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Star Wars Imperial Assault: Chewbacca Ally Pack
Star Wars Imperial Assault: Chewbacca Ally Pack

The Chewbacca Ally Pack offers you a detailed figure of Chewbacca, Han Solo’s co-pilot, compatriot, and fellow smuggler. This noble Wookiee can fight alongside the heroes of the Rebel Alliance in any campaign or skirmish mission, including the three included in this expansion. In a new campaign side mission, you must prevent the Empire from capturing and enslaving helpless Wookiees on Kashyyyk. You may also join Chewbacca for two skirmishes in an Imperial labor camp – you can engineer the escape of a vital prisoner, or infiltrate the facility and secure it for your own faction. New Command cards like Adrenaline grant your Wookiees additional health and greater power in any skirmish missions.

Like the Luke Skywalker Ally Pack and the Darth Vader Villain Pack included in the Imperial Assault Core Set, these new figure packs contain detailed plastic figures to replace the tokens provided in the Core Set. These figures can be used in both the Imperial Assault campaign game and the skirmish game, and every Ally Pack and Villain Pack offers you new missions for both games.

Of course, every Ally Pack and Villain Pack offers far more than just a plastic figure. A new side mission that you can weave into any campaign is included in every figure pack, along with two new skirmish missions that share the same map. Villain Packs offer new Agenda cards for the Imperial player, Ally Packs introduce new Reward cards for the heroes to gain in a campaign, and all figure packs contain new Command cards for building your Command decks in a skirmish.

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19.60 €
Star Wars Imperial Assault: Dengar Villain Pack
Star Wars Imperial Assault: Dengar Villain Pack

As the Rebels attempt to escape from the grasp of the Empire, the Imperial leaders may turn to bounty hunters in order to track down and apprehend the missing Rebels. One of these unsavory guns-for-hire is Dengar – a bounty hunter renowned for his brutality. You can hire this hunter with the Dengar Villain Pack and inflict a host of punishment on your foes.

When you field Dengar among your warriors in the campaign game or the skirmish game, his powerful abilities ensure that you’ll inflict Harmful Conditions like Bleeding, Stunned, or Weakened on your opponents. A new three-card Agenda set, Punishing Tactics, invites you to use Dengar to conceal the location of a kidnapped Rebel operative even as you prey on the weakest heroes in every campaign mission.

This ruthless killer also fights for the highest bidder in the skirmish game, even as two new skirmish missions send you into a Hoth Battle Station to set explosives or carry out an inside job. Three new Command cards add to the punishing potential behind every attack, and you may even take a gamble and play Dangerous Bargains to grant three victory points to both you and your opponent. If you can score points faster, Dangerous Bargains helps you rush to victory, but if you must be cautious or your opponent may outpace you. In both the campaigns and skirmishes of Imperial Assault, Dengar can be a valuable asset for the Galactic Empire and the Mercenaries of the galaxy.

• A Mercenary faction figure pack for Star Wars: Imperial Assault
• Hire the cruel and deadly bounty hunter, Dengar, in your campaign or skirmish games
• Offers a sculpted plastic figure to replace the token found in the Return to Hoth expansion
• New Command cards and skirmish missions expand your skirmish game options
• Punish the heroes wherever they turn with a new three-card Agenda set for your campaigns

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15.70 €
Star Wars Imperial Assault: Emperor Palpatine Villain Pack
Star Wars Imperial Assault: Emperor Palpatine Villain Pack

Sith Master

The head of the Galactic Empire and the Sith Lord who cleverly orchestrated the downfall of the Jedi and the Old Republic, Emperor Palpatine is the single most powerful individual in the galaxy. He masterfully manipulates all those around him, he commands a military with sufficient size and strength to subjugate multiple star systems, and he wields the almost limitless power of the dark side of the Force.

With the Emperor Palpatine Villain Pack, you can bring this Sith Lord's awesome powers—and evil—to your games of Imperial Assault. Although he does most of his work behind the scenes, playing admirals and generals and politicians like puppets, you'll find Palpatine more than capable of taking to the streets and acting directly to advance his interests. No matter whether you have the Emperor navigate Coruscant and its intrigues in your campaign or lead his army into quickly fought skirmishes, his impressive melee skills and inherent Pierce 3 offer only the merest hints of his full range of power.

He can throw Force lightning, tempt others down the road to ruin, and spur others toward spontaneous violence. Most frightening of all—he can do all these things in a round in which he also makes an attack. And, as befits his status as master of the dark side of the Force and supreme ruler of the galaxy, the Emperor also comes with a full suite of Force-themed Command cards and an Agenda deck that allows you to explore his many plots.

• An Imperial faction figure pack for Imperial Assault
• Introduces a detailed plastic Emperor Palpatine figure for use in your campaign and skirmish games
• Unleash the power of the dark side with the galaxy’s most powerful Sith Lord
• Use the new agenda set to ensure that everything proceeds according to your design
• Comes with a deployment card, side mission, and five powerful command cards

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21.00 €
Star Wars Imperial Assault: General Sorin Villain Pack
Star Wars Imperial Assault: General Sorin Villain Pack

The final Villain Pack in these expansions focuses on General Sorin, one of the Empire’s foremost military minds. General Sorin leads by example on the battlefield, coordinating attacks and inspiring his own troops to benefit from his abilities. In your games of Imperial Assault, General Sorin is an excellent centerpiece to enhance the potential of every figure in your forces.

