
Ruutunäkymän liikennevaloissa vihreä on heti saatavilla, punainen juuri nyt loppu varastosta, keltainen ei vielä ilmestynyt tai huutomerkin kera ei hyllyvalikoimaa, eli me tilaamme sitten, kun sinä olet tilannut meiltä. Saatavuusinfossa kerrotaan tarkemmin saatavuustiedoista.

Haun tulokset 25 - 48 / 91


Once your ancestors found or created a source of magic - the exact knowledge of its origin, as far as you know, has long been lost. A small community has developed around the source, which seeks to protect this place and keep it as secret as possible.

Unfortunately, some magical beings — half corporeal, half ethereal — have now tracked down this source. These beings of dubious character, which you call "Djinn", have appeared in various places of the city to dispute your access to the source. You are young members of the Magic Guild, and to prove your abilities, you are tasked with capturing the Djinn so that they can do no harm. You can control them permanently only if you catch them in special Djinn bottles. To seal these bottles, you also need corks made from the bark of a tree near the magic source.

Whichever of you succeeds best in protecting your small town will be accepted into the inner circle of the Magic Guild and will soon be allowed to learn even more secrets...

In Djinn, you take turns moving across a map that shows thirteen locations. These locations are linked to actions where you can get the resources you need and catch the Djinn that are in six locations. In those locations you can do things like receive bottles and corks, collect magical power, buy magical items, hire mages to accompany you, discover secret passages, and more.

In each round, you can reach only one of two or three of the locations, so you must plan carefully to have all the resources you need in time to catch the Djinn. The game ends when all six "Boss Djinn" have been captured and removed from the map, then you score points for all captured Djinn.

1–4 Players
Playing Time: 60–90 Min
Age: 12+

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83.20 €

In Evidence, as ambitious journalists, you go in search of evidence to prove the existence of some of the world’s greatest mysteries. You've been searching for a long time and now you're pretty sure that mysterious creatures from lore really exist! However, in order to convince the editor-in-chief and make it to the front page with your story, you will need some solid evidence. You'll have to keep searching and following even the smallest rumours until the signs get hot. But time is of the essence because your competitors have become aware of the story... There are 6 different creatures who are said to be found in different locations around the world – referred to as "mysteries". For each mystery, there are 6 rumours and each is assigned a unique colour and symbol. The rumours have different values ranging from -1 to 4. The higher the value of a rumour, the higher the probability that the mystery truly exists. Only one of these cards is the actual proof of the respective mystery - you must find out its value throughout the course of the game. This evidence is hidden under the overview cards and its value is unknown to you at the beginning of the game. All other cards are rumours. You hold these rumours in your hands and play them round by round, revealing information to everyone. Throughout the course of the game, you will take search cards by performing the "Search" action. These represent your findings on the various mysteries. Time-outs in the basic game allow you to exchange previously collected search cards in one mystery for another. These cards grant you the opportunity to bluff or alter wrong decisions. The professional tools of the variant introduce 6 unique actions into the game and take the game to a more strategic level.

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16.60 €
First Rat
First Rat

For generations, the rats in the old junkyard have been telling each other the great legend about a moon made of cheese. And now they have made up their mind: they will build a rocket and take over the Cheese Moon! Of course, all the rats work together to achieve this magnificent goal. However, each rat family is also competing to build the most rocket parts and to train the most Rattronauts so they can feast on as much of the lunar cheese as possible.

First Rat is a Core Game for up to five players, which can also be played solo. Numerous strategies, special skills, and a variable setup create new excitement for every game. On every turn, players have to decide whether they want to move one of their rats up to five spaces or if they want to move multiple rats up to three spaces instead – which is only possible if the rats end their movement on spaces of the same color. And if there are already rats in that space, it also costs one cheese per rat! Moving across the junkyard, players collect resources, buy (or steal) useful items, build parts of the rocket or train their Rattronauts, in order to collect as many Victory Points as possible. In the event of a tie, the tied player with the most Rattronauts in the rocket wins. If there is still a tie, the tied players share the win.

There is a solo mode as well as variable game setups described in the rule book.

Player count: 1-5
Duration: 30-90min
Age: 10+

      heti saatavilla
49.70 37.30 €
alin hinta 30 päivää ennen alennusta 49.70

The cover of FYFE shows a dreamy South Seas location with a blue sea, beach, and palm trees — but what will you find as you dig in the sand, and can you arrange your discoveries in ideal scoring combinations?

Each player has their own 5x5 grid, 7 lucky charm tiles, and 15 scoring boards. The game includes 125 tokens, with each token showing one of five colors, one of five symbols, and one of five numbers (1-5). The scoring boards show conditions that you must meet in order to earn the points listed on that board, e.g., the numbers 1-5 in sequence, tokens of the same color, tokens with different symbols, three tokens of one color and two tokens of another color, etc.

To start the game, draw two tokens from the bag and place them at the bottom of your playing board. Place one of these tokens in an empty space of your grid, then choose a scoring board and place it in the row, column, or (if appropriate) diagonal line in which that token was placed. On each subsequent turn, draw one token, place it on your game board, then choose one of your two tokens to place. If this newly placed token doesn't have a scoring board pointing at it, choose one of your unplaced scoring boards and place it in the row, column, or diagonal.

As soon as a line is filled with five tokens, if you have met the conditions on the scoring board for this line, flip it over to the side that shows points; if you are the first and only player to complete this scoring board this round, take the associated 3-point bonus tile. If you complete and score multiple lines on the same turn, take 5-20 bonus points depending on whether you scored two, three, or even four lines at once.

If someone drew a lucky charm token at the start of the round, they draw a replacement token, then all players can choose to use and discard one of their lucky charm tiles. These tiles allow you to exchange the tokens in your reserve, place a token on the board as a joker, swap an already fulfilled scoring board for another one, and so on. Each unused lucky charm tile is worth points at game's end. After 25 rounds, players tally their points for scoring boards, first tiles, lucky charm tiles, and bonuses to see who has the highest score.

2–5 Players
30–45 Min
Age: 10+

      heti saatavilla
41.40 €

Hakusivu: 1 2 3 4
