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Cosmic Encounter: Cosmic Storm Expansion
Cosmic Encounter: Cosmic Storm Expansion

Across the vast expanse of the cosmos, strange quakes and startling explosions make the galaxy an even more dangerous place to wage war. New alien races are making themselves known in the interstellar clash for control. Set up space stations to boost your skills, then prepare for galactic disturbances and more epic encounters than ever before.

This new addition sets the galaxy trembling as twenty-five new alien races come zipping through the cosmos. Guard yourself against the sticky-fingered Swindler, and stand in awe of the massive appetite of the Mouth.

Cosmic Storm also adds space stations, which when attached to one of your home planets, gives you additional powers to use in your encounters!

Batten Down the Hatches
Prepare for the upcoming galactic turmoil by setting up a space station on one of your home planets. This variant allows each player to draw one of ten space station cards and then attach the corresponding space station to one of their home worlds. Each of the ten stations has a unique ability that can be harnessed as long as a player has at least one ship on the planet the station is attached to.

Space station abilities like the Big Space Laser or the Alien Outpost shake up interstellar encounters, and provide even more options for players to maximize their options on their quest for galactic supremacy!

Space stations are also compatible with all previous expansion variants, so no rules have to be changed to include them.

Meet the Bulwarks
The toughness of the Bulwarks is legendary. They think nothing of facing overwhelming odds or throwing themselves into the thick of battle, knowing they have the ability to endure nearly any hardship. The Bulwarks can also be as thick-headed as they are thick-skinned.

The Bulwarks are just one of twenty-five new alien races bursting into the galaxy and entering the chase to become ruler of the cosmos. Incredibly tough and strong, the Bulwarks are widely known for their Resilience, a power which allows them to withstand even the most brutal battles.

With the help of this power, any time a Bulwark would lose ships to the warp, they can reduce the number of ships lost to one, making them incredibly difficult to defeat.

Brace yourself for the upcoming Cosmic Storm! Equip your home world with a space station, choose your alien race, and prepare for the strange and exciting altercations that can only occur in Cosmic Encounter!

      loppu varastosta
36.50 €
Cosmic Encounter: Duel
Cosmic Encounter: Duel

A new standalone game in the Cosmic Encounter universe!

Today is truly a momentous occasion! The Cosmic Citizenship Council has announced that it will allow two new alien species to join its ranks!

Wait... ‘two’? That can’t be right. Hold on a second.

Yes—well, kind of! The Cosmic Citizenship Council WAS prepared to let two new alien species join its ranks. However, due to an unfortunate filing error, the Council only made one copy of the filing form, so really only one species can join...

A duel will determine which species is truly deserving to join the ranks of the esteemed Council. To prove their worth, each side must race to gain control of a minimum of five planets. The winner will become a Certified Civilization, while the loser will fade into intergalactic obscurity. This is the one and only way.

Cosmic Encounter Duel is a competitive standalone game for two players where you and your closest frenemy race to be the first to control five planets. Colorful ships, hidden tactics, and your alien’s unique abilities may tip the odds in your favor, but beware! Tricks and traps abound, and you never know what destiny has in store!

Two Species Enter
Becoming a Certified Civilization is a great honor, and the first step in any game of Cosmic Encounter Duel is determining which species you will lead. In the Core Set, you will find twenty-seven new alien species ready to fight for their place on the Cosmic Citizenship Council, along with envoys from across the Cosmic Encounter universe ready to help them on their journey!

Each alien species comes equipped with their own unique abilities that play with the game mechanics in some way, offering you an edge in the fight. For example, the Cheater, whose very design is to give them a lopsided advantage in any arms race, can reserve an additional Tactic that they can put toward any fight in the game—as long as their opponent doesn't call out how they’re trying to ‘cheat’. How your game of Cosmic Encounter Duel plays out will inevitably be affected by which powers each dueling species has and how they play off of one another.

In addition to your unique species and their ability, you have a collection of twenty spaceships that you can use to traverse across the cosmos and maintain control over the five planets you need to become a Certified Civilization. As long as you have a ship on a planet, you have control of it, even if your opponent also has ships there and you must share control. You will be able to deploy these ships to fight in duels, act as reinforcements, or draw them back for a tactful retreat. Just be careful not to lose them to the Warp or let them be claimed by the black void between the stars and end up lost in space forever!

One Species Wins
Once you decide which species you will lead into this fight, you are ready to launch your ships and let the duels begin! In Cosmic Encounter Duel, you and your opponent simultaneously take turns where you simply draw and resolve Destiny cards. In the original Cosmic Encounter, Destiny cards merely told you where you would send your ships, but in Cosmic Encounter Duel, Destiny cards have three different categories: Discovery Cards, Event Cards, or Refresh Cards. Discovery Cards have you and your opponent discover a planet and duel for control, while Event Cards ask you both to test your mettle against a variety of challenges and cosmic calamities, and Refresh Cards offer a respite in which you can recover ships, gather allies, and ultimately prepare for another clash!

The game begins by drawing the top card of the Discovery deck, sending you and your opponent off to discover the first planet and have a duel there. Dueling, which we’ll take a closer look at in future previews, has you and your opponent send ships to the planet, execute plans, and resolve tactics. If you can destroy all of your enemy’s ships or if you have the highest clout at the end of the duel, you and species will be victorious and move one step closer to becoming a Certified Citizen.

At the start of a duel, you and your opponent secretly decide how many ships to send to the planet and once they have been deployed, you can call upon any befriended envoys and formulate your plan. To plan your attack, you secretly choose a card from your hand and a standing Tactic from your collection (shown at left) to either guard your ships or blast your opponent's. Then, you fight, sending ships to face-off for control of the planet until the winner claims their prize while the loser retreats.

After you and your opponent resolve a Destiny card, whether it be a Discovery, Event, or Recovery card, you merely check the icon on the bottom to determine which deck to draw from next, and the race continues. Once one of you gains control of five planets, that player wins their place on the Cosmic Citizenship Council and begins their reworking of the Council’s filing system while the loser goes home, defeated, and descends into obscurity. You must ensure your species wins the day!

The Council has spoken. Until the filing error is sorted out, only one species may join their ranks—that spot must be yours! Gather your allies, deploy your ships, and claim the planets you must to save yourself from the most terrible fate imaginable: intergalactic obscurity!

      heti saatavilla
59.30 €
Descent: Legends of the Dark
Descent: Legends of the Dark

The definitive cooperative dungeon-crawling board game for one to four players!

Terrinoth is in peril. The demon-tainted Uthuk Y’llan barbarians stalk the realm and the undead servants of Waiqar the Undying venture beyond their borders for the first time in memory. The leaders of Terrinoth are divided and fractious, unable to unite against these common threats. And in the northern barony of Forthyn, the stage is set for the next great confrontation between Terrinoth and the forces of darkness...

For years, your journeys have taken you across the fantasy realm of Terrinoth, venturing into dark forests, shadowy cities, ancient crypts, and misty swamps... but your true legend is about to begin.

Forge your own legend together with your friends as you adventure across the vibrant fantasy realm of Terrinoth! Powered by its fully integrated free companion app, Descent: Legends of the Dark puts you in the role of a budding hero with their own playstyle and abilities. Together with your unlikely companions, you’ll begin an unexpected adventure—an adventure told across the sixteen quests of the Blood and Flame campaign. Throughout your campaign, you’ll face undead lurking in the mists, demonic barbarians stalking the wilds, and even more terrifying threats.

With 46 pieces of 3D terrain and 40 stunning hero and monster miniatures to draw you into the game, your greatest adventure is yet before you!

Is this the third edition of Descent: Journeys in the Dark?
Descent: Legends of the Dark is not the third edition of Descent: Journeys in the Dark. Although it shares the realm of Terrinoth and the top-level identity as a dungeon-crawling board game indicated by the Descent title, we see Legends of the Dark as a new addition to our catalog, rather than a third edition of Journeys in the Dark.

Although Journeys in the Dark featured the Road to Legend companion app, that game was always designed as a competitive experience, pitting one to four hero players against a single overlord player. Legends of the Dark harnesses its integrated companion app to deliver a cooperative game from the very beginning, freeing you and your friends to fully focus on becoming the heroes of Terrinoth.

Core gameplay mechanics such as combat, fatigue, skills, items, and more have received completely new interpretations with Legends of the Dark, while a new approach to scenario layout and 3D terrain creates striking multi-level scenarios.

The app also brings new changes to gameplay, introducing enemies with adaptable strategies, complex status effects and triggers fully managed by the app, and the ability to develop your heroes based on the choices you make in scenarios. You’ll also uncover a wealth of activity between scenarios, such as crafting, shopping in the city, upgrading equipment, and more.

Because of these various differences, Descent: Legends of the Dark is not compatible with Descent: Journeys in the Dark content.

Heroes of the Realm
Descent: Legends of the Dark invites you to become one of six heroes, each eager to adventure across Terrinoth and brought to gorgeous life with stunning art and a beautifully crafted miniature. More than just their visual style, each hero boasts their own tactical approach to combat and their own virtues that you can choose to pursue during quests.

For example, you may play as Vaerix, the Dragon-Hybrid Outcast. A strong-willed survivor like Vaerix calls fellow heroes to follow a greater purpose, battling with the warbell or keeping their companions hale and ready for the next fight. The Human Avenger, Brynn, is eager to punish any insult, wading into the heat of battle and meting out justice with hammer and blade. Perhaps you prefer Galaden’s long-range attacks and balletic combat style, or you’ll call upon the forces of magic and your bond with your phoenix as Syrus. No matter which hero you’ve chosen for this quest, you’ll be able to explore their trademark combat style and tactics—and since you can choose your weapons, armor, consumables, and even your skills at the beginning of each quest, there’s almost limitless opportunities to remix your character and explore new styles as you play through the campaign!

Gameplay in Descent: Legends of the Dark is fast and intuitive. You’ll take three actions on every turn—one maneuver action and two additional actions of your choice! Maneuvering gives you movement points, as shown in the upper right corner of the character sheet, and since you always have a maneuver action, you’ll always be able to reposition and put yourself in a more advantageous position for attack. Other than maneuvering, you can use an action to attack an enemy, rolling your attack dice and drawing upon your hero’s abilities and weapons to deal maximum damage or inflict harmful conditions on your foes. Or, you may use the explore action to interact with a piece of 3D terrain or a token by using the app. You can also use your action to perform one of the most crucial actions in Legends of the Dark: the ready action.

The ready action lets you flip your hero sheet or one of your cards to its opposite side, unlocking new abilities! For example, Galaden can use his Light Step ability, suffering fatigue to shift his position and quickly move across the battlefield—or if he flips to the opposite side of his hero sheet, he can suffer three fatigue to expose an enemy in line of sight, cuing the app to inflict 20% more damage on that enemy during attacks!

You’ll notice the fatigue limit in the lower right corner of each hero sheet, as well as other cards, such as weapons or skills. When you take fatigue to trigger Galaden’s Light Step ability, you’ll place that fatigue on his hero sheet. What’s more, attacks from enemies or environmental effects may cause your hero to suffer condition tokens, such as infected or terrified, which are also placed on your hero sheet. When you ready a card or hero sheet and flip it to its opposite side, you’ll also remove all fatigue and condition tokens from it—making this an ideal way to keep your heroes ready for action, as well as pulling out the right abilities for each situation.

Your hero sheet isn’t the only thing you can ready, every hero also has an attack card and skill cards! Each hero starts the game with two weapon cards, sleeved together back-to-back to create a single attack card. (Sleeves to create the attack cards are included in the game!) For instance, Vaerix creates their attack card by sleeving their two starting weapon cards, the Ironthorn Warbell and the Riverwatch Spear. When a hero attacks, the attack die is determined by their hero sheet, but damage and other special abilities, such as the type of damage being inflicted, are determined by the weapon you attack with! And as you can see, your attack card can also take fatigue—which is cleared by readying the card. Over the course of the game, you’ll have the chance to discover and craft new weapons, and at the beginning of every quest, you can build your hero’s attack card by drawing on the unlocked weapons from your hero’s two weapon archetypes.

Skill cards can also be readied, switching between two complementary abilities, such as Vaerix’s Destiny's Call and Fate's Embrace —two complementary abilities on opposite sides of the same skill card. It should be plain to see that readying forms a huge part of the strategy and tactics of every encounter. There’s even a positive condition token—Prepared—that can be placed on one of your cards, allowing you to ready that card without spending an action!

Strike Back Against Darkness
Evil is stirring in Terrinoth once more, and countless dangers arise throughout the game’s sprawling sixteen-quest campaign. As we’ve mentioned before, the gameplay foundation of Descent: Legends of the Dark is built on a fully integrated companion app, which governs everything from activating enemies, to building an unfolding scenario, to opening the door for activities like crafting and shopping between quests.

At the beginning of a quest, you’ll start with perhaps only a single map tile in play—but as you move deeper into the map and explore your surroundings the Legends of the Dark app will direct you to place more and more tiles and terrain. The combination of double-sided map tiles and underlays gives unparalleled depth to the number of scenarios you can create, and that depth is elevated with the addition of vertical levels and 3D terrain that give Legends of the Dark an unrivaled presence on your tabletop.

Your levels will be filled with staircases up to other rooms, sturdy bookshelves, towering trees, treasure chests, barricades, doors, and statues. And all this 3D terrain isn’t just decorative: you can interact with all of it through the app, plucking valuable tomes off a moldering shelf, cracking open a booby-trapped chest, or climbing a tree to scout out the terrain ahead.

Your objectives will change from quest to quest as you follow the overarching story of the campaign, but you’ll face constant opposition from enemies. From bandits waylaying you on the road, to Uthuk Y’llan berserkers howling for blood, to deadly fae, monstrous golems, ravenous wolves, undead wights, and even more terrifying foes, every enemy is fully brought to life with stunning miniatures.

Thanks to the Legends of the Dark companion app, each of these enemies boast their own cunning ploys and adapt to the unfolding battle, whether that means laying their plans for a devastating future attack, inspiring other enemies in combat, or even more devious tactics. We’ll take a much closer look at combat in a future preview, since the strategic interplay between your hero abilities, weapons, and skills is a key part of every quest in Legends of the Dark!

Crafting Your Weapon
The Legends of the Dark app isn’t limited to your quests, in fact, it opens the door for even more opportunities between scenarios, such as crafting and weapon upgrades. Over the course of the adventure, as you slay enemies, open chests, or explore dusty chambers, you’ll uncover valuable crafting materials and gold, all tracked by the app. Once you’ve found the recipe for an item, you can craft and upgrade that item at the crafthall in your home city of Frostgate. Perhaps you’ll create new Seer’s Blades for Galaden, or a Gilded Warbell for Vaerix! No matter what you craft, all weapons can be upgraded, so long as you have the resources to pay for it, unlocking an even more powerful version of the weapon.

