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Bolt Action: Churchill Troop
Bolt Action: Churchill Troop

The Churchill, undoubtedly one of the most successful and famous British tanks of the Second World War, is arriving to bolster your army very soon and here is your chance to grab 3 of the beasts early so you can represent no less than 7 variants on your battlefield and keep the enemy guessing!

The British Army adopted a doctrine centered around the use of light, fast 'Cruiser Tanks' coupled with slow, better armed and armoured 'Infantry Tanks', that would be used to smash the enemy defences with infantry support... and the Churchill was a prime example of the latter - one of the heaviest Allied tanks of the war, it featured thicker frontal armour than that even of the Tiger!

Although it suffered from being under-armed, a defect common to most British armoured vehicles of the period, it was nevertheless loved by its crews: its cross-country ability was unrivalled and it was less inclined to ‘brew-up’ from a direct hit than the Sherman.

It will be no surprise to you to know that it was named after the Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, but you may not know that he had also been involved with the development of the tank as a weapon during the First World War.

Taking the form very reminiscent of earlier WWI tanks, the Vauxhall motors built Churchill was the basis for a slew of variants from the MkI with a 2pdr gun to the MkVII 75mm guns. Other versions would see more specialist engineering equipment added including the likes of bridging equipment and minesweeping devices - and a favoured 'close support' option of the 95mm howitzer!

In this new plastic kit from Warlord and Italari you'll get 7 turret variations (yes - we said SEVEN!) allowing you to build the following marks:
* MkIII - with 6pdr gun
* MkIV - Cast turret with 6 pdr gun
* MkV - Cast turret with 95m Howitzer
* MkVI - Cast turret and Welded turret with 75mm gun
* NA 75
* AVRE (Armoured Vehicle Royal Engineers) with 290mm Petard Mortar (aka the flying dustbin!)

Models supplied unassembled and unpainted

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69.30 €
Bolt Action: Fallschirmjager Starter Army
Bolt Action: Fallschirmjager Starter Army

The world's first paratroopers to be used in large numbers, the German Fallschirmjager were at the tip of the spear when war broke out in 1939. They led daring assaults on strategic targets, such as the fortress at Eben Emael, enabling the following panzers to overrun Europe.

As a paratrooper force the Fallschirmjager's greatest achievement would be the intense fighting they performed as they seized Crete in the face of more numerous British and Commonwealth forces during 1941. This pyrrhic victory meant that they were never again used en masse.

Small units still operated by glider and parachute, famously rescuing Italian leader Mussolini, and raiding behind American lines in the Ardennes. Their finest hour would undoubtedly be the bitter fighting as they occupied the monastery at Monte Cassino for months in the face of overwhelming odds, earning themselves the nickname 'Green Devils'. The German Paratroopers were arguably the toughest in a tough army.

Warlord Games Fallschirmjager miniatures are ideally suited for battles in North West Europe and can also be used in actions on the Russian Front.

Box contents (made from the new plastic Fallschirmjager):
* Oberleutnant (Veteran) & two extra riflemen* 116 pts
* Fallschirmjäger Squad - late war (10). 8 Assault Rifles, LMG team, 4 Panzerfausts* 210 pts
* Fallschirmjäger Squad - late war (10). 2 MP40 SMGs, LMG team, 3 Panzerfausts* 191 pts
* Fallschirmjäger Squad - late war (10). 2 MP40 SMGs, LMG team, 3 Panzerfausts* 191 pts
* 81mm Mortar Team with Spotter (Veteran) 75 pts
* Panzerschreck Team (Veteran) 104 pts
* Flame-thrower Team (Veteran) 65 pts
* Sniper Team (Veteran) 65 pts
* 75mm PaK 40 anti-tank gun (Veteran) 132 pts
* Plastic Sd.Kfz 251 Ausf. D half-track with additional rear-facing MMG (Veteran) 122 pts
* Plastic StuG III Ausf G (Regular) 230 pts

