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Does Love Forgive?
Does Love Forgive?

Player Handouts valmistajan sivuilta. Two One-to-One Scenarios for Call of Cthulhu Does Love Forgive? is a collection of two special scenarios for Call of Cthulhu for one Keeper and one player. Both adventures are perfect for a fun evening of gaming for two people. Each scenario can be played over the course of one to two sessions, and is suitable for Keepers of all experience levels. Love You to Death Chicago: February 15th, 1929. It’s a cold winter’s day when the investigator’s good friend Hattie May appears in their office at the detective agency. Her beloved pet dog, Highball, is scheduled to be destroyed later today and she needs the investigator’s help getting him back from the Chicago Police Department. It doesn’t sound like too difficult a task, does it? Mask of Desire New York: September, 1932. The investigator, together with their two close friends Anna Konrad and Lucas Reston, has been invited to a party at wealthy, and notorious, socialite Madame de de Tisson’s swanky apartment on the Upper West Side. Anna is somewhat distracted by her audition tomorrow for Nancy Turner, the famous jazz orchestra conductor. What is the link between the audition and a mysterious parcel that arrives the next day? And, why do so many people seem to be interested in the contents of the parcel? This supplement is best used with the Call of Cthulhu Starter Set or the Call of Cthulhu (7th Edition) roleplaying game. By Lynne Hardy, Airis Kamińska and Anna Maria Mazur 64 Pages Full Color softcover book

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15.60 €
Doors to Darkness (HC)
Doors to Darkness (HC)

Osta tämä peli Fantasiapeleistä ja saa sen PDF -versio kaupan päälle! Lue lisää täältä Five new scenarios to introduce new players to Call of Cthulhu. Darkness Beneath The Hill - The investigators are contacted by an old associate, about a strange tunnel beneath his cellar. Genius Loci - All is not well at the Danvers State Hospital. The investigators must seek answers from both the hospital’s history and its patients to uncover a dark secret. Servants Of The Lake - In searching for the missing son of a wealthy banker, the investigators stumble into a dire situation. Ties That Bind - Strange goings on at a construction site brings the investigators into a family drama and unusual scientific study. None More Black - The sudden and strange death of a college student leads the investigators into a murky world that lies beneath the everyday life of a town. All of these scenarios have been written with the beginning Keepers and players in mind. Each scenario introduces those new to Call of Cthulhu to roleplaying horror, mystery, investigation, character interactions, monsters, magic, the basics of the Cthulhu Mythos, Sanity point loss, and combat. Furthermore, sprinkled throughout each scenario are Keeper Suggestions on how best to run the adventures, overcome possible obstacles, and generally ensure the most fun for all the players. Veteran Call of Cthulhu writer, Kevin Ross, has penned a chapter full of advice on how to run Call of Cthulhu and what makes the game so different than almost any other roleplaying game out there. Even experienced Keepers might want to check this chapter out as it is jam packed with good advice. Ten ready to use investigators are provided, allowing players to get straight into the scenarios with the minimum of fuss. Hardcover, 144pp

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42.00 €
Down Darker Trails (HC)
Down Darker Trails (HC)

Osta tämä peli Fantasiapeleistä ja saa välittömästi sen PDF -versio kaupan päälle! Lue lisää täältä Terrors of Cthulhu in the Old West Saddle up! Get yourself a posse together and have a look-see what’s over that hill. There’s strange rumors coming in from the whisperin’ desert. You’d best put a round in that iron and make haste! Down Darker Trails is a new setting for Call of Cthulhu, the Americcan West of the late 19th century. The era of gold rushes, outlaws and lawmen, discovery and expansion. Rub shoulders with the likes of Wild Bill Hickok, Crazy Horse, and Calamity Jane, while journeying through towns like Deadwood and Dodge City, names and places that have transcended history to become legend.. Down these dark trails the taint of the Cthulhu Mythos stirs, ready to lure the unwary and tempt the power hungry with whispered secrets of cosmic knowledge. This is a West of hidden worlds, lost treasures and cities, dubious deals and unsavory alliances. A land filled with beauty, mystery, terror and wild adventure! Here you will find the means to create Old West investigators, new occupations, new pulp talents, and new skills. Captured in text and image is the history of the Old West, famous individuals, playing American Indian heroes, notable places and sites, as well as inspiration and guidance on bringing the terrors and mysteries of the Great Old Ones into your games. Two complete towns, the gold-hungry Pawheaton and San Rafael on the Texas border, are fully detailed, providing Keepers with ready-made inhabitants and locales from which to stage campaigns. Four different Lost Worlds are discussed, from the weird subterranean world of K’n-yan to the eerie Shadow Desert. Packed with advice on creating campaigns and adventures, including two complete introductory-level adventures: * Scanlon’s Daughter -a murder my mystery set between two feuding Texas ranches. * Something From Down There -join the resrescue of a group of missing miners whose digging stirred things best left forgotten. Down Darker Trails is a setting supplement with scenarios useable with Call of Cthulhu and Pulp Cthulhu. 256 Pages Hardcover Book By Kevin Ross, with Mike Mason, Scott David Aniolowski, David Cole, and Todd Woods.