During a campaign, General Sorin comes with a three-card Agenda set that plays to General Sorin’s favored weapons – heavy vehicles and an explosive arsenal. You might play the Armored Division Agenda card to quickly lower the cost of any Vehicle unit, allowing you to bring it into play for a significantly lower cost. Alternatively, you could challenge the heroes to face down a division of AT-STs on Ando Prime with this set’s Agenda mission. Whether you use the Bombardment Agenda set or not, General Sorin is a worthy nemesis for the campaign included in the Return to Hoth expansion.

You may also harness General Sorin’s natural leadership in the Imperial Assault skirmish game. Two new skirmish missions bring you to a Climate Research Camp, where you’ll fight on a variety of different terrain types set in close proximity to each other. Finally, three new Command cards expand the field tactics of the Galactic Empire, meaning that the General Sorin Villain Pack is an excellent addition to any Imperial strike team in the skirmish game.

• An Imperial figure pack for Star Wars: Imperial Assault
• Boost your forces with the cunning and brilliant leadership of General Sorin
• Offers a sculpted plastic figure to replace the token found in the Return to Hoth expansion
• New Command cards and skirmish missions expand your skirmish game options
• Chase the heroes across the sector during your campaigns with a new Agenda set

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15.60 €
Star Wars Imperial Assault: General Weiss Villain Pack
Star Wars Imperial Assault: General Weiss Villain Pack

You can also turn to the dark side with Imperial Assault Villain Packs. Embrace the power of the Galactic Empire with the General Weiss Villain Pack. This pack contains the pieces to construct a standard AT-ST or General Weiss’s heavily modified assault walker, both of which tower above the battlefield and strike fear into the hears of the Rebels. New missions are also included within this expansion. During a campaign, you may lure the foolish heroes into a deadly forest ambush. While playing the Imperial Assault skirmish game, your missions might lead you to a derelict Imperial research lab in search of schematics, or you may be stranded on a planet and forced to use the facility’s communications array to reestablish contact with your allies. Meanwhile, new Command cards like Heavy Armor keep your Vehicles fully functional during an enemy attack.

Like the Luke Skywalker Ally Pack and the Darth Vader Villain Pack included in the Imperial Assault Core Set, these new figure packs contain detailed plastic figures to replace the tokens provided in the Core Set. These figures can be used in both the Imperial Assault campaign game and the skirmish game, and every Ally Pack and Villain Pack offers you new missions for both games.

Of course, every Ally Pack and Villain Pack offers far more than just a plastic figure. A new side mission that you can weave into any campaign is included in every figure pack, along with two new skirmish missions that share the same map. Villain Packs offer new Agenda cards for the Imperial player, Ally Packs introduce new Reward cards for the heroes to gain in a campaign, and all figure packs contain new Command cards for building your Command decks in a skirmish.

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24.00 €
Star Wars Imperial Assault: Grand Inquisitor Villain Pack
Star Wars Imperial Assault: Grand Inquisitor Villain Pack

First introduced by the Star Wars: Rebels TV show, The Grand Inquisitor is one of the most feared villains of the galaxy. This Pau’an Jedi Knight turned to the dark side after the fall of the Jedi Order, and he now serves the Emperor by fighting to eradicate every trace of the Jedi from the galaxy.

Whether you play with The Grand Inquisitor in a skirmish game or face him in the campaign, his prowess with the Force and mastery of lightsaber combat make him a deadly opponent. He has a high health and speed, strong attack dice and surge abilities, and the option to throw his lightsaber as a ranged attack if necessary. What’s more, The Grand Inquisitor can do what no other figure in the game has been able to do before now—cut through his opponent’s dodge by spending a surge on the Deadly ability!

Clearly, The Grand Inquisitor is enormously powerful, and you’ll be able to experience his dangerous fighting style face-to-face with a new campaign side mission and two new skirmish missions that share a map. You may corner the Rebel heroes on Ithor or unleash heavy firepower from a station on Kashyyyk—either way, The Grand Inquisitor is more than willing to help you destroy the Rebellion. With a new three-card Agenda set, a new Item card, and three new Command cards, The Grand Inquisitor Villain Pack propels the Empire forward in their quest for galactic domination.

• A new three-card Agenda set allows you to unleash the full combat potential of The Grand Inquisitor
• Lead your strike team with The Grand Inquisitor and take advantage of two new skirmish missions set in a station on Kashyyyk
• Features a stunningly sculpted plastic figure of The Grand Inquisitor

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15.60 €
Star Wars Imperial Assault: Greedo Villain Pack
Star Wars Imperial Assault: Greedo Villain Pack

As a bounty hunter on the Outer Rim, Greedo has long needed to survive by his skills and his wits. Though he has a reputation for being slow on the draw, his price is cheap and perhaps best of all, he’s expendable. If you want a bounty hunter who can lead a group of hired guns in a desperate attack, you should certainly consider the Greedo Villain Pack.

Costing only four points to include in your army, Greedo might be just the bounty hunter you need to fill out your strike team. Losing Greedo won’t be a strong blow to your side, but until your opponent actually spends the attacks to destroy him, you’ll be able to do a significant amount of damage with Greedo. Two new skirmish missions included in this pack bring your strike teams into a fortified hangar bay, giving you the opportunity to use In the Shadows to sneak up on your enemies before they spot you.

Greedo can also turn up in your campaign games of Imperial Assault with a new Item card and a new three-card Agenda set that includes a new Agenda mission. Whether you’re claiming a death mark on a high-profile Rebel operative on Ord Mantell, walking through the streets of Mos Eisley, or working for the Empire in Cloud City, Greedo can have a significant influence on every campaign.