Weapons can be modified even further in the Frostgate armory. In Descent: Legends of the Dark, weapons have three parts. The first part dictates the weapon card that you use, but the other two parts grant your weapon secondary abilities with a percent chance of triggering each time your hero attacks. These bonuses are fully managed by the app, and in the armory, you can optimize for your next quest, or customize your weapons to fit your style of play.

As your hero grows and gains experience over the course of the campaign, you’ll have even more chances to customize your hero. Every hero has unique feats, tracked by the app, that you can complete to progress your hero’s personal growth. Completing feats can grant you powerful rewards, like new skills or exclusive recipes, so you’ll want to be sure you keep your feats in mind as you play. Your hero also earns experience points over the course of the quest that can be used to unlock skills. Your skills aren’t fixed however—at the start of any new quest, you can choose which skills you want to take, reallocating your experience throughout the campaign as you explore new playstyles and learn more about how you most want to play.

Your Legend Begins
The story told across the Blood and Flame campaign is an epic story that rises to its own finale but at the same time, it’s only the first act of your story. You can look for Act II and Act III to be coming in the future as their own expansions, each box packed full of new content and the next full-length Legends of the Dark campaign. We don’t have anything more to say about these upcoming act expansions right now, but stay tuned in the months following the release of Descent: Legends of the Dark!

Terrinoth needs heroes and there’s no better time to start forging your own legend. Get ready to start playing the definitive dungeon-crawling board game with the release of Descent: Legends of the Dark

1-4 Players
120-180 Min
Age: 14+

      heti saatavilla
209.80 €
Discover: Lands Unknown
Discover: Lands Unknown

Katso pelin traileri valmistajan Youtube -sivuilta.

A Unique Game of exploration and survival from Corey Konieczka!

You awaken with a splitting headache and no idea how you got here. The wilderness stretches in every direction, and something howls in the distance. Your quest for answers will have to wait; first, you need to survive.

Whether you're playing by yourself or with up to four players, your ultimate goal in Discover: Lands Unknown is to survive—but your adventure holds many of its own secrets. As a Unique Game, every copy of Discover: Lands Unknown is unlike any other in the world. The unique mix of environments, characters, storylines, items, and enemies in each copy of Discover means that your own adventures will play out very differently than your friend's copy of the game. No matter where you find yourself, you'll need to survive and uncover the reasons why you've awoken, trapped in the wilderness. Whether survival means cooperation or competition is completely up to you!

What Makes Discover: Lands Unknown Unique?
Discover: Lands Unknown is a new adventure for Fantasy Flight Games, joining KeyForge as one of our first Unique Games. What is a Unique Game? In a nutshell, it's an entirely new type of game! Unique Games can take many different forms, but they share one thing in common—every copy of the game is unique. The copy that you pick up off the shelf will have different components than the copy your friend gets at their store.

While mechanics and some common components like meeples will be the same in every copy of the game, the vast majority of the cards, tiles, and tokens in your box will be randomized, selected from a vast pool of possible components. When you open your copy of Discover: Lands Unknown, you can never be sure what you'll find inside, and the combination will be different from every other copy in the world. In other words, Unique Games aren't like Legacy Games, which start with identical components, but become unique through gameplay. Unique Games have their own distinct mix of components in every box!

Everything that you encounter on your adventure, from your pool of survivors, to the enemies that you encounter, to the tools at your disposal, to the very environment itself, can be changed, with every copy of Discover: Lands Unknown presenting an experience unique to you. While some groups will find themselves marooned on a desolate island with mysterious creatures roaming the night, others may be trapped in the mountains, just trying to stay warm enough to survive.

Just like your survivors embarking on a mysterious adventure, you never know what fate awaits. Still, if you want to go into the game without any hints of what you'll find within, it'd be best to turn back now!

Your Story Begins
Like the survivors you'll be playing as, you know that you need to escape… you're just not sure how. In each game of Discover, you'll play a scenario in your own evolving story, drawing your next objectives from quest cards. These quest cards will give you short term goals essential to your survival—the longer you survive, the more likely you'll find a way home.

Working together with other players, you can complete objectives quickly, but when water is short and creatures stalk the night, isn't it every survivor for themselves? Every copy of the game comes with multiple scenarios, so like many of the components found in Discover, you never know what quests you will find in your adventure!

Explore to Survive
If you're going to survive the terrors of night in the wilds, you and your companions will have to gather resources, craft items, and search for a way home during the day. During the safety of the day, you'll spend stamina on your turn to perform different actions. You may wander across the wilderness, gather resources, collect water, fight enemies, discover new areas, and more!

Survivors can explore as much as they want during the day, but every action drains your survivor’s stamina, and if your survivor can't continue on, your turn is over, right where you stand. You must carefully weigh the consequences of your actions: exploring is important, but if you end your turn away from the safety of a campfire, you leave yourself exposed to the harsh conditions of the night.

You must explore the wilderness to escape, but danger waits around every corner. While you may find items essential to your survival during your adventure, but you may also find dangerous enemies, ready to attack! The call of the wild is alluring, and even more so when survival is on the line. Do you have what it takes to find a way home?

Who Are You?
Like the very environment around you, the group of survivors included in your copy of Discover: Lands Unknown is also randomized, so you won't be sure who your heroes will be until you open your box. Each survivor brings something new to surviving in the wilds. Perhaps one of your survivors is Biff O’Bannon, a lumberjack who can easily gain more wood. Or maybe you're surviving with Jasmine Limjoco, a mountain climber who can traverse difficult terrain with ease. Your decision of which survivor you play will dramatically change how you approach your escape.

Like the survivors of Discover: Lands Unknown, you don’t know what awaits. Lost in an unfamiliar world, can you survive and find a way home?

1–4 Players
60–120 Min
Age: 12+

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72.00 36.00 €
alin hinta 30 päivää ennen alennusta 72.00
Doom: The Board Game
Doom: The Board Game

A completely redesigned tactical combat experience for two to five players based on Bethesda’s blockbuster video game, DOOM.

Glory Kill your way to victory as one of the Union Aerospace Corporation’s elite marines or grab control of the legions of demons threatening to take over the complex. Each side of DOOM’s asymmetrical gameplay introduces an entirely unique way to play, whether you're struggling to save Mars from being overrun by Hell’s most merciless demons or fighting to crush each marine and conquer the planet once and for all. You and up to four friends will play through a series of missions, the marines attempting to achieve a variety of objectives and the invader orchestrating a barrage of savage demon attacks against them. While the marines can respawn after death, they can only do so a set number of times before the demons claim victory over the mission, threatening not only the UAC’s operation, but the survival of humanity as a whole.

You Have Your Mission
DOOM provides two operations of six missions each for your invader and marines to battle through. Every mission takes place on a unique map and presents a different set of objectives and threat levels. The objective cards designated for each mission describe the victory conditions for both the team of marines and the invader, in addition to all associated special rules. The marine’s objectives can vary from securing the battle area to collecting valuable assets, while the invader has just one goal—to kill the marines... repeatedly.

The invader’s method of summoning demons is determined by one of three assigned threat cards—Infestation, Horde, and Assault. Portals scattered across each map designate areas where new demons will spawn from, but how those portals behave will vary depending on the threat card, throwing demons onto the map in unique ways and forcing the marines to approach each mission with a customized strategy.

Humanity’s Last Hope
Each of the four marines, Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, and Delta, begin with the same special sprinting ability and equal health points, but differing classes and weapon loadouts will help each marine establish a distinctive set of strengths, abilities, and strategies. Class cards are selected at the beginning of the mission and provide your marine with unique skills, from increasing your defenses to loading your action deck with grenades.

You will also begin each mission with a ten-card action deck, featuring armor, three pistol actions, and three cards each for your marine’s designated guns. Throughout the game, you will take a number of these cards into your hand and play them as actions. Every card in your deck will give you either a main action, a bonus action, or a reaction. While main actions will deal significant damage to any advancing demons, the less powerful bonus actions may be easily chained together to execute additional unique and useful attacks, movement, or other actions. Both main and bonus actions may only be used during your activation, though your deck will also contain a reaction or two, such as your armor, which can be used to respond to an attack at any time. These cards can help you avoid damage, retaliate with an attack, or draw more cards into your hand.

Even if you are without reaction cards in-hand, you are not without defense when targeted. Whenever your marine comes under attack, you will flip one of the cards remaining in your deck. The symbol in the upper right-hand corner of the flipped card designates the strength of your defense, either limiting the damage you take, denying the attack altogether, or forcing you to take the full force of the demon’s strike. The most effective defense will often come from cards that perform less powerful actions, so every draw from your ever-cycling action deck is a thrilling gamble, whether you’re filling your hand or defending yourself.

Not only do your marines begin the game with this ten card deck, but they will also have opportunities to expand their arsenal with pickup items. The marines are only as dangerous as the weapons they wield, so your game is heavily defined by both their initial loadout and the equipment they collect. At the start of each mission, the map will be populated with health packs and weapons for the marines to find as they pursue the mission’s objective. Health packs allow the marines to recover health, and can make the difference between life and death in a dire situation. Weapons, on the other hand, expand a marine’s action deck with new, often more powerful cards than those in the starting action deck. The earlier you set out to collect these weapons, the more quickly you may be able to gain the upper hand in your fight to save humanity.

Hell Has Arrived
One player in your game of DOOM will take the invader role, commanding the legions of Hell in an attempt to terminate the UAC Marines. As the invader, you are able to spawn hordes of demons throughout the mission from portals scattered across the campaign map. Your band of relentless fighters and the way they spawn will vary depending on the threat and invasion cards designated by each mission. The threat cards mentioned earlier apply unique rules to the portals around the map and at what point you may introduce new demons, while the invasion cards, kept hidden from the marines, indicate exactly which demon types you’re able to summon. While the marines have the ability to respawn when they die, you instead summon masses of increasingly terrifying demons.

Each of the three portal tiers has two invasion groups which you may choose spawn, increasing in strength and ability as the mission progresses. Early on, you’ll be able to summon less powerful demons, such as a mob of possessed soldiers or a single armored Pinky. While both of these demons are a threat to the marines, they are less intimidating than, for example, the Mancubus or Baron of Hell. You will be able to summon these menacing monsters and others like them when the red, higher-threat portals become available to you, increasing the challenge to the marines as they draw nearer to achieving their objectives. Because the invasion cards are not available to the marines, they will also be unaware of the terrors headed their way until the demons actually spawn.

Where the marines have action decks to indicate many of their abilities, each class of demon has specific speed, range, health, attack, and special abilities indicated on their demon card. Some of these abilities are inherent and may be used at any time, while others require special Argent Power to trigger. These tokens may be collected by discarding event cards or spawning an invasion group which includes additional Argent Power. Once the tokens have been assigned to a demon type, they cannot be moved, so it is in your best interest to spend them before each demon dies, again adding difficulty for the marines as they progress.

Event cards are the invader’s equivalent of an action deck where defense and special abilities are concerned. The cards in this deck vary depending on the mission being played, and are indicated alongside objective, threat, and invasion cards. At the beginning of the status phase, before activation for all characters begins, you will draw event cards until you have six in your hand, and may then discard up to three to generate Argent Power. The cards kept in hand can be used throughout the activation phase to modify attacks, defenses, and more. The cards remaining in the event deck serve as your demons’ defense when attacked by marines.

The Glory of the Kill
One of the most unique elements of the game of DOOM is that death is viewed as more of an expected inconvenience than a total failure. Each marine will certainly leave a trail of deceased demons in their wake, but not without taking lethal damage along the way. Not only are these elite soldiers able to die, but they are expected to do so. In fact, the invader’s sole objective in any mission is to not only kill the marines, but kill them a number of times. The idea of the game is to run in, guns blazing, without fear, and then keep on running—there’s a job that needs doing here, and respawning is just part of the fun.

Fear of death has no place in this game, and it is this reckless abandon that will allow your marines to take advantage of two exceptional abilities—the Glory Kill and Telefragging. Below each demon’s health is a stagger value, signifying the amount of damage they must take before a marine can perform a Glory Kill. Once a demon has become staggered, a marine may charge into the demon's space for two movement points and dispatch them with ease. Similarly brutal is Telefragging, an action in which a marine may move from one active teleporter on the map to another. If occupied by a demon, you immediately remove that monster from the game. With that in mind, the invader player would be best served by avoiding active teleporters at all costs.

Face Your Doom
Gear up and lock down to bring the thrilling experience of Bethesda and id Software’s DOOM to the tabletop with DOOM: The Board Game. Whether you aim to charge through the mob of demons with your team in pursuit of a larger goal or flip the switch and command Hell’s death-dealing masses to slaughter the UAC’s best and brightest, a descent into the fiery pits of DOOM is sure to bring out the master combatant in you.

• Based on Bethesda Softworks’ blockbuster science fiction shooter game
• Experience the game from both invader and marine perspectives
• Customize player decks throughout missions to improve your marine
• Randomized initiative makes for unpredictable and nerve-racking activation phases
• The fast-paced struggle to survive and adapt to ever-changing battle conditions replicates the heart-pounding experience of a video game

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118.00 €
Elder Sign
Elder Sign

Katso pelin esittely Youtubesta.

Gilman felt that the twilight abysses around him were those of the fourth dimension. Those organic entities whose motions seemed least flagrantly irrelevant and unmotivated were probably projections of life-forms from our own planet, including human beings. What the others were in their own dimensional sphere or spheres he dared not try to think.
–H.P. Lovecraft, “The Dreams in the Witch House”

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Elder Sign lets players control investigators who must successfully endure adventures within the museum in order to gather clues, items, and the eldritch knowledge they need to seal the rifts between dimensions and prevent the Ancient One’s arrival. A clever and thematic dice mechanic pits their exploration against monsters and the sheer difficulty of staying sane and healthy while investigating the most dangerous exhibits and most terrifying instances of insanity.

Elder Sign recreates the Lovecraftian thrills of eerie suspense and mind-numbing horrors in a cooperative game players can finish in one to two hours. Rules, card text, and innovative dice mechanics expertly designed by Richard Launius and Kevin Wilson, the designers of Arkham Horror, all blend in a game that’s quick to learn, quick to play, strategic enough to reward frequent replay, and eccentric enough to immerse players in the museum’s supernatural intrigue.

• Designed by Richard Launius and Kevin Wilson
• Set in a world of Lovecraftian horror
• Cooperative game for 1-8 players
• Innovative dice mechanics
• Standard game duration of 1-2 hours

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52.10 €
Elder Sign: Gates of Arkham Expansion
Elder Sign: Gates of Arkham Expansion

The struggle against the Ancient Ones spreads out of the museum and into the haunted city of Arkham in the Gates of Arkham expansion for Elder Sign. Adventures take place in over twenty locations including Velma’s Diner and the Curiositie Shoppe, Arkham Asylum and the Uninvited Isle. Meanwhile, gates to Other Worlds open throughout Arkham, destabilizing time and space.

