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Star Wars Legion: Luke Skywalker Operative Expansion
Star Wars Legion: Luke Skywalker Operative Expansion

From firing the proton torpedoes that destroyed the first Death Star to his climactic duel with Darth Vader that brought the Empire to its knees, Luke Skywalker is one of the Rebellion’s most enduring heroes. But his accomplishments extend far beyond the Rebellion. Studying under the legendary master Yoda, Luke became the first new Jedi Knight in a generation, helping bring the order back from the edge of extinction.

While the version of Luke Skywalker found in the Core Set was only just beginning to explore his connection to the Force, the Rebel operative you’ll find here has refined his skills and become a full-fledged Jedi. As such, he wields his lightsaber with unmatched precision and can call upon even more Force powers than ever before. As a Jedi, however, Skywalker may choose to embrace knowledge and defense, eschewing his own attacks to control those of his opponents.

Within the Luke Skywalker Operative Expansion, you’ll find one unpainted, finely sculpted miniature depicting Luke Skywalker as a Jedi Knight, as he appears at the end of Return of the Jedi. Meanwhile, three command cards that can be used alongside the Luke Skywalker command cards from the Star Wars: Legion Core Set give you the freedom to shape exactly how you use this powerful operative in battle. Finally, four upgrade cards invite you to further augment Luke Skywalker with additional Force powers and training. Like previous Star Wars: Legion releases, the miniature in this expansion is made of soft plastic and comes with its parts bagged.

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25.80 €
Star Wars Legion: Padme Amidala Operative Expansion
Star Wars Legion: Padme Amidala Operative Expansion

The Galactic Senate is no place for civility. Full of politicians squabbling for their own interests rather than those of the worlds they represent, it is easy for an idealistic Senator to be cast aside. Despite this, Senator Padmé Amidala continues to fight for the principles of freedom and democracy from the floor of the Senate and—if necessary—the battlefields of the Clone Wars.

This expansion for Star Wars: Legion contains one finely sculpted, unpainted Padmé Amidala miniature, enough for one operative unit, along with a unit card, six upgrade cards, and Padmé Amidala's three signature upgrade cards to field in battle.

Aggressive Negotiator
The Galactic Senate is no place for civility. Full of politicians squabbling for their own interests rather than those of the worlds they represent, it is easy for an idealistic Senator to be cast aside. Despite this, Senator Padmé Amidala continues to fight for the principles of freedom and democracy from the floor of the Senate and—if necessary—the battlefields of the Clone Wars.

When she does join your army, this Operative Expansion gives you plenty of ways to customize your unpainted, hard plastic Padmé Amidala miniature. Not only can you assemble the miniature with or without a cape, Padmé Amidala can also enter the fight wielding either her ELG-3A Blaster Pistol or an E-5 blaster she has looted from one of the B1 Battle Droids scattered across the battlefield.

In addition to how you choose to build your miniature, you’ll also find Padmé Amidala a versatile unit in the thick of battle. This spirited Senator can also use her leadership skills to help other Republic units perform their best and her three signature command cards only increase her ability to bolster friendly troops. Meanwhile, six upgrade cards can improve her mobility, augment her training, and more.

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26.20 €
Star Wars Legion: Phase I Clone Troopers Unit Expansion
Star Wars Legion: Phase I Clone Troopers Unit Expansion

The first troops to take the field in the Clone Wars, Phase I Clone Troopers represent a new era of galactic warfare. Genetically crafted for battle and outfitted with state-of-the-art equipment, Clone Troopers charge into battle on countless worlds to do the job they were made for: defeat the Separatist Alliance and restore order to the galaxy.

Bred from the same genetic template, Phase I Clone Troopers share a bond that cannot be replicated by the Separatist’s B1 Battle Droids. Thanks to the close connection they share with one another and the Jedi that lead them into battle, these troopers have become renowned for their resolve and dedication. They will always have the backs of their fellow troops and will often join together to provide critical fire support to repel a Separatist attack or push one step closer to a critical objective.