• A new three-card Agenda set invites you to hunt down your enemies across the galaxy
• New Command cards and a new skirmish upgrade make Greedo a force to be reckoned with in any Imperial Assault skirmish
• Features a beautifully sculpted plastic figure of Greedo

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15.60 €
Star Wars Imperial Assault: Han Solo Ally Pack
Star Wars Imperial Assault: Han Solo Ally Pack

Ally Packs invite you to battle alongside iconic heroes from the Star Wars universe. With the Han Solo Ally Pack, you gain access to a sculpted plastic figure of Han Solo, infamous scoundrel and smuggler. You now have the chance to work with Han Solo in any adventure. You’ll find yourself fighting to repel Imperial boarders from the Millennium Falcon in a new campaign side mission. Alternatively, you may enter the Corellian underground to engage in a skirmish, whether you’re rooting out local troublemakers or seizing control of an illicit Sabacc table. This Ally Pack also offers six new Command cards for your skirmish games: cards like I Make My Own Luck allow you to seize control of the initiative for a round.

Like the Luke Skywalker Ally Pack and the Darth Vader Villain Pack included in the Imperial Assault Core Set, these new figure packs contain detailed plastic figures to replace the tokens provided in the Core Set. These figures can be used in both the Imperial Assault campaign game and the skirmish game, and every Ally Pack and Villain Pack offers you new missions for both games.

Of course, every Ally Pack and Villain Pack offers far more than just a plastic figure. A new side mission that you can weave into any campaign is included in every figure pack, along with two new skirmish missions that share the same map. Villain Packs offer new Agenda cards for the Imperial player, Ally Packs introduce new Reward cards for the heroes to gain in a campaign, and all figure packs contain new Command cards for building your Command decks in a skirmish.

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15.60 €
Star Wars Imperial Assault: Heart of the Empire Expansion
Star Wars Imperial Assault: Heart of the Empire Expansion

A new expansion for Imperial Assault!

Adventure among the awesome Coruscant cityscape, and face its myriad dangers. Only the bravest rebels dare to operate here, but when it becomes vital to locate an ancient artifact before the Emperor can claim it as his own, you'll set forth on a new, highly replayable campaign of sixteen missions that explore every level of the world, from its glistening halls of power to its grimy underworld alleys.

You'll find three new heroes ready to join the Rebellion, aided by the talented Force user Ahsoka Tano. You'll maneuver through the crowded city, pursued and confronted by Imperials at every turn. And you'll find the Emperor isn't the only major player working against you. The former Sith, Maul, has sent a Clawdite Shapeshifter to pursue the artifact, and any face in the crowd might hide the Shapeshifter's true identity.

Altogether, Heart of the Empire expands your campaign and skirmish games with three heroes and thirteen other figures, including the massive AT-DP, baton-wielding Riot Troopers, and twin-gunned Sentry Droids. Coruscant comes to life with dozens of new map tiles and more than 130 cards. New energy shield and rubble tokens will throw a wrench in your opponent’s plans by modifying the battlefield, and new power tokens give you more control over your fate than ever before!

Campaigns in Coruscant
Alone among the innumerable residents of the galaxy's central city, the heroes of the Heart of the Empire campaign have a tremendous challenge ahead of them. They must continue the reconnaissance begun by another band of Rebels. That team sent word of a powerful artifact sought as a weapon by agents of the Empire, but then its members went missing, presumably because they were captured.

Now the streets of Coruscant lie before them, below them, behind and above them, as do all the mysteries they contain. And the race is on. If the heroes aren't the first to identify the artifact's location, then it might fall into the hands of a mercenary or one those agents who serve the Emperor. Or—if the rumors are to be believed—the Emperor himself may be taking part in the search.

Accordingly, if you enter this campaign as one of the Rebel heroes, you're going to need to muster every bit of strength at your disposal. Fortunately for you, Heart of the Empire offers you new options in the form of companions and power tokens.

The support figures known as "companions" return to Imperial Assault to bolster both a hero class and an Imperial class. These companions enter play through various game effects and are always associated with a specific hero or group. They count and function as figures, with a few exceptions, and they activate immediately before or after their associated hero or group.

Power tokens, such as those generated and handed out by Rebel Quartermaster Ko-Tun Feralo, , represent a variety of things that increase a unit’s effectiveness in battle, from enhanced armaments to affinity with the Force. Once armed with one of these tokens, a figure that declares an attack or is declared as the target of an attack may discard one of its power tokens to apply that token's symbol to the attack’s results.

Spend your token to boost your attack by a point of damage, or spend your to reduce the chances that your opponent surges for an attack that stuns you or cleaves into your friend.

Armed for Battle
With Heart of the Empire, Ko-Tun Feralo brings these power tokens to your skirmish games as well. Her passive Arms Distribution ability triggers at the beginning of each round, making her an excellent leader and invaluable ally, especially since friendly figures who spend their power tokens during their attacks may make them Deadly Precise.

Still, Heart of the Empire adds a lot more to your skirmish games than just its new heroes, their power tokens, and their companions. You'll be able to bolster your armies with the expansion's new units, and you'll gain full use of the new tactics they introduce through ten new command cards. Additionally, you'll find a trio of new skirmish upgrades designed to add flexibility to some of the game's most iconic figures.

Ever wonder what Darth Vader might look like in your skirmish games as he presses his inexorable attack, cutting through foes with his red-bladed lightsaber, Force choking others, and fully Driven by Hatred and anger? With Heart of the Empire, you'll have that chance!

And as if whole cluster of new figures, command cards, and skirmish upgrades weren't yet enough to get you excited about Heart of the Empire, there's still more. The expansion come with rules and a map for four-player skirmishes—both as Team Battles and as wild Free-for-Alls. Take the cooperative aspect you love from your campaign and import it to the skirmish game, or just prove that your army's tough enough to take on all comers!