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54.00 €
Dreamhounds of Paris (HC)
Dreamhounds of Paris (HC)

Osta tämä peli Fantasiapeleistä ja saa välittömästi sen PDF -versio kaupan päälle! Lue lisää täältä Follow the Trail of Cthulhu into the Dreamlands From the 1920s to the coming of the Occupation, a new breed of artist prowled the fabled streets of Paris. Combative, disrespectful, irresponsible, the surrealists broke aesthetic conventions, moral boundaries—and sometimes, arms. They sought nothing less than to change humanity by means of a worldwide psychic revolution. Their names resound through pop culture and the annals of art history. But until now, no one has revealed what they were really up to. In this comprehensive campaign guide for Trail of Cthulhu, you recreate their mundane and mystical adventures as you stumble onto the Dreamlands, a fantastical realm found far beyond the wall of sleep. At first by happenstance and later by implacable design, you remake it in the fiery image of your own art. Will you save the world, or destroy it? Choose your player character from a roster of 19 visionaries and madmen. * Put up your dukes as two-fisted filmmaker LUIS BUÑUEL. * Flee a formless entity as Dada impresario TRISTAN TZARA. * Photograph tentacled entities as American expat MAN RAY. * Personify the joy and decadence of the city as chanteuse KIKI DE MONTPARNASSE. * Wield the magic cane that will end the world as theater of cruelty inventor ANTONIN ARTAUD. * Or arrive in Paris as fresh-faced young painter SALVADOR DALÍ, who has come to tear the movement all down and rebuild it in his image. The Dreamlands are as strange as you can imagine.

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42.00 €
Dreams in the Witch House -A Lovecraft Rock Opera (CD)
Dreams in the Witch House -A Lovecraft Rock Opera (CD)

Näytettä. Yes, a rock opera adaptation of Dreams in the Witch House. Our very own Mike Dalager has assembled an amazing international team of musicians, singers and artists to bring it to you as a CD! Lovecraft's 1933 tale of a student whose dreams devolve into a horrific reality receives the biggest, baddest, boldest adaptation yet. Platform Studios, Polar Studios and the HP Lovecraft Historical Society joined forces to produce a rock opera concept album that will knock your socks off! College student Walter Gilman takes up residence as a boarder in Arkham's legend haunted witch house. His room is where the 17th century accused witch, Keziah Mason once dwelt. Walter's studies of advanced mathematics and the intense dreams he experiences in the house lead him to a world where reality and nightmare merge. Has Keziah Mason returned with her demonic rat-like familiar Brown Jenkin, or are Walter's studies into extra-dimensional mathematics pushing him over the brink into a world of mind wrenching horrors? This intercontinental collaboration joins producers Chris Laney, bamboosway, RingMan and Lennart Östlund with the HPLHS. The production's sixteen tracks feature seventeen singers, including Jody Ashworth (Trans Siberian Orchestra), Alaine Kashian (Broadway's Cats) and Swedish metal phenom Chris Laney as Brown Jenkin. The album features fourteen musicians, including Bruce Kulick (former KISS guitarist) and Douglas Blair Lucek (guitarist for W.A.S.P.) shredding on guitar. The total running time is 1:05:36.

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15.40 €
Dulce et Decorum Est
Dulce et Decorum Est

