
Ruutunäkymän liikennevaloissa vihreä on heti saatavilla, punainen juuri nyt loppu varastosta, keltainen ei vielä ilmestynyt tai huutomerkin kera ei hyllyvalikoimaa, eli me tilaamme sitten, kun sinä olet tilannut meiltä. Saatavuusinfossa kerrotaan tarkemmin saatavuustiedoista.

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Become the best god and craft your most prosperous universe!

Lands populated with worshipers are lost in the Aether. Select and assemble these regions to create the most beautiful universe!

Manage your regions and personify the best god. A tactical game for all in the tradition of Splendor. Simple rules for playing fast and smooth games. A positive game: at the end of the game, whether or not you win, each player will have made their own world!

Orbis is a tactical game of world development and strategic resource management, in which players take on the roles of gods creating their best universes. Utilizing lands lost in the aether, players accumulate worshippers to spend on even more fruitful lands — some of which grant game-changing bonuses. The key to victory lies in having the most creation points (CPs) at the end of the game!

On your turn, you must take a tile from either the nine region tiles in the center of the table or the available God tiles. (A player may take only one God tile throughout the game.) Every time you take a region tile, worshippers of the same color as the tile taken are placed on adjacent tiles, making the tiles left behind more enticing for the next player. Restrictions apply to region tile placement, making each decision tougher than the last!

After fifteen rounds, the game ends when all players have created their universe, at which point CPs are calculated, bonus tiles awarded, and a winner is crowned. Beautifully simple yet rich in strategy, Orbis is a different game each and every time you play it.

2-4 Players
45 minutes
Ages 10+

  !   tilattava tuote
36.10 €
Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective: Carlton House & Queen's Park
Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective: Carlton House & Queen's Park

Welcome to the Carlton House. Enjoy the luxury and solve the murders! How about a stroll in beautiful Queen’s Park? Beware dogs and the occasional crime scene...

Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective “Carlton House and Queen’s Park” is offering you an immersion in London’s crimes and intrigues during the Victorian era. Work with your team to investigate and solve difficult cases in support of newspapers, the London Directory and map. Try to surpass the best detective ever.

Carlton House
The streets of London will no longer be your sole investigation crime scene. Enter the manor of Carlton House to solve four puzzling mysteries. Use the plans of the manor to untangle these intrigues.

The Twisted Trail; The Devil’s Ransom
Two tortuous interludes will take you back to the streets of London. Your detective skills will be greatly put to test.

Queen’s Park
Three days of investigation are awaiting you in the verdurous settings of the famous London park. Get ready to solve ingenious crimes!

Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective Carlton House and Queen’s Park is a cooperative game in which you compete against the renowned crime solver: follow the trails, gather hints, and solve the cases your way!

* Standalone game in the Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective range.
* Ten cases of varying difficulty, set in London and other intriguing locations.
* Includes classic cases from previous, long out-of print expansions from the original Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective range.
* Face some of the toughest cases to crack, but also some simpler ones to hone your detective skills!

* 1 London map
* 2 Carlton House plans
* 1 envelop with 11 hints
* 10 investigation booklets
* 10 newspapers
* 1 London Directory
* 1 game rules booklet

Ages 12+
Players 1 - 8
90 minutes per session

      loppu varastosta
56.40 €
Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective: Jack the Ripper & West End Adventures
Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective: Jack the Ripper & West End Adventures

Dear friends,
Check today's Times. I think you will find something of interest. Confer with you later.

Reenter the gaslit world of Sherlock Holmes in Jack the Ripper & West End Adventures as you race to save London from its most nefarious villain. Jack the Ripper & West End Adventures is a brand new standalone game in the Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective series of games. You don't need another box to dig into this one, but if you're familiar with previous Consulting Detective games, you'll feel right at home in the West End. In this new title, you and your fellow detectives must work together to uncover clues, follow leads, and gather evidence in order to solve a variety of crimes from Regent’s Park to London Bridge. The neighborhood of Whitechapel is especially troubled, as many of its female residents have been found slain in the night. Search the dim streets and pore over the day's news in order to piece together the puzzle to stop Jack the Ripper's vicious crime spree.