Four new Ancient Ones threaten humanity and eight new investigators join the quest for elder signs. Investigators can also now acquire skills that give them lasting advantages. Memberships in either the brutal Sheldon Gang or the mysterious Silver Twilight Lodge help investigators complete tasks and grant them added rewards. It will take all the skills, resources, strength, and sanity you can muster to prevent the Ancient Ones from awakening – and to stay alive in the rough streets of Arkham.

Gates of Arkham takes the struggle against the Ancient Ones out of the museum and into Arkham, where monsters lurk in darkened alleyways and bystanders become the victims of gang rivalries. In the featured Streets of Arkham game mode, new Arkham Adventures and Mythos decks replace the original Adventure and Mythos decks, sending investigators on adventures throughout the city as four new Ancient Ones threaten to arise. Only by braving the city’s ubiquitous perils can you triumph against the ancient and awakening evil.

A City Full of Horrors
From its colonial-era founding, Arkham has been a refuge for witches and criminals, and legends suggest that since prehistoric times it has been home to some of the darkest forces imaginable. The turrets of Victorian homes, classical facades of Miskatonic University buildings, and tall booths of Velma’s Diner concealed inhuman horrors long before monsters came alive inside the museum.

In the Streets of Arkham mode, investigators choose which location in Arkham to visit without knowing what will happen to them inside. Arkham Adventure cards are played facedown, each featuring a specific location on the back. Some locations lure you towards them by offering rewards, such as the chance to regain sanity or gain a unique item. Others make terrible things happen at the stroke of midnight, for example, causing a ravenous Night Gaunt or giant Leng Spider to appear.

When an investigator arrives at a location, the card is flipped over to reveal the Adventure. At Hibb’s Roadhouse, you may participate in dark dealings with suspicious figures, or get caught in a police raid on the Sheldon gang. In the Curiositie Shoppe, you may discover a sealed ornate chest from another civilization, or you may arrive to find the door smashed open and a trail of blood leading inside. Once the adventure is revealed, there is no turning back. If you fail in your tasks, other investigators may come to your rescue, or you may find yourself running back out into the streets, drained of sanity and stamina. Success may reveal an elder sign or, at the very least, provide some clue, item, or skill to help you persevere.

Street Smarts and Occult Knowledge
As you navigate Arkham and survive its unpredictable Adventures, you’ll acquire lasting knowledge and enhanced abilities in the form of skills. For example, you may elicit some Occult Knowledge from a Miskatonic University professor. Unlike items, spells, and allies, skills may remain with an investigator as long as he lives, or be sacrificed in a moment of necessity to gain an even greater advantage.

Some locations and items give investigators membership in Arkham’s most influential organizations: the ruthless Sheldon gang, a bootlegging syndicate as infamous for their murders as their moonshine, and the Silver Twilight Lodge, an ancient and mysterious organization rumored to practice dark magic in the dead of night. Memberships sometimes allow you to bypass a task and sometimes offer extra rewards, such as an elder sign or an ally, for completing an Adventure.

Given Arkham’s perils, you may want to play one of the eight new investigators who are well versed in Arkham’s secrets or the bizarre physics of Other Worlds. As a cop, Tommy Muldoon knows Arkham’s criminal underworld as well as the Sheldon gang bosses. More interested in helping others than himself, Tommy can prevent another investigator from losing stamina by giving up his own– and gain some sanity in the process. Being a cop, however, doesn’t prevent Tommy from joining the Sheldon gang or the Silver Twilight Lodge. All secret organization have their police contacts.

Unstable Locations and Unexpected Events
Gates of Arkham introduces four Ancient Ones who tear at the fabric of space and time as they begin to awaken. One of them is Atlach-Nacha, who is stirring in his transdimensional home and beginning to weave the worlds together, tugging at time and space, sapping the investigators’ sanity and stamina, and causing gates to Other Worlds to open across the city. Gates tie specific locations to Other Worlds, perhaps linking the Miskatonic Library to the Far Side of the Moon, or Velma’s Diner to the cavernous, underworld Vaults of Zin. You cannot visit a location that has a gate without slipping through to the Other World, and you must resolve the Other World adventure in order to seal the gate and return to Arkham. The more open gates in play, the more monsters spawn, and the faster doom approaches.

Not only do gates breach the physical environment, the awakening Ancient Ones wreck havoc in all aspects of life in Arkham. The social, psychological, and cosmic chaos is represented by Event cards, which many locations force you to draw before you undertaking any tasks. Events create unpredictable conditions that last the length of your Adventure, and may hinder or help you. Overwhelming Fear could cause you to flee from a location in terror, or a sympathetic stranger may come forward and offer you Unexpected Aid.

Can you Survive the Streets of Arkham?
You never know who or what you’ll encounter among Arkham’s crumbling buildings, desolate squares, and unlit roads. At any moment a tentacle could reach out for you. Around any corner may be the entrance to some Other World. As you scour the city for elder signs, you could become involved in criminal rivalries or clandestine rituals, arrested by the police or lost in the halls of an insane asylum. Only one thing is certain: the Ancient One is regaining strength, and it is up to you and your fellow investigators to save not just the museum, but Arkham and the entire world.

In a typical game of Elder Sign, you confront the many cursed artifacts, vicious monsters, and other horrors lurking in the Arkham museum. The Gates of Arkham expansion takes you outside of the museum’s warm confines and into the city of Arkham itself. Gangs fight territorial battles in Arkham’s back alleys, not caring if a stray bullet hits an innocent bystander. Strange crates of foul-smelling, slimy, writhing creatures line the shelves of the General Store. Cultists perform dark sacrificial rites on the Unvisited Isle and ravenous gugs prowl through the University Administration building, hunting for victims.

Gates of Arkham features a complete deck of Arkham Adventures that allows players to visit twenty-six locations throughout this legendarily cursed city. Today’s preview will show you adventures from three locations: the Unnamable, the River Docks, and the Arkham Asylum. No matter where you go in Arkham, you are certain to encounter indescribable horrors.

A Haunted House
Inside the museum, you knew what horrors awaited you in a given room before entering it. But when playing the Streets of Arkham game mode, it is impossible to tell what lies you behind a building’s closed doors. Arkham Adventure cards are laid out on the table facedown, with the adventure itself hidden until an investigator dares to visit that location. The back of a card reveals only the location, difficulty of the adventure, marked in green, gold, or red, and an effect, which may be harmful or beneficial.

The decaying, empty house may not seem too foreboding, but the red symbol above it warns you that formidable terrors are within. However, if investigators refuse to enter, then at midnight the entire team will lose sanity, no matter where they are in Arkham. The Unnameable demands to be confronted, so you take a deep breath and cross the threshold, only to perceive a trail of blood leading down into the basement and hear muffled yet familiar screams. If you fail to rescue your friend from this incomprehensible threat, you lose five stamina and risk becoming devoured. If you succeed, you earn two Elder Signs and a unique item.

On the Shore of the Miskatonic
Having escaped the Unnamable, you may venture to the dark, foggy River Docks, where you could hand the unique item you earned over to another investigator who may be in dire need of it. However, upon your arrival you’ll discover that the grotesque, once-human Deep Ones are emerging from their underwater lairs and coming ashore. Upon your entry, a monster appears at this adventure, perhaps a giant, eel-like Dhole rearing out of the water. Many Arkham Adventure Cards have entry effects such as this, and they occur any time an investigator arrives at that location.

For repelling the Deep Ones back into the river depths you’ll receive a choice of rewards: two common items or the defeat of two more monsters. A split reward such as this enables you to receive whichever will be most useful for your team. There are also split penalties which compel you to choose between two evils – for example, losing a few points of sanity or advancing the doom track. When the choice is between two penalties, however, you cannot choose a penalty that wouldn't affect you, say, losing an item when you have none. The consequences of your misadventures cannot be avoided.

Among the Mad
In your citywide search for elder signs you will inevitably find your sanity slipping away. Visiting the Arkham Asylum allows you to exchange two trophies in order to fully recover your sanity. During your time there you may receive some Psychiatric Assistance, although recovery itself may prove traumatic. If you roll a terror result in a failed attempt at this adventure, you’ll lose your sanity rather than regain it. Regaining your sanity also takes time: a clock icon on the card indicates that successfully completing this adventure moves the clock one step closer to midnight.

Entering the Asylum might simply make matters worse. If you encounter the Ramblings of the Mad, you could push your entire team of investigators a little closer to insanity. Even success at this adventure results in losing your mind, with your reward being only a clue or a spell, neither of which will repair your psychological wounds.

No Place Is Safe
The Thing in the Basement, the Deep Ones, and the disturbed inhabitants of the Arkham Asylum pale in comparison to the powerful creatures that have waited for eons to regain control of the earth: Azathoth, Yig, Nyarlathotep, Cthulhu. It is up to you and your team of investigators to take on the horrors that haunt old, uncanny Arkham, so that you can save not only yourselves, or Arkham, but the entire world.

Gates of Arkham contains:
* A complete deck of Arkham Adventure cards and Other World cards
* Eight Investigators and four Ancient Ones
* Twenty-five Event cards and thirty Mythos cards
* Eight Memberships and twelve Skill cards
* Additional items, spells, allies, gate markers, monsters and more

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36.50 €
Elder Sign: Grave Consequences Expansion
Elder Sign: Grave Consequences Expansion

Designed by Richard Launius, the creator of Arkham Horror, Grave Consequences introduces fifty new cards that increase the challenge and drama of your Elder Sign adventures. More than that, though, they immerse you more deeply into the world and allow you to connect more fully with the role of the investigator you're playing.

Phobias, Epitaphs, and Epic Battles
The cards from Grave Consequences are divided into three modular decks: Phobia, Epic Battle, and Epitaph. These decks and their cards can be used together or separately, and they're all fully compatible with the core game, as well as all of its expansions.

Phobia cards give new meaning to the sanity-draining challenges of Elder Sign, eating away at your mental health every time their triggers are met. To the external challenges presented by monsters, cultists, and otherworldly terrors, Phobias add a compelling, new internal dimension.

Epitaph cards ensure that your fallen investigator's contributions will be remembered—whether for good or for ill. Marked by the tombstone on their backs, these cards introduce random effects whenever an investigator is devoured. Your Epitaph may heal the investigators' sanity and stamina, or it may lead monsters onto their trail.

Epic Battle cards greatly amplify the difficulty and danger of your battles with any of the game's Ancient Ones. Each round, they exert the Ancient One's chaotic influence over the battle, warping your reality and altering the rules, changing the order in which you attack, and adding new measures of surprise and horror.

Whether you incorporate one, two, or all three of these modular decks into your games, you'll find the psychological and supernatural aspects of Arkham and Elder Sign brought to life more fully than ever before. You'll feel more of your investigator's angst and anxiety. You'll travel through a world forever changed by the lives of those who perish. And you'll experience the true, awesome power of the elder gods.

An Interview with Richard Launius
To gain a better understanding of how Grave Consequences changes the nature of your Elder Sign experience, we spoke with the expansion's designer, Richard Launius.

FFG: Thanks for taking the time to speak with us. Let's start by addressing the ways you hoped Grave Consequences would fit in with your favorite aspects of Elder Sign.
Richard Launius: What I like best about Elder Sign is that it recreates the Arkham adventures in a quicker way. For me, Grave Consequences fits right in because it expands the story and mystery elements of the game.

FFG: In your mind, what makes an Arkham adventure?
Richard Launius: I am talking about the whole experience—the adventures, the characters, the exploration, the mystery, and the ultimate conflict between brave adventurers and the horrors that await. I like how Grave Consequences makes it possible for your characters to take on phobias that play out in the game and your character, and I like the way the game will craft a story around that. I also like how the death of a character will now feel more substantial with the way the Epitaph cards play, and I like how the final battles will shift and flow and become more of a story.

FFG: Of course, they're all your babies, but do you have a favorite among the expansion's new mechanics?
Richard Launius: I love the Phobias best. They become something that is purely Lovecraftian and fun to play as well. In reality, though, I love all parts of this expansion because it seamlessly adds story throughout the game and can be used just as easily in the Museum, the Gates of Arkham, and the Omens of Ice. Wherever your adventures take place, these new decks add more story and depth to your play experience.

FFG: It's clear that you really appreciate the story elements of the game. Do you see Grave Consequences almost as a roleplaying-focused expansion to the game?
Richard Launius: To some extent, yes. You gain a greater ownership of your character, and the character develops more as the game goes on… or, at least, as they fall deeper into the insanity of the mythos.

FFG: We have to ask—with all the investigators that have been added to the game through its different expansions, do you have a favorite that you like to play? Or a favorite team of investigators?
Richard Launius: I am really old school. Joe Diamond is the first investigator I created for Arkham Horror, and Jenny Barnes is the second; they forever remain my favorite characters to play.

FFG: Anything else you'd like to share with fans at this time?
Richard Launius: One other thing I really like about this expansion is the Epitaph cards. It is a silly thing really, but I like looking over at the part of the table where the Epitaphs and their tombstone designs sit with the character tokens residing on them. I like how they visualize the sacrifices the different investigators made to keep this world safe from the ever-impending doom of the mythos. It's just another fun aspect this expansion brings to imaginations like mine.

FFG: One last question, then, in summary. Would you say it's fair to look at Grave Consequences in some ways as a counterpart to the larger story driven expansions, like Omens of Ice, where it's not about the shape of the overall journey, but it's more about your personal journey—your investigators' personal experiences in the terrifying Lovecraftian world of Arkham?
Richard Launius: Absolutely. This expansion makes it more personal to the investigators and amplifies the excitement and mystery of the game. Insanity takes on a behavior, death results in consequences, and the final battle becomes epic—the stuff of blockbuster movies.

All the Madness of Your Own Personal Blockbuster
Pyschological thriller? Epic monster flick? Or both? Take your games of Elder Sign to new, deeper dimensions of peril, Paranoia, and immersive gameplay experiences with the Grave Consequences expansion by Richard Launius.

Fully compatible with the Core Set and each expansion, Grave Consequences adds new twists, new trials, and new terrors to the classic Elder Sign experience.

• A fifty-card expansion for Elder Sign by designer Richard Launius
• Three modular decks can be used together or separately to enhance your adventures
• Fully compatible with the Core Set and all expansions
• Immerses you more fully into the game’s world and stories

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24.80 €
Elder Sign: Omens of Ice Expansion
Elder Sign: Omens of Ice Expansion

Twenty years ago, during the Klondike Gold Rush, over a hundred thousand prospectors traveled deep into the Alaskan territory. Most of them perished in the ice, a few got rich, and some awoke terrible, ancient evils. Now, down in usually temperate Arkham, the winds are blowing harder and colder than ever before. The Miskatonic has frozen over. Some people complain of insatiable hunger and sometimes the newspapers even report cannibalism. You know all too well that the Ancient Ones are causing the weather and hunger, but this time you cannot fight them from within the Arkham Museum, or even out on Arkham’s streets. You must brave the brutal conditions that killed thousands of prospectors, and fight ferocious creatures from this world and others, or else the cold, hunger, and ice will devastate humanity.