Either way, you'll find plenty of opportunities to make use of all the new units and power tokens that Heart of the Empire allows you to distribute between your factions and enhance them all.

From Glistening Halls to the Grimy Streets
Enjoy a full-length campaign with adventures full of mystery and awe. Power up your skirmishes with new units, command cards, and power tokens. Command or confront the Emperor himself.

• Introduces a highly replayable Imperial Assault campaign set in Coruscant, the heart of the Galactic Empire
• Three new heroes make use of new power tokens, companions, and firepower
• Expands your skirmish options with new missions, deployment cards, and command cards
• New Imperial class cards allow you to plot like the Emperor himself
• Comes with sixteen plastic figures, new map tiles, tokens, and more than one-hundred cards

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96.70 €
Star Wars Imperial Assault: Hera Syndulla and C1-10P Ally Pack
Star Wars Imperial Assault: Hera Syndulla and C1-10P Ally Pack

Though 0-0-0 and BT-1 serve the malicious purposes of the Galactic Empire and Jawa Scavengers are only looking to make a profit, some beings in the galaxy fight for a cause larger than themselves. Hera Syndulla and her loyal astromech C1-10P are stoking the fires of resistance in a galaxy that’s choking under the heel of the Empire. With the Hera Syndulla and C1-10P Ally Pack, you can bring the will to rebel into your games of Imperial Assault.

In your campaigns, Hera may lead you to Tatooine in a desperate attempt to rescue Chopper from Imperial imprisonment. In any mission, Hera can quickly prove herself as an adept leader, calling the shots to keep your entire strike team on point. Chopper is also more than capable of handling himself in battle, using a variety of tricks and tools to knock your enemies back and keep you on top of any engagement.

Your skirmish games also benefit from this new Ally Pack. You’ll find a new skirmish map—Chopper Base, Atollon—that features two unique missions. You can even customize your Droids or Vehicles by strapping on some Scavenged Weaponry. This skirmish upgrade adds one damage to any attack, but more importantly, you can redeploy it to another unit if its current host is defeated. By passing the weaponry around, you may overpower your foes by sheer damage output over the course of the mission.

• A new Ally Pack for Imperial Assault
• Features beautifully sculpted plastic figures of Hera Syndulla and C1-10P 10P
• A new campaign mission challenges the heroes to rescue Chopper from Imperial imprisonment
• Two new skirmish missions bring you to Chopper Base, Atollon
• Includes all the Deployment cards and Command cards you need to join the Rebellion

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23.60 €
Star Wars Imperial Assault: Hired Guns Villain Pack
Star Wars Imperial Assault: Hired Guns Villain Pack

Two Hired Guns join the Mercenaries faction with the Hired Guns Villain Pack for Imperial Assault, and they’re prepared to fight for the highest bidder – whoever that may be. Your Hired Guns can make life difficult for the Rebel heroes with the addition of a new three-card Agenda set that includes a new campaign side mission.

Alternatively, the Hired Guns can be a potent addition to your skirmish armies as disposable warriors to make an opening assault or work as a screen for your more powerful figures.

You’ll also find a new skirmish map that invites you to complete two new missions within the sewers of Nar Shaddaa, while four new Command cards allow you to flee from your enemies or push them further away from victory when they destroy your units!

Across the galaxy, there are always beings willing to risk life and honor in exchange for the right price. Now the Mercenaries of the galaxy swell their ranks with some… expendable warriors. You’ll find two Hired Guns figures in the Hired Guns Villain Pack, both ready to pledge their allegiance to the Galactic Empire, the Rebel Alliance, or the highest bidder.

A team of Hired Guns can make life difficult for the Rebel heroes in any campaign with the addition of the new Nefarious Dealings three-card Agenda set. You may challenge the heroes to stop a deal from being forged between the Imperials and a group of dangerous mercenaries. If the heroes cannot halt this back-room bargain before the terms are decided, the Imperial player gains the benefits of Mercenary Ties for the remainder of the campaign. Alternatively, you may disrupt trade routes across the galaxy to keep the heroes from getting the supplies and equipment they need.

The Hired Guns can prove to be a potent addition to your skirmish armies. Without expending many points, you can gain two disposable warriors to make an opening assault or work as a screen for your more powerful figures. Of course, there’s plenty more content for your skirmishes in the Hired Guns Villain Pack. You’ll find a new skirmish map that invites you to complete two new missions within the sewers of Nar Shaddaa. Four Command cards also allow you to flee from your enemies, or even push them away from victory when they destroy your units!

• This Villain Pack features two sculpted plastic Hired Gun figures so you can hire these Rodian bounty hunters to battle your foes
• Strike a bargain between the Imperials and mercenary forces with a new three-card Agenda set
• Two new skirmish missions invite you to search for hidden treasures in the sewers of Nar Shaddaa
• Four new Command cards allow your Hired Guns to slip through your opponents’ clutches

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23.60 €
Star Wars Imperial Assault: ISB Infiltrators Villain Pack
Star Wars Imperial Assault: ISB Infiltrators Villain Pack

The Bespin Gambit invites you and your fellow players to take part in a shadow war between Imperial agents and undercover Rebel operatives among the luxurious hotels and seedy underside of Cloud City. Outside of The Bespin Gambit, you can also take advantage of the four new figure packs whether you’re playing a new mini-campaign or preparing for a skirmish tournament at your local retailer.

Powerful new figures join the Rebel Alliance, the Galactic Empire, and the Mercenaries of the galaxy with these Ally Packs and Villain Packs! Each expansion offers detailed, sculpted plastic figures to replace the tokens included in The Bespin Gambit, and they also expand your games with new Agenda cards, Deployment cards, Command cards, and missions for campaigns and skirmishes.

