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Exploding Kittens NSFW Edition (säännöt suomeksi)
Exploding Kittens NSFW Edition (säännöt suomeksi)

Vain säännöt suomeksi eli muut komponentit kuten korttitekstit englanniksi!

Mukana myös säännöt ruotsiksi, tanskaksi ja norjaksi.

Korttien tausta erilainen kuin kokonaan englanninkielisessä laitoksessa!

English rules from publisher's site.

Säännöt valmistajan sivuilta.


Same game mechanics as the original, but contains card art too horrible/incredible to include in a kid-friendly version

Exploding Kittens is a highly strategic, kitty-powered version of Russian Roulette. Players try to avoid drawing Exploding Kittens (which boot them from the game) using dirty sasquatch underpants, releasing the torture bunnies, and drinking an entire bottle of bald eagle tears. This game is wonderfully inappropriate, super fun, and easy to learn.

The NSFW version of the game contains the full version of Exploding Kittens, but the artwork on each card has been replaced with content deemed `too horrible and amazing to be used in the standard Exploding Kittens game!

* Exploding Kittens is a card game for people who are into kittens and explosions and laser beams and sometimes goats.
* Party game for 2-5 players (up to 9 players when combined with any other deck).
* This is the most-backed project in Kickstarter history and all cards feature illustrations by The Oatmeal.
* Includes 56 cards (2.5 x 3.5 inches), box, and instructions.
* This box, like 99.99% of boxes, does not meow.

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28.40 €
Game of Thrones LCG 2: BG1 -All Men Are Fools Chapter Pack
Game of Thrones LCG 2: BG1 -All Men Are Fools Chapter Pack

The first Chapter Pack in the Blood and Gold cycle for A Game of Thrones: The Card Game!

In the aftermath of the Battle of the Blackwater, a moment of peace falls across Westeros as the Great Houses lick their wounds. House Lannister has won a decisive victory and forged a new alliance with House Tyrell—but more important than battles are the schemes hatching in the darkness. In the heart of King’s Landing, Tyrion Lannister plots his return to power, as the Queen of Thorns takes Sansa Stark under her wing. House Bolton and House Frey each prepare to strike devastating blows against the Starks. And in the south, the princes of Dorne plot their revenge against the Lannisters for sins long past. Soon, these schemes may determine the fortunes of every Great House…

All Men Are Fools is the first Chapter Pack of the Blood and Gold cycle, and it sets off the themes that will play out throughout. Following the lead of the previous two cycles, Blood and Gold focuses on the next book of A Song of Ice and Fire, calling on key events and iconic characters from A Storm of Swords. At the same time, you’ll find a new focus placed on one of the game’s most important resources: gold. With a brand-new keyword and powerful recurring events, every faction gains new ways to spend their gold, as well as plenty of new ways to earn it. Managing your gold has been crucial since the days of the Core Set, and soon, every faction will have more gold and more options than ever before.

The Prince’s Plan
With the onset of the Blood and Gold cycle, a new keyword—the first since the Core Set—enters the game. This keyword is “bestow,” and it gives you a new level of control over your card’s power level.

For example, one of the first cards to feature the bestow keyword is the blind seneschal of House Martell, Ricasso (All Men Are Fools, 15). Ricasso costs three gold to play, but he also bears bestow (2), which means that when Ricasso enters play, you may move up to two gold from your gold pool to Ricasso. You’re never forced to move this gold, but once the gold is placed on a character, you cannot spend it and you’ll lose the gold if the character leaves play. Still, as we’ll see in a moment, bestowing gold on the right characters is always beneficial.

Placing gold on a card with bestow has no inherent effect, but the purpose of the gold is defined by the rest of the card’s text. In this case, Ricasso’s ability reads, “You are considered to have X additional plot cards in your used pile. X is the number of gold Ricasso has.” Obviously, bestowing gold on Ricasso has powerful implications for cards like Doran Martell (Core Set, 105), Doran's Game (Core Set, 119), and Starfall Cavalry (Called to Arms, 35), but it’s up to you to decide exactly how much you want to invest in Ricasso.