Omens of Ice takes you and your fellow investigators on a treacherous journey into the Alaskan wildernesses, where you must solve the mysteries of three terrible new Ancient Ones. Whether you choose to travel in summer or are forced to go in winter’s dark, at every step you’ll face terrible perils, from the port of Anchorage to the forest paths and mountain passes of the interior. You must constantly fight not only wild animals and ravenous monsters, but frostbite, starvation, and the madness that befalls many who enter this frozen, isolated, white world.

The Treacherous Ascent
This expansion introduces the Alaska Expedition game mode, in which the deck of Alaska Adventures replaces the Adventure deck found in the Elder Sign Core Set. These new Adventures bring to life the creatures, climate, ancient magics, and native peoples of the far northwest. The deck also shapes your journey into two stages. During the first stage, you’ll explore the more hospitable locations of the Alaskan territory, such as Anchorage, Fairbanks, and an Inuit village. In the second stage, you enter the true wilderness of the Arctic, where lie the lairs of beasts, snowy expanses of taiga, and mines abandoned after the Klondike Rush. As in the Streets of Arkham game mode, an investigator must enter a location before anyone may learn what awaits there. In general, however, the deeper into Alaska you go, the more challenging your adventures will be.

This far north the difference between seasons is dramatic, marked by the severity of the storms, the extent of the ice and snow, and the amount of daylight. Omens of Ice enables you to choose whether to undertake your journey in the summer’s comparative calm, when light and comfort are more abundant, or in the stormy depths of winter, when food, light, and warmth are scarce. A winter journey is far more difficult, and you can only spend a limited number of days in the wilderness before it defeats you.

No matter what time of year you travel, your team will need supplies: food, firestarters, bandages, warm clothes, and more. In the Alaska Expedition game mode, you begin with fifteen boxes of supplies which you will consume—or lose—in the course of your adventures. You might acquire more supplies in the first stage of your journey, but it is very unlikely you’ll find any out in the wild. When the supplies are gone, all the investigators in your party will quickly lose stamina as they succumb to hunger, cold, and exhaustion. The sooner you can acquire the Elder Signs you need to defeat the Ancient Ones, the more likely your team will make it back to civilization alive.

Forces of Nature
The diabolical forces of nature are at work in all seasons. No matter when you make your journey, you’ll encounter storms—fewer of them in summer, certainly, but this far north with an Ancient One stirring, a blizzard may occur at any time of year. Various game effects, including failure penalties and the doom track, force you to place storm markers on the Adventures in play. Some storms are mild and barely affect your expedition. Others can drain your stamina or sanity, ruin your supplies, or spawn a monster. Unfortunately, you won’t know what a storm is like until you’re in the midst of it, resolving the adventure that awaits.

Natural phenomena permeate the Alaskan Mythos deck as well. Certainly you’ll encounter blizzards and other severe weather. You may have to cross a frozen river and risk falling through the ice. You may find that your camp is swallowed by piling snows or surrounded by howling beasts. Being Exposed to the Elements could drain your stamina as you struggle to protect your gea—once your supplies freeze through, they become useless. The Aurora Borealis isn’t just a brilliant nighttime show. These Strange Lights signify an opening to an Other World, which may spawn monsters across Alaska, or bring doom nearer.

Alaska has always been home to dangerous animals, their fierceness amplified by hunger and cold. Tales of Yetis and Gnoph-Keh predate the arrival of the first Europeans in the region. Now, as the weather worsens for unnatural reasons, these monsters proliferate. Grizzly bears, normally aloof, now fearlessly attack humans. Wolves will relentlessly plague you and your sled dogs, tied to the nighttime through some dark power. At midnight, an undefeated wolf pack causes another monster to appear—very likely another pack of ravenous, hungry wolves.

Tough Company
Only the most determined investigators, those willing to endure the worst horrors and even sacrifice their lives, will volunteer to go north. Explorers, travelers, and criminals all have the endurance and grit necessary for an Alaskan journey. Yet among the fearless souls who join the investigators in Omens of Ice is a lonely, parentless child. Wendy Adams is accustomed to surviving in hard conditions and has nothing of her own to lose. Her mother was taken away to an insane asylum shortly after her father disappeared at sea. Since then, she has lived on the streets of Arkham, seeking answers to the questions raised by her parents’ mysterious tales and dark fates.

Wendy carries with her a unique item and a clue. While her family seems to have been cursed, she herself has a divine gift: the ability to change a terror result to any result of her choice by spending a sanity. This gift may prove to be the salvation of the entire team, since it may prevent the loss of stamina or supplies, and even stave off a terrible winter storm.

Into the Wild
Mountains of snow lie in the streets of Arkham. Ice coats the windows of Velma’s Diner and tall icicles hang from the gambrel roof of the Silver Twilight Lodge. Miskatonic University has ceased holding class for fear that students and professors will get frostbite while crossing campus. Even when curled up by the fireplace of Ma’s Boarding House, an unnatural chill creeps in and freezes your bones. The only way to bring warmth back the world is to confront the cold, venture into the Alaskan wild, solve its prehistoric mysteries, and stop the Ancient Ones from awakening.

• Features a complete deck of Alaskan Adventure cards and accompanying Mythos deck
• Ithaqua and two other formidable Ancient Ones threaten the Earth
• Game difficulty varies depending on season: winter travel is more challenging
• Eight additional investigators join the struggle against evil
• More Allies, Spells, Common and Unique Items are added to the game

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39.80 €
Elder Sign: Omens of the Deep
Elder Sign: Omens of the Deep

Scraps of text that tell of a great evil hidden beneath the waves of the Pacific have long fascinated your old friend, Dr. Mason Phillips. For a time, it seemed that he had put his obsession to rest, but, as those immersed in the struggles against the Elder Gods know, that which slumbers may one day awaken anew.

Dr. Phillips has now come into possession of a strangely alluring amulet. It is the sole surviving artifact of a previous expedition into a remote region of the Pacific Ocean that had met with a disastrous end, and Mason has written to you that the odd trinket “calls” him to once again take up his search for the sunken metropolis. The good doctor has enlisted a crew to follow the amulet’s clues, and he has asked you to join him in his mad oceanic quest. Though the legend of R’lyeh has never gripped you as it had Mason, the combination of certainty and intense fear in the tone of his letters has convinced you to join him on this dangerous expedition. Let’s hope you don’t regret leaving the confines of the museum...

The murky waters hide untold horrors in Elder Sign: Omens of the Deep, an expansion for Elder Sign, the cooperative dice game steeped in the lore of H.P. Lovecraft’s terrifying mythos. Omens of the Deep adds the Pacific Adventure decks, new Mythos cards, The Ultima Thule entrance card, eight brave new investigators, and three horrifying Ancient Ones. The addition of mission markers and an array of new spells, skills, allies, and items will help you arm yourself for this voyage into long forsaken waters. Based on the popular The Call of Cthulhu expansion for the Elder Sign: Omens app, players can now venture forth from the within the familiar walls of the museum and board The Ultima Thule to combat the Ancient Ones that have begun to stir in the depths of the Pacific.

The Slumbering City Stirs
As the weird glow of the amulet pulses and shines, resonating with an unknown source, your crew is drawn further and further into the unexplored reaches of the Pacific Ocean. Your steady progress will reveal new challenges as The Ultima Thule chases down the location of the lost city of R’lyeh. The Omens of the Deep expansion explores this through two stages of the R’lyeh Rising mode.

The R’lyeh Rising mode of gameplay features two stages, each with their own risks and rewards. In the first stage, you and your fellow investigators will navigate the Dark Waters track to explore the remote location to which the amulet has drawn The Ultima Thule. In the second phase, your team will assemble the Amulet of R’lyeh and collect Elder Signs to seal away the evils that inhabit the sunken city of R’lyeh, in an attempt to defeat the slumbering Ancient One. However, savvy investigators should beware of lingering too long in the dark waters or plunging too eagerly into the amulet’s mysteries! Each stage is fraught with fresh horrors, so tread with care as you seek out the secrets of the deep.

A Fresh Fear of The Unknown
The dark waters of the Pacific Ocean conceal countless mysteries, and these terrifying perils lurk just beneath these frigid waves. Only by balancing calculated risk with careful exploration can the investigators hope to seal away the deeper darkness that stirs in the lost city.

The specific contents of Pacific Adventure cards are hidden until some brave soul ventures into that region, though the cards hint at just how daunting the perils within the region may be. The investigators will encounter a variety of Entry effects that trigger when they reach a new destination, and must contend with difficult choices as they encounter split penalties and rewards for failing or surviving an adventure.

An Army Beneath the Surface
While R’lyeh sleeps, other denizens of the deep have already begun to stir and will stop at nothing to bring the Ancient One back to a waking state. The Deep One Legion is particularly tenacious. Even when defeated, these creatures will just slither to a new adventure and wait for another chance to strike unless extraordinary measures are taken to dispose of them. These formidable foes can also overrun The Ultima Thule, destroying the investigators’ only safe haven.

Though The Ultima Thule’s charted course is perilous and these foes are many, all hope is not lost for the sanity and safety of the those who seek the Elder Signs. Completing the challenges on the new mission tokens provides an additional way to spend trophies for extra rewards. The Omens of the Deep expansion also comes with new items, investigators, allies, and spells to be leveraged against the coming of the Ancient One. The depths of the Pacific are filled with fresh terrors that only the bravest can attempt to seal with the power of the Elder Signs in the Omens of the Deep expansion for Elder Sign!

• The Pacific Adventure deck and Special Adventure cards bring new challenges in the R’lyeh Rising mode
• Eight investigators and three Ancient Ones expand all your games of Elder Sign
• A new deck of Staged Mythos cards bring your team to the depths of the Pacific
• New Allies, Items, Spells, and Skills bring new assets for your Investigators

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36.50 €
Elder Sign: Omens of the Pharaoh
Elder Sign: Omens of the Pharaoh

Despite the nagging doubts that plague you now, there is little chance that you could have possibly been better prepared for this dig. You had participated in many exciting and contentious scholarly debates centered around this area of Dashur and the relic known as the “Eye of Light and Darkness.” This was your area of expertise, and you knew that there was little evidence to support the hoarse ravings of the crazed old man who burst into your office following one such debate. He had rambled on about “Nephren-Ka,” chambers sealed in eternal darkness, and ancient faceted stones that whispered into one’s mind. Who would have believed such things? Now, huddled in the dark, you hear voices speaking in long-dead languages behind walls that have been unopened for untold centuries, and you wish you had considered the wisdom the madman had offered. For the first time in your scholarly career, you truly dread what you may learn.

An eternal tyrant struggles to return to life from beneath the scorching sands of Egypt in Omens of the Pharaoh, the newest expansion for Elder Sign, a cooperative dice game that takes a team of investigators into the dark corners of H.P. Lovecraft’s terrifying mythos. Based on the Dark Pharaoh expansion for the Elder Sign: Omens app, a team of investigators must travel to Cairo and join an expedition to stop the rise of the Dark Pharaoh Nephren-Ka. This dread ruler seeks to return from beyond the grave and continue his blood-soaked reign of terror. What otherworldly forces have preserved Nephren-Ka for all this time, and how can such a being be stopped?

Secrets Beneath the Sands of Dashur
Even with all the precautions that were taken to seal away both the memory and the man himself, the shadow of Nephren-Ka still lingers in the ruins near Dashur. Unbeknownst to the archaeologists, they have begun to uncover chambers that, for the safety of mankind, should have remained sealed and hidden for all time. Now, the Dark Pharaoh himself begins to stir, and the investigators have no choice but to continue to explore the ruins with great care, in hopes of finding the key to stopping the full return of Nephren-Ka.

As alien creatures emerge and prowl the ruins, your team of investigators will need to prepare themselves for the horrors that await them in Dashur. Omens of the Pharaoh not only includes this new terror, but a brand-new mode of play. The new Lightless Pyramid mode allows the investigators to travel back and forth between the relative safety of Cairo and the darker dangers of Dashur. Savvy investigators will learn the value of gathering supplies and performing some valuable research before venturing out, but shouldn't be afraid to beat a hasty retreat when needed.

The rulers that came after the horrific reign of Nephren-Ka decided that his name and deeds should be utterly stricken from the annals of history, lest some fool attempt to seize upon the same wellspring of power that fueled the Dark Pharaoh. Unfortunately, this precaution has left the investigators at a great disadvantage, and your team’s ignorance of the threat that they face may spell certain doom for the world. Furthering the research of the expedition’s archaeological dig will give the investigators a chance to gain some advantages against the encroaching darkness. Adding tokens to "The Expedition" scenario sheet will apply what little you can learn at the dig sites to bolster your chances of survival.

Stop the Dark Pharaoh
The rise of Nephren-Ka is imminent, and the investigators will need to work continuously to stop his return. New to the Omens of the Pharaoh expansion, players can gather powerful relics to aid in their fight. These artifacts will give the investigators a fighting chance against the darkness by providing them with a chance to reroll dice and other advantages.

No matter how well prepared the investigators may be, the pressure will always be mounting. Dark Pharaoh special adventures must be regularly completed in order to stop the Ancient One from waking. While staving off the Dark Pharaoh’s encroaching presence, the investigators can also risk exploring the long-sealed hidden chambers in search of elder signs. Even with new and powerful relics in hand, will the onslaught of ancient evils be too much for the beleaguered investigators? Will they be able to gather the elder signs they need to stop the return of the menacing Nephren-Ka and seal him away once again?

• The Lightless Pyramid mode allows players to shift between two decks of Egyptian Adventure cards two entrance locations at will
• The Expedition Scenario Sheet grants advantages when Expedition Tokens are won from Adventures
• Relic cards allow players to reroll dice and can be combined for special effects
• Dark Pharaoh and Hidden Chamber Special adventure cards increase challenges and rewards
• 6 new investigators, 3 new Ancient Ones, 4 new Ally cards, and an entirely new Mythos Deck

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36.50 €
Elder Sign: Unseen Forces Expansion
Elder Sign: Unseen Forces Expansion

Unseen Forces is the first expansion for Elder Sign, the cooperative dice game of Lovecraftian horror. The museum harbors artifacts that draw the attention of horrible beings, and the unfathomable wills of these creatures make themselves known in the form of blessings and curses. New Ancient Ones, monsters, and investigators accompany the introduction of these powers, and the entrance of the museum has been remodeled, adding new locations and options for the beleaguered investigators.

A Blessing and a Curse
Countless mysteries confront the investigators, and they cannot hope to comprehend the wills at work in this conflict. These forces may choose to help or hinder humans who dabble in the arcane mysteries of the universe. In Unseen Forces, blessings may fall on a lucky investigator, or a curse can confound those who are not careful.

New dice represent the whims of these powers from beyond. A white die is added to the dice pool of players who have been blessed, and investigators suffering from a cursed condition must roll the black die. The white die gives the blessed investigator an extra icon to work with to complete his tasks. The black die forces a player to discard one die in his pool that matches its icon when rolled.