Osta tämä peli Fantasiapeleistä ja saa sen PDF -versio kaupan päälle! Lue lisää: PDF guarantee This collection of adventures considers the Great War, 1914-18, from the perspective of Trail of Cthulhu. From the conflict in the air, to the depths of the sea, the home front and the different battle fronts, the Great War affects the lives of countless millions of people. It also brings humanity into conflict with elements of the Mythos, and in particular the Charnel God Mordiggian who, for the first time in centuries, may actually have more to devour than it can stomach. The forces of the Gods do not take kindly to being disturbed, and nor do they usually play favourites; unless your players are careful, they may find themselves attacked and wiped out in an instant, caught in an otherworldly crossfire they can only hope to survive, not understand. Dulce et Decorum Est – Great War Trail of Cthulhu contains the following scenarios: Vaterland The once-mighty Vaterland is a prisoner of politics. She is trapped in New York Harbour, as war rages in Europe. Her crew and Commodore are just as much prisoners as the ship herself, though they are making the best of their captivity by hosting concerts in support of the German relief effort. You’ve come aboard at the behest of John Rathom, editor of the Providence Journal, in hopes of uncovering a German plot. Dead Horse Corner The protagonists discover that a trench which ought to have been occupied by their fellow soldiers has been abandoned. Twenty men vanished without a trace, food still on the table and coffee cooling in their mugs. Was it an enemy attack, or something less ordinary? Sisters of Sorrow The crew of German U-boat UC-12, is sent on a standard mission; penetrate the North Sea defensive zone, make their way to Tyneside, lay their mines and return. But nothing in the Great War is that simple. While underwater, the crew start to hear a strange, muffled booming noise, ringing like a sequence of church bells. It’s not whales. It’s not enemy forces. Something else is down here. While settled on the sea floor to get some much-needed rest, the crew starts to act suspiciously. Someone is up to no good. The ship’s cat disappears and a strange weed is found growing on board. Then the tapping on the hull begins... Pages: 112 page perfect bound Author: Adam Gauntlett Artist: Jérôme Huguenin, Leah Huete, Phil Reeves

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24.00 €
Elder Sign
Elder Sign

Katso pelin esittely Youtubesta. Gilman felt that the twilight abysses around him were those of the fourth dimension. Those organic entities whose motions seemed least flagrantly irrelevant and unmotivated were probably projections of life-forms from our own planet, including human beings. What the others were in their own dimensional sphere or spheres he dared not try to think. –H.P. Lovecraft, “The Dreams in the Witch House” Katso pelin traileri valmistajan Youtube -sivuilta. Elder Sign lets players control investigators who must successfully endure adventures within the museum in order to gather clues, items, and the eldritch knowledge they need to seal the rifts between dimensions and prevent the Ancient One’s arrival. A clever and thematic dice mechanic pits their exploration against monsters and the sheer difficulty of staying sane and healthy while investigating the most dangerous exhibits and most terrifying instances of insanity. Elder Sign recreates the Lovecraftian thrills of eerie suspense and mind-numbing horrors in a cooperative game players can finish in one to two hours. Rules, card text, and innovative dice mechanics expertly designed by Richard Launius and Kevin Wilson, the designers of Arkham Horror, all blend in a game that’s quick to learn, quick to play, strategic enough to reward frequent replay, and eccentric enough to immerse players in the museum’s supernatural intrigue. • Designed by Richard Launius and Kevin Wilson • Set in a world of Lovecraftian horror • Cooperative game for 1-8 players • Innovative dice mechanics • Standard game duration of 1-2 hours

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52.10 €
Elder Sign: Gates of Arkham Expansion
Elder Sign: Gates of Arkham Expansion

