, Saurians tend to be large and physically imposing creatures that even the giants of Brobnar would think twice before fighting! But more than that, the Saurians pride themselves on their philosophical debates led by brilliant minds like the Philophosaurus (Worlds Collide, 207) and technology so advanced that lesser civilizations mistake it for magic.

Standing opposite the long-established Saurian Republic is perhaps the newest arrival of the Crucible, the Grand Star Alliance. On their continuing mission of exploration, the crew of the SAV Quantum found themselves falling through an anomalous energy field and crash-landing on the Crucible. Despite this setback, the scientists, explorers, and small military contingent of the Grand Star Alliance remain dedicated to their mission, boldly going where no man, woman, neuter, or other-gendered-being have gone before!

The Star Alliance has spent decades exploring the galaxy, bringing dozens of star-systems into the peaceful and democratic Alliance. Since their crash, the Alliance crew have built a small city where their polyglot, multi-species community from dozens of star systems have managed to survive. Their crew brought with them advanced technology, including sophisticated computers, jet packs, ray guns, and the omni-present wrist modules that links each crew member back to the Quantum’s central computer. For their part, Captain Val Jericho (Worlds Collide, 326) and her crew are happy to enlist native guides as they set out to unlock the mysteries of the universe!

Unprecedented Possibilities
In addition to these two thrilling new Houses that join the fight for the Crucible’s Vaults, Worlds Collide also continues to explore the world of KeyForge by introducing new mechanics that add more variety and synergetic possibility to the game. The first of these new concepts is warding. When a creature becomes warded, either through the use of technology like a Force Field (Worlds Collide, 310) or the skill of a creature like The Feathered Shaman (Worlds Collide, 383), you simply place a ward status counter on it. Then when the creature would be damaged or leave play, you instead discard each ward counter on it and your creature lives to fight another day. A creature may only have a single ward counter on it at a time, allowing your opponent to land a second attack on a creature if they so choose, but this additional protection help tip the scales of power in your favor as the competition continues.

Opposing this more defensive mechanic, Worlds Collide also introduces the possibility of enraging a creature, which is also marked by a status counter. An enraged creature must be used to fight, if able, at which point the creature removes all enrage counters. Interestingly, different Houses take different approaches to this mechanic. Some, like Shadows, enrage their enemies with cards like Pestering Blow (Worlds Collide, 245) to distract them from reaping or using action abilities, while other like Brobnar may use it to strengthen their warriors with treasured artifacts like the Irestaff (Worlds Collide, 10).

But while fighting is a key part of playing KeyForge, the most important part of the game is the æmber, and this new set adds a new way of bringing this precious into play by exalting creatures. When you exalt a creature, you place 1 æmber on it from the common supply. Just like captured æmber, if this creature then leaves play, the æmber is added in your opponent’s pool. While this may seem a foolish risk at first, cards with exalt, such as Paraguardian (Worlds Collide, 206) often offer powerful benefits if you choose to do so, introducing a greater element of pressing your luck to your games. Is the ability worth the risk? Only you can decide.

But more than new Houses and mechanics, Worlds Collide offers players something that has never been seen on this wondrous planet before. On the weird world of the Crucible, anything can and does happen. As the strange energy of the planet’s Æmber flows, glimpses of possible futures can burst into existence. These incredibly rare occurrences are known as Anomalies, and they can manifest in any House. For example, The Grim Reaper (Worlds Collide, A07) destroys without concern for loyalty to any House or Archon with its terrifying ability to purge both an enemy and a friendly creature each time it reaps. Beyond this, the robotic specter may also enter play ready if you are already haunted by the destruction of your team, possessing at least ten cards in your discard pile. You never know when or where these anomalies may appear. All you can do is expand what you know to be possible and embrace the infinite potential before you!

Define Your Experience
Once you have decided which option is right for you, you will be ready to take on the renewed world of the Crucible when Worlds Collide lands at retailers in the fourth quarter of 2019. At this time, you will continue to be able to track your Archon Decks from every KeyForge set in the Master Vault at KeyForgeGame.com. Here, you can record your decks, track their performance at events, follow the progress of other Archons across the globe, and stay updated on tournaments and event news from the Fantasy Flight Games Organized Play team. As KeyForge continues to evolve, so too will the Master Vault. Be sure to keep updated so you can engage with the community and see what surprises the Architects have in store!

The Infinite Cosmos
A new dawn is about to rise on the Crucible, and nothing will ever be the same. Are you ready to embrace new challenges and explore new corners of this impossible planet? Discover new friends, forge new alliances, and prepare to claim the world anew when Worlds Collide!

  !   tilattava tuote
19.50 €
KeyForge: Worlds Collide Premium Box
KeyForge: Worlds Collide Premium Box

For players who are ready to take their KeyForge game experience to the next level, there is the KeyForge: Worlds Collide Premium Box to keep your valued KeyForge components safe and organized. Complete with two unique Worlds Collide Archon Decks, five tuckboxes designed to hold sleeved decks, a new chain dial, a collection of tokens with box to house them, and a sticker sheet to help you display your pride for any of the nine KeyForge Houses, you’ll be ready to jump into the Crucible with style!