Across the galaxy, few Imperial institutions command more fear than the Imperial Security Bureau. Your neighbor or your family member may secretly serve the ISB. The man you pass on your way to work or the talkative woman in the cantina could be an informer. You can’t trust anyone, and in this atmosphere of stifling fear, few dare to speak of rebellion. Now, you can enforce the status quo and punish sedition in your games of Imperial Assault with the help of the ISB Infiltrators Villain Pack.

If the heroes are unlucky enough to encounter them on a mission, the ISB Infiltrators prove to be dangerous combatants, using the new Hidden condition to reduce enemy accuracy and gaining surges to deal more damage and increase accuracy. More than that, each ISB Infiltrator benefits from the Coordinated Raid ability, which allows another figure in the group to interrupt and perform an attack. Obviously, more attacks can significantly increase your damage output over the course of the game.

Whether you’re using their unique talents in a campaign or a skirmish, this Villain Pack offers additional cards and missions to supplement your adventures in the Star Wars™ galaxy. A new Agenda set, Command cards, Reward cards, and a skirmish upgrade offer you additional tools for any mission, from the ISB’s vaunted training grounds to an Imperial facility on Bespin.

• A new Villain Pack for Imperial Assault
• Engage in counter-espionage against the Rebel Alliance with two sculpted plastic ISB Infiltrator figures
• A new campaign side mission challenges the heroes to face the ISB Infiltrators
• Two new skirmish missions that share a map offer you the perfect opportunity to use the ISB Infiltrators in a skirmish
• New Agenda cards, Deployment cards, and Command cards bring changing tactics to every game

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23.60 €
Star Wars Imperial Assault: Jabba the Hutt Villain Pack
Star Wars Imperial Assault: Jabba the Hutt Villain Pack

The Galactic Empire may technically control Tatooine, but on the planet’s surface, the rules are seldom determined by laws made light-years away. Crime is the closest thing to government that Tatooine has, and all crime on Tatooine feeds back to Jabba the Hutt. Jabba has spent decades establishing his criminal empire and crushing all competitors. Now, he can help to guide your Mercenaries strike team to victory with the Jabba the Hutt Villain Pack.

Three new Agenda cards invite you to spread the might of Jabba the Hutt across the Star Wars galaxy, even when the Rebel heroes venture beyond Tatooine itself. A new Agenda mission may draw the heroes into an unexpected conflict in Mos Eisley, but wherever they move in the Outer Rim, the heroes can never be certain that they’re safe from a group of Mercenaries acting On Jabba's Orders. Jabba’s word carries significant weight in the underworld, and you can be sure that any Mercenaries working for Jabba will fight even harder than usual.

Jabba the Hutt offers a formidable presence on the battlefield of your campaign or skirmish game. Though he prefers to stay out of direct combat and his great bulk makes it difficult for him to move quickly, Jabba excels at ordering his minions into battle and subtly undermining your enemy’s plans. With a total of five different special abilities, your options for using Jabba the Hutt to gain control of the crime world are nearly unmatched.

• A new Villain Pack for Imperial AssaultI
• introduces Jabba the Hutt to your campaigns and skirmishes
• Undermine the heroes’ plans in the campaign with a new set of agenda cards
• New skirmish missions offer a variety of new battlefields to base your games

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26.00 €
Star Wars Imperial Assault: Jabba's Realm Expansion
Star Wars Imperial Assault: Jabba's Realm Expansion

Imperial reprisals have swept the galaxy, targeting not just the Rebels, but their families and loved ones as well. In desperation, you and a team of other Rebel operatives have gathered as many refugees as you can in hopes of shepherding them to safety in the Outer Rim. Your escape is discovered, however, and you’ve been shot down on Tatooine. Here, the power of the Empire is not as strong as elsewhere—but that doesn’t mean you’re out of danger. This is the domain of Jabba the Hutt, and you’ll need to play by his rules if you want to survive.

Jabba’s Realm is a new expansion for Imperial Assault that offers a wealth of new content for your campaigns and skirmishes. You’ll find an entirely new full-length campaign that challenges you to survive among the desert wastes and criminal underworld of Tatooine, even as new skirmish missions invite you to battle in the Nal Hutta Borderlands or around the fabled Pit of Carkoon.

Eighteen new double-sided map tiles evoke the opening scenes of Return of the Jedi, giving you access for the first time to Jabba’s palace, his pleasure barge, and iconic locations like the sarlacc pit. Meanwhile, sixteen brand-new plastic figures offer new warriors and heroes for the Imperials, Rebels, and Mercenaries, even as new Command cards, Deployment cards, Agenda cards, and Class cards give you countless ways to customize your game. With characters like Jabba the Hutt, the Rancor, and Luke Skywalker as a Jedi Knight joining the game, this expansion draws you into the Star Wars saga like never before.

What’s more, four new Ally Packs and Villain Packs arrive corresponding with the Jabba’s Realm expansion, highlighting the expansion’s most famous characters and offering new cards and missions for your campaigns and skirmishes. Whether you learn the ways of the Force with Luke Skywalker, launch an unexpected ambush with the Alliance Rangers, lead Imperial forces with Captain Terro, or build a criminal empire with Jabba the Hutt, you’ll find the figures you need within these expansions. For more information on these figure packs, visit the announcement here!

Hero by Necessity
Your games of Imperial Assault gain an entirely new, full-length campaign with the addition of Jabba’s Realm, challenging a brave team of Rebel heroes to survive after they’re shot down on Tatooine. These heroes will soon learn that Jabba the Hutt may be willing to protect you from Imperial forces, but his protection comes at a price. You and your fellow heroes will need to decide just how far you’re willing to go in the service of an underhanded crime lord.