The Phase I Clone Troopers Unit Expansion contains a full unit of seven unique, unpainted Phase I Clone miniatures, identical to the Phase I Clone Troopers included in the Star Wars: Legion Clone Wars Core Set. Five Phase I Clone Troopers wielding DC-15A Blaster Rifles are joined by a Z-6 Phase I Trooper and a DC-15 Phase I Trooper. This expansion also includes a unit card and an assortment of upgrade cards, inviting you to customize your Clone Troopers’ gear to fit your battle plan.

Protect democracy across the galaxy with the seven unique, highly detailed miniatures featured in this expansion pack! Five troopers with DC-15A Blaster Rifles appear in different poses while a Phase I Clone Trooper carrying a Z-6 Rotary Blaster Cannon and a DC-15 Phase I Trooper bring heavy weapons to the front lines.

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32.50 €
Star Wars Legion: Princess Leia Organa Commander Expansion
Star Wars Legion: Princess Leia Organa Commander Expansion

From Alderaanian diplomat to leader of the Rebel Alliance, Leia Organa’s legacy has been one of inspiration, heroism, self-sacrifice, and leadership. Along with Han Solo and Luke Skywalker, her actions directly led to the ultimate downfall of the Galactic Empire—so it’s only fitting that she takes her place in Star Wars: Legion as the Rebellion’s second commander, battling alongside Luke Skywalker.

Inside the Leia Organa Commander Expansion, you’ll find everything that you need to add Leia Organa to your army as a commander. A single unpainted, easily assembled miniature beautifully represents Leia Organa on the battlefield, while new upgrade cards allow you to customize how she is represented in the game. Finally, a hand of three new command cards lets you add a unique touch to your overarching strategies, bringing some of Leia Organa’s own unique tactics to your games. Releasing alongside the Fleet Troopers Unit Expansion, these two expansions promise new tactics for the Rebellion to employ in their struggles for freedom.

Rebel Commander
With the Leia Organa Commander Expansion, Leia Organa takes her place besides Luke Skywalker as another commander of the game’s Rebel forces. In Star Wars: Legion, an army can have up to two commanders, meaning that your armies of the Rebellion can now be led by Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, or both working in tandem. While Luke Skywalker’s power with a lightsaber and growing knowledge of the Force make him an exceptional combat-oriented commander, Leia Organa can help meld your forces together to create something more than individual soldiers—to create a true rebellion.

Leia Organa is fully capable of holding her own on the battlefield. Her training in martial arts makes her dangerous in hand-to-hand combat, and she is deadly accurate with her sporting blaster—though its range is more limited than a blaster rifle. Still, like her counterpart General Veers on the Imperial side of Star Wars: Legion, Leia Organa truly shines by leading the troopers that follow her into battle to new heights. Rather than concentrating fire and increasing damage, however, Leia Organa’s abilities are more defensive and inspirational in nature.

For instance, Leia Organa can urge the troops around her to greater feats, even in the face of terrifying odds. With Inspire 2, Leia Organa can remove up to two suppression tokens from other nearby friendly units, keeping your units fresh and ready for action, even when they’re taking heavy fire. Because suppression tokens rob your units of vital actions or even cause them to panic and flee the battlefield, the ability to remove these suppression tokens by inspiring your troops gives Leia Organa a massive advantage on the battlefield.

Even setting aside her personal abilities and upgrade cards, Leia Organa can shape the ways that your battles of the Galactic Civil War unfold through her unique command cards. Every commander in Star Wars: Legion comes with three command cards that reflect the strategies and tactics unique to that leader. Leia is an expert at coordinating your forces and leading them to act outside of their normal activation opportunities—but she can also use her high position within the Rebel Alliance to call in bombardments that can shake even the most entrenched Imperial garrisons.

She’s Royalty
Leia Organa has shaped the history of the galaxy throughout the Star Wars saga... and soon, she’ll be able to have a similar effect on your games of Star Wars: Legion.

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25.80 €
Star Wars Legion: Priority Supplies Battlefield Expansion
Star Wars Legion: Priority Supplies Battlefield Expansion

Your battles might take you to planets across the galaxy, but one thing that most games of Star Wars: Legion have in common are your objectives. Objective tokens are commonly placed on the battlefield at the beginning of the game as the players select the objective card that will be used for their game. These objective tokens could represent crates of supplies, communications relays, or key positions on the battlefield, but with the addition of the Priority Supplies Battlefield Expansion, you can bring your objective tokens to life with twelve new objective miniatures.