One year ago, KeyForge introduced the world to a new kind of game, one where every deck is one-of-a-kind and where anyone has the chance to become a champion. Richard Garfield’s imaginative design welcomed players to the endlessly diverse world of the Crucible, where they stepped into the role of mighty Archons leading teams from three of the planet’s great houses in tactical competitions of wits and wills. Victory means the chance to unlock ultimate knowledge and power, and the chance to ascend beyond this plane to discover what waits beyond the world you know.

In both Call of the Archons and Age of Ascension, you have had the chance to explore seven distinct Houses of the Crucible, learning their key characteristics, playstyles, and ways they interact with other Houses to discover synergy within each unique Archon Deck. But just when you thought you knew the Crucible, the clever Architects have altered its make-up once again. Now, two new Houses join the fray and the world will never be the same.

Uncharted Lands
Discover a new side of the Crucible in Worlds Collide! As with other sets of KeyForge, Worlds Collide is a companion to Call of the Archons and Age of Ascension, not a replacement or a sequel. You do not need to start with Call of the Archons in order to reach Worlds Collide, and Archon Decks from each set are equally matched, so you do not need to switch to Worlds Collide Archon Decks in order to remain competitive. Rather, you are invited to continue your exploration of the planet with a cardpool of 405 cards, mixing in cards from each of the other KeyForge sets and introducing two brand new Houses!

Worlds Collide rotates out Mars and Sanctum to make way for the Saurian Republic and the Grand Star Alliance, but that does not mean that they are gone for good. The Crucible is ever-changing and evolving, and these beloved Houses will have the chance to return in future sets of the game!

As an empire that is millions of years old, the Saurian Republic is possibly the oldest coherent culture on the Crucible. Although it has risen and fallen many times in its long history, the Saurians have survived and thrived over epochs. Under the lead of the wise Sauras Rex, first among equals in the Saurian Senate, they live side-by-side with the other peoples of the Crucible, a shining example to what the Hegemonic political party calls “lesser beings.” Some argue that the Republic is in decline, but others say simply that it has outgrown its expansionistic, warmongering days.

The Tribes of the Saurian Republic trace their lineage back to dinosaurs placed on the Crucible some sixty-five million years ago. Although there’s substantial variation both between and within the tribes, Saurians tend to be large and physically imposing creatures that even the giants of Brobnar would think twice before fighting! But more than that, the Saurians pride themselves on their philosophical debates led by brilliant minds like the Philophosaurus (Worlds Collide, 207) and technology so advanced that lesser civilizations mistake it for magic.

Standing opposite the long-established Saurian Republic is perhaps the newest arrival of the Crucible, the Grand Star Alliance. On their continuing mission of exploration, the crew of the SAV Quantum found themselves falling through an anomalous energy field and crash-landing on the Crucible. Despite this setback, the scientists, explorers, and small military contingent of the Grand Star Alliance remain dedicated to their mission, boldly going where no man, woman, neuter, or other-gendered-being have gone before!

The Star Alliance has spent decades exploring the galaxy, bringing dozens of star-systems into the peaceful and democratic Alliance. Since their crash, the Alliance crew have built a small city where their polyglot, multi-species community from dozens of star systems have managed to survive. Their crew brought with them advanced technology, including sophisticated computers, jet packs, ray guns, and the omni-present wrist modules that links each crew member back to the Quantum’s central computer. For their part, Captain Val Jericho (Worlds Collide, 326) and her crew are happy to enlist native guides as they set out to unlock the mysteries of the universe!

Unprecedented Possibilities
In addition to these two thrilling new Houses that join the fight for the Crucible’s Vaults, Worlds Collide also continues to explore the world of KeyForge by introducing new mechanics that add more variety and synergetic possibility to the game. The first of these new concepts is warding. When a creature becomes warded, either through the use of technology like a Force Field (Worlds Collide, 310) or the skill of a creature like The Feathered Shaman (Worlds Collide, 383), you simply place a ward status counter on it. Then when the creature would be damaged or leave play, you instead discard each ward counter on it and your creature lives to fight another day. A creature may only have a single ward counter on it at a time, allowing your opponent to land a second attack on a creature if they so choose, but this additional protection help tip the scales of power in your favor as the competition continues.

Opposing this more defensive mechanic, Worlds Collide also introduces the possibility of enraging a creature, which is also marked by a status counter. An enraged creature must be used to fight, if able, at which point the creature removes all enrage counters. Interestingly, different Houses take different approaches to this mechanic. Some, like Shadows, enrage their enemies with cards like Pestering Blow (Worlds Collide, 245) to distract them from reaping or using action abilities, while other like Brobnar may use it to strengthen their warriors with treasured artifacts like the Irestaff (Worlds Collide, 10).

But while fighting is a key part of playing KeyForge, the most important part of the game is the æmber, and this new set adds a new way of bringing this precious into play by exalting creatures. When you exalt a creature, you place 1 æmber on it from the common supply. Just like captured æmber, if this creature then leaves play, the æmber is added in your opponent’s pool. While this may seem a foolish risk at first, cards with exalt, such as Paraguardian (Worlds Collide, 206) often offer powerful benefits if you choose to do so, introducing a greater element of pressing your luck to your games. Is the ability worth the risk? Only you can decide.