Three new heroes join the Rebellion in this expansion, each ready to fight the Empire in their own unique way. Shyla Varad is a Mandalorian warrior, renowned for her skill with blade and whip, and eager to practice her warrior traditions against the Empire. Vinto Hreeda, on the other hand, is a reckless vigilante and gunslinger—an expert sharpshooter who has plenty of grudges to bear against the Empire. Finally, the Rebels gain the allegiance of Onar Koma, a hulking Aqualish bodyguard with an almost unmatched strength in battle. The Imperial player will need to work his hardest to take out three heroes as well-equipped as these. Of course, each of these heroes comes with a completely unique deck of Class cards, and we’ll look at these heroes in much more detail in a future preview.

The Imperial player gains plenty of new campaign tricks as well. New sets of Agenda cards and two brand-new Imperial classes—one focused on villains and one featuring the Mercenaries faction—give you countless ways to customize your forces, ensuring that every campaign is different, no matter how many times you play. With an assortment of new Supply cards, new Reward cards, new Companion cards like the Pit Droid, and new Item cards such as the Hand Cannon, you can bring your games of Imperial Assault fully into the treacherous dealings and back-alley gunfights of the Tatooine underworld.

My Kind of Scum
You’d expect the Mercenaries of the galaxy to hold a strong foothold on a planet like Tatooine, and you wouldn’t be wrong—there are twelve new Deployment cards belonging to the Mercenaries faction in the Jabba’s Realm expansion. You may launch raids with Weequay Pirates, defend your holdings with Gamorrean Guards, or unleash the ferocity of a Rancor as you scheme behind the scenes with Jabba the Hutt. What’s more, although the three new heroes from Jabba’s Realm are Rebel-aligned during a campaign, their skirmish versions belong solely to the Mercenaries faction!

Naturally, there’s an Imperial detachment on Tatooine as well, and most recently, they’ve chosen to equip their Stormtroopers with jet packs. A new figure group— Jet Troopers —joins the Imperial faction in Jabba’s Realm. These fast and mobile warriors are experts at darting in for an attack and blasting away out of range, so Imperial commanders on Tatooine are sure to take advantage of these unique Troopers.

The new Command cards introduced in Jabba’s Realm also provide an exceptional starting point for customizing your skirmish strike team and gaining the upper hand in a tense battle of wits against another player. For instance, with On the Lam, you can interrupt your opponent’s attack to perform a move with your figure, potentially running out of range or ducking behind some protective cover! Either way, it’ll be much more difficult for your opponent to land a successful shot while you have On the Lam at your disposal.

With four brand-new skirmish missions on two distinct maps, including two missions that support up to four players, your skirmish games enter an entirely new range with a host of new figures, missions, maps, and Command cards. We’ll take a closer look at all of the new Mercenaries and Imperial units introduced in Jabba’s Realm in a future preview!

Where Loyalty Lies
With your ship shot down on Tatooine and your lives in danger at every turn, you have a choice to make. Will you work with Jabba the Hutt in exchange for his protection? Can you serve the Rebel Alliance and a crime lord at the same time? Whether you’re playing a campaign or a skirmish game, the Jabba’s Realm expansion will change your games forever.

• A new expansion for Imperial Assault
• Sixteen brand-new plastic figures offer new options for every campaign and skirmish
• An entirely new full-length campaign forces you to survive among Tatooine’s criminal underworld
• New skirmish missions offer a variety of new battlefields to base your games
• Iconic characters like Jabba the Hutt, the Rancor, and Luke Skywalker as a Jedi Knight enter the game

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96.90 €
Star Wars Imperial Assault: Jawa Scavenger Villain Pack
Star Wars Imperial Assault: Jawa Scavenger Villain Pack

Droids are common throughout the galaxy, but to the Jawas of Tatooine, they’re something special. Once taken as salvage, droids can be broken apart for parts, rebuilt and sold, or even incorporated into the Jawa’s scavenging operation. As the Jawa Scavengers join the galaxy’s Mercenaries in this Villain Pack, you’ll also find ways to improve the droids fighting by your side.

This Villain Pack offers a single Jawa Scavenger figure, alongside all the Deployment cards you need to field normal or elite versions in your campaign or skirmish games. Your campaigns may take you to the wastes of Tatooine as you interfere with a Jawa salvage operation. Dispersing the Jawas may let you recover vital data, but if the Imperial player wins this mission, he receives Mechanical Salvage —allowing him to bring droids into play for a significantly reduced cost.

A Jawa Scavenger can also be recruited into your skirmish team, especially if you’re fighting in the new Mos Eisley Back Alleys map included in this figure pack. Not only do Jawa Scavengers provide a cheap way to gain more figures and activations, they also dramatically expand your options by letting you include Droids from other affiliations in your strike team. Whether you’re trawling the Jundland Wastes for salvage or headed elsewhere in the galaxy, a few Jawa Scavengers would rarely go amiss in your team.

• A new Villain Pack for Imperial Assault
• Features a beautifully sculpted plastic figure of the Jawa Scavenger
• A new campaign mission challenges the heroes to interfere with a Jawa salvage operation
• Two new skirmish missions bring you to the Mos Eisley Back Alleys
• Includes all the Deployment cards, Agenda cards, and Command cards you need to work as a Mercenary

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19.90 €
Star Wars Imperial Assault: Kayn Somos Villain Pack
Star Wars Imperial Assault: Kayn Somos Villain Pack

Stormtroopers are trained to be brutal soldiers, working tirelessly to squelch any sign of resistance to the ways of the Empire. Kayn Somos is an especially vicious Stormtrooper commander, and now, you can bring his tactical expertise and fearless style of warfare to your games of Imperial Assault.