No Stone Left Unturned
Reopen the cold cases of Consulting Detective with new information, revised and adapted for Jack the Ripper & West End Adventures. In the West End Adventures, you will hit the streets of London's five districts once again in hopes of solving the crimes splashed across the front page of every newspaper in town. Each case book will provide you with the necessary details to begin your investigation, providing you with an introduction to the case and a number of leads for you to follow. As you attempt to pin down the answers you seek, you must speak to numerous suspects, witnesses, and informants, all of whom can be located using either your list of contacts or the directory of London. The leads for each case are scattered across the game map, and you will have to decide which lead deserves your attention first, and then decipher the clues you pick up along the way.

As you explore the city, you would be well served to keep your eyes open for clues hidden in plain sight. Alongside each case, you will have a timely newspaper to peruse, and amongst the obituaries and letters to the editor, you may find information to help confirm your suspects' alibis or call them into question. You may even have to review older editions of the newspaper in order to fill all the gaps in your convoluted case. When a new clue, lead, or piece of information reaches you, there are numerous documents and locations for you to consult should you choose to pursue it. Miscalculated deductions may well lead you to a dead end, but even the best investigators sometimes have to backtrack and begin their investigation again.

Jack's Assault on Whitechapel
Completely new to the Jack the Ripper & West End Adventures game is the multi-case Jack the Ripper campaign. Independent of the other cases in the box, this campaign consists of four casebooks which must be investigated in order. Intended for more mature players, the information included in these cases are based heavily in known facts and actual testimonies related to the real-world Jack the Ripper's 1888 murders. Throughout the investigation of these cases, you will assist the authorities in identifying the details of five heinous murders across four horrifying nights and ultimately attempt to track down the monstrous criminal who commited them.

Each case is centered around the murder of a woman in the poverty-stricken neighborhood of Whitechapel. On the opposite side of the original London map is a map of Whitechapel district to be used especially for the Jack the Ripper campaign. The newspapers for the Jack the Ripper campaign are also independent of the others in the game, although they do relate to each other. As you seek answers about Jack the Ripper, his motivations, and his location, consulting all four newspapers will bring you ever closer to solving the crime. With over one-hundred suspects in the real-life investigations into Jack the Ripper, it's impossible to nail down just one in the game, but the police still need answers, and you're the best team for the job.

The Devil Is in the Details
Fitting together every piece of the puzzle, from the sordid to the mundane, is all you can do to find the answers to each unspeakable crime. Every detail counts, so it will take a careful, attentive team of investigators to outsmart the criminal, and possibly even Holmes himself. At the end of each case, Holmes will walk you through how he deciphered the clues, and you will be given the opportunity to compare your score to his, based on leads followed and information uncovered. While Holmes might consider himself "an omnivorous reader with a strangely attentive memory for trifles," you may be able to outsmart even him with your own quick wit and sharp memory.

• Put yourself in the shoes of Sherlock Holmes as you work to solve the most devious cases
• Ten brand-new cases offer plenty of opportunities for you to prove your ingenuity
• Catch the notorious Jack the Ripper in a four-case campaign
• New newspapers and maps draw you into the atmospheric world of Victorian London
• Can be played on its own or as an expansion to Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective

* 10 Case Booklets
* 10 Newspapers
* 2 Maps
* Directory
* Rulebook

      heti saatavilla
56.40 €
Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective: Thames Murders and Other Cases
Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective: Thames Murders and Other Cases

Ten Fully Revised Cases for Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective

Important note: The ten cases in The Thames Murders and Other Cases are the same ten cases released in the Ystari version of the game Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective, now fully revised and retranslated. The solutions and contents of some cases have changed.