But more than new Houses and mechanics, Worlds Collide offers players something that has never been seen on this wondrous planet before. On the weird world of the Crucible, anything can and does happen. As the strange energy of the planet’s Æmber flows, glimpses of possible futures can burst into existence. These incredibly rare occurrences are known as Anomalies, and they can manifest in any House. For example, The Grim Reaper (Worlds Collide, A07) destroys without concern for loyalty to any House or Archon with its terrifying ability to purge both an enemy and a friendly creature each time it reaps. Beyond this, the robotic specter may also enter play ready if you are already haunted by the destruction of your team, possessing at least ten cards in your discard pile. You never know when or where these anomalies may appear. All you can do is expand what you know to be possible and embrace the infinite potential before you!

Define Your Experience
Once you have decided which option is right for you, you will be ready to take on the renewed world of the Crucible when Worlds Collide lands at retailers in the fourth quarter of 2019. At this time, you will continue to be able to track your Archon Decks from every KeyForge set in the Master Vault at KeyForgeGame.com. Here, you can record your decks, track their performance at events, follow the progress of other Archons across the globe, and stay updated on tournaments and event news from the Fantasy Flight Games Organized Play team. As KeyForge continues to evolve, so too will the Master Vault. Be sure to keep updated so you can engage with the community and see what surprises the Architects have in store!

The Infinite Cosmos
A new dawn is about to rise on the Crucible, and nothing will ever be the same. Are you ready to embrace new challenges and explore new corners of this impossible planet? Discover new friends, forge new alliances, and prepare to claim the world anew when Worlds Collide!

      heti saatavilla
48.00 €
KeyForge: Worlds Collide Two-Player Starter Set
KeyForge: Worlds Collide Two-Player Starter Set

Along with this new set of KeyForge comes a wide variety of ways for you to jump into the game. In addition to the individual KeyForge: Worlds Collide Archon Decks, this set also offers the KeyForge: Worlds Collide Two-Player Starter Set, which provides you with all the tools you need to either begin or expand your adventures on the Crucible, including two unique Worlds Collide Archon Decks, a Quickstart Rulebook, two poster playmats, and all the keys, tokens, and chain trackers two players need to start playing.

One year ago, KeyForge introduced the world to a new kind of game, one where every deck is one-of-a-kind and where anyone has the chance to become a champion. Richard Garfield’s imaginative design welcomed players to the endlessly diverse world of the Crucible, where they stepped into the role of mighty Archons leading teams from three of the planet’s great houses in tactical competitions of wits and wills. Victory means the chance to unlock ultimate knowledge and power, and the chance to ascend beyond this plane to discover what waits beyond the world you know.

In both Call of the Archons and Age of Ascension, you have had the chance to explore seven distinct Houses of the Crucible, learning their key characteristics, playstyles, and ways they interact with other Houses to discover synergy within each unique Archon Deck. But just when you thought you knew the Crucible, the clever Architects have altered its make-up once again. Now, two new Houses join the fray and the world will never be the same.

Uncharted Lands
Discover a new side of the Crucible in Worlds Collide! As with other sets of KeyForge, Worlds Collide is a companion to Call of the Archons and Age of Ascension, not a replacement or a sequel. You do not need to start with Call of the Archons in order to reach Worlds Collide, and Archon Decks from each set are equally matched, so you do not need to switch to Worlds Collide Archon Decks in order to remain competitive. Rather, you are invited to continue your exploration of the planet with a cardpool of 405 cards, mixing in cards from each of the other KeyForge sets and introducing two brand new Houses!

Worlds Collide rotates out Mars and Sanctum to make way for the Saurian Republic and the Grand Star Alliance, but that does not mean that they are gone for good. The Crucible is ever-changing and evolving, and these beloved Houses will have the chance to return in future sets of the game!

As an empire that is millions of years old, the Saurian Republic is possibly the oldest coherent culture on the Crucible. Although it has risen and fallen many times in its long history, the Saurians have survived and thrived over epochs. Under the lead of the wise Sauras Rex, first among equals in the Saurian Senate, they live side-by-side with the other peoples of the Crucible, a shining example to what the Hegemonic political party calls “lesser beings.” Some argue that the Republic is in decline, but others say simply that it has outgrown its expansionistic, warmongering days.

The Tribes of the Saurian Republic trace their lineage back to dinosaurs placed on the Crucible some sixty-five million years ago. Although there’s substantial variation both between and within the tribes, Saurians tend to be large and physically imposing creatures that even the giants of Brobnar would think twice before fighting! But more than that, the Saurians pride themselves on their philosophical debates led by brilliant minds like the Philophosaurus (Worlds Collide, 207) and technology so advanced that lesser civilizations mistake it for magic.

Standing opposite the long-established Saurian Republic is perhaps the newest arrival of the Crucible, the Grand Star Alliance. On their continuing mission of exploration, the crew of the SAV Quantum found themselves falling through an anomalous energy field and crash-landing on the Crucible. Despite this setback, the scientists, explorers, and small military contingent of the Grand Star Alliance remain dedicated to their mission, boldly going where no man, woman, neuter, or other-gendered-being have gone before!