Blessings and curses are generally gained by completing or failing adventures, but you could be cursed by a particularly horrible monster or an unlucky mythos effect as well. The museum is fraught with eldritch energies that can lead to success or horrifying ruin, and wise investigators will seek out blessings and avoid curses as best they can in order to survive.

Choices and Challenges
The entrance to the museum has undergone an overhaul, and Unseen Forces introduces four Entrance Cards to be used in place of the Entrance Reference Sheet. The new Entrance options give investigators more ways to spend their turn if they’d rather not attempt an adventure. The four new spaces give players a chance to spend their trophies in new ways, but beware, the Mythos deck contains cards that can shutter these locations for the rest of the game.

Sealing the Entrance cards is just one of the new surprises that the Mythos deck has in store in Unseen Forces. Master Mythos cards have been introduced as an additional way to increase the challenges that your investigators face. These cards have a red background and feature even more devastating effects that may be leveled against the dogged investigators as they struggle to stop the rise of an Ancient One.

Through their long and sanity-straining struggles, the investigators have managed to gain a modicum of knowledge regarding the inner-workings of the Mythos. This increased familiarity with the arcane is represented by the new Mythos Insight Icon, which gives the players a choice as to which mythos effect their investigators will suffer.

New Horrors, Little Hope
Despite this small gain in their knowledge of eldritch beings, the universe still harbors a vast variety of horrors. Four new Ancient Ones have begun to stir, and each brings a unique and harrowing challenge to the museum. Though these creatures pose an incredible threat the future of mankind, eight new investigators have also entered the fray, lending an extra bit of hope to the struggle.

Among those who will newly venture into the museum is Diana Stanley, a former member of the Silver Twilight Lodge. Diana opened her small shop in Arkham with the hope of finding a real sense of community her new home. Diana became a member of the Chamber of Commerce and joined the Women’s League with an eye towards fitting in. Shortly thereafter, she was invited to join the Silver Twilight Lodge, an elite Arkham club. Diana eagerly signed on immediately, only to find that the Lodge was not what it seemed. Far from a simple social club, the Silver Twilight Lodge was truly a cult with horrifying plans to summon an Ancient One into this world. Diana has been plagued by unspeakable nightmares due to the things she’s seen, and she has determined that she must stop the cult at all costs. Having advanced to the second rank of the Order, Diana Stanley knows more of the occult than she’d like, but she’s willing to make use of her experience to stop the Ancient One’s rise. When Diana defeats a monster, she gains one clue token.

More Adventure and Other World cards bring fresh terrors to the struggle. New Spells, Allies, and Common and Rare items add still more of an edge to the investigators. Perhaps this world will survive after all...

All of these challenges and more await the investigators as they work to protect the world from the unspeakable horrors that stir beneath the earth or hail from the formless reaches beyond our reality. Blessings and curses abound, the entrance has undergone remodeling, and the threats to be faced have increased in difficulty. Do you have what it takes to brave Unseen Forces and survive with your brain and body intact?

• The first expansion for Elder Sign, Kevin Wilson and Richard Launius’s popular dice game
• Two new custom dice introduce a Blessing and Curse mechanic
• Master Mythos cards provide an optional increased challenge
• Entrance Cards create new options and locations for players
• Features 4 Ancient Ones, 8 Investigators, 41 Adventure Cards, 29 Mythos Cards, and 39 Item, Spell and Ally Cards

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36.50 €
Eldritch Horror
Eldritch Horror

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Eldritch Horror is a cooperative game of terror and adventure in which one to eight players take the roles of globetrotting investigators working to solve mysteries, gather clues, and protect the world from an Ancient One – an elder being bent on ultimate destruction. Each Ancient One comes with its own unique decks of Mystery and Research cards, which draw players deeper into the lore surrounding these loathsome creatures. Twelve investigators, two-hundred fifty tokens, and over three-hundred cards ensure that Eldritch Horror presents an epic, world-spanning adventure each and every game!

"October 14th. The train to Istanbul has afforded me a few moments to record my thoughts, but after my experiences exploring the tomb of Nephren-Ka, I find it difficult to concentrate. This most recent expedition has confirmed my deepest fears: there is an undeniable pattern, a malevolent intelligence that moves against us. Rumors tell of strange creatures, drawn from other worlds, converging on the streets of Shanghai, San Francisco, and Buenos Aires. I must dispatch letters to my colleagues, warning them of my findings. Perhaps, if we can pool our knowledge, we will solve this mystery and save the world from the catastrophe I know to be imminent. I only pray that the dark forces pursuing me have not already overtaken them."

Across the globe, ancient evil is stirring. Now, you and your trusted circle of colleagues must travel around the world, working against all odds to hold back the approaching horror. Foul monsters, obscure mysteries, and brutal challenges will take you to your limit and beyond. All the while, you and your fellow investigators must unravel the otherworldy mysteries scattered around the globe in order to push back the gathering mayhem that threatens to overwhelm humanity. The end draws near! Do you have the courage to prevent global destruction?

Eldritch Horror is a cooperative adventure game in which one to eight players take the roles of globetrotting investigators working to gather clues, solve mysteries, battle terrifying monsters, and protect the world from otherworldly threats. With twelve unique investigators, two hundred-fifty tokens, and over three hundred cards, Eldritch Horror presents an epic, world-spanning adventure with each and every game.

Combat Ancient Evil on a Global Scale
With terror spreading across the globe, you and your fellow investigators will venture to the far corners of the world. From the snowcapped peaks of the Himalayas to the bustling streets of San Francisco, you and your group of investigators will travel to the world’s major cities, its most remote wildernesses, and everywhere in-between to prevent an impending global catastrophe...the awakening of an Ancient One whose arrival will cast the world into eternal darkness.

Every element of Eldritch Horror is designed to immerse you in its narrative theme of world-spanning horror and adventure. As the game unfolds, the narrative woven throughout each and every mechanic intensifies the pressure.

With tensions running high, and the fate of the world in your hands in these last, desperate days, the choices your group makes could have devastating consequences.

Even the components of Eldritch Horror add to the story and are designed to further immerse you in this epic, world-spanning adventure. From character sheets that resemble well-worn passports, tokens made to look like train and ocean liner tickets, and a board that displays a yellowed map of the world, Eldritch Horror weaves an engaging tale of a global odyssey to save civilization.

Hop a train from Shanghai to Istanbul, hire a witchdoctor in Buenos Aires, or stock up on holy water in Rome...just make your preparations count. You’ll need to work efficiently to defeat the horrors that await you. After all, with each passing day, an elder being of untold power draws closer to devouring our world. Only by solving three unique mysteries, represented by the tasks on Ancient One-specific Mystery cards, can your team of investigators save humanity and win the game!

Face Unimaginable Terrors at Every Turn
While the tasks on these Mystery cards (along with the locations of otherworldly gates, menacing monsters, and helpful clues) will often inform both your travel plans and the dangers you confront, you can find adventure anywhere in the world...even where you least expect it. It is during the Encounter Phase of each turn that players resolve combat or, alternatively, build their investigators’ personal stories by reading an encounter narrative from one of several types of Encounter cards. You might go head to head with a monster in Istanbul, or find yourself in a tough spot with the crime syndicate in a major city. Maybe you will embark on an expedition to the Pyramids, or research a clue you uncover in the unnamed wilderness. You may even find your way through a gate and explore a dimension beyond time and space.

Should you fail an encounter, the cost is steep. If you are fortunate, you will merely incur physical or mental trauma. However, you might also be compelled to take a Condition card, which represents a specific injury or restriction gained throughout your journey, such as a Leg Injury or Amnesia. You could find yourself getting in over your head to aquire assets and receive a Debt condition. Or, maybe you’ll owe a favor to something far more insidious than a debt collector, and enter into a Dark Pact! Whatever your condition, you would be wise to find a resolution with haste; many conditions have a “reckoning effect” which, if triggered, ensure a much more sinister fate.

All the while, the arrival of the Ancient One approaches. Its malign influence is manifested in Eldritch Horror as you draw Mythos Cards, which govern the appearance of otherworldly gates, fearsome monsters, and other ominous elements. Mythos cards keep your investigators under pressure, introducing new threats, even as the arrival of the Great Old One draws nearer! Since the investigators draw a new Mythos card each round, they’re certain to have their hands full battling foul creatures and following up on strange rumors, even as they work to solve their three all-important mysteries.

An Epic Experience, Each and Every Time
Eldritch Horror includes several features designed to ensure a unique experience each and every time you play. With over three hundred cards, you can be assured of amazing variety in encounters, Mythos effects, and more. And since each Ancient One has dedicated decks of Mystery and Research cards, you’ll not only select an Ancient One, you’ll select an entire style of play.

Further contributing to the game’s replayability, twelve intrepid investigators stand ready to defend the world from a threat that only they truly understand. Take the role of expedition leader Leo Anderson, influential actress Lola Hayes, or any of the included heroes. Since each investigator offers his or her own unique skills, starting assets, and approaches to winning, you’re sure to find a favorite persona for saving the world.

Want to customize your experience even further? Newer players may wish to stand against the Great Old Ones with less difficulty, while more experienced players may want an extra challenge. Eldritch Horror accommodates the needs of all types of players with its Mythos cards. With three levels of difficulty, the Mythos cards give you the option of making the game more or less challenging by removing the easier or more difficult cards when you build the Mythos deck.

You Must Fight Back
The way will be dangerous and the stakes have never been higher. The Ancient Ones are stirring, casting a shadow across the world. You must fight back. Gather your team, research the clues scattered around the globe, and solve the mysteries surrounding the Great Old Ones.

Venture across the high seas, or deep into the wild, to battle monsters, uncover ancient secrets, and gather dark knowledge as you work to prevent the coming catastrophe. The horror is here. The fate of our world is in your hands. Your journey begins now. Are you ready?

Inspired by Arkham Horror
Inspired by the bestselling board game Arkham Horror, and set in the same eerie mythos, Eldritch Horror presents a unique, globe-spanning adventure for those intrepid souls brave enough to embark on the journey.

While fans of Arkham Horror may recognize some shared mechanics between these two sister games, these familiar mechanics take on new twists. Eldritch Horror is not an expansion, nor does it replace Arkham Horror. It is a brand new game, which stands alongside Arkham Horror and the rest of FFG’s library of Lovecraftian games, filling its own distinct niche.

• Inspired by the best-selling board game, Arkham Horror
• A fully cooperative game for up to eight players that also supports solo play
• Includes 12 investigators, 250 tokens, over 300 cards, and more
• A fast-paced, deeply thematic, story-driven adventure game
• Dedicated Mystery decks and unique victory conditions for each Ancient One ensure a versatile and highly replayable experience

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91.70 €
Eldritch Horror: Cities in Ruin Expansion
Eldritch Horror: Cities in Ruin Expansion

You feel it just below the surface. Something gnawing at the edge of sanity, a feeling that the steady march of machines and concrete that have come to be recognized as progress in the modern world is transient. Your visions show you a desolate future, where all that remains is dust, ash, and those who have long slumbered.

Violent earthquakes contort cities to unrecognizable ruin, unrelenting typhoons eradicate coastlines, and deep below the Earth something ancient stirs. Shudde M’ell, The Cataclysm from Below, approaches with destruction and ruin as his heralds.

Cities in Ruin sees four new investigators face the brink of madness to battle Ancient Ones, and introduces a slew of new monster and encounter cards to the world of Eldritch Horror. And what's more, new Ancient One Shudde M’ell’s presence brings a destructive twist to the game in the form of the Disaster deck.

A World in Turmoil
Shudde M’ell’s violent dreams are throwing cities around the world into a state of bedlam, and players will have to deal directly with the consequences via the new Disaster deck. If they’re lucky, an investigator may escape with some scars, if they're not, they may see a city devastated and left in ruin.

Devastation can happen in a number of different ways, and investigators must work together to prevent such catastrophes. However, they can't save everyone. When a city space becomes devastated, it has a devastation token placed over it, representing its new, and bleak, place in the world. Encounters there now take a post-apocalyptic turn that sees cityscapes turn into wastelands, and citizens looking to saviors to deliver them from eradication.

Investigators will find survivors jumping to their doom under the trance of a servant of Shudde M’ell, a milltary too petrified to fight the horrific creatures that prowl a now ruined city, or a cult preying on those who remain. Regardless of the heroics the investigators pull off, the city is still eradicated and all that remains are ashes to be protected from whatever horrors lurk in the shadows.

The Cataclysm from Below
The ancient city of G’harne was founded by the Elder Things and, in eons past, served to guard Shudde M’ell’s prison. Now it sits abandoned, its ancient warding-stones destroyed or stolen by souls too blinded by greed to understand their importance. Shudde M’ell now stirs, and the world trembles before him.

Ruin is unavoidable in a game featuring Shudde M’ell, as it even begins with Rome being wiped off the map. Your adventure is sure to include more Disasters as the doom track inches forward, terrible tragedies to the rest of the world, horrifying omens to you. Investigators will have to solve three mysteries while dealing with the Ancient One’s catastrophic outbursts if they have any hope of survival. Should they fail to stop the awakening, Shudde M’ell will roar to life, and there may not be a world left to save.

Brave Souls
With the world falling apart around them, a select few have taken it upon themselves to face the cataclysmic storm. Cities of Ruin sees four new investigators: Bob Jenkins, Rita Young, Roland Banks, and “Ashcan” Pete stand against Shudde M’ell and his waves of destruction.

Since the onset of his prophetic dreams, “Ashcan” Pete has taken on the role of the wanderer. Traveling the rails with his trusty companion, Duke, Pete has noticed the disturbing trend creeping up on the edges of society. Fires, floods, earthquakes; calamities are striking cities across the globe, and the cold-hands of desperation grip their survivors.

Except the people of Oulu.

When Pete set foot here, he found a town that didn’t give in to fear or madness, he found a people that had rebuilt after their great fire, he found a purpose. Pete reckons if he can figure out the source of all this carnage, he can help those who need it most.

Pete begins the game with Duke, a unique asset, in play. The trusty companion gives Pete a second chance at success when resolving a test with a free reroll. Additionally, the bond between Duke and Pete allows the drifter to recover one additional sanity when he performs a rest action.

What Pete lacks in influence he more than makes up for in utility, as he is able to perform an additional action while traveling along a train path, as long as the rails aren’t frozen in place by the bizarre weather patterns affecting the planet. Finally, Pete converts trash to treasure when he performs an acquire assets action; he can gain one item or trinket asset with a value less than his observation skill from the discard pile, and he'll need every item he can scrap together in the fight ahead.

The World Trembles
The sky will bleed, the earth will shake, and a few brave souls will face the Cataclysm from Below. Can you survive the devastation to come?

• The seventh expansion for the popular Eldritch Horror board game
• Four new investigators take up the fight against the Ancient Ones
• Introduces mechanics for destroying cities
• New Ancient One Shudde M’ell brings fresh monsters and encounters to the game

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39.80 €
Eldritch Horror: Dreamlands Expansion
Eldritch Horror: Dreamlands Expansion

A new expansion for Eldritch Horror!