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123.50 €
Bolt Action: French Army Infantry section
Bolt Action: French Army Infantry section

Declaring war on Germany in 1939, the French armed forces were superior to the Germans in tanks and ships but suffered from outdated tactical and strategic doctrine at the highest level. Fighting alongside their British allies, the French army performed a brave rearguard action culminating in the remarkable withdrawal from Europe at Dunkirk. With the British heading back to England, the French forces battled on stubbornly as the Germans closed on Paris…

Although much has been written of the German armoured forces and the defeat of the British at Dunkirk in the dark days of 1940, far too little has been written about the gallant stands made by the French army.

The French army started World War II as the most powerful army in the world. Well-equipped, with excellent tanks and artillery, the infantry divisions were numerous and confident of fighting off the hated Boche as they had twenty two years before. This was not the same war though, and the French infantrymen found themselves all too often fighting off German armoured units which had outmanoeuvred them as the Blitzkrieg rolled across Europe.

It was for the honour of France and their regiments that so many Frenchmen dug in and fought it out against a more technologically and tactically advanced foe. By the time of the cease fire they had killed 27,000 Germans but had suffered appalling losses of nearly 100,000 dead and 250,000 wounded. Many brave Frenchmen went on to fight against the Allies with Vichy France, ensuring admiration and loathing in equal measure, whilst others would return to France with the Allied invasion in 1944 to reclaim their homeland…

Contains a 10-man French Army Infantry Section:
* 1 NCO with rifle
* 1 soldier with VB launcher
* 2-man light machine gun team (loader has pistol)
* 6 riflemen

Note: Models supplied unassembled and unpainted

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30.80 €
Bolt Action: Gebirgsjager squad
Bolt Action: Gebirgsjager squad

Specialist training bred hardened fighters and the Gebirgsjäger (mountain infantry) were regarded as elite alongside Fallschirmjager. Gebirgsjäger originated from the Alpenkorps of WWI, where they were used to defend the mountain passes from their Italian equivalent, Alpini.

Their symbol was the edelweiss, a flower that they also traditionally wore in their caps and collars, adopted in 1907 it eventually became the universal emblem worn by all mountain troops. The flower only grows at higher altitudes and means "noble purity."

Specially trained to operate in mountainous and other difficult terrain and extreme climatic conditions, Gebirgsjäger divisions were used in virtually every theatre from Poland, Norway, Africa, Crete and the Balkans, and Soviet Russia throughout the war.

As the Allied forces pushed ever onward toward the German homeland, Gebirgsjäger would often fight alongside regular infantry. Particularly in the final months of the war, when the quality of new conscripts was poor, Gebirgsjäger would often be relied upon to defend strategically critical areas.

In Bolt Action

These elite troops are classed as Veterans, 1 NCO and 4 men armed with rifles start at 65 points.

Options include the usual submachine guns for the NCO and 1 man, or a light machine gun upgrade for 1 man and a loader. Add on 5 further men, Anti tank Grenades, and/or skis and they really start giving you a very hard hitting and mobile force for winter themed battles. The Skis special rule is a great extra, allowing them to ignore movement penalties on snow and other winter conditions!

Rules for the Gebirgsjager squad can be found in the Armies of Germany book

Contains: 10 finely detailed metal models

Models supplied unassembled and unpainted

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27.50 €
Bolt Action: German Grenadiers (30)
Bolt Action: German Grenadiers (30)

The German soldier was a formidable opponent in World War II. Tough, well-trained and politically indoctrinated they fought on all fronts achieving great feats of arms that only the best trained and motivated troops can accomplish. Daring in attack and stubborn in defence the average German Landser was a dangerous foe for the Allied armies to face.

Well led from the highest command right through to the infantry squad, the German soldier fought on against overwhelming odds right to the last days of the war, delivering punishing counterattacks when least expected.