The Star Alliance has spent decades exploring the galaxy, bringing dozens of star-systems into the peaceful and democratic Alliance. Since their crash, the Alliance crew have built a small city where their polyglot, multi-species community from dozens of star systems have managed to survive. Their crew brought with them advanced technology, including sophisticated computers, jet packs, ray guns, and the omni-present wrist modules that links each crew member back to the Quantum’s central computer. For their part, Captain Val Jericho (Worlds Collide, 326) and her crew are happy to enlist native guides as they set out to unlock the mysteries of the universe!

Unprecedented Possibilities
In addition to these two thrilling new Houses that join the fight for the Crucible’s Vaults, Worlds Collide also continues to explore the world of KeyForge by introducing new mechanics that add more variety and synergetic possibility to the game. The first of these new concepts is warding. When a creature becomes warded, either through the use of technology like a Force Field (Worlds Collide, 310) or the skill of a creature like The Feathered Shaman (Worlds Collide, 383), you simply place a ward status counter on it. Then when the creature would be damaged or leave play, you instead discard each ward counter on it and your creature lives to fight another day. A creature may only have a single ward counter on it at a time, allowing your opponent to land a second attack on a creature if they so choose, but this additional protection help tip the scales of power in your favor as the competition continues.

Opposing this more defensive mechanic, Worlds Collide also introduces the possibility of enraging a creature, which is also marked by a status counter. An enraged creature must be used to fight, if able, at which point the creature removes all enrage counters. Interestingly, different Houses take different approaches to this mechanic. Some, like Shadows, enrage their enemies with cards like Pestering Blow (Worlds Collide, 245) to distract them from reaping or using action abilities, while other like Brobnar may use it to strengthen their warriors with treasured artifacts like the Irestaff (Worlds Collide, 10).

But while fighting is a key part of playing KeyForge, the most important part of the game is the æmber, and this new set adds a new way of bringing this precious into play by exalting creatures. When you exalt a creature, you place 1 æmber on it from the common supply. Just like captured æmber, if this creature then leaves play, the æmber is added in your opponent’s pool. While this may seem a foolish risk at first, cards with exalt, such as Paraguardian (Worlds Collide, 206) often offer powerful benefits if you choose to do so, introducing a greater element of pressing your luck to your games. Is the ability worth the risk? Only you can decide.

But more than new Houses and mechanics, Worlds Collide offers players something that has never been seen on this wondrous planet before. On the weird world of the Crucible, anything can and does happen. As the strange energy of the planet’s Æmber flows, glimpses of possible futures can burst into existence. These incredibly rare occurrences are known as Anomalies, and they can manifest in any House. For example, The Grim Reaper (Worlds Collide, A07) destroys without concern for loyalty to any House or Archon with its terrifying ability to purge both an enemy and a friendly creature each time it reaps. Beyond this, the robotic specter may also enter play ready if you are already haunted by the destruction of your team, possessing at least ten cards in your discard pile. You never know when or where these anomalies may appear. All you can do is expand what you know to be possible and embrace the infinite potential before you!

Define Your Experience
Once you have decided which option is right for you, you will be ready to take on the renewed world of the Crucible when Worlds Collide lands at retailers in the fourth quarter of 2019. At this time, you will continue to be able to track your Archon Decks from every KeyForge set in the Master Vault at KeyForgeGame.com. Here, you can record your decks, track their performance at events, follow the progress of other Archons across the globe, and stay updated on tournaments and event news from the Fantasy Flight Games Organized Play team. As KeyForge continues to evolve, so too will the Master Vault. Be sure to keep updated so you can engage with the community and see what surprises the Architects have in store!

The Infinite Cosmos
A new dawn is about to rise on the Crucible, and nothing will ever be the same. Are you ready to embrace new challenges and explore new corners of this impossible planet? Discover new friends, forge new alliances, and prepare to claim the world anew when Worlds Collide!

      heti saatavilla
30.00 €
Last Banquet
Last Banquet

An epic, large-group game for six to twenty-five players!

In The Last Banquet, each player takes on the role of a member of the Royal Court, from the King himself, to the friendly bard, the alluring witch, or the wise seneschal. Acting out their respective roles, players must use the actions allowed to them to try and accomplish their teams' agendas. However, you’ll need to be judicious in your actions, for the King is watching closely for signs of disloyalty–and not everyone at the banquet table is on your side.

Six Unique Scenarios
The Last Banquet features six different scenarios designed to support varied player counts. Work to assassinate the King before your rival faction in The Last Banquet scenario by ending a round with your faction’s assassin seated next to the King. In The White Maiden’s Lament scenario, the ghostly White Maiden and her faction try to slay the queen, while the queen’s faction attempts to ward off the eerie specter. Retrieve the keys while avoiding the nefarious duke to rescue the princess in The Missing Princess scenario for six to ten players.

The Last Banquet is great for large gaming groups and parties, and its scenarios can accommodate player counts from six to twenty-five! Our upcoming series of previews will present more detailed information about each of these scenarios, so make sure to stay tuned!