For the greatest impact, you may choose to bestow two gold on Ricasso—the maximum that you’re able to place on him. Still, doing this costs five gold in total, and you may need to save your money for other effects. Bestowing a single gold on Ricasso gives you a lesser effect for a lower cost, and in desperate circumstances, you could simply play Ricasso for his STR and challenge icons, without worrying about his ability. This precise control over the abilities on your bestow cards is exactly what makes them so adaptable and well-suited to the changing tides of the game of thrones.

By bestowing two gold on Ricasso when he enters play, you are considered to have two additional plots in your used pile!

The other Martell card in this Chapter Pack also plays off of Ricasso, and exemplifies another way you may spend your gold in the Blood and Gold cycle. The Prince's Plan (All Men Are Fools, 16) is an event that lets you choose any character. Until the end of the phase, that character gets one additional STR for each plot in your used pile and it gains a challenge icon of your choice! This event isn’t like most events, however, which remain in your discard pile after being played. At any point after you lose a challenge, you may pay one gold to return The Prince’s Plan from your discard pile to your hand—and this card’s versatility means that even when your opponent knows it’s in your hand, you can use it to push your challenges through again and again.

The bestow keyword and recurring events give you plenty of ways to spend your gold… but how are you going to get more? Fortunately, this cycle introduces new economy for every faction, starting with a series of economic locations like the Slaver's Bay Port (All Men Are Fools, 14) for House Targaryen. These non-unique locations cost two gold, and during marshaling, you can typically kneel them to gain two gold—provided the conditions are right. These locations can give you a massive amount of gold, provided you’re playing into your faction’s main themes.

With Slaver’s Bay Port, for instance, you can always kneel the location to receive a single gold, but if your opponent has four or more characters in his dead pile, you receive two gold! With a similar location for every faction and other new economy cards added to your deck, you can gain the gold you need to fuel your deck and your new bestow cards.

Bestow Your Favor
Gold has always been the lifeblood of every faction, and with All Men Are Fools and the rest of the Blood and Gold cycle, you’ll have more gold and more ways to spend it than ever before.

• The first Chapter Pack of the Blood and Gold cycle for A Game of Thrones: The Card Game
• Follows the events of A Storm of Swords, the third book in A Song of Ice and Fire
• Introduces a new keyword to the game: bestow
• Gold becomes even more important with new economy cards and new options for spending gold
• Includes sixty new cards (three copies each of twenty distinct cards)

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18.00 €
Game of Thrones LCG 2: DS1 -The Shadow City Chapter Pack
Game of Thrones LCG 2: DS1 -The Shadow City Chapter Pack

The first Chapter Pack in the Dance of Shadows cycle for A Game of Thrones: The Card Game!

Darkness falls across the world of A Song of Ice and Fire. While Daenerys Targaryen struggles to rule Meereen, conspirators plot her downfall. Jon Snow serves the Night’s Watch as their new Lord Commander, but there are dissidents hidden within his ranks. In the darkling alleys of King’s Landing itself, House Lannister, House Tyrell, and the faith of the Seven clash for control of Westeros. There are shadows everywhere.

The Shadow City marks the beginning of the fifth cycle of Chapter Packs—the Dance of Shadows cycle. Here, you’ll find the story advancing into the pages of A Dance with Dragons and the return of a beloved mechanic from the game’s first edition: shadows. Throughout this expansion and the rest of the cycle, you’ll find characters, locations, attachments, and events emblazoned with the shadow keyword. Assassins, spies, conspirators, and secrets hide in the twilight, ready to spring into view. Every faction must embrace the darkness and the path of shadows—or fade into obscurity.

Shrouded by Shadow
Your battles for the Iron Throne fall into darkness with the advent of the Dance of Shadows cycle and its new keyword, shadow. Before this cycle, most cards in the game were drawn from your deck and remained in one of two spaces: in your hand or in play. The shadow keyword introduces a new place for your most devious, underhanded, and unexpected cards to be played.

For example, we may look at one of the new characters introduced in this expansion: Ser Gerris Drinkwater (The Shadow City, 16). Ser Gerris Drinkwater may seem like a standard character, but his shadow (5) keyword and the dark sigil attached to his gold cost destine him for the game’s most shadowy areas.