The struggle against the Ancient Ones spreads out of the museum and into the haunted city of Arkham in the Gates of Arkham expansion for Elder Sign. Adventures take place in over twenty locations including Velma’s Diner and the Curiositie Shoppe, Arkham Asylum and the Uninvited Isle. Meanwhile, gates to Other Worlds open throughout Arkham, destabilizing time and space. Four new Ancient Ones threaten humanity and eight new investigators join the quest for elder signs. Investigators can also now acquire skills that give them lasting advantages. Memberships in either the brutal Sheldon Gang or the mysterious Silver Twilight Lodge help investigators complete tasks and grant them added rewards. It will take all the skills, resources, strength, and sanity you can muster to prevent the Ancient Ones from awakening – and to stay alive in the rough streets of Arkham. Gates of Arkham takes the struggle against the Ancient Ones out of the museum and into Arkham, where monsters lurk in darkened alleyways and bystanders become the victims of gang rivalries. In the featured Streets of Arkham game mode, new Arkham Adventures and Mythos decks replace the original Adventure and Mythos decks, sending investigators on adventures throughout the city as four new Ancient Ones threaten to arise. Only by braving the city’s ubiquitous perils can you triumph against the ancient and awakening evil. A City Full of Horrors From its colonial-era founding, Arkham has been a refuge for witches and criminals, and legends suggest that since prehistoric times it has been home to some of the darkest forces imaginable. The turrets of Victorian homes, classical facades of Miskatonic University buildings, and tall booths of Velma’s Diner concealed inhuman horrors long before monsters came alive inside the museum. In the Streets of Arkham mode, investigators choose which location in Arkham to visit without knowing what will happen to them inside. Arkham Adventure cards are played facedown, each featuring a specific location on the back. Some locations lure you towards them by offering rewards, such as the chance to regain sanity or gain a unique item. Others make terrible things happen at the stroke of midnight, for example, causing a ravenous Night Gaunt or giant Leng Spider to appear. When an investigator arrives at a location, the card is flipped over to reveal the Adventure. At Hibb’s Roadhouse, you may participate in dark dealings with suspicious figures, or get caught in a police raid on the Sheldon gang. In the Curiositie Shoppe, you may discover a sealed ornate chest from another civilization, or you may arrive to find the door smashed open and a trail of blood leading inside. Once the adventure is revealed, there is no turning back. If you fail in your tasks, other investigators may come to your rescue, or you may find yourself running back out into the streets, drained of sanity and stamina. Success may reveal an elder sign or, at the very least, provide some clue, item, or skill to help you persevere. Street Smarts and Occult Knowledge As you navigate Arkham and survive its unpredictable Adventures, you’ll acquire lasting knowledge and enhanced abilities in the form of skills. For example, you may elicit some Occult Knowledge from a Miskatonic University professor. Unlike items, spells, and allies, skills may remain with an investigator as long as he lives, or be sacrificed in a moment of necessity to gain an even greater advantage. Some locations and items give investigators membership in Arkham’s most influential organizations: the ruthless Sheldon gang, a bootlegging syndicate as infamous for their murders as their moonshine, and the Silver Twilight Lodge, an ancient and mysterious organization rumored to practice dark magic in the dead of night. Memberships sometimes allow you to bypass a task and sometimes offer extra rewards, such as an elder sign or an ally, for completing an Adventure. Given Arkham’s perils, you may want to play one of the eight new investigators who are well versed in Arkham’s secrets or the bizarre physics of Other Worlds. As a cop, Tommy Muldoon knows Arkham’s criminal underworld as well as the Sheldon gang bosses. More interested in helping others than himself, Tommy can prevent another investigator from losing stamina by giving up his own– and gain some sanity in the process. Being a cop, however, doesn’t prevent Tommy from joining the Sheldon gang or the Silver Twilight Lodge. All secret organization have their police contacts. Unstable Locations and Unexpected Events Gates of Arkham introduces four Ancient Ones who tear at the fabric of space and time as they begin to awaken. One of them is Atlach-Nacha, who is stirring in his transdimensional home and beginning to weave the worlds together, tugging at time and space, sapping the investigators’ sanity and stamina, and causing gates to Other Worlds to open across the city. Gates tie specific locations to Other Worlds, perhaps linking the Miskatonic Library to the Far Side of the Moon, or Velma’s Diner to the cavernous, underworld Vaults of Zin. You cannot visit a location that has a gate without slipping through to the Other World, and you must resolve the Other World adventure in order to seal the gate and return to Arkham. The more open gates in play, the more monsters spawn, and the faster doom approaches. Not only do gates breach the physical environment, the awakening Ancient Ones wreck havoc in all aspects of life in Arkham. The social, psychological, and cosmic chaos is represented by Event cards, which many locations force you to draw before you undertaking any tasks. Events create unpredictable conditions that last the length of your Adventure, and may hinder or help you. Overwhelming