Preparing for the Feast
Players each receive a character card at the beginning of the game, determining the role they’ll play throughout. Each character card contains detailed information about your character, such as gender, Social Status, and Demeanor, to help you better get inside your character’s head. The character cards also provide a warm or snide remark you can use during the game to greet the King, in an attempt to get into his good graces, or signal your discontent with his rule.

After character cards are distributed, most scenarios require players to split up into factions, or teams. The factions meet separately to scheme for the coming banquet. For example, in The Last Banquet scenario, each faction secretly chooses an assassin. Each faction's objective is then to position its assassin next to the King by the end of the turn. To achieve this objective, you’ll need to strategize with the members of your faction on how best to execute your dastardly plot, and come up with a plan to thwart the devious maneuverings of your opponents. Keep in mind, the King does not sit idly by! We'll talk more about the King's agenda in a future preview.

As you take your places at the table to begin the banquet, you’ll be surrounded by the watchful gaze of both friend and foe. Remember your courtly etiquette, and be sure to employ all the cunning you can muster.

The Feast Begins
As the wine flows and the food is set out, the feast–and the game–begins.

The Host (determined by the scenario) begins the feast by passing the scepter, which serves as the active player marker, to a player immediately to his right or left.

Throughout the feast your goal is to use your given actions and the help of your faction to cleverly maneuver other players and yourself into a position to accomplish your faction’s objective. How to do this is up to you and the other members of your faction. Maybe you’ll use flattery to appeal to other members of the court, or perhaps you’ll rely on stealth and sneakiness to manipulate your fellow guests. You could try to distract the group with the help of a rousing song from the Bard, or a silly feat from the Jester. Perhaps you’ll rely on the favor of a patron to ease your path to victory. Even as you indulge in the feast, keep your eyes open for opportunity!

Actions are used to affect other members of the court, often by rearranging them at the table. Actions can also protect certain people from effects of an action, or change the direction in which the scepter moves. Most character cards have four actions: a basic action, actions numbered one and two, and a favor.

On your turn, simply select an action and read the text aloud. Then, follow the instructions. Some actions are considered beneath the more important members of the court. These are denoted with the symbol to the right, and do not effect characters with the Royalty Social Status.

Favor actions require the consent of a patron - an esteemed member of the court, often the King. To perform a favor action on your turn, you must request a favor of the scenario’s patron. If the patron accepts, you may then resolve your favor. If the patron declines, your turn ends and you must pass the scepter and sit down.

Throughout the course of the game, players will switch seats at the table, sometimes occupying the same space as other members of the court. Common actions include forcing players of your choice to switch places, switching places with other players, or moving adjacent to a player of your choice. Each action has the potential to bring you closer to victory!

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Legend of the Five Rings LCG: Children of the Empire Expansion
Legend of the Five Rings LCG: Children of the Empire Expansion

A Premium Expansion for Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game!

The land of Rokugan is shifting. Where once there was balance in the elements, there is now chaos. And where once there was peace amongst the Great Clans, there is now conflict. Though mending this wound in the world is of the utmost importance, a monumental edict from Hantei XXXVIII will once again shift the course of history, and it will fall to the children of the empire to find a peaceful way forward for the Emerald Empire.

A Premium Expansion is a new level of product for Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game, featuring 234 cards (three copies each of 76 cards and one copy each of six cards), a number comparable to the Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game Core Set. Unlike previous expansions, Premium Expansions are not tied to a specific clan, nor do they form part of a cycle—instead, these expansions focus on developing specific themes and mechanics, rewarding every clan with a wealth of new cards in a single expansion!

In Children of the Empire, you'll find a celebration of the tranquility brought to Rokugan by the Hantei Dynasty. Every Great Clan gets new tools, with themes of dueling and honor persistent throughout the expansion. Children of the Empire also provides a snapshot of characters and events in the Legend of the Five Rings story as they stand today. Look for cards that represent some of the biggest moments from Legend of the Five Rings fiction, and an updated version of an iconic character whose role in the celestial order has shifted!

With 234 new cards covering every clan and dedicated themes, Children of the Empire is the perfect companion to the Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game Core Set for new players, and it offers a meta-shifting influx of new cards for veteran players from every clan!

Maintaining Composure
Children of the Empire places a heavy emphasis on honor—not just on the honor of your individual characters, but your clan as a whole. In the field of battle and in the courts, composure is key to victory.

Composure is a new mechanic introduced here, in Children of the Empire. So long as your honor bid is lower than an opponent’s, you are considered to have composure. While this does nothing on its own, every clan gains new cards with effects that only activate if you have achieved composure. For example, the Student of War (Children of the Empire, 23) is a straightforward Bushi with three military and two political skill. However, if you have composure, the Student of War cannot lose fate or be discarded! If you can consistently keep your honor dial lower than your opponent’s, the Student of War will never abandon you, fighting by your side until victory is reached.

Of course, maintaining composure can be just as hard as achieving it, especially if your enemy operates by undermining your honor. The Scorpion thrive on high-honor bids, and may struggle to gain composure through traditional means… but the Scorpion have never been the most traditional clan.