Cards that bear the shadow keyword can be played normally by paying their gold cost, or they can be marshaled or setup facedown in the shadows area by paying two gold! Cards in shadows exist in a unique state—separate from your hand and play area and hidden from your opponent’s sight. Though your opponent can see how many cards you have in shadows, he won’t know what they are until you reveal them. Once you’ve played cards into shadows, you can bring them out of shadows as Actions in any phase, at any point during the game. To bring a card out of shadows, you must pay its shadow cost: the number found as part of its shadow keyword.

In other words, you could marshal or setup Ser Gerris Drinkwater in shadows for two gold. Then, at any point in the game, you could take an Action and pay his shadow cost—five gold—to bring him out of shadows and into play!

The advantages of holding cards in shadows are readily apparent. Your cards in shadows almost form a second hand of cards—a place to put cards where they can’t be lost to intrigue claim or discarded to meet reserve. You can setup shadow cards into shadows, potentially improving your setups. And cards in shadows have many similarities to cards with ambush, letting you spring them into play without warning! Unlike the ambush keyword, however, cards in shadows aren’t fettered to the challenges phase. You can bring them into play as an Action in any phase.

And if the inherent benefits of shadows weren’t enough, many shadow cards offer a powerful effect when they come out of shadows! Ser Gerris Drinkwater, to return to our earlier example, lets you choose a card in your plot deck and switch it with a card in your used pile—potentially reusing powerful plots like Valar Morghulis (There Is My Claim, 80) or The First Snow of Winter (No Middle Ground, 79) without cycling through your entire plot deck. If the plot you need is locked in your used pile, Ser Gerris Drinkwater can get you what you need.

A character like Ser Gerris Drinkwater could be played in a deck without any other shadow cards, simply on the strength of his ability alone. But if you’re trying to build a Martell deck based around shadow cards, you’ll want to enter The Shadow City (The Shadow City, 17). This location can, of course, enter the shadows itself, but its true potency is only apparent while it’s in play. First, The Shadow City reduces the cost to marshal your cards into shadows by one—meaning you’ll only pay a single gold to put a card in shadows. And if that weren’t enough, you can kneel The Shadow City and discard a card from shadows to draw two cards!

By giving you both an economic advantage and a way to reliably draw cards, The Shadow City can serve as the linchpin for a Martell deck dedicated to the shadows. You may even use The House with the Red Door (Journey to Oldtown, 39) to ensure you always start the game with The Shadow City in play. After all, four gold is the perfect amount to setup two cards in shadows.

While many shadow cards can be played normally or into shadows, some powerful cards must pass through the shadows, such as Beneath the Bridge of Dream (The Shadow City, 11). Instead of its gold cost, Beneath the Bridge of Dream bears a cost of “—“ to signify that it cannot be played normally. Instead, you must pay two gold to place Beneath the Bridge of Dream facedown into shadows, and pay its shadow cost (in this case, zero gold) to bring it out. These cards offer unusual and powerful effects, such as regaining access to your entire plot deck. You just need a little forethought to marshal these cards into shadows so they’ll be there when you need them.

Darkness Falls
The summer has been long, but winter is coming to Westeros—and with it, the return of shadows to A Game of Thrones: The Card Game. Your games are about to become much darker.

· The first Chapter Pack of the Dance with Shadows cycle
· The shadows mechanic enters the second edition of A Game of Thrones: The Card Game
· Assasssins, spies, and secrets lurk in the shadows, waiting to spring into view
· Characters like Ser Robert Strong and Varamyr Sixskins enter the game for the first time
· Contains sixty new cards (three copies each of twenty distinct cards)

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18.00 €
Game of Thrones LCG 2: DS2 -The March of Winterfell Chapter Pack
Game of Thrones LCG 2: DS2 -The March of Winterfell Chapter Pack

As the battle for Westeros rages on, the key players of the game of thrones find themselves surrounded by enemies on all sides. Jon Snow is torn between his duty to the Night’s Watch and his love for the family he left behind, while whisperers within his ranks threaten treason. Cersei Lannister struggles to maintain a hold on power as the Tyrells and the newly revitalized faith of the Seven threaten to take everything she holds dear. And Daenerys Targaryen must establish a lasting rule in her city of Meereen while assassins lurk in every shadow and a terrible plague runs rampant through the streets.