The gaslit streets of Victorian London. Horse-drawn broughams, hansoms, and dog-carts rattle over the cobblestone streets, pulling their passengers through the pea-soup fog. On every street corner, you pass booksellers, clubs, prisons, music halls, doctors, tea houses, and steamship companies. Yet in the shadows and dark alleys of this great city, horrible and cunning crimes are committed daily, confounding the policemen of Scotland Yard. Still, even the most ingenious crime is only a puzzle for the world’s only consulting detective—Sherlock Holmes!

Ten fully revised cases for the Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective line from Space Cowboys will soon be available with the newest standalone box, The Thames Murders and Other Cases. Like the previously released Jack the Ripper & West End Adventures, The Thames Murders and Other Cases offers ten thrilling cases, each one drawing you into the mystery surrounding a deadly crime in the world of Sherlock Holmes. Whether you’re playing alone or with up to eight players, you’ll need everyone’s wits to solve the case.

Join the Baker Street Irregulars
Like previous adventures in the Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective line, every case in The Thames Murders and Other Cases draws you into a perplexing mystery on the streets of Victorian London. Each case begins the same way—with an introduction read aloud, relaying the facts of the case.

From that starting point, the city of London opens up before you. Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective offers a drastic departure from every other board game—even other cooperative games. You and your friends are not confined by taking turns, one after another. You aren’t even limited in where you can go. The entire city of London is yours to investigate and explore, spread out on a physical map for you to pore over.

Beginning your investigation is simply a matter of deciding where you want to go on the map. Perhaps you and your fellow investigators decide to visit the scene of the crime and search the area for clues. Every location on the map corresponds to a simple set of coordinates—by looking up those coordinates in your case book, you’ll be able to read what you find at the scene of the crime. The passages within this case book give you the chance to notice suspicious objects and read your interviews with suspects… but you won’t find your way too far without consulting some of the other resources at your disposal.

Alongside your map and your case book, you have some other pertinent items, starting with your London Directory. Within this short booklet, you’ll find the addresses of countless people within London. Perhaps you learn that a certain Leticia Garcia may have been implicated in your latest case. By looking her up in the London Directory, you can find her address, allowing you to turn to her section in the case book and continue your investigation!

And of course, you wouldn’t be fully equipped for your job without a detective’s most overlooked tool: the daily issue of The Times newspaper, available for you to peruse and scan for any relevant information. Even though the clues in The Times may not be plainly laid out for you, there’s still plenty of information that may prove crucial to interpreting a clue and deciding on your next step—if you can find it mixed in among articles, obituaries, and advertisements.

The clues are all before you, and ten unique cases await in The Thames Murders and Other Cases. From the curious case of The Munitions Magnate, to The Pilfered Paintings, to The Mummy’s Curse, every case offers a new challenge for your deductive skills. It’s up to you and your friends to conduct your own investigations, visiting the witnesses, the suspects, and the scene of the crime in order to piece together the narrative behind each crime.

Do you have the cunning and the deductive prowess to solve your way through ten more cases for Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective? Even if you’ve played these cases before, some of our new tweaks and changes may surprise you.

It is the close of the nineteenth century. As pea soup fogs blanket London, mysterious figures meet in dark alleys, disreputable restaurants, and opium dens. Robberies, murders, forgeries, arson—every crime imaginable can be found in Victorian London, and though few have the skill to follow these invisible threads, they all trace inexorably back to one man: Professor James Moriarty, the Napoleon of crime. Yet Scotland Yard and the people of London are not helpless in this master criminal’s clutches. The people have their champion, the world’s only consulting detective: Sherlock Holmes.

Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective is a cooperative game of observation, logic, and the science of deduction for one to eight players. You and your fellow players take on the roles of members of the Baker Street Irregulars, Holmes’s cadre of young agents, whom he employs to gather information in his cases. Armed with the facts of the case, the London Directory, a map of Victorian London, the daily issue of The Times, and your own wits, you must unravel ten devilishly complex cases, each with a unique casebook. If your mind is sharp and your logic unflawed, you may even outshine the great detective himself!