As long as you have composure, the Scorpion can manipulate the target of your opponent’s events with the Social Puppeteer (Children of the Empire, 34). While this is a strong ability on its own, this three-cost Courtier also offers a way to gain composure by switching honor dials with your opponent during a conflict! If you steal an honor dial with a lower bid than yours, this can quickly swing things in your favor. Not only must your opponent now focus on the Puppeteer, their own composure characters deactivate, giving the Scorpion the advantage.

Gaining and maintaining composure can be a difficult task, but the rewards can be game-defining.

A Test of Skill
You'll make an honor bid every round as you draw more cards, but that's not the only time that you can gain or lose composure. Fittingly, Children of the Empire also places a heavy emphasis on duels, and it starts by updating the template for the mechanic. Repetitive wording on cards like Policy Debate (For Honor and Glory, 40) has been replaced by the simple phrase, “Initiate a duel,” making cards clearer and allowing space for more complicated effects. To initiate a duel, the player resolving the ability simply chooses two characters to duel against each other: one they control and one controlled by an opponent. If the duel was triggered by the ability of a character, that character must be your representative in the duel.

More importantly, every clan will receive at least one new Duelist character to add to their ranks—challenger characters that initiate duels during conflicts for potent effects.

The court is the domain of the Crane, and though their Kakita duelists are deadly with steel, the clan’s words cut just as deep. The Courtly Challenger (Children of the Empire, 12) is a two-cost Duelist that becomes honored when it wins a duel, and dishonored when it loses a duel. Moreover, as an Action, you may initiate a political duel, with the winner drawing two cards. With powerful composure cards introduced in Children of the Empire, low honor bids will be attractive, but this means less cards for your conflict hand. Luckily for the Crane, cards like the Courtly Challenger can keep your hand stocked and your honor bid low.

The Unicorn, meanwhile, gain the power of the Honest Challenger (Children of the Empire, 37). This more traditional Duelist gains two military skill while you have composure, and a successful military duel lets you move a character into the conflict, perhaps giving you the backup to break a province. If you maintain your composure, your opponent will be hard-pressed to defeat the Honest Challenger in a one-on-one duel, especially considering you're always picking your opponent.

Of course, this cycle isn’t the only duel support in Children of the Empire—you can look for events that trigger duels, more experienced duelists to join your clan, and more.

For example, the Mirumoto Daishō (Children of the Empire, 58) is a powerful new Dragon attachment that provides a buff to both military and political skill. However, it’s true power is revealed during a duel, as it prevents your opponent from bidding 1 or 5. Not only does this restrict your opponent’s options, it can ensure victory for your Duelist when the time is right.

Specters of the Past
Children of the Empire is a snapshot of Rokugan, a celebration and examination of the events that have unfolded since the launch of the game. As such, it includes cards that reference some of the most important story moments in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game.

Hida Kisada constantly oversees the fight against attacks from the Shadowlands. Some attacks are worse than others, and one led by an obsidian-plated oni was significant enough that Kisada himself had to intervene, as described in “Dark Hands of Heaven” by Annie VanderMeer Mitsoda. While Kisada was evenly matched with the oni, his leadership was needed elsewhere in the battle, so a loyal retainer named Hida Tomonatsu intervened and sacrificed herself to bring the oni down.

In Defense of Rokugan (Children of the Empire, 52) recreates that moment of Tomonatsu’s sacrifice, allowing the Crab to sacrifice a defender to reduce an attacker’s military skill to zero for a conflict. Not every character is created equal, and a Marauding Oni dwarfs the skill of an Eager Scout. But for one moment, the scales equal and a moment of bravery and self-sacrifice can defeat even the strongest of foes.

In Robert Denton III’s novella, The Sword and the Spirits, Shiba Tsukune pursued Isawa Tadaka to the remote shrine of Sanpuku Seidō. What neither expected to find was a shrine haunted by spirits from Tōshigoku, the Realm of Slaughter. Together, the two—with the help of an unassuming shrine maiden named Kaito Kosori—banded together to fight the spirits that infested the shrine and cleanse it of a long-forgotten enemy.

Subdue the Spirits (Children of the Empire, 68) represents this conflict, allowing you to add your characters' glory to their skills during a conflict in which you are more honorable than your opponent. Since this even stacks with characters who are already honored, this can give a massive boost to the Phoenix regardless of what conflict type you find yourself in!

The Emerald Lion
Finally, Children of the Empire includes multiple neutral cards focusing on the Hantei dynasty, and includes a new version of one of Legend of the Five Rings most prolific characters. Akodo Toturi (Core Set, 79) began his journey as the Lion Clan Champion, but the heavens have forged a new path for him as the Emperor’s right hand. As the Emerald Champion, Akodo Toturi must now balance his duty to his clan and his duty to the Emperor.

Children of the Empire’s Akodo Toturi (Children of the Empire, 45) is a neutral, five-cost character with impressive skills, and so long as you hold the Imperial Favor, the ability to lock your opponent down. As an Action during a conflict with Akodo Toturi, you may declare that each player cannot play cards from their hand until the end of the conflict!

Akodo Toturi seeks the truth and has no patience for underhanded methods. You’ll have to succeed on the field of battle or in court if you have any hope of victory. While triggering this Action also prevents you from playing cards, Toturi's ability can be used at any point in the conflict, ultimately triggering this only after you've played any cards you need to!