Like other Villain Packs, the Kayn Somos Villain Pack offers essential new cards and missions for both the campaign and skirmish games, alongside a detailed plastic figure required for fielding Kayn Somos in Imperial Assault tournaments. For the skirmish game, this expansion offers new Command cards that open powerful new strategies and a new skirmish map with two unique missions. The Imperial player in a campaign game also gains access to a new side mission and a three-card Agenda set that flexes the might of the Empire even outside of missions.

Legions of Stormtroopers are the fist of the Galactic Empire, smashing down on dissension and rebellion wherever they appear. These troopers are highly trained warriors, and a cunning leader only makes them more dangerous. In this figure pack, you gain access to Kayn Somos, a trooper commander renowned for his ruthless tactics.

Kayn Somos is a dangerous combatant in his own right, but he truly shines in his ability to command other Troopers in battle. He can focus his comrades, grant them more attacks, or harness a Command card like Rank and File to boost the movement of his Troopers. No matter where he goes on the battlefield, Kayn Somos is an inspiring presence, bringing increased firepower and keen battlefield tactics to the Empire’s troops. This Villain Pack also includes the Stormtrooper Support agenda set. With this set, you can challenge the Rebels to attack a Stormtrooper training facility and you can draw upon your endless reinforcements to overwhelm the heroes and extinguish the flame of Rebellion.

You’ll also find two new missions for the Imperial Assault skirmish game. You can lead Kayn Somos and his endless squads of Troopers into the Tython Meditation Fields or any other skirmish map, sweeping all opponents before the might of the Empire. Whatever your battlefield, Kayn Somos’s sound tactics and commanding presence help to tip the odds in the favor of the Galactic Empire.

• Comes with a sculpted plastic figure of Kayn Somos, for use in your campaign and skirmishes, including Imperial Assault tournaments
• Crush the Rebel Alliance in the campaign game with an entirely new side mission and two other Agendas
• Two brand-new skirmish missions allow you to invade the once-peaceful Tython meditation fields
• Three new Command cards invite you to harness the Stormtroopers’ squad-based tactics

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19.60 €
Star Wars Imperial Assault: Lando Calrissian Ally Pack
Star Wars Imperial Assault: Lando Calrissian Ally Pack

The Bespin Gambit invites you and your fellow players to take part in a shadow war between Imperial agents and undercover Rebel operatives among the luxurious hotels and seedy underside of Cloud City. Outside of The Bespin Gambit, you can also take advantage of the four new figure packs whether you’re playing a new mini-campaign or preparing for a skirmish tournament at your local retailer.

Powerful new figures join the Rebel Alliance, the Galactic Empire, and the Mercenaries of the galaxy with these Ally Packs and Villain Packs! Each expansion offers detailed, sculpted plastic figures to replace the tokens included in The Bespin Gambit, and they also expand your games with new Agenda cards, Deployment cards, Command cards, and missions for campaigns and skirmishes.

As the Baron Administrator of Cloud City, Lando Calrissian has access to considerable resources and influence. Despite his recent rise to respectability, Lando is still a smuggler, a gambler, and an outlaw at heart, and he now chooses to exercise his influence in the aid of the Rebel Alliance by helping their operatives elude the Imperial Security Bureau agents.

Your Imperial Assault campaigns can certainly benefit from having a charismatic scoundrel like Lando Calrissian by your side. A new campaign side mission introduced in this figure pack invites you to investigate missing shipments of supplies and help Lando root out corruption, but no matter where you employ the help of Lando Calrissian, his resourceful nature and cheerful disregard for the rules are certainly useful assets to your heroes.

Skirmish games can also reap the benefits of Lando Calrissian’s support. An entirely new skirmish map invites you to travel to a Lothal Safehouse, where you’ll struggle to recover artifacts or hidden shipments of weapons before your opponent. You may also take advantage of new Command cards like Tough Luck . Any figure can play this Command card after your opponent rerolls a die in order to remove that die instead! Between Tough Luck and the other cards in this Ally Pack, Lando Calrissian’s unconventional tactics can quickly turn a battle in your favor.

• A new Ally Pack for Imperial Assault
• Aid the Rebellion and lead Cloud City with a sculpted plastic figure of Lando Calrissian
• A new campaign side mission invites you to investigate missing shipments of Rebellion supplies
• Two new skirmish missions that share a map let you travel to a safehouse on Lothal
• New Deployment cards and Command cards bring changing tactics to every game

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15.60 €
Star Wars Imperial Assault: Leia Organa Ally Pack
Star Wars Imperial Assault: Leia Organa Ally Pack

Leia Organa has been a powerful political force in the galaxy, both as a member of the Galactic Senate and as a leader of the Rebel Alliance, where she fights to overthrow the tyranny of the Galactic Empire and restore freedom to the galaxy. With the Leia Organa Ally Pack, you can bring this Rebel diplomat to the front lines of combat.

In your campaigns, the Rebel heroes can help Leia Organa expand the Rebellion’s web of contacts and allies. In a new side mission, you’ll install a vital communication beacon on a far-flung planet with Leia’s help, but you can be sure the Empire’s forces are ready to oppose your efforts. As she joins your soldiers on the battlefield, Leia’s natural leadership can help her allies make concerted attacks against the enemy.