The Facts of the Case

At the beginning of a game of Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective, you and your compatriots lay the map of London at the center of the table. Here, you’ll see Holmes’s London divided into five districts, each with dozens of locations representing the homes, parks, police stations, theaters, banks, museums, and countless other buildings that make up the city. In the course of your investigations, you will visit these places to gather clues—calling on Scotland Yard for the official reports, going closely over the scene of the crime, and visiting the assortment of ambassadors, innkeepers, waiters, gunsmiths, doctors, tobacconists, and others who may have information on your case.

You also have at your disposal a copy of the London Directory and the daily issue of The Times. The London Directory offers a list of London’s inhabitants and where they can be found, as well as lists of various categories, such as barristers, booksellers, hospitals, churches, or music halls that you can reference to narrow your possible targets. While the London Directory offers highly organized, but limited information, The Times has an assortment of specific information on a variety of subjects—if only you can suss out what parts of the paper actually pertain to your case. Do the results of a riflemen competition have any bearing on the murder of a munitions magnate? Does a fatal explosion in St. Petersburg or the arrival of a young Egyptian dancer have any connection to your current case? You must determine what is useful from the official news and learn the rest on the streets of London!

Your final asset in these cases is a list of your allies: those you can reliably go to for useful information. Porky Shinwell and Fred Porlock have valuable insight into the workings of London’s underworld, while Henry Ellis and Quintin Hogg are journalists who may well know a few more tidbits about information printed in the official news. Sir Jasper Meeks is the Head Coroner at St. Bartholomew’s Hospital, and he would certainly have autopsied any corpse discovered in an investigation, while others can offer clarity to the nuances of law, give you access to archived documents, or keep you up to date on London gossip. You may even turn to Sherlock Holmes himself for a bit of advice.

Follow the Leads
Once you’ve read through the initial facts of the case as presented to Holmes and Watson at 221B Baker Street, your investigation begins! Each turn, one player is the lead investigator, and after the group discusses their best options, that player decides where you will go in London to follow up on your initial leads. For instance, at the start of the case you may choose to head immediately to the scene of the crime, or you may visit the Head Coroner at St. Bart’s to find out more about the body of the deceased.

Every location in London has an address that can be found in the London Directory. Perhaps you wish to go to Simpson’s Restaurant to check a suspect’s alibi—simply look up the address in the Directory. Once you've found it, you’ll turn to the corresponding section in the casebook of your current investigation. The text you read determines what you find there, what observations you make, and the questions you ask. Once you’ve received this new influx of information, the next player becomes the lead investigator, and you and your friends begin making deductions and exploring new possibilities.

Ultimately, your goal is to explain the mysteries of the case to the satisfaction of all involved. At the end of the casebook are two sets of questions. The first group of questions pertains directly to the case, such as the culprit’s identity, motive, and the truth behind any loose ends. The second set of questions regards items that are only incidentally related to the case, but successfully answering these questions can further illuminate events and increase your final score. After you and your fellow investigators have decided on your answers to these questions, you may proceed to the solution, wherein Holmes discourses and explains the case in full, allowing you to see which aspects you correctly deduced and where you went wrong. Although it’s certainly difficult, you may even be able to solve the case by following fewer leads than Sherlock Holmes himself!

Crime Is Common. Logic Is Rare.
Enter the streets of Victorian London in Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective, a game that will test your logic and reasoning to their fullest extent. Can you oppose the crimes orchestrated behind the scenes by Professor Moriarty? Follow your leads, exercise your logic, and solve ten of the most difficult cases to ever enter 221B Baker Street. The game is afoot!

• A new standalone box for Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective
• Cooperate with your friends to solve each case in a shared deductive experience
• An utterly unique game structure draws you into the world of Sherlock Holmes
• Contains ten cases, fully revised and retranslated from the Ystari version

* Rules
* 1 map of London
* 10 casebooks
* 10 newspapers
* 1 London directory

1–8 Players
60–120 Min
Age: 10+

      loppu varastosta
56.40 €

Säännöt valmistajan sivuilta.

Aspire to riches as a Renaissance jewel merchant!