Rather than a flat piece of punchboard, the objective miniatures included in the Priority Supplies Battlefield Expansion spring off of the battlefield, providing a clearly visible and thematic place for you to direct your army. Within this expansion, you’ll find three comms stations, four moisture vaporators, and five supply crates, each giving you the perfect way to mark an objective token on the battlefield, no matter which objective card you’re using. And of course, even if you’re not marking objective tokens, each of the miniatures in this expansion can stand in as terrain, bringing an added layer of Star Wars theme to your games of Star Wars: Legion.

You’ll also find new variety for your conflicts in the three brand-new battle cards included in the Priority Supplies Battlefield Expansion. Sabotage the Moisture Vaporators puts the new moisture vaporator miniatures to good work—one player is tasked with repairing the four moisture vaporators scattered across the field, while the other player must attempt to sabotage them. A new deployment card, Advanced Positions, puts both armies in opposite corners of the battlefield and allows them to adapt and move, scouting in advance to gain the upper hand. Finally, the Minefield condition card transforms any battleground into a lethal deathtrap, sprinkling mines around the battlefield. Whenever a unit gets too close, they run the risk of setting off a detonation that could shatter even the toughest defenses.

Between twelve new objective miniatures and three new battle cards, the Priority Supplies Battlefield Expansion promises to reshape your games of Star Wars: Legion and draw you into the Galactic Civil War like never before.

· Contains twelve unpainted, easily assembled objective miniatures, depicting comms stations, vaporators, and crates
· Three new battle cards give players options for redefining the objectives, deployment zones, and battlefield conditions
· Use new miniatures to mark objectives in the battle or simply as terrain to evoke the Star Wars universe

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30.00 €
Star Wars Legion: Rebel Commandos Unit Expansion
Star Wars Legion: Rebel Commandos Unit Expansion

The Rebel Alliance can recruit new members from across the galaxy, finding pilots, soldiers, and medics among those who hate the Empire. Plenty of beings can take up a blaster rifle to fight Stormtroopers, but there are a few who are willing to push the boundaries and do whatever it takes to keep the Rebellion alive. Saboteurs. Snipers. The Rebel Alliance’s most dangerous operatives—now entering the infantry battles played out in your games of Star Wars: Legion.

Within the Rebel Commandos Unit Expansion, you’ll find a squad of seven unpainted, easily assembled Rebel Commando miniatures. You may field this unit as a full, standard unit on your battlefield or a small team operating on the edges of the map or behind enemy lines, but no matter how you position the Rebel Commandos, their unorthodox tactics and powerful weapons can sway the battle in the Rebellion’s favor. With five distinct upgrade cards that can be added to the Rebel Commandos or another unit, you’ll find everything you need to put fear in Imperial hearts with this expansion for Star Wars: Legion.

Spies, Saboteurs, Assassins
Rebel Troopers are perfect for taking the fight to the Empire in pitched battle—but the conflicts of Star Wars: Legion are many and varied. Sometimes, you don’t want a cheap, expendable infantry unit that’s planning to go toe-to-toe with Imperial Stormtroopers. If you’re planning on running infiltration, sabotaging enemy operations, or taking a sharpshooter’s role, the Rebel Commandos are the perfect ones for the job.

Rebel Commandos enter Star Wars: Legion as the game’s first special forces unit, and as you might expect, they bring some completely new tactics to your tables. First, there are two distinct unit cards for the Rebel Commandos, inviting you to field this unit in two distinct configurations. For sixty points, you may have a standard unit of Rebel Commandos, with four normal Rebel Commando miniatures and the option to add a heavy weapon miniature to their unit.

Alternatively, for just sixteen points, you may bring a Rebel Commando strike team into your forces. This unit starts with a single Rebel Commando, but the Heavy Weapon Team ability forces a Rebel Commando strike team to equip a heavy weapon upgrade card. The miniature added by that card becomes the unit leader, creating a small, two-person team centered around a specific, deadly, heavy weapons miniature.