Akodo Toturi is just one of the many neutral cards featured in Children of the Empire. Look for Duelists, Courtiers, Magistrates, and even the Son of Heaven himself to join the Imperial ranks.

A New Dawn
Rokugan sits on the edge of change. But before the Emerald Empire can move forward, celebrate the tranquility of the Hantei Dynasty with the 234 cards featured in Children of the Empire, and prepare for the future of Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game!

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Legend of the Five Rings LCG: DC3 -In Pursuit of Truth Dynasty Pack
Legend of the Five Rings LCG: DC3 -In Pursuit of Truth Dynasty Pack

The third Dynasty Pack in the Dominion cycle for Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game.

The Emerald Empire is gripped by turmoil. The Scorpion have seized the capital and Bayushi Shoju sits upon the throne as regent. While evil forces make their moves in the south and within the realm, the clans scrabble for power, abandoning the honorable virtues of Bushidō. Which clans can survive the coming storm, and will Rokugan endure with its noble soul intact?

As part of the Dominion cycle, In Pursuit of Truth adds unique new mechanics to challenge players’ understanding of the game—most especially with your provinces. The provinces under your control have been changed forever by the introduction of events in your dynasty deck, along with two new keywords: eminent and rally. Whether you’re venturing into enemy territory or defending your own people from invasion, you’ll find the game’s provinces placed in the spotlight throughout the Dominion cycle.

Lands of the Crane Clan
For the Crane Clan, pulled between two rival siblings, the current political situation is full of unspoken dangers. Yet despite these rivalries, many of the Crane still strive to conduct themselves with honor, acting as a true samurai in the midst of the disreputable behavior that surrounds them.

You’ll find it much easier to honor your own samurai in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game if you control the City of Tsuma (In Pursuit of Truth, 49). This new Crane province has only three strength, and it bears the new eminent keyword, meaning it starts the game faceup and it’s a target from the very first turn. Tsuma offers a powerful ability, however: every character that you play from this province enters play honored!

Honoring characters is a hallmark for the Crane Clan, simultaneously boosting their skill and giving you honor when your character leaves play. Honor is especially important for a character like the Asahina Augur (In Pursuit of Truth, 54), who goes from zero skill to three military and political skill when he is honored. Beside his skill in conflict while honored, the Augur gives you a powerful ability to peer into your own future and influence the outcome. While this character is in play, you can look at all facedown cards in your provinces, helping you to make important decisions about the future. And if that weren’t enough, you can also cycle those cards, discarding a card from your provinces to make room for a new card that may be more suitable for your current situation.

The Asahina Augur’s foresight comes from a mystical source, but you can also control your own destiny by tapping into The Wealth of the Crane (In Pursuit of Truth, 63). This event has a hefty cost of five fate, but that cost is reduced for each faceup province you control—giving you an additional benefit for using eminent provinces like Tsuma. And when you do muster the fate to pay for this event, you can look at the top ten cards of your dynasty deck and put one of those cards faceup into each of your non-stronghold provinces! When it comes to calling the perfect characters into action to fight for the Crane Clan, there’s no substitute for this event.

Establish Your Dominion
The Crane Clan may be divided, but if they can hold the path of honor, they may be able to find the single, perfect path forward. You can chart your own course for the Crane and the other clans of Rokugan with the In Pursuit of Truth Dynasty Pack.

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Legend of the Five Rings LCG: DC4 -Campaigns of Conquest Dynasty Pack
Legend of the Five Rings LCG: DC4 -Campaigns of Conquest Dynasty Pack

The fourth Dynasty Pack in the Dominion cycle for Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game!

In the aftermath of the Emperor’s death, the Great Clans of Rokugan scrabble for power. Some search for certainty amidst the storm, others use the chaos in the Imperial City to solidify their own base of power. The virtues of Bushidō have guided samurai from every clan through countless dangers, but the pressure is building and the cracks in the Empire are beginning to show…

As the next piece of the Dominion cycle, this Dynasty Pack leans into the biggest themes of the cycle, boasting three dynasty deck events and nine cards with the new rally keyword. New cards for each of the seven Great Clans enhance their deckbuilding options, while a new Lion stronghold invites Lion Clan players to explore a new type of deck centered on your Bushi. Can you safeguard the future of the Emerald Empire and uphold your clan’s honor?

The Might of the Lion
The Lion Clan’s power has been shaken and tested by constant warring with the Crane. If you’ve been looking for new direction for your Lion Clan, you may find it with their new stronghold included in this Dynasty Pack: Hayaken no Shiro (Campaigns of Conquest, 71).

With twelve honor, ten influence, and plus two province strength, Hayaken no Shiro offers a good range of starting stats, but the true power lies with its Action. At any time, you can bow your stronghold to choose a Bushi character with printed cost two or lower and ready that character! Just bringing a Bushi into multiple conflicts can be useful for tipping the scales in your balance. But there’s also another compelling new Bushi that you’ll find inside this Dynasty Pack.