Fear could cause you to flee from a location in terror, or a sympathetic stranger may come forward and offer you Unexpected Aid. Can you Survive the Streets of Arkham? You never know who or what you’ll encounter among Arkham’s crumbling buildings, desolate squares, and unlit roads. At any moment a tentacle could reach out for you. Around any corner may be the entrance to some Other World. As you scour the city for elder signs, you could become involved in criminal rivalries or clandestine rituals, arrested by the police or lost in the halls of an insane asylum. Only one thing is certain: the Ancient One is regaining strength, and it is up to you and your fellow investigators to save not just the museum, but Arkham and the entire world. In a typical game of Elder Sign, you confront the many cursed artifacts, vicious monsters, and other horrors lurking in the Arkham museum. The Gates of Arkham expansion takes you outside of the museum’s warm confines and into the city of Arkham itself. Gangs fight territorial battles in Arkham’s back alleys, not caring if a stray bullet hits an innocent bystander. Strange crates of foul-smelling, slimy, writhing creatures line the shelves of the General Store. Cultists perform dark sacrificial rites on the Unvisited Isle and ravenous gugs prowl through the University Administration building, hunting for victims. Gates of Arkham features a complete deck of Arkham Adventures that allows players to visit twenty-six locations throughout this legendarily cursed city. Today’s preview will show you adventures from three locations: the Unnamable, the River Docks, and the Arkham Asylum. No matter where you go in Arkham, you are certain to encounter indescribable horrors. A Haunted House Inside the museum, you knew what horrors awaited you in a given room before entering it. But when playing the Streets of Arkham game mode, it is impossible to tell what lies you behind a building’s closed doors. Arkham Adventure cards are laid out on the table facedown, with the adventure itself hidden until an investigator dares to visit that location. The back of a card reveals only the location, difficulty of the adventure, marked in green, gold, or red, and an effect, which may be harmful or beneficial. The decaying, empty house may not seem too foreboding, but the red symbol above it warns you that formidable terrors are within. However, if investigators refuse to enter, then at midnight the entire team will lose sanity, no matter where they are in Arkham. The Unnameable demands to be confronted, so you take a deep breath and cross the threshold, only to perceive a trail of blood leading down into the basement and hear muffled yet familiar screams. If you fail to rescue your friend from this incomprehensible threat, you lose five stamina and risk becoming devoured. If you succeed, you earn two Elder Signs and a unique item. On the Shore of the Miskatonic Having escaped the Unnamable, you may venture to the dark, foggy River Docks, where you could hand the unique item you earned over to another investigator who may be in dire need of it. However, upon your arrival you’ll discover that the grotesque, once-human Deep Ones are emerging from their underwater lairs and coming ashore. Upon your entry, a monster appears at this adventure, perhaps a giant, eel-like Dhole rearing out of the water. Many Arkham Adventure Cards have entry effects such as this, and they occur any time an investigator arrives at that location. For repelling the Deep Ones back into the river depths you’ll receive a choice of rewards: two common items or the defeat of two more monsters. A split reward such as this enables you to receive whichever will be most useful for your team. There are also split penalties which compel you to choose between two evils – for example, losing a few points of sanity or advancing the doom track. When the choice is between two penalties, however, you cannot choose a penalty that wouldn't affect you, say, losing an item when you have none. The consequences of your misadventures cannot be avoided. Among the Mad In your citywide search for elder signs you will inevitably find your sanity slipping away. Visiting the Arkham Asylum allows you to exchange two trophies in order to fully recover your sanity. During your time there you may receive some Psychiatric Assistance, although recovery itself may prove traumatic. If you roll a terror result in a failed attempt at this adventure, you’ll lose your sanity rather than regain it. Regaining your sanity also takes time: a clock icon on the card indicates that successfully completing this adventure moves the clock one step closer to midnight. Entering the Asylum might simply make matters worse. If you encounter the Ramblings of the Mad, you could push your entire team of investigators a little closer to insanity. Even success at this adventure results in losing your mind, with your reward being only a clue or a spell, neither of which will repair your psychological wounds. No Place Is Safe The Thing in the Basement, the Deep Ones, and the disturbed inhabitants of the Arkham Asylum pale in comparison to the powerful creatures that have waited for eons to regain control of the earth: Azathoth, Yig, Nyarlathotep, Cthulhu. It is up to you and your team of investigators to take on the horrors that haunt old, uncanny Arkham, so that you can save not only yourselves, or Arkham, but the entire world. Gates of Arkham contains: * A complete deck of Arkham Adventure cards and Other World cards * Eight Investigators and four Ancient Ones * Twenty-five Event cards and thirty Mythos cards * Eight Memberships and twelve Skill cards * Additional items, spells, allies, gate markers, monsters and more