Splendor is a fast, elegant, and intuitive game in which two to four players compete to build Renaissance Europe's most lucrative and prestigious jewelry business. You begin by collecting raw gems and use those to fund the development of mines throughout the world. Once you've mined more gemstones, you must acquire the means to transport them, artisans to shape them, and finally a storefront where you can sell your polished jewels. If you produce exactly the right jewelry, a powerful Noble may become your patron, but even then they won't just hand you victory: the player whose business earns the most prestige wins. Deceptively easy to learn, Splendor involves quick strategic thinking and produces intense interpersonal competiton!

The European Renaissance opened up more ways of becoming rich than the continent had ever known before. New frontiers were emerging throughout America, Africa, and Asia. Global trade routes became a reality. Nobles once content with large castles and fur robes now sought dark sapphires and glittering diamonds. Craftsmen ceased working with iron and began shaping gold; merchants turned their attention away from spices and towards gemstones.

Take on the role of a Renaissance merchant striving to become rich in Splendor, a fast, elegant, and intuitive game for two to four players. You begin by collecting raw gems, then use those to fund the development of mines throughout the world. Once you've mined more gemstones, you will need the means to transport them, artisans to shape them, and finally a storefront where you can sell your polished jewels. If you produce exactly the right jewelry, a powerful noble may become your patron. The player whose jewelry business earns the most prestige wins!

Lavish Gems
The game begins with a tableau of tokens, which represent gems, and development cards, which represent a range of investments, spread out before you. Each player has one action per turn. At first you have only two options. You can take three different-colored tokens or, as long as four tokens of a single color are available, two of same color.

Those tokens are then spent in purchasing or reserving development cards (purchasing or reserving a single development counts as an action). Each development card costs a number of gem tokens, but in return, it offers a bonus gem that you can keep and use repeatedly to pay for other development cards. Many also offer you the prestige points that you need to win.

Lucrative Developments
In the early stages of the game, you will want to focus on amassing the gems and bonuses that allow you to purchase more expensive cards. Level 1 cards, representing gemstone mines throughout the world, typically offer only a bonus, while a scattered few also grant you a single prestige point. Level 2 cards, which represent artisans and modes of transportation, offer both a bonus and prestige points. The most expensive and valuable of all are Level 3 cards, which represent the European storefront of your distinguished business.

In Splendor, competition is fierce. Other merchants want to own the same mines, fill the cargo holds of the same ships, employ the same artisans. Yet there is one way to prevent your opponents from acquiring the resources that you desire most. You can use your action to reserve a card, taking it from the middle of the table and placing a gold “joker” token on it. Whenever you can afford to pay the cost of the card you’ve reserved, you use an action to do so, and the gold token counts as any single gem towards that cost. You can also reserve a card from the deck without looking at it or revealing it to your competitors, if you want to have a secret investment up your sleeve.

Nobility and Prestige
All these gems, developments, and polished jewels are a means to earn prestige points: permanent renown that ensures your prosperity. Once one player has accumulated fifteen prestige points, the other players have one last chance to surprass that player. Whoever has the most prestige wins the game.

There is another way to get prestige beyond purchasing developments, however. If you can gather exactly the right jewels in the form of bonuses, a wealthy, powerful noble will come to patronize your business. It could be the shrewd, patriotic Anne of Brittany, the glamorous and just Queen Isabella of Castile, or even England’s Henry VIII, seeking an adornment for his newest wife. Nobles pay no attention to raw gems, nor to the amount of prestige that you already have, only to the polished jewels that specifically appeal to their discriminating tastes.

Earning a noble’s patronage does not require any action on your part whatsoever—one will simply come to you when you have the right jewels. Yet while nobles grant prestige, they do not ensure victory. They simply offer another means to get ahead in the hotly competitive European jewelry market.

Aspire to Great Wealth
The Renaissance is a time of unprecedented possibility. The New World is being explored and colonized. Ships are returning from as far away as India, Africa, and China full of exotic wares. Meanwhile, the people of Europe are richer than ever before, eager to show off their prosperity with just the right necklace, brooch, or ring. You, too, can aspire to great wealth… and even achieve it, with Splendor.