Ikoma Tsanuri (Campaigns of Conquest, 79) weighs in at two fate, making her a perfect target for Hayaken no Shiro—but she packs quite a punch for her reasonable cost, with good stats and the rally keyword to pull an additional card into her province. What’s more than that, however, Tsanuri’s ability reads, “During conflicts in which this character is participating, your opponent cannot trigger abilities on the attacked province.” When it comes to provinces, almost all of them boast triggered abilities that can make life difficult for the attackers. With Ikoma Tsanuri and Hayaken no Shiro, you can lock down the province abilities for both of your attacks each round.

Of course, even if you’re putting most of your effort into pushing strong attacks through, it can help to have a good plan for an extended siege. If you’re playing a Fire role, Under Siege (Campaigns of Conquest, 89) can give you a way to burn down your opponent’s prepared defenses. By playing this after a conflict is declared, the defending player must set aside their hand of cards and draw five new cards, potentially leaving them with few options for mounting a successful defense. Alternatively, if you’re in a pinch and nearly out of cards as the defender, you can play Under Siege to refill some of your hand, potentially drawing into the cards that could make the difference between a successful defense and a broken province.

Launch Your Campaign
Whether you’re fighting for the honor of the Lion Clan or you’ve sworn your allegiance to another clan, you’ll find a host of new cards to revitalize your decks and bring new tactics to your provinces in Campaigns of Conquest.

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Legend of the Five Rings LCG: DC5 -As Honor Demands Dynasty Pack
Legend of the Five Rings LCG: DC5 -As Honor Demands Dynasty Pack

The fifth Dynasty Pack in the Dominion cycle for Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game.

In every part of the Emerald Empire, noble samurai are pushed closer to destruction by the rapidly changing fortunes of the Great Clans. Though the natural order has been disturbed, there are still clans and samurai who choose to hold fast to their ideals—but will those ideals ultimately lead them safely through the storm or condemn them to devastation?

As with the other Dynasty Packs of the Dominion cycle, As Honor Demands puts the focus squarely on your provinces, with the new eminent and rally keywords and an assortment of dynasty events that are played from your provinces. Beyond these themes shared across the entire cycle, this pack in particular offers a host of ways for players to increase their honor, unlocking new paths to victory for the Great Clans.

The Call to Honor
Even more than many of Rokugan’s clans, upholding honor is of the utmost importance for the Crane Clan. In the game, they boast many ways to honor their own characters, and in this Dynasty Pack, you’ll find ways to put your honored characters to even better use, starting with a brand-new Crane stronghold.

Seven Fold Palace (As Honor Demands, 93) offers starting stats that are a bit lower than usual, giving you only ten honor at the start of the game and raising the strength of your stronghold province by one. Still, Seven Fold Palace can be a particularly potent stronghold, especially if you’re planning to race to 25 honor before your opponent can destroy your provinces—after an honored character you control wins a conflict as the attacker, you can bow this stronghold to immediately gain two honor! Adding your stronghold to your ways to gain more honor, on top of effects like the Air Ring and honored characters, just might be what your Crane Clan needs to push them over the edge to a truly honorable victory.

Achieving an honorable victory will naturally require a host of honored characters, and two new Crane cards in this expansion pack play off of your honored characters. Master of the Court (As Honor Demands, 98) can be a powerful force in a political conflict, and with the covert keyword, you may find it easy to push through an attack and trigger Seven Fold Palace. However, if your opponent is about the gain the upper hand with a cunning event, you can simply discard an honored status token from Master of the Court to cancel that event.

Honored characters are also essential for the new Crane event, Elegance and Grace (As Honor Demands, 108). By playing this event for just two fate, you can choose two honored characters with a total cost of six or less and ready both of those characters! As an easy way to let your characters participate in multiple conflicts or surprise your opponent by suddenly defending against an attack, Elegance and Grace is an unmatched tool for the Crane Clan.

The Path to Peace
While the Crane are drawn to the pursuit of honor, the Phoenix Clan commonly chooses to avoid a path of war, preferring a more pacifistic bent. Fittingly then, As Honor Demands brings the Phoenix Clan an assortment of rewards for refusing to declare a conflict. Of course, you’ll almost certainly want to declare some conflicts over the course of your game, but it’s equally likely that you’ll want to pass some conflicts when it’s not tactically advantageous to push forward. In times like that, it never hurts to have some bonus rewards for passing your conflict.

For example, the Asako Lawmaster (As Honor Demands, 102) simply gives you an honor whenever you pass on declaring a conflict, improving your position as you go into the next round. Alternatively, you may have the Endless Archives (As Honor Demands, 103) as a holding in your provinces. When you pass on declaring a conflict, you can place an honor token on Endless Archives to cycle cards from your hand, drawing new cards from the top of your conflict deck. The Endless Archives becomes more effective as you use it more often, but most interestingly of all, this card can be used by any player, whenever they pass a conflict. Helping your opponent find better cards is rarely in your best interest, but if it means they pass a conflict, it could end up serving your ultimate goal. You’ll just have to be sure you can close the Endless Archives once they’ve served their purpose!

The Pursuit of Bushidō
Whether you swear fealty to the Crane, the Phoenix, or another Great Clan, you’ll find a full assortment of brand-new cards to use and enjoy in As Honor Demands.

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