On their own, Rebel Commandos are armed with the standard A-280 Blaster Rifles wielded by Rebel Troopers across the galaxy. Their specialized training, unique abilities, and range of upgrades easily give the Rebel Commandos an edge, but perhaps the most dangerous Rebel Commandos are the ones armed with heavy weapons. Within the Rebel Commandos Unit Expansion, you’ll find two heavy weapons upgrades. You may be joined by a DH-447 Sniper, capable of picking off enemy targets from any distance—potentially across the entire map. Alternatively, you may upgrade your unit with a Proton Charge Saboteur, whose deadly charges can be armed in advance and detonated at the perfect time, injuring any unit that’s foolish enough to approach.

Whether you choose to field the Rebel Commandos at full strength, or you’re simply bringing snipers or saboteurs as part of a few small strike teams, you’ll have the tools that you need to sway the battle in your favor. The seven miniatures included in this unit expansion allow you to field both a standard unit and a strike team of Rebel Commandos, helping you to tailor your Rebel army to play however you choose.

Hit and Run
The Rebel Commandos are the best of the best, and with them fighting under the command of Han Solo, your opponents won’t know what hit them until it’s too late.

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39.10 €
Star Wars Legion: Rebel Troopers Unit Expansion
Star Wars Legion: Rebel Troopers Unit Expansion

The Alliance recruits warriors from every world—wherever they can find beings who have come to hate the Empire’s tyranny. Together, these ragtag groups of recruits become Rebel Troopers, carrying out the fight against the Empire on dozens of worlds across the galaxy. The Rebel Trooper is well-used to embarking on stealthy missions, and above all, they’ve learned to trust the other soldiers in their squad with their lives.

Rebel Troopers form the backbone of any Alliance army taking the field against the Empire, where they’ll use their mobility to gain the upper hand against their foes. Rebel Troopers on their own are known for being nimble, but if you equip them with the new Grappling Hooks upgrade card, your Rebels can clamber over terrain with ease.

The Rebel Troopers Unit Expansion features a full unit of seven Rebel Trooper miniatures, identical to the Rebel Troopers included in the Star Wars: Legion Core Set. This expansion also includes the unit card and an assortment of upgrade cards, inviting you to kit out your Rebel Troopers for any battlefield scenario.

· A Rebel unit expansion for Star Wars: Legion
· Contains seven unpainted and unassembled Rebel Trooper miniatures to grow your Alliance forces
· An assortment of upgrade cards let you add new figures to the squad or equip them with explosives or communications devices
· This infantry unit forms the backbone of many Rebel Alliance armies

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30.00 €
Star Wars Legion: Rebel Veterans Unit Expansion
Star Wars Legion: Rebel Veterans Unit Expansion

Many of those who fight for the Rebel Alliance have little actual military experience, joining up based on their hatred of the Empire alone. Others, however, have honed their instincts in the trenches, enduring countless hopeless battles on desolate worlds in the name of the Alliance. Soon, you’ll be able to reinforce your Rebel armies with the most experienced soldiers the Rebellion can offer.

Armed with little more than their blaster rifles and grim determination, Rebel Veterans are often assigned the hardest and most vital jobs in the war against the Empire. Within this expansion, you’ll find seven unique, unpainted Rebel Veteran miniatures to add to your collection, including a Mark II Medium Blaster Trooper miniature that can be deployed as a detachment, offering valuable fire support to all of your units. Accompanying these miniatures are two unit cards, a selection of upgrade cards to outfit your veterans with new weapons and gear, and all the tokens you need to add them to your Rebel armies!

Battle Tested
The battles of the Galactic Civil War are won and lost in the trenches, by the units that form the bulk of the Rebel and Imperial armies. Always reliable, the Rebel Veterans give you another option for the corps units that form the backbone of your army. They can be counted on to get the job done, to hold the line, or to fight to the bitter end.

Despite facing a massive onslaught of Imperial walkers at the Battle of Hoth, these fighters held firm, buying time for their transports to escape and making the Empire pay a bitter price for every foot of ground it gained. Appropriately, then, Rebel Veterans are resilient units prepared to fend off any Imperial offensive. They become even more prepared to hold their ground once you issue them orders, as they dig themselves in to form a study defensive front.