As these characters face impossible choices about sacrifice and the true price of power, so must you test your morals in your fight for the Iron Throne. Fantasy Flight Games is proud to announce The March on Winterfell, the second Chapter Pack in the Dance of Shadows cycle for A Game of Thrones: The Card Game!

Hidden Thorns
Like the other Chapter Packs of the fifth cycle, The March on Winterfell draws you into the events of A Dance with Dragons, offering you three copies each of twenty new cards to bolster the strength of your chosen House and prepare your armies as the sun begins to set on Westeros. This Chapter Pack continues the themes first introduced in The Shadow City with the resurgence of the shadow keyword.

Shadow invites players to embrace the intrigues of A Game of Thrones: The Card Game by introducing a new way to play treacherous cards, keeping them hidden in the new shadows area until the opportune moment. Acting almost as a second hand that's protected from card effects which may target your hand, you may choose to marshal cards with the shadow keyword ability facedown into shadows for just two gold. Then, you can bring them into play as an Action at any time by paying the Shadow (X) amount marked on each card.

The Queen of Thorns (The March on Winterfell, 23) fully embraces this new layer of intrigue as her long-set plots for her family finally come to fruition. Now equipped with the Shadow keyword, you can marshal this version of The Queen of Thorns into shadows, where she'll patiently wait in the wings until the time arrives to bring her into the light.

Once you have her safely hidden in shadows, you may use an Action to pay The Queen of Thorn’s shadow cost at any point to bring her into play. This is your moment to strike. Evolving from her first iteration (Core Set, 186) in the Core Set and her second variant (House of Thorns, 4) in the House of Thorns deluxe expansion, The Queen of Thorns has now gained stealth, a rare ability among the members of House Tyrell. This, combined with her ability to bring one of your cards out of shadows and put it into play for free after she wins a challenge, makes The Queen of Thorns a deadly challenger. As a character lurking in shadows that's also equipped with stealth, it's easy for you to bring The Queen of Thorns into play when you're certain she can win a challenge and bring your highest-cost shadow card into play for free.

The Mummer’s Farce
Underhanded shadow-play is not reserved for the courts of King’s Landing. The March on Winterfell captures much of the action that occurs in the north, a place where strength, loyalty, and duty are valued above all else. At the Wall, Stannis Baratheon calls upon his key advisors, including the noble Ser Justin Massey (The March on Winterfell, 27), in his preparation for the great battles to come. With the key members of his forces in tow, Stannis may begin his campaign south to claim key strongholds in the north and earn the loyalty of the Northmen by destroying those responsible for the Red Wedding. The March on Winterfell (The March on Winterfell, 28) can be used to draw out your enemy, even without the use of shadows. Once you have initiated a challenge and your enemy has declared their defenders, this event simply lets you end the challenge with no winner or loser. Then, once your enemy’s board has been weakened, you are free to initiate an additional power challenge—exposing your enemy’s plan, learning their strengths, and shifting your own plans, all without risking the lives of your own men.

But this is the Dance of Shadows cycle, and sometimes the best way to serve your House is to move among the enemy. Wyman Manderly (The March on Winterfell, 21) seems to play all sides of the game of thrones. While outwardly appearing to be a cowardly, infirm old man, Manderly still aids Ser Davos Seaworth and, at least seemingly, attempts to restore the Starks to their seat of Winterfell. With Freys and Boltons around him dying or disappearing in disproportionate numbers, can even you trust him? In Wyman Manderly’s own words, “When treating with liars, even an honest man must lie.”

Begin the March
When the long nights of winter descend upon Westeros once again, will you embrace the cold shadows, or will your House fall into nothingness, left to be forgotten by history? Learn the Dance of Shadows, call your banners, and prepare for the nights to come!

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18.00 €

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