Leia Organa is no less dangerous in your skirmish games. A new skirmish upgrade card from this Ally Pack lets you send a Leader character on a diplomatic mission, forgoing combat in favor of peace. Two new skirmish missions force you to successfully navigate a Nelvaanian War Zone, while the Behind Enemy Lines Command card gives you vital knowledge about your opponent’s tricks and lets you determine which Command cards he receives next. Whether working as a diplomat or a fighter, Leia Organa can lead the Rebel forces in any battle.

• A Rebel figure pack for Star Wars: Imperial Assault
• Gain the political support of Leia Organa during your campaign or skirmish games
• Offers a sculpted plastic figure to replace the token found in the Return to Hoth expansion
• New Command cards and skirmish missions expand your skirmish game options
• Lead your heroes to help Leia Organa on a diplomatic mission with a new campaign side mission

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15.60 €
Star Wars Imperial Assault: Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight Ally Pack
Star Wars Imperial Assault: Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight Ally Pack

For centuries, the Jedi Order endured as a symbol of truth and justice in the galaxy, with hundreds of Jedi Knights working to protect the innocent and safeguard the galaxy. The Galactic Empire gutted the Jedi Order, however, and by the events of Return of the Jedi, Luke Skywalker may be all that remains of that once legendary order. With the Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight Ally Pack, you can bring a new version of Luke Skywalker into your Imperial Assault campaigns and skirmishes.

A Jedi Knight with the skills of Luke Skywalker would be an undeniable boon to any Rebel strike team in a campaign. You might end up using Luke’s knowledge of his homeworld to infiltrate an Imperial base on Tatooine, or you may bring him into one of your other missions as an ally, whether you’re playing the new full-length campaign in Jabba’s Realm or any of your other adventures across the Star Wars galaxy.

It’s instantly apparent that Luke Skywalker is a formidable warrior as part of your skirmish strike team as well, with or without the new Dune Sea skirmish map. Luke’s lightsaber can pierce through most armor without difficulty, and his skills have progressed, allowing him to deflect blaster bolts back at your enemies. You may even use Parry to further increase your defensive power, perhaps preventing the last few points of damage that make the difference between victory and defeat.

• A new Ally Pack for Imperial Assault
• Introduces Luke Skywalker as a Jedi Knight to your campaigns and skirmishes
• Infiltrate an Imperial base on Tatooine in a brand-new campaign side mission
• New skirmish missions offer a variety of new battlefields to base your games

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18.80 €
Star Wars Imperial Assault: Maul Villain Pack
Star Wars Imperial Assault: Maul Villain Pack

Seeker of Vengeance

Formerly a Sith Lord, Maul failed his master and was replaced. And since the Rule of Two made it clear there was only ever room for two Sith—a master and an apprentice—Maul became something else—not a Sith, and certainly not a Jedi. He became a rogue Force user, a formidable warrior, and a mastermind schemer, driven by his hatred, his thirst for revenge, and his desire to reclaim the power he had lost.

With the Maul Villain Pack, you can bring this deadly villain to your games of Imperial Assault, either as a powerful piece in the Imperial player's greater campaign designs or as an independent member of the Mercenary faction, ready to join any skirmish army that might allow him to further his own interests.

In either case, you'll find Maul eager to claim vengeance. To that end, he may be willing to stick to the Coruscant shadows and skyrises for a short time, stalking his prey, but it won't be long before his rage and fury get the better of him. Then, when Maul leaps into the fray with his iconic dual-bladed lightsaber, you'll find him more than capable of cutting cleanly through the defenses of any who stand against him. And while much about this former Sith is shrouded in mystery, we know that he's Sustained by Rage and almost always Looking for a Fight.

• A Mercenary faction figure pack for Imperial Assault
• Includes a detailed plastic Maul figure for use in your campaign or skirmish games
• Maul poses a deadly threat with his double-bladed lightsaber and Force powers
• A new side-mission highlights Maul’s lethal talents and thirst for vengeance
• Comes with a deployment card, a complete agenda set, and five command cards

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23.60 €
Star Wars Imperial Assault: Obi-Wan Kenobi Ally Pack
Star Wars Imperial Assault: Obi-Wan Kenobi Ally Pack

One of the only Jedi Knights to survive the destruction of the Jedi Order at the end of the Clone Wars, Obi-Wan Kenobi has been in hiding on Tatooine for nearly eighteen years. In that time, he guarded Luke Skywalker, keeping him safe from the servants of the Empire, but Luke has now left Tatooine to play a greater part in the galactic drama. Now, with the Obi-Wan Kenobi Ally Pack, you can bring Obi-Wan out of the shadows to aid the Rebel Alliance.

Obi-Wan Kenobi is a powerful Jedi Knight, and his mastery of the Force can be quite the boon for your Imperial Assault campaigns. Not only can Obi-Wan use the Force to trick your enemies into looking the other way, his figure pack brings a new Item card to include in your games: the Ancient Lightsaber . This weapon from a more civilized age may turn the tide of a battle in your favor, but you’ll need more than brute force to distract an Imperial patrol from finding Obi-Wan Kenobi in a new campaign side mission.

Your skirmish games can also benefit from the knowledge and defense offered by Obi-Wan Kenobi. Two new skirmish missions set in an Anchorhead Bar test the mettle of any strike team, and with three new Command cards to boost the powers of your Force Users during a skirmish, it’s plain to see that Obi-Wan Kenobi has a power that any dark side player would fear to oppose.

• A new campaign side mission challenges the Rebels to distract an Imperial patrol from locating Obi-Wan Kenobi
• Two new skirmish missions set in an Anchorhead Bar and three new Command cards invite your Force Users to dominate the skirmish game
• Features a beautifully sculpted plastic figure of Obi-Wan Kenobi

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15.60 €

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