• Limited actions and resource management.
• Challenging economic theme.
• Beautiful art.

* 35 precious gem tokens
* 5 gold tokens
* 90 development cards
* 10 noble cards
* rules

Players: 2-4
From: 10 years
Gametime: 30 minutes

      loppu varastosta
33.00 €
T.I.M.E Stories
T.I.M.E Stories

“Welcome agents. The consortium has deemed you apt to undergo your first transfer. Congratulations.”

The advent of time travel through Tachyon Insertion has changed our entire world. Alternate realities have appeared; time has become flexible and malleable. We have profited from an era of limitless prosperity... and discovered untold dangers. Alterations to the main temporal timeline are constantly putting our entire reality in jeopardy. As a member of the T.I.M.E. (Tachyon Insertion in Major Events) Agency, it's up to you to keep our reality intact by preventing those alterations.

In T.I.M.E. Stories, you and up to three friends travel between the future and past, experiencing alternate realities, solving mysteries, and fixing dangerous temporal faults. Created by the team at Space Cowboys, this cooperative board game challenges you to inhabit the bodies of other beings, discover the secrets of your location, communicate with the rest of your team, and win a race against the clock in order to save the known world.

The T.I.M.E Agency
As a T.I.M.E agent, you start every mission by reporting to the agency’s base, which you open up by spreading the base’s cards out on the board in a panorama. There, your demanding supervisor Bob Lyfen and an A.I. named Laura will brief you on your mission, including where in time and space you are going, what living receptacle your mind will inhabit while you are there, and what you are expected to accomplish. Then, you will step into your caisson: the immense capsule where your body rests as your mind travels.

All parts of your mission—the base, the receptacles, the locations you visit and the items you find there—are contained in the deck of cards constituting the scenario. The game board of T.I.M.E Stories is your caisson’s console, showing your current location and those of your fellow agents, a map of the area, and how many time units (TU) you have left in the mission. You also start your mission knowing about your receptacle’s abilities and equipped with any ammunition, food, or other supplies that you may need. In every mission, you’ll inhabit a different receptacle, perhaps an asylum inmate, news reporter, or priest of an ancient god. Every mission asks you to utilize a different range of skills, from smooth-talking and deftness to ranged combat or wielding magic.

No Time to Waste
During your transfer, the base is swept off of your console and your target location appears. To explore that location, choose one part of it, move your character pawn there, then take and read the back of the card depicting that space. You can also encounter a space with another player or even as an entire group. However, only characters in the space can see that card. The rest of the team is relying on you to tell them what you find—and that could be anything from a helpful ally, to a trap, to a terrifying monster. Some spaces lock you in, so you cannot move on until you’ve resolved whatever threat or problem lies there. Others are locked… until you gain the means to open them.

The Tachyon insertion process is taxing, temporary, and expensive. This means that you only have a limited amount of TU for each trip, or “run,” you make to another reality. The moment your TU expires, your team is pulled back to the reality of your caissons and the agency base, no matter how far into your mission you are. It takes one TU to move between spaces in a location, and one TU to roll the dice and test your receptacle’s characteristics when dealing with an obstacle or engaging in combat. All players act simultaneously, so in a single TU you can explore one space while another player fights an adversary or searches for items. Nevertheless, you’ll have to be very careful about how you spend your time.

Finding and fixing a temporal fault is no easy task. You’re piecing together a mass of clues, but there may also be complex puzzles to solve, codes to break, and enemies to win over. Completing your mission will likely take multiple runs, and you won’t be able to carry over most of the items or tokens you collect. You’ll have to begin in the first location each time, but you’ll be armed with the knowledge you’ve gained in your previous runs. The T.I.M.E Stories box is carefully crafted, enabling you to easily preserve the exact state of your game if you have to stop playing before you've repaired a temporal fault or even if you have to quit mid-run.