It has been months since you saw the sunset city in a dream—towering minarets and domes, crossed by shadow and red light from the gently setting orb of fire that permanently rests outside the city. Since then, you’ve crossed these borders every night, searching for the city, hoping to set foot inside. You have seen wonders beyond compare: the sacred cats of Ulthar and the turquoise and tourmaline city of Celephaïs that rests beneath the gingko-covered slopes of Mount Aran. You have all but abandoned your waking life, eating less and less, spending more and more time asleep. But tonight is different. There, on the silvery, blade-thin horizon between wakefulness and sleep, the black ships from the moon have finally caught up to you.

Descend into a world of sleep and splendor with The Dreamlands, the latest expansion for Eldritch Horror. For the first time, you have the chance to walk upon the sweet-smelling grass of the Enchanted Wood, travel into the Underworld, or sail off the edge of the world and voyage to the moon—this expansion introduces an entirely new side board, portraying the mystical, ethereal Dreamlands. As the realm of dreams leaks into our waking world, you’ll find eight new investigators that stand united against two insidious Ancient Ones: Altach-Nacha the Dreamweaver and Hypnos, the Lord of Sleep. With a massive array of new Spells, Conditions, Assets, Adventures, Mythos cards, and encounters for every location, The Dreamlands promises adventures unmatched by anything in the waking world.

The Dreamer...
Everyone sleeps, drawn by invisible bonds to rest and heal their bodies. Yet as you rest, your mind is active, grasping at the mad, loose strands of your life and spinning them back to you in nonsensical stories. For most, dreams are an amusing diversion or a terrifying interlude—if they're remembered at all after you wake. But for a few, dreams are reflections of a life more real than the waking world.

Luke Robinson was given an unusual puzzle box by his uncle many years ago. Through that gift, he discovered the path to the Dreamlands and has spent the majority of his days traveling the land of dreams in search of adventure. From the jade streets of Celephaïs to the endless mysteries of the Enchanted Wood he wanders, unraveling the secrets of the land and the myriad dreamers who reside there. Yet an ancient chaos threatens to destroy not just the waking world but the world of his dreams as well. Luke could not care less about the Earth, but he will die before he allows the world of dreams to slip away from him.

Far more than most other investigators, Luke Robinson relates to the world through the gates that open across the globe. For a dreamer with his skills, traveling through the Dreamlands between these gates is just the work of a few hours—as an action, Luke can move to any space containing a gate that matches the current omen, potentially traveling across the world in an instant.

Luke is no great warrior, but he has little trouble slipping past the monsters in his path and crossing into other worlds. Simply by expending a focus or losing a little sanity, Luke Robinson can encounter a gate as though there were no monsters on his space. Then, once he has successfully closed the gate and safeguarded Earth for a little while longer, his Dream Box helps you by increasing his focus or helping him recover sanity. Though he may no longer call himself a native of Earth, Luke Robinson will undoubtedly do everything in his power to forestall its imminent doom, if only for the lands of dream that he loves so much.

...And the Dream
As you close your eyes to sleep, you see the stairs before you. They spiral downwards with neither walls nor railing to separate you from the soft grey abyss that surrounds you. You begin to descend, hesitantly at first, but faster as you gain confidence. There is no wind or gust of air that would threaten your footing. There are only the whispers—you should jump, you can fly, step off the edge, we will catch you…

Descending the endless stairs and passing through the Cavern of Flame while you sleep are one way to enter the world of the Dreamlands, and this can be done from anywhere in the world. Still, they are not the only path: there are many places where the boundaries between Earth and the realm of dreams may merge and spill into each other. These portals are first placed at the beginning of a game using the Dreamlands side board, and they allow free passage between our world and the Dreamlands, whether you cross the dark bridges of the Underworld, walk among the fungi forests of the moon, or set foot at last on the streets of Unknown Kadath or Dylath-Leen.

The Dreamlands are filled with wonders, but are also perilous for those who enter unprepared. Your path may take you beyond the Basalt Pillars of the West, or you may pursue a Dream-Quest that moves throughout the Dreamlands, perhaps leading you straight to the futures that spring from the Fountain of Alath-Zann.

No matter what signs and wonders you may see, however, you must never forget the dread purpose that led you to this place. There are still powerful beings from beyond our world intent upon destroying humanity forever. The monstrous, spider-like creature Atlach-Nacha is ever weaving, bringing reality and the Dreamlands closer together so that she may loose the horrors of the Underworld and lead them to war. A less overt threat, but no less deadly, is Hypnos, the Lord of Sleep himself. His whispers attend every sleeping mind, slowly and carefully pushing them over the edge into madness. You must venture into the Dreamlands if you wish to defeat these Ancient Ones, yet once you go in, there’s no guarantee that you can return.

Revelation Is the Province of Dream
As you sit chained to the deck of a black galley sailing to whatever horrors await on the moon, you reflect that your dreams have led you into this place. Foolish dreams, perhaps, of defeating a creature that existed for millennia before humanity’s existence. Yet foolish or not, only your dreams can lead you free again.

• A new expansion for Eldritch Horror
• Venture into the Dreamlands with an entirely new side board
• Eight new investigators give you new ways to save the world
• Two insidious Ancient Ones seek to destroy earth in very different ways
• Plenty of new Conditions, Encounters, Adventures, Spells, Mythos cards and more give this expansion limitless variety

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76.30 €
Eldritch Horror: Forsaken Lore Expansion
Eldritch Horror: Forsaken Lore Expansion

Forsaken Lore is the first expansion for Eldritch Horror, immersing you and your investigators more fully into the global fight for the survival of humankind. As the Ancient Ones grow in power, investigators must work harder than ever to save our world. New mysteries threaten to unravel humanity for good, and nearly one hundred and fifty new encounters appear across the globe. Investigators must use their new Artifacts, Assets, Spells, and everything else at their disposal in their fight against Yig, the Father of Serpents.

An expansion for Eldritch Horror. Forsaken Lore adds over two hundred new cards to Eldritch Horror, including over one hundred new Encounter cards, twenty-four condition cards, and fourteen new mysteries.

The fate of the world grows even more uncertain as the malignant influence of Yig, the Father of Serpents, extends across the globe. Previously defeated Ancient Ones attempt to reclaim the world once again, forcing Investigators to solve new mysteries to keep them at bay. All the while, terrible new Epic Monsters and dangerous new Encounters keep Investigators racing across the globe to stave off the collapse of the world.

Yig, The Father of Serpents
Yig’s cultists and the Serpent People make their way across the world, determined to conquer for their master. Savage and sly, these venomous cultists and the serpents under their control unleash a new horror on investigators – a condition called Poisoned.

Yig enters the game with six unique mysteries, and your Investigators will need to gather all of their strength and cunning to keep Yig from entering our world. Break the power of the Serpent Crown over the will of the people, and defeat the Winged Serpent Epic Monster in order to world safe once more.

New Threats to Humanity
Of course, Yig and his serpents aren’t the only threat to humanity’s survival. In Forsaken Lore, evil continues to spread as new Mysteries for the Ancient Ones included in Eldritch Horror are uncovered. Discover the Stone Circles where Yog-Sothoth’s worshippers gather and put an end to their arcane rituals, or do battle with the mighty Hydra Epic Monster as she rises from the sea to do the bidding of Cthulhu.

Eighty-eight new research cards help your investigators to discover the horrible truths of the Ancient Ones bent on the world’s destruction. Will you put together the pieces in time to save humanity from destruction? Or will this new knowledge drive your investigators to madness?

New Spells, Expeditions, and Encounters will test even the most courageous investigators. Cast the perilous Poison Mist Ritual Spell, or seek the ancient secrets buried in the rubble of Egypt’s White Pyramid.

• The first expansion for Eldritch Horror
• Immerses players and their investigators more fully into the global fight against evil
• Adds a new Ancient One to the game: Yig, the Father of Serpents
• Enriches the game’s global terror with one-hundred and forty-eight Encounter cards and fourteen new Mystery cards
• Powerful new Artifacts, Spells, and Assets aid investigators in their struggles to save humanity

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36.50 €
Eldritch Horror: Masks of Nyarlathotep Expansion
Eldritch Horror: Masks of Nyarlathotep Expansion

Join the search to stop innumerable cults worshipping a single, dreaded being in Masks of Nyarlathotep, a new expansion for Eldritch Horror from Fantasy Flight Games, inspired by the classic Call of Cthulhu roleplaying adventure! At the same time, you can experience the adventure anew in your roleplaying group with a new edition of the Masks of Nyarlathotep adventure from Chaosium that brings the definitive Call of Cthulhu roleplaying campaign into the game's seventh edition.

From this story's inception in the first edition of the Call of Cthulhu roleplaying game, the dark horrors of Nyarlathotep have thrilled and delighted fans around the world. With this expansion, Fantasy Flight Games worked closely with our good friends at Chaosium to learn the midnight secrets and terrifying truths of one of their most famous Ancient Ones—and we're thrilled for you to experience that in Eldritch Horror and the Call of Cthulhu RPG.

The stink of charred flesh still lingers in the night air amidst a dense copse of trees. You stare numbly at the pages in your hands and try to fight off the realization that threatens to coalesce in your thoughts. Three different cults. One under the streets of London, one amongst the sands of Egypt, and now this sect just outside of Tokyo. The specifics of the horrific rituals had all been wholly different, save for one, singular detail: the mind-bending invocation that closed each of the ceremonies was exactly the same at each site. Each time, you and your compatriots had barely averted some soul-wrenching atrocity against nature. How many more groups were still chanting this terrifying phrase? Each cult had been so difficult to find, and so different from the last. None of it added up. What thing were these rites feeding and how could you follow this thing when every clue led to a new trail?

Once again, the world’s intrepid investigators must attempt to thwart the cataclysmic rise of an otherworldly Ancient One. Strange cults are gathering strength in remote corners and bustling cities all over the world. Though the cults seem to worship different gods, the investigators will find one thread that runs throughout all their evil rites: Nyarlathotep. Known as the Messenger of the Outer Gods, Nyarlathotep is the only Ancient One who still actively walks the Earth to work his will upon humanity. The investigators must stop these cults, or Nyarlathotep will gain enough strength to open the Ultimate Gate, ushering in an unthinkable doom.

Many Guises With One Goal
Nyarlathotep’s followers dot the face of the earth, opening gates and weakening the membrane between this reality and the realm of the Outer Gods. These cults of Nyarlathotep must be rooted out by undertaking new Adventures and by visiting the sites of new Mystic Ruins. Will you work to destroy the Australian Cult of the Sand Bat, or perhaps there is something to be found in the lost Yithian city of Pnakotus? The investigators will need to race to gather information and stop the influence of Nyarlathotep in each and every form he takes, but it will take careful planning if they hope to stamp out enough of his followers in time.

Nyarlathotep sows chaos, gathers followers, and then changes his face as easily as a person changes clothes. Constantly altering his form and taking on new aspects, Nyarlathotep works ceaselessly to bring the Outer Gods into our world. He has pulled his puppeteer’s strings so subtly and for so long, that there are very few that have not been affected by his fell purpose. In Masks of Nyarlathotep, each investigator bears the scars of their own unique brushes with the otherworldly in the form of new Personal Stories. Pursue an investigator’s Personal Story to gain insight into each character’s background, gain unique rewards, and stave off terrible consequences, but take care to weigh the needs of these few with the fate of the many who hang in the balance.

Gathering Strength to Stop the Chaos
The investigators will need to be well-prepared to take on the widespread threat of cultists that support Nyarlathotep by gathering new Artifacts, Unique Assets, and Spells for the journey ahead. The team will also need to be especially well-equipped when taking on the new Campaign mode of play introduced in the Masks of Nyarlathotep expansion. When taking on a Campaign, players will need to win multiple games, with consequences and benefits carrying over to the next game after each threat is sealed away from the world. If stopping any single Ancient One seems an impossible task, can the investigators possibly hope to succeed as these otherworldly beings attack one after another?

Around the world, the cultists chant on, each committed to their own goals while unwittingly worshipping one of the myriad aspects of Nyarlathotep. How many of these groups have completed their occult rites? How many more have yet to be stopped by the investigators? Find out more about the new investigators and how their pasts factor into the fight against the Messenger of the Outer Gods in our upcoming previews of Masks of Nyarlathotep!

• The newest expansion for hit adventure game Eldritch Horror
• Campaign mode provides a framework for greater challenges and an enriched narrative experience for players
• Personal Stories provide all of the Investigators with unique goals that can have great benefits or terrible consequences
• New Resource tokens allow a new way to heal and increase your chances of passing tests
• Features new Mystic Ruin cards for the first time since their introduction
• 7 new investigators and 2 new Ancient Ones, as well as new Adventures, Unique Assets, Prelude Cards, Mythos Cards, Spells, Artifacts, Assets, Epic Monsters, and more!

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71.80 €
Eldritch Horror: Mountains of Madness Expansion
Eldritch Horror: Mountains of Madness Expansion

Explore the farthest reaches of Antarctica in Mountains of Madness, the second expansion for Eldritch Horror. Inspired by H.P. Lovecraft’s novella about an Antarctic expedition ravaged by inhuman, prehistoric creatures, this expansion allows you to trace the doomed expedition’s path and enter the immense City of the Elder Things. What happens in Antarctica has worldwide repercussions – freshly-awakened horrors are spreading across the globe. Monsters and mysteries are surfacing in areas long considered safe.

Eight investigators offer you new roles to play as you confront these chilling, inhuman threats. Numerous additional Assets, Spells, Artifacts and Conditions may help investigators or harm them, and for the first time, Adventures and Prelude cards shape the international struggle against the Ancient Ones. Do you have the strength to survive Antarctica’s frozen wastes, encounter the Mountains of Madness, and stave off the end of human civilization?

Mountains of Madness is the second expansion for Eldritch Horror, a cooperative game of terror and global adventure for one to eight players. Inspired by H. P. Lovecraft’s novella about an ill-fated Antarctic expedition, Mountains of Madness opens the desolate and eerie expanses of Antarctica, where lie the ruins of the Elder Things’ primeval civilization. Hidden there are the clues and artifacts you need to prevent the Ancient Ones from rising, but the ice also conceals inhuman, terrifying creatures, recently awakened and thirsty for blood.

You will find in Mountains of Madness a side board depicting six different Antarctic locations. Two new Ancient Ones threaten humanity in unprecedented ways, and eight investigators join the international effort against them. Additional gates spawn monsters in previously safe locations and a plethora of Assets, Artifacts, Conditions, Spells, and the Focus Action become available for use in the struggle against impending doom.