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36.50 €
Elder Sign: Grave Consequences Expansion
Elder Sign: Grave Consequences Expansion

Designed by Richard Launius, the creator of Arkham Horror, Grave Consequences introduces fifty new cards that increase the challenge and drama of your Elder Sign adventures. More than that, though, they immerse you more deeply into the world and allow you to connect more fully with the role of the investigator you're playing. Phobias, Epitaphs, and Epic Battles The cards from Grave Consequences are divided into three modular decks: Phobia, Epic Battle, and Epitaph. These decks and their cards can be used together or separately, and they're all fully compatible with the core game, as well as all of its expansions. Phobia cards give new meaning to the sanity-draining challenges of Elder Sign, eating away at your mental health every time their triggers are met. To the external challenges presented by monsters, cultists, and otherworldly terrors, Phobias add a compelling, new internal dimension. Epitaph cards ensure that your fallen investigator's contributions will be remembered—whether for good or for ill. Marked by the tombstone on their backs, these cards introduce random effects whenever an investigator is devoured. Your Epitaph may heal the investigators' sanity and stamina, or it may lead monsters onto their trail. Epic Battle cards greatly amplify the difficulty and danger of your battles with any of the game's Ancient Ones. Each round, they exert the Ancient One's chaotic influence over the battle, warping your reality and altering the rules, changing the order in which you attack, and adding new measures of surprise and horror. Whether you incorporate one, two, or all three of these modular decks into your games, you'll find the psychological and supernatural aspects of Arkham and Elder Sign brought to life more fully than ever before. You'll feel more of your investigator's angst and anxiety. You'll travel through a world forever changed by the lives of those who perish. And you'll experience the true, awesome power of the elder gods. An Interview with Richard Launius To gain a better understanding of how Grave Consequences changes the nature of your Elder Sign experience, we spoke with the expansion's designer, Richard Launius. FFG: Thanks for taking the time to speak with us. Let's start by addressing the ways you hoped Grave Consequences would fit in with your favorite aspects of Elder Sign. Richard Launius: What I like best about Elder Sign is that it recreates the Arkham adventures in a quicker way. For me, Grave Consequences fits right in because it expands the story and mystery elements of the game. FFG: In your mind, what makes an Arkham adventure? Richard Launius: I am talking about the whole experience—the adventures, the characters, the exploration, the mystery, and the ultimate conflict between brave adventurers and the horrors that await. I like how Grave Consequences makes it possible for your characters to take on phobias that play out in the game and your character, and I like the way the game will craft a story around that. I also like how the death of a character will now feel more substantial with the way the Epitaph cards play, and I like how the final battles will shift and flow and become more of a story. FFG: Of course, they're all your babies, but do you have a favorite among the expansion's new mechanics? Richard Launius: I love the Phobias best. They become something that is purely Lovecraftian and fun to play as well. In reality, though, I love all parts of this expansion because it seamlessly adds story throughout the game and can be used just as easily in the Museum, the Gates of Arkham, and the Omens of Ice. Wherever your adventures take place, these new decks add more story and depth to your play experience. FFG: It's clear that you really appreciate the story elements of the game. Do you see Grave Consequences almost as a roleplaying-focused expansion to the game? Richard Launius: To some extent, yes. You gain a greater ownership of your character, and the character develops more as the game goes on… or, at least, as they fall deeper into the insanity of the mythos. FFG: We have to ask—with all the investigators that have been added to the game through its different expansions, do you have a favorite that you like to play? Or a favorite team of investigators? Richard Launius: I am really old school. Joe Diamond is the first investigator I created for Arkham Horror, and Jenny Barnes is the second; they forever remain my favorite characters to play. FFG: Anything else you'd like to share with fans at this time? Richard Launius: One other thing I really like about this expansion is the Epitaph cards. It is a silly thing really, but I like looking over at the part of the table where the Epitaphs and their tombstone designs sit with the character tokens residing on them. I like how they visualize the sacrifices the different investigators made to keep this world safe from the ever-impending doom of the mythos. It's just another fun aspect this expansion brings to imaginations like mine. FFG: One last question, then, in summary. Would you say it's fair to look at Grave Consequences in some ways as a counterpart to the larger story driven expansions, like Omens of Ice, where it's not about the shape of the overall journey, but it's more about your personal journey—your investigators' personal experiences in the terrifying Lovecraftian world of Arkham? Richard Launius: Absolutely. This expansion makes it more personal to the investigators and amplifies the excitement and mystery of the game. Insanity takes on a behavior, death results in consequences, and the final battle becomes epic—the stuff of blockbuster movies. All the Madness of Your Own Personal Blockbuster Pyschological thriller? Epic monster flick? Or both? Take your games of Elder Sign to new, deeper dimensions of peril, Paranoia, and immersive gameplay experiences with the Grave Consequences expansion by Richard Launius. Fully compatible with the Core Set and each expansion, Grave Consequences adds new twists, new trials, and new terrors to the classic Elder Sign experience. • A fifty-card expansion for Elder Sign by designer Richard Launius • Three modular decks can be used together or separately to enhance your adventures • Fully compatible with the Core Set and all expansions • Immerses you more fully into the game’s world and stories

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24.80 €
Elder Sign: Omens of Ice Expansion
Elder Sign: Omens of Ice Expansion