The Asylum
The first scenario of T.I.M.E Stories, included in the base set, takes you to the Beauregard Psychiatric Hospital in the suburbs of Paris. Like other asylums of the 1920s, it’s a rather pleasant place with well-lit rooms, comfortable furniture, and green gardens. Except that something is wrong. The inmates, even those whose symptoms do not include paranoia, are filled with fear. Murmurings of monsters, sorcery, and conspiracies abound. Once inside the asylum you, too, are an inmate with an incurable psychological condition. The Asylum offers eight characters for you to choose from, each with their own unique merits and derangements.

Anything you find in any location in T.I.M.E Stories may be a clue that will help you unravel the mysteries around you. There are also, however, red herrings, that will lead you down dangerous and profitless paths, eating up your time. As you learn more about the Beauregard Psychiatric Hospital, you’ll be an active participant in the story as it unfolds its secrets. Throughout The Asylum you’ll encounter things so bizarre that you may begin to doubt your receptacle’s sanity. After all, that person has been committed to a psychiatric hospital. Only through communicating with your teammates can you ensure that all the things you are seeing, hearing, and fighting are actually real.

There is no end to the times and realities in the future of T.I.M.E Stories. Travel into the past, repair the temporal fault, and save the future!

Ages 12+
Players 2 - 4
90 minutes per session

      heti saatavilla
56.20 €
Unlock! 01: Escape Adventures
Unlock! 01: Escape Adventures

Unlock! is a series of cooperative card-based escape adventures for up to six players. Each Unlock! game consists of sixty cards depicting objects, maps, and puzzles that can be activated, solved, or combined in an effort to access other cards and areas. The free companion app tracks the time allotted to win the game, while also offering hints and unlocking new, and necessary, elements. When the players believe they have figured out the code to escape each adventure, they will input the number into the app and escape the danger, or lose even more time in finding the real sequence.

The Tools to your Escape
Each Unlock! game begins with a starting card (or two), featuring an introduction to the adventure on one side and your initial location map on the other side. Across this first card will be a series of numbers, indicating which other cards you can access as soon as the clock begins counting down. In order to progress through the deck, you must examine the cards and figure out how they

Green machines and yellow codes are two card types you'll encounter that require some problem-solving. Machines feature an array of numbers associated with a visual, and determining which numbers are relevant will allow you to assign a value to the card and use it later on. To bypass a yellow cards, you will need to enter a four-digit code into the game app. Solving both codes and machines will require you to locate hidden information or recall clues provided on other cards. It is possible, then, that you will be faced with a code or machine that you cannot solve until the associated cards have been revealed.

In the deck, you will also come across object cards, both blue and red. In order to move on from these cards, you will have to combine them, adding together the card values in order to access another card in the deck. For example, combining a red card numbered 35 and a blue card numbered 11 will give you access to card 46—if it exists. Sometimes, you will also be able to combine these cards with solved machines and discovered modifiers. Many combinations will be possible throughout each game, but with tricks and traps all over the place, you may not always want to know what's on the other side of the card you've accessed.

Risk and Reward
Combining and solving cards is the only way to progress in the game, but it may not always work out in your favor. Incorrect code guesses and unfortunate card pairings will cause you to take penalties in the app, which will shave off remaining time and lower your final score. However, a bold choice may also be the one thing that gets you out of each sticky situation, so you'll need to keep a close eye on every hidden clue before making any risky moves.

Once you have cycled through the deck and think you have figured out the ultimate solution, you will have to enter a code into the app to see your score. Your rating will be determined by your use of hints, incorrect guesses, and the duration of your game. Every play of the game will get you closer and closer to that perfect run and a five-star score, so don't dismiss your defeats, for every mistake may be the key to your success the next time around!

In this Splendor-sized box, you’ll find one tutorial and three stand-alone adventures: The island of Dr. Goorse, Squeek & Sausage and The formula

Ages 10+
Players 1 - 6
60 minutes per adventure

  !   tilattava tuote
34.50 €

Hakusivu: 1 2