Antarctica’s Frozen Horrors
The side board featured in Mountains of Madness allows you to follow the route of Professor Lake’s doomed Antarctic expedition from the bustling Miskatonic University outpost and the remnants of Professor Lake’s ravaged camp to the megalithic City of the Elder Things and the mythical, otherworldly Plateau of Leng. Since Antarctica is so very different from any other place on earth, Outpost and Mountain cards, as well as Antarctic Research cards, give investigators adventures unique to that continent. Those encounters are often shaped by Antarctica’s treacherous climate, which can prove just as deadly as any monster. You may find yourself stumbling through snowdrifts, struggling against hunger and hypothermia, or fighting to subdue companions maddened by the isolation and the cold. Even if your efforts against the Ancient Ones do not lead you into Antarctica, you may nevertheless discover the Heart of Winter, meet a survivor from the Miskatonic expedition, or be attacked by a monster creeping north from the thawing Antarctic ice.

Lurking in the Antarctic ice are the Elder Things, one of the Ancient Ones introduced in Mountains of Madness: creatures that ruled the earth long before humans were a sapient species. Frozen and dormant, their tall, star-shaped bodies seem monstrous but not harmful, strange and exotic like coral. When they awaken, however, the Elder Things kill every living thing around them without pausing to think. Not only are they capable of quick and cold-blooded slaughter, they are tremendously intelligent creators of technologies beyond human conception. Were they to rise again, these Elder Things would destroy – or worse, enslave – mankind. Can you destroy these brilliant and ruthless monsters before they become too powerful to overcome?

A Skilled but Motley Crew
Mountains of Madness includes eight investigator sheets, increasing the number of roles that players can take on. Hailing from places as distant as Australia, India, and the Heart of Africa, these investigators bring a panoply of skills to the battle against the Ancient Ones. One, having retired from his legal career, now seeks justice for his murdered wife. Another waited tables at a diner in Arkham until memories of a past life suddenly flooded her mind. One investigator has spent her life learning ancient languages and exploring ruins of prehistoric empires, another has just joined the police force and now finds himself protecting Alaskan settlers against monsters from another world.

Whether you prefer to pour over tomes of mythology in London’s museums, secure funding for the Antarctic expedition in San Francisco, or seek Other World Encounters across the globe, there is among these investigators an absorbing and vivid role for you to play in Eldritch Horror.

Tools of the Trade
Exploring Antarctica requires provisions, guides, sled dogs, and other Assets that you would not need if traveling more populated regions, but, should you venture to Antarctica, you will find priceless and powerful Artifacts to protect you against both the Ancient Ones and the brutal cold in those far reaches of the world.

Two types of Assets are introduced in Mountains of Madness: Task Assets and Unique Assets. Task Assets are only different from other Assets in that they can be used only once and are activated as a result of an investigator’s activities, rather than within an encounter. Unique Assets form their own deck and some, similar to Conditions and Spells, contain effects on the back that must be resolved when the Unique Asset is used. However, unlike Conditions and Spells, the effects on the back of a Unique Asset are reliably positive: you may gain another clue, or find a sudden Ally.

If you anticipate a particularly challenging encounter, Mountains of Madness allows players to use an Action to gain a Focus token, which you can spend during a test to reroll a die instead of spending a Clue. A Focus token could prove to be the difference between improving a skill and gaining a horrible condition, or between defeating a monster and losing your sanity.

The Struggle Continues
While offering players the chance to make Antarctica a critical battleground in humanity’s war for survival, Mountains of Madness brings hideous horrors to every continent and raises the stakes of every investigation. No matter the shape or location of your struggle against the Ancient Ones, Mountains of Madness takes the adventure of Eldritch Horror to another level.

Inspired by H. P. Lovecraft’s novella about a Miskatonic University expedition that awoke ancient and deadly creatures, Mountains of Madness opens up to investigators the frozen expanses of Antarctica and releases horrors that have hibernated in the ice for eons. You may find in Antarctica solutions to many perplexing mysteries, but you will also encounter there profoundly disturbing sights and nightmarish new monsters. This expansion features a side board depicting locations throughout Antarctica, from the Miskatonic Outpost to the City of the Elder Things, where numerous and terrifying encounters await you. Two new Ancient Ones, including the very Elder Things that once dominated earth, threaten the end of humanity. Eight more investigators contribute their diverse skills and specialties to the struggle against the Ancient Ones. With their help you may be able to prevent the reawakened Elder Things from rising... or you may fall victim to the horror.

An Antarctic Expedition
The side board featured in Mountains of Madness allows players to follow the trail of the doomed Miskatonic University expedition. Your gateway to remotest Antarctica – and your last point of connection to the rest of the world – is the Miskatonic Outpost, where you can team up with an Antarctic guide or obtain life-saving medical supplies. You can then progress to the devastated Lake Camp where the cold preserves the grisly remains of Professor Lake and his colleagues. There, you may rescue the frightened sled dogs who survived their masters’ slaughter, or perform autopsies on the frozen bodies of the Elder Things. Beyond the immense and foreboding Snowy Mountains lay the megalithic City of the Elder Things and the mythical Plateau of Leng, where the unpredictable, transdimensional shifts of time and space may shatter your sanity.

Antarctica’s frozen climate makes it one of the most perilous regions of the world. Your Strength and Will may be tested as you are forced to dig through many feet of snow, restrain frightened dogs, or scrape ice off of your frozen airplane. A small mistake – or even sheer bad luck – can result in a Hypothermia Condition. Yet where humans struggle to survive, other creatures dwell comfortably. Innumerable monsters are insensible to the cold, and even animals that seem harmless may turn against you. Giant Penguins, seemingly innocent and friendly at a distance, can eagerly tear you limb from limb before you realize your danger.

The Rise of the Elder Things
When the first Miskatonic expedition uncovered frozen life forms, as tall as humans but grey, cylindrical, and crowned with starfish-like limbs, they assumed they had found corpses. The sled dogs knew better, and tried unsuccessfully to flee before the hibernating Elder Things woke up. One of two new Ancient Ones introduced in Mountains of Madness, the shrewd and ravenous Elder Things yearn to regain control of the planet that they ruled millions of years before humans walked the earth.

To defeat the Elder Things, you must search Antarctica’s icy wastelands for clues. Carved pictures in the city’s dark ruins may inform you about these creatures’ technology, culture, and ultimate downfall. The mutilated, dismembered bodies of the Miskatonic University expedition may reveal the Elder Things’ intentions towards humankind, while their tracks through the snow contain information about their shape, movement, and speed. Yet while knowledge may decrease your instinctive terror of the Elder Things, it will not lessen their malice.

Diamonds in the Rough
The eight investigators introduced in Mountains of Madness offer you intriguing new roles to play as you combat the increasing threat. Whether they earned their chops scouring libraries or fighting crime, practicng law or smuggling liquor, every one of them is equipped to go to the ends of the earth to fight the Ancient Ones. Many have unexpectedly useful skills: you wouldn’t suspect that a professional violinist would be adept at closing Gates, or that a waitress would be an expert in arcane lore.

Ursula Downs, for example, grew up climbing trees and exploring caves before delving into history, science, and archeology. Having spent years excavating the ruins of forgotten civilizations, she has the Strength to survive difficult climates, the Lore to understand the inscriptions of the Elder Things and the Observation to interpret subtle clues in any landscape. This combination of skills makes her excellently suited for a voyage to Antarctica, a trek through the Amazonian rainforest, or a visit to the archives of Istanbul. Ursula Downs can brave any terror imaginable and strengthen any team of investigators.

The Global Threat is Growing
Mountains of Madness focuses on Antarctica but leaves no corner of the earth untouched. This expansion spreads the horrors across the world, featuring additional Encounter and Research cards for every location and Gates that allow monsters to spawn in regions not before exposed to such horrors. New Assets, Spells, and Artifacts aid investigators in their struggles against the Ancient Ones. Whether you choose to defend humanity from the Elder Things or their enemy Cthulhu, whether you focus on fighting monsters or learning spells, Mountains of Madness will enhance your experience of Eldritch Horror.

* A side board depicting the mysterious expanses of Antarctica
* One rulebook to guide your expedition
* Eight Investigator Sheets
* Two Ancient One sheets, with accompanying sets of Mythos and Mystery Cards
* 156 Encounter Cards and a multitude of Assets, Conditions, Gates, and Monsters

• The first side board expansion for Eldritch Horror, inspired by H.P. Lovecraft’s classic novella
• The side board and over 150 encounter cards allow players to experience locations throughout Antarctica
• Eight investigators contribute their unique talents to the fight to save humanity
• Two new Ancient Ones, the Elder Things and Ithaqua, threaten unspeakable destruction
• Numerous new Assets, Conditions, Gates, and Monsters spread horror across the globe

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71.10 €
Eldritch Horror: Signs of Carcosa Expansion
Eldritch Horror: Signs of Carcosa Expansion

You live in an oblivious world, a world uncaring of anything outside the rims of its myopic gaze. After all, why should people look beyond? It seems that every day, scientists pioneer new advancements and develop new technologies, bringing the solid touch of reason to even the most unexplainable phenomena. Yet despite this daily triumph of the rational mind, madness creeps through the cracks at the edges of the world.

Beneath the light of a gibbous moon, poets and artists pen strange verse and weave arcane sigils into their paintings. The Unspeakable One is entering the world, his horrid city is tearing its way through dimensions, and as it does so, more and more humans succumb to a mindless insanity. The very people you have sworn to protect may come padding after you on a cursed night, knife in hand and the light of evil stars gleaming in their eyes. Whether you’re walking along the streets of Tokyo or through trackless jungles in the heart of Africa, you may be forced to choose between the people close to you and the people of the world.

Signs of Carcosa is a new expansion for Eldritch Horror, and within, you’ll find enough madness to influence all of your games. Hastur enters the game as a new Ancient One, spreading insanity and dissension. Against this foul abomination from Aldebaran, four new investigators join the fight to save the world. A host of new Encounter cards for every continent ensure that fresh adventures are always around the corner, even as a wealth of new conditions, spells, assets, artifacts, and Mythos cards draw you deeper into a world of madness and fear.

Do Not Speak His Name
Your life used to be the same as the lives of the people you pass on the street, before you first saw the sign. Now, you see it everywhere: in a seemingly-happenstance arrangement of sticks, in the lines of an old man’s face, in the flow of raindrops on the window of your automobile. At night, you see it in your dreams—the same sign, dripping yellow. Tomorrow, you will attend the theater, and at the last showing of The King in Yellow, you will find the truth, and end this torment.

The Unspeakable One begins to push its way into our world in the Signs of Carcosa expansion. Yet Hastur’s approach doesn’t exhibit the brute force of an Ancient One like Azathoth or Cthulhu—Hastur is far more insidious and prefers to approach through whelming tides of madness. Hastur enters your games of Eldritch Horror as an entirely new Ancient One that you can battle as you attempt to solve terrible mysteries such as Finding the Way, which requires you not only to delve into Hastur’s twisted designs, but to claim the Key to Carcosa and journey into the domain of the King in Yellow.

Your struggles against Hastur will soon force you to make choices you had hoped to avoid forever. Monsters may incubate within your body, slowly devouring you from within, and only a pact made with dark powers can save you—unless it’s all a figment of your tortured imagination. You may seem to hear the soul-chilling shriek of a byakhee that echoes through the fog to your ship. You may even strike a deal with the darkness in exchange for the promise of future power.

There Is a Madness in His Methods
Though the grip of madness is tightening, the world is not without defense. Against both elder gods and horrifying monsters, a few brave humans are willing to make a stand and, in all likelihood, cast away their lives for the good of all.

Four new investigators join the struggle against Hastur in Signs of Carcosa: Dexter Drake, Jenny Barnes, Michael McGlen, and Wendy Adams. Each of these investigators has unique talents and abilities that we’ll explore in future previews, but few are more adept with the arcane arts than Dexter Drake.

This soldier-turned-magician has a natural flair for showmanship, and in the wake of the Great War, he turned to the stage to make his living. Of course, it proved impossible to learn illusions and deception without picking up a great deal of real occult knowledge. Now, Dexter Drake still travels the world, using his shows as a front for his work battling the minions of Hastur.

When you play as Dexter Drake, you can use his magical abilities to banish a monster to another Gate, even on the other side of the globe. You’re also able to easily pick up the difficult gestures and words that accompany your magic, which allows you to gain spells much faster than other investigators. Dexter Drake even starts the game with a copy of the new Binding spell, which can dramatically reduce the damage that a monster deals to you or another investigator. Like all spells, however, casting Binding may demand a terrible price for the power it grants you.

The Mystery of the Hyades
In the lost city of Carcosa, Hastur lies in his dark prison, awaiting the day when he can break free and consume the corrupt cities of Earth with his power. A few brave men and women have seen the threat beyond the veil, but are even they truly sane? To battle the might of Hastur, you too must take your first steps along the seductive path to madness.

• The fifth expansion for Eldritch Horror
• Test your might against a new Ancient One: Hastur
• Four new investigators join the fight—Dexter Drake, Wendy Adams, Jenny Barnes, and Michael McGlen
• A host of new encounters, conditions, spells, artifacts, and assets ensure that every game of Eldritch Horror offers new adventure
• Impairment tokens may hinder your abilities as you struggle against the might of Hastur

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36.50 €
Eldritch Horror: Strange Remnants Expansion
Eldritch Horror: Strange Remnants Expansion

Throughout the world lie the ancient ruins of massive stone monuments built by lost civilizations, ruins which conceal the dark secrets necessary to save the planet from a terrible fate. In Strange Remnants, you and your fellow investigators must travel to these uncanny landmarks and piece together their uncanny mysteries before time runs out and the entire Earth is devoured. The Ancient One at the heart of Strange Remnants is no monster from another dimension or creature from the deep. In this expansion, your enemy is the Syzygy, a deadly alignment of the planets. In other words, you must fight the universe itself. You'll learn more about this Ancient One in a future preview.

Ancient Ruins and Imminent Doom
Long ago, numerous prophets and priests foresaw that someday the Sun, Earth, and Moon would align with the center of the universe, and a terrible portal would open leading to the court of an all-consuming dark god. To prevent the future end of mankind, these prophets and priests commanded towering temples and statues to be built, gargantuan feats of early engineering that would safegaurd the keys to humanity’s salvation. This cosmic alignment is now fast approaching. Only by visiting these ruined monuments and confronting the horrors that dwell within their moss-covered stones can you save the Earth from imminent doom.

Strange Remnants enables you to explore the prehistoric Mayan temples of Chichen Itza, the winding Great Wall of China, fog-shrouded Stonehenge, and the stern Moai Statues of Easter Island. The new Mystic Ruins Encounter deck brings each of these four locations to life through encounters that might alter time and space for your benefit or curse you with debilitating Conditions. Beyond these four sites of arcane importance, your determined struggle against a new Ancient One will lead you to sites of arcane power throughout the world. New Location and research encounters connect you with ancient ruins and artifacts in places from Egypt and Argentina to San Francisco and Arkham.

One way to stave off doom is to strengthen the world’s unseen shield through Fortifying the Barrier Special Encounters. Of course, these encounters entail countless risks. You may, for example, accidentally enrage the capricious spirits that inhabit the ancient ruins where you need to perform a ritual. If you cannot preclude that dark portal in the universe’s center from opening, there is a chance you may still be able to seal the portal and rescue the human race. Sealing the Portal Special Encounters take you through the portal of doom, to an unknown and evil realm where you could be asked to defend humandkind in a cruel trial . Whatever your journey, whatever rituals you undertake, whatever clues you find, the fate of humanity lies in your hands.