These superbly sculpted plastic miniatures allow you to field squads of German landsers dressed in late war M44 tunics, camouflage zeltbahn poncho, etc. They can be equipped with a wide variety of some of the best weaponry available to any army of the war - from the deadly STG44 assault rifle to the tankbusting panzerfaust!

German Grenadiers contains:
* Enough plastic components to make 30 late war German Army miniatures. Includes a host of options to allow for different weapon configurations and command models.
* Equipment included: STG44 assault rifle, PPSh SMG, Kar 98K rifle, MG42 light machine gun, rifle grenade attachment, MP40 sub-machine gun,Kar 98K rifle, Gewehr 43 rifle, stick grenades, Panzerfaust, field glasses and even an Iron Cross medal!
* Round plastic bases (25mm diameter).
* Construction leaflet.
* Full-colour waterslide decals.

Note: Models supplied unassembled and unpainted

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43.30 €
Bolt Action: German Grenadiers in Winter Clothing
Bolt Action: German Grenadiers in Winter Clothing

Germany's aggressive campaigns of conquest ensured that her armies would fight in many countries far from the fatherland and in starkly contrasting terrain and weather conditions. German soldiers were well-equipped for their venture into Europe, and later North Africa, but found themselves ill-prepared for the bleak, freezing and unforgiving Eastern Front. When the Russian armies failed to collapse, the Wehrmacht found itself caught out on the Russian plains, freezing, literally in many cases, to death.

Gradually German industry caught up to correct the defects in winter clothing and the troops and their families even fashioned suitable winter gear to keep general frost at bay. Clever use of white or reversible camouflage clothing and snow hoods helped to keep out the cold and hide the troops in featureless terrain. Gloves, mittens and thick felt boots blankets and scarves all meant that the landser might not only survive the bitter winters of the 1940s but also be able to fight and win.

This box contains a squad of German infantry in a wide array of winter clothing and represents very well the rag-tag look of soldiers of any winter front, from the Soviet Union to the Ardennes. These figures are ideal for use as Heer or Waffen-SS.

Contains a 10-man Grenadier Squad:
* 1 NCO with SMG
* 2-man MG42 LMG team
* 5 Riflemen (3 with Panzerfausts)
* 2 Soldiers with assault rifles (1 with a Panzerfaust)

Models supplied unassembled and unpainted

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24.70 €
Bolt Action: German Pioniers (31)
Bolt Action: German Pioniers (31)

Germany Assault Pioniers were skilled at building all manner of fortifications, communications lines, tank traps and minefields. In addition to building useful structures, they were adept at the destruction of similar enemy positions, blowing railway lines and making roads unsafe for the enemy to travel along.

As the German quest for global superiority stalled and finally crashed down around them, the pioniers were tasked with the vital job of slowing the Allied advance, be it by booby trap, minefield, blown bridges, or taking the fight directly to the enemy.

Often overlooked in favour of the dashing panzers or elite Waffen-SS troops, the pioniers were the unsung heroes of the German military machine and you can now field them on the battlefield with these superbly equipped miniatures! Within this boxed set you'll find flamethrowers, demolition charges, anti-tank rifle, mine detector, assault pistols, engineers packs and much more besides!

German Pioniers contains:
* Enough plastic and metal components to make 31 German Pionier miniatures. Includes a host of options to allow for different weapon configurations and command models.
* Equipment included: Flammenwerfer 35 flamethrower, Wien 41 Mine Detector, Geballte Ladung anti-tank grenade, GrB-39 grenade launcher, Goliath tracked mine, wirecutters, stick grenade bandoliers, Demolition charges, Sturmpistole, Tellermines, engineers backpacks, PPSh SMG, Kar 98K rifle, MP38/MP40 sub-machine gun, Luger pistol, MG34 light machine gun, Kar 98K with attached bayonet, stick grenades, scoped Kar 98K rifle.
* Round plastic bases (25mm diameter).
* Construction leaflet.

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50.60 €

Hakusivu: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