Twenty years ago, during the Klondike Gold Rush, over a hundred thousand prospectors traveled deep into the Alaskan territory. Most of them perished in the ice, a few got rich, and some awoke terrible, ancient evils. Now, down in usually temperate Arkham, the winds are blowing harder and colder than ever before. The Miskatonic has frozen over. Some people complain of insatiable hunger and sometimes the newspapers even report cannibalism. You know all too well that the Ancient Ones are causing the weather and hunger, but this time you cannot fight them from within the Arkham Museum, or even out on Arkham’s streets. You must brave the brutal conditions that killed thousands of prospectors, and fight ferocious creatures from this world and others, or else the cold, hunger, and ice will devastate humanity. Omens of Ice takes you and your fellow investigators on a treacherous journey into the Alaskan wildernesses, where you must solve the mysteries of three terrible new Ancient Ones. Whether you choose to travel in summer or are forced to go in winter’s dark, at every step you’ll face terrible perils, from the port of Anchorage to the forest paths and mountain passes of the interior. You must constantly fight not only wild animals and ravenous monsters, but frostbite, starvation, and the madness that befalls many who enter this frozen, isolated, white world. The Treacherous Ascent This expansion introduces the Alaska Expedition game mode, in which the deck of Alaska Adventures replaces the Adventure deck found in the Elder Sign Core Set. These new Adventures bring to life the creatures, climate, ancient magics, and native peoples of the far northwest. The deck also shapes your journey into two stages. During the first stage, you’ll explore the more hospitable locations of the Alaskan territory, such as Anchorage, Fairbanks, and an Inuit village. In the second stage, you enter the true wilderness of the Arctic, where lie the lairs of beasts, snowy expanses of taiga, and mines abandoned after the Klondike Rush. As in the Streets of Arkham game mode, an investigator must enter a location before anyone may learn what awaits there. In general, however, the deeper into Alaska you go, the more challenging your adventures will be. This far north the difference between seasons is dramatic, marked by the severity of the storms, the extent of the ice and snow, and the amount of daylight. Omens of Ice enables you to choose whether to undertake your journey in the summer’s comparative calm, when light and comfort are more abundant, or in the stormy depths of winter, when food, light, and warmth are scarce. A winter journey is far more difficult, and you can only spend a limited number of days in the wilderness before it defeats you. No matter what time of year you travel, your team will need supplies: food, firestarters, bandages, warm clothes, and more. In the Alaska Expedition game mode, you begin with fifteen boxes of supplies which you will consume—or lose—in the course of your adventures. You might acquire more supplies in the first stage of your journey, but it is very unlikely you’ll find any out in the wild. When the supplies are gone, all the investigators in your party will quickly lose stamina as they succumb to hunger, cold, and exhaustion. The sooner you can acquire the Elder Signs you need to defeat the Ancient Ones, the more likely your team will make it back to civilization alive. Forces of Nature The diabolical forces of nature are at work in all seasons. No matter when you make your journey, you’ll encounter storms—fewer of them in summer, certainly, but this far north with an Ancient One stirring, a blizzard may occur at any time of year. Various game effects, including failure penalties and the doom track, force you to place storm markers on the Adventures in play. Some storms are mild and barely affect your expedition. Others can drain your stamina or sanity, ruin your supplies, or spawn a monster. Unfortunately, you won’t know what a storm is like until you’re in the midst of it, resolving the adventure that awaits. Natural phenomena permeate the Alaskan Mythos deck as well. Certainly you’ll encounter blizzards and other severe weather. You may have to cross a frozen river and risk falling through the ice. You may find that your camp is swallowed by piling snows or surrounded by howling beasts. Being Exposed to the Elements could drain your stamina as you struggle to protect your gea—once your supplies freeze through, they become useless. The Aurora Borealis isn’t just a brilliant nighttime show. These Strange Lights signify an opening to an Other World, which may spawn monsters across Alaska, or bring doom nearer. Alaska has always been home to dangerous animals, their fierceness amplified by hunger and cold. Tales of Yetis and Gnoph-Keh predate the arrival of the first Europeans in the region. Now, as the weather worsens for unnatural reasons, these monsters proliferate. Grizzly bears, normally aloof, now fearlessly attack humans. Wolves will relentlessly plague you and your sled dogs, tied to the nighttime through some dark power. At midnight, an undefeated wolf pack causes another monster to appear—very likely another pack of ravenous, hungry wolves. Tough Company Only the most determined investigators, those willing to endure the worst horrors and even sacrifice their lives, will volunteer to go north. Explorers, travelers, and criminals all have the endurance and grit necessary for an Alaskan journey. Yet among the fearless souls who join the investigators in Omens of Ice is a lonely, parentless child. Wendy Adams is accustomed to surviving in hard conditions and has nothing of her own to lose. Her mother was taken away to an insane asylum shortly after her father disappeared at sea. Since then, she has lived on the streets of Arkham, seeking answers to the questions raised by her parents’ mysterious tales and dark fates. Wendy carries with her a unique item and a clue. While her family seems to have been cursed, she herself has a divine gift: the ability to change a terror result to any result of her choice by spending a sanity. This gift may prove to be the salvation of the entire team, since it may prevent the loss of stamina or supplies, and even stave off a terrible winter storm. Into the Wild Mountains of snow lie in the streets of Arkham. Ice coats the windows of Velma’s Diner and tall icicles hang from the gambrel roof of the Silver Twilight Lodge. Miskatonic University has ceased holding class for fear that students and professors will get frostbite while crossing campus. Even when curled up by the fireplace of Ma’s Boarding House, an unnatural chill creeps in and freezes your bones. The only way to bring warmth back the world is to confront the cold, venture into the Alaskan wild, solve its prehistoric mysteries, and stop the Ancient Ones from awakening. • Features a complete deck of Alaskan Adventure cards and accompanying Mythos deck • Ithaqua and two other formidable Ancient Ones threaten the Earth • Game difficulty varies depending on season: winter travel is more challenging • Eight additional investigators join the struggle against evil • More Allies, Spells, Common and Unique Items are added to the game