Agents of Secrets
Four new investigators dedicate themselves to solving the cosmos’ mysteries in Strange Remnants. Among them is Tony Morgan, a highly observant bounty hunter. Traumatized by a near-fatal experience with the slimy half-human inhabitants of Innsmouth, Tony is now determined to take down Arkham mobsters and otherworldly monsters alike, regardless of the bounty. Tony’s keen eyes will help your team find fading inscriptions and ancient artifacts amid the ruins, and he can gain Focus from defeating monsters in combat, yet another helpful tool in the search for clues.

Your investigators’ efforts may be aided by several new Allies. With the support of the powerful telepath Asenath Waite , you can discard two spells to dispel newly-spawned Gates and the monsters that emerge from them. Or, you can use your influence to persuade an enigmatic Agent of Secrets to help you with lore and observation tests. A studious, softspoken Museum Curator can not only give you a valuable and unique Relic, but also help you succeed in your expeditions and excavations. Since the very movement of the planets is your enemy, you’ll need all the allies you can get.

The Coming Storm
As the planets align, the very fabric of the universe unravels. New monsters emerge to hunt for human prey, and bizarre, unprecedented events occur in the world’s great cities, unfathomable oceans, and dark wildnernesses. Will you be able to withstand the oncoming storm, or will you perish along with the rest of the Earth?

Strange Remnants includes:
* One Rulesheet
* An Ancient One and accompanying Mythos and Mystery Cards
* Four Investigator Sheets and Tokens
* 86 Location, Other World, Special, and Mystic Ruins Encounter Cards
* Numerous Assets, Conditions, Spells, and Monsters

• An expansion for the popular Eldritch Horror boardgame
• A new Ancient One threatens to devour the entire Earth
• Four hardy investigators join an international struggle to save humanity
• A Mystic Ruins Encounter Deck opens up new locations to explore
• Prelude cards introduce unique scenarios to shape each game

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39.00 €
Eldritch Horror: Under the Pyramids Expansion
Eldritch Horror: Under the Pyramids Expansion

A side board expansion for the cooperative Lovecraftian board game, Eldritch Horror.

In the chaotic streets of Cairo, saddled camels stand in front of parked roadsters. Arab merchants are bartering with British officers and Hungarian archeologists, while Bedouins find refreshment at cafes after spending months wandering in the Sahara. Just outside the city limits flows the wide, shimmering Nile River and only twenty miles away, the Great Sphinx patiently guards a famous trio of Old Kingdom pyramids. And only a few hundred feet from the entrance to the Cairo bazaar, a group of black-robed Cultists chants solemnly in a mysterious and archaic language, summoning back to life the cruelest Pharaoh of all time.

Under the Pyramids invites you to discover Egypt’s secrets as you battle against the Dark Pharoah’s return. A new side board opens up six Egyptian locations, from bustling cities to legendary archeological sites. Six preludes introduce challenging new horrors, including a lethal, unnatural epidemic and the ghostly return of a fallen investigator. Eight more investigators enter the international fight against evil, armed with mysterious Relics and powerful Glamour Spells that can actually alter fate. You’ll need a strong and well-equipped team to take on the terrible Ancient Ones who have slept silently for millennia in Egypt’s sands, but now threaten to awake.

Ancient Kingdom, Modern Conflicts
Everywhere in Egypt ancient and modern come together. Military speed boats dart back and forth over the massive stone ruins of the Alexandria lighthouse. Academics and tourists toting cigarettes and cameras throng around the pharaoh Akhenaten’s sandstone palace at Tel El-Amarna by the Nile. As the midday calls to prayer ring out over Cairo, Egyptian separatists clash with Imperial officers and bureaucrats feud over rightful ownership of the Rosetta Stone. Amidst all this, you and your fellow investigators are undertaking a secretive struggle against the Ancient Ones.

You may see the face of a cat goddess in the stars or foresee your own death in the misshapen shadow of the Bent Pyramid. Your search for clues will lead you down the length of the Nile to the Sudanese border and from the shores of the Mediterranean deep into the drifting Saharan sands. You may also discover that your friend Erich Weiss has been framed in the theft of a priceless pharaonic amulet. The Museum Heist Adventures launch you on a chase across Egypt to catch the actual thief, retrieve the amulet, and clear Mr. Weiss’s name.

Nomads and Scholars
Since long before the historical era, nomads have roamed across Egypt’s deserts, stopping at secret oases on the way to trade in Cairo or rest on the banks of the Nile. All eight investigators of Under the Pyramids are also nomads, each for their own individual reasons. Hank Samson, for instance, left his family farm in Texas in search of his long-lost father. Sister Mary found her calling in eradicating demonic presences throughout Africa.

Many of the new investigators are scholars as well. Mandy Thompson and Dr. Harvey Walters have traveled to Egypt to do first-hand research into psychic abnormalities and arcane texts. The archeologist Monterey Jack particularly unites research and restlessness. As a child he traveled the world alongside his father – but recently the aging man was found murdered. Jack has now undertaken a new investigation, seeking information about his father’s death in the ruins of ancient Egyptian temples and the labyrinthine Cairo streets. He carries with him a Treasure Map given to him by his father and has an uncanny ability to spot valuable Relics like Canopic Jars in the least likely places.

The Dark Pharoah’s Return
The mysteries surrounding the Dark Pharaoh may prove inscrutable even to an Egpytologist like Monterey Jack or a linguistic scholar like Mandy Thompson. Little is known about the ancient king known as Nephren-ka. He was a mighty sorcerer who worshipped Nyarlathotep and a bloodthirsty tyrant who enslaved thousands and sacrificed countless innocent people to his evil god. Some Egyptologists believe that his rule ended the Third Dynasty of the Old Kingdom; others say he lived during the Twentieth Dynasty. Some say he was buried beneath the Bent Pyramid and covered the walls of his tomb with prophecies; some say he was actually a flesh-and-blood avatar of Nyarlathotep and his remains vanished. His true believers say that his return is imminent. All the evidence that you can find supports their claim.

To keep the Dark Pharoah from enslaving Egypt once more, you and your fellow investigators will have to solve three mysteries. You may have to banish a tempestuous and lethal Black Wind from the Nile Delta, or even fight the reawakened Greak Sphinx of Giza. Nephren-ka's history itself is a mystery much harder to solve than it may sound. After he was deposed in a democratic uprising and buried alive, the Egyptian people erased virtually all sculptural, pictorial, and hieroglyphic records about the Dark Pharaoh, striking him from recorded history . Such was their desire to purge his terrible and bloody reign from their memories.

The Horrors of the Gift of the Nile
In these times of deceptive international calm, archeologists and explorers from across the world are pouring into Egypt, scouring her temples, tombs, and pyramids for artifacts and mystical knowledge. Your search, however, is vastly more important than all their scholarly excavations, for yours alone can save humanity. The harsh Egyptian climate will challenge your strength, the hieroglpyhic inscriptions will challenge your knowledge of lore, and the chaos of urban bazaars will test your powers of observation. You’ll need lots of influence to navigate the local and Imperial bureaucracies and a streadfast will to gaze upon the Egypt's ancient horrors. Only by facing these challenges and solving the mysteries of this truly ancient civlization can you safeguard the future of humanity.

Under the Pyramids includes:
* A side board that opens up six locations spread across Egypt and North Africa
* A rulebook to guide your journey down the Nile and into the Sahara
* Two Ancient Ones, each with unique Mystery, Research, and Special Encounters decks
* Eight new Investigators
* Plentiful new Unique Assets, Conditions, Spells, Artifacts, Gates, and Monsters

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71.80 €
Fallout Board Game
Fallout Board Game

The Great War of 2077 is so long past there is no place in your memory for its events, but the barren landscape before you has its own story to tell. Immaculate homes which once housed seemingly perfect families and busied Mr. Handys have been transformed into empty shells. Humans wander the wasteland among mutated creatures and rogue robots, in search of little more than survival. You are now among them. Sure, this world might be a mere shadow of its former glory, but plenty of adventure and mystery still await a brave traveler. And your adventure has only just begun...

Welcome Home
Fantasy Flight Games is proud to announce Fallout, a post-nuclear adventure board game based on Bethesda’s blockbuster video game series. In Fallout, one to four players take on a role within an irradiated landscape inspired by those in Fallout 3, Fallout 4, and their downloadable content expansions. With just a few locations pinpointed on their map, the players choose whether to work together or individually to explore these mysterious regions that lay before them. Along the way, each player will face a wealth of choices, deciding whether to pursue experience or Caps, collect loot or loyal companions, and progress the main questline or veer off to the vaults. As the players move around the board, building their skills and filling their inventory, the area’s warring factions will gain power, forcing the players to pledge loyalty or defy conformity, all in pursuit of gaining the most influence of anyone else in the wasteland.

What’s that, sport? It’s going to be you?!
Alright, then. Show us what you’ve got.

What Makes You S.P.E.C.I.A.L.?
Hello, wanderer. We’re glad you decided to join us. You’ve got a lot to master before you venture out into the treacherous wastes. First, let’s learn a little bit about you! Would you say you’re more of a human type… or less so? No shame in that, friend. We understand the last couple centuries have been tough—so we’ve made space for those of the super mutant and ghoul variety (though don’t tell the Brotherhood of Steel we said that).

You know, everyone out here has a little something special to bring to the table. Just ask our pal, the Brotherhood Outcast. That military-grade power armor of his is nothing to shake a stick at! But seriously, you won’t make dent. And that Wastelander over there? No, she’s not a mechanic, she’s just well-armed! Let’s not get ahead of ourselves, though. You’ll have plenty of time to learn about the rest, and there’s far more to a person than their limited, pre-game backstory!

This player—our ghoul friend—has advanced quite a ways through the game. But don’t worry, kid. With time, you too can have a well-worn collection of wasteland goodies!

The first card on the very left is his Character Card. That’s how we know he’s a ghoul, and a very ghouly one at that! He’s not the most solid guy you can be—you’ll see that his HP is limited to twelve—but his familiarity with radiation sure does help! See, at the bottom of his survivor board is a track, with Rads to the left and HP to the right. When traveling the wasteland, a survivor may gain Rads or lose HP, tracking them with the pegs on this board. Should the pegs ever occupy the same space or pass one another, the survivor will die and begin again at the starting space (maintaining their equipped possessions and XP). So while the ghoul is limited in health, taking radiation actually heals him. Neat, right?

The next few cards below Ghouly’s board are his equipped items. With Combat Armor, an Alien Blaster, and Dogmeat at his side, I’d say things are looking up. And the fun doesn’t stop there, because Ghouly has a couple cards in his inventory and a few Caps to spare, too! Continue around the board and you have influence cards (we’ll talk about those later), perk cards, and Ghouly’s S.P.E.C.I.A.L. tokens. As you can see, he is a Strong, Perceptive, Intelligent, and Lucky ghoul! I guess Endurance, Charisma, and Agility just weren’t in the cards. However, it looks like Ghouly has passed on collecting S.P.E.C.I.A.L. tokens once or twice in favor of the very powerful one-time use perks Gun Nut and Fortune Finder. They sure do look useful!

Do you feel like yourself, yet? No?
Good, that’s not the point. We’re going on an adventure here!

War Never Changes
Shaping the narrative of your character is but one piece of this wasteland wandering you’ve set out for. After all, what is a person without their many experiences? Well you’ll experience a darn lot, let me tell you! Between questing, killing, drifting, and chilling, you’ve got a busy schedule to attend to.

When you set out to explore the world before you, you’ll have a few landmarks to guide your quest. These landmarks and the map surrounding them will depend on the scenario you and your fellow survivors choose to play. The four scenarios included in Fallout will be familiar to seasoned fans of the franchise, featuring The Capital Wasteland, The Pitt, The Commonwealth, and Far Harbor. Though the distinctive locations in each scenario are predetermined, the rest of the map will vary with every setup, allowing each survivor to suffer as many unique deaths as they please, game after game after game.

Beyond the map itself, the scenario will also determine which two unique factions you’ll have the opportunity to behead or befriend—your choice. In The Commonwealth for example, the Railroad and the Synths go head to head (assuming you haven’t already done the beheading). On the back of the scenario card, you can mark the progress of these two factions, giving each side more power. Should one of the factions progress to the very end of the power track, the game will end, whether there is a winner or not. So don’t get ahead of yourself. Allies are only allies as long as you’re worth something to them.

Finally, the scenario also sets up and drives the main quest you can follow in the game. “Welcome to the Commonwealth” is the first card in the scenario depicted here, kicking off the main quest. Completing one of the actions on this card will cause the noted effects, move the story forward, and reveal even more quests. While the main quest cards will more often than not impact the factions, side quests will allow you and the other survivors to explore other stories within the game without pushing that primary narrative too far ahead.

Now that we’ve sufficiently discouraged the senseless chaos we know you’ll all try at least once, let’s talk about how you—yes, YOU—can actually win the game.

The Lone Wanderer
The Fallout franchise has long illustrated the idea that it’s not about the destination, but the journey, and winning this game is sure to take you on a wild adventure in kind. Remember that card turned facedown next to Ghouly’s board? Yes, the Influence one. That’s how you win! Influence cards can be collected as you wander the wasteland, earning you recognition for your unique contributions to the greater story.

There are two primary types of Influence cards—faction-based and otherwise. Many of the influence cards will give you points based on the progress one of the factions has made. By revealing a “Security” or “Freedom” card, you will be able to align yourself with the associated faction, allowing you to move freely among members of that faction. Just think, you could make friends with the Brotherhood of Steel! Or The Institute! Or even a Slaver!

What a time to be alive.
There are other influence cards you can collect as well, which are not tied to the scenario’s factions, but instead to your own character’s inventory and acquired abilities. Whether the card offers extra influence for Caps, collected items, reputation, or something else, these cards will provide each player with unique objectives, affecting how they make choices in the game. That said, while you can develop teams through faction alignment, when you get down to it, everybody’s just looking out for themselves. Trust, sure, but a wise adventurer knows to be prepared to betray that trust at the draw of a card.

Please Stand By
There you have it! The delights of the wasteland are yours to enjoy. Whether you’re more of a Lone Wanderer or a Local Leader, Fallout will allow you to take on the run-down remains of the world in your own way, making choices, acquiring loot, battling bad guys, and leveling up your survivor.

• Inspired by Bethesda Softworks’ blockbuster post-nuclear adventure game
• Players explore the wasteland, fight enemies, and complete quests to level up their survivor
• Offers boundless opportunities for player choice and character customization
• Modular board arrangements and branching quests allow for endless replayability
• Includes four scenarios based on the storylines of Bethesda’s Fallout 3 and Fallout 4 video games

2 – 3 hours
1 – 4 players
Ages 14+

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88.20 €

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