Like the Rebel Troopers they fight alongside, squads of Rebel Veterans carry the standard issue A-280 blaster rifles commonly seen among Rebel units. Unlike their fellow Rebels, however, the veterans have different tastes when it comes to diversifying their arsenal. Where a group of Rebel Troopers might look to slow down an enemy vehicle or lay down a high volume of fire with a Z-6 rotary blaster cannon, a veteran CM-O/93 Trooper aims to stop an advancing enemy in its tracks by dealing as much damage as possible.

No matter what heavy weapons they choose to equip, the Rebels have little hope of success if they don’t work together to push back the Imperial onslaught. Perhaps the Rebel Veteran’s biggest contribution to your efforts, then, is their willingness to work with other units. For example, they can easily coordinate with a nearby emplacement trooper unit like a 1.4 FD Laser Cannon Team to ensure that everyone is ready to return fire.

But if stationary laser cannons aren’t part of your battle plan, you can also assign a Rebel Veteran to man a Mark II Medium Blaster and maintain a bit of mobility with your heavy firepower. Rather than act as a heavy weapon upgrade, this miniature becomes its own unit that can only be deployed as a detachment from the Rebel Veterans. Once on the field, however, the Mark II Medium Blaster Trooper is free to aid the ranged attacks of any friendly unit.

Veteran Instincts
Experienced members of the Rebel Alliance know the long odds they face more than most. Nonetheless, these troops refuse to give the Empire an inch, no matter the cost.

* Take your Star Wars: Legion battles to the frigid plains of Hoth with the seven unique, highly detailed miniatures contained in this expansion! Five Rebel Veterans with A-280 blaster rifles are prepared to make the Empire pay dearly for any ground it gains while a CM-O/93 Trooper is ready to stop an Imperial unit in its tracks.
* Bolster your forces with a Mark II Medium Blaster Trooper miniature and provide valuable fire support to your units.

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45.80 €
Star Wars Legion: Republic AT-RT Unit Expansion
Star Wars Legion: Republic AT-RT Unit Expansion

As the Galactic Republic and Separatist Alliance attempt to gain a foothold in the Clone Wars, they increasingly turn to swift new vehicles to support their troops on the ground. More than just providing additional firepower, these vehicles are designed to work in concert with the soldiers they fight alongside, boosting their natural abilities.

Press the Attack
Built for speed across any terrain, the AT-RT Republic scout walker lets a single clone trooper bring an entire unit’s worth of heavy firepower to the battlefield. Capable of striking from unexpected angles and outflanking formations of enemy battle droids, the AT-RT makes a formidable addition to forces of clone troopers.

The AT-RT’s ability to handle difficult environments makes it a critical component of Republic scouting parties designed that engage with enemy forces before reinforcements arrive. The clone pilot’s Merr-Sonn RPC-2 Rocket Launcher helps soften any targets he may encounter in forward areas, but the AT-RT’s true power comes from a hardpoint that can be outfitted weaponry specific to its mission.

The Republic AT-RT Unit Expansion puts a single beautifully detailed, unpainted hard plastic AT-RT miniature at your disposal that can be piloted by two distinct variations of an Advanced Force Recon clone pilot. Beyond the pilots, you can also pick the weapon mounted on the AT-RT’s hardpoint, choosing between a rotary blaster, a laser canon, and a flamethrower.

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46.00 €
Star Wars Legion: Republic Specialists Personnel Expansion
Star Wars Legion: Republic Specialists Personnel Expansion

As the Clone Wars rage on, new heroes emerge with every battle. Whether they’re a famed Jedi Knight leading their troops into battle or a simple droid relaying key intel to the rest of its army, the actions of these few could determine the outcome of the entire conflict.

While Jedi Generals like Anakin Skywalker lead the Grand Army of the Republic, clone troopers keep it running at peak efficiency. Some clones even combine the skill at arms and genetic template all clones share with further specialized training in areas like communications and engineering to support Republic operations on the ground.

Among the most important of these clones are the commanders who lead entire regiments, often personally taking to the field of battle and fighting alongside the Jedi generals to whom they directly report. These clones are masters of strategy, combat, and tactical acumen who can be trusted with the most vital missions and battlefronts. When supported by specialists carrying equipment like a Portable Scanner, clone units become even more flexibile, able to have friendly units generate dodge tokens.

The Republic Specialists Personnel Expansion puts four clone troopers with special training at