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39.80 €
Elder Sign: Omens of the Deep
Elder Sign: Omens of the Deep

Scraps of text that tell of a great evil hidden beneath the waves of the Pacific have long fascinated your old friend, Dr. Mason Phillips. For a time, it seemed that he had put his obsession to rest, but, as those immersed in the struggles against the Elder Gods know, that which slumbers may one day awaken anew. Dr. Phillips has now come into possession of a strangely alluring amulet. It is the sole surviving artifact of a previous expedition into a remote region of the Pacific Ocean that had met with a disastrous end, and Mason has written to you that the odd trinket “calls” him to once again take up his search for the sunken metropolis. The good doctor has enlisted a crew to follow the amulet’s clues, and he has asked you to join him in his mad oceanic quest. Though the legend of R’lyeh has never gripped you as it had Mason, the combination of certainty and intense fear in the tone of his letters has convinced you to join him on this dangerous expedition. Let’s hope you don’t regret leaving the confines of the museum... The murky waters hide untold horrors in Elder Sign: Omens of the Deep, an expansion for Elder Sign, the cooperative dice game steeped in the lore of H.P. Lovecraft’s terrifying mythos. Omens of the Deep adds the Pacific Adventure decks, new Mythos cards, The Ultima Thule entrance card, eight brave new investigators, and three horrifying Ancient Ones. The addition of mission markers and an array of new spells, skills, allies, and items will help you arm yourself for this voyage into long forsaken waters. Based on the popular The Call of Cthulhu expansion for the Elder Sign: Omens app, players can now venture forth from the within the familiar walls of the museum and board The Ultima Thule to combat the Ancient Ones that have begun to stir in the depths of the Pacific. The Slumbering City Stirs As the weird glow of the amulet pulses and shines, resonating with an unknown source, your crew is drawn further and further into the unexplored reaches of the Pacific Ocean. Your steady progress will reveal new challenges as The Ultima Thule chases down the location of the lost city of R’lyeh. The Omens of the Deep expansion explores this through two stages of the R’lyeh Rising mode. The R’lyeh Rising mode of gameplay features two stages, each with their own risks and rewards. In the first stage, you and your fellow investigators will navigate the Dark Waters track to explore the remote location to which the amulet has drawn The Ultima Thule. In the second phase, your team will assemble the Amulet of R’lyeh and collect Elder Signs to seal away the evils that inhabit the sunken city of R’lyeh, in an attempt to defeat the slumbering Ancient One. However, savvy investigators should beware of lingering too long in the dark waters or plunging too eagerly into the amulet’s mysteries! Each stage is fraught with fresh horrors, so tread with care as you seek out the secrets of the deep. A Fresh Fear of The Unknown The dark waters of the Pacific Ocean conceal countless mysteries, and these terrifying perils lurk just beneath these frigid waves. Only by balancing calculated risk with careful exploration can the investigators hope to seal away the deeper darkness that stirs in the lost city. The specific contents of Pacific Adventure cards are hidden until some brave soul ventures into that region, though the cards hint at just how daunting the perils within the region may be. The investigators will encounter a variety of Entry effects that trigger when they reach a new destination, and must contend with difficult choices as they encounter split penalties and rewards for failing or surviving an adventure. An Army Beneath the Surface While R’lyeh sleeps, other denizens of the deep have already begun to stir and will stop at nothing to bring the Ancient One back to a waking state. The Deep One Legion is particularly tenacious. Even when defeated, these creatures will just slither to a new adventure and wait for another chance to strike unless extraordinary measures are taken to dispose of them. These formidable foes can also overrun The Ultima Thule, destroying the investigators’ only safe haven. Though The Ultima Thule’s charted course is perilous and these foes are many, all hope is not lost for the sanity and safety of the those who seek the Elder Signs. Completing the challenges on the new mission tokens provides an additional way to spend trophies for extra rewards. The Omens of the Deep expansion also comes with new items, investigators, allies, and spells to be leveraged against the coming of the Ancient One. The depths of the Pacific are filled with fresh terrors that only the bravest can attempt to seal with the power of the Elder Signs in the Omens of the Deep expansion for Elder Sign! • The Pacific Adventure deck and Special Adventure cards bring new challenges in the R’lyeh Rising mode • Eight investigators and three Ancient Ones expand all your games of Elder Sign • A new deck of Staged Mythos cards bring your team to the depths of the Pacific • New Allies, Items, Spells, and Skills bring new assets for your Investigators

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36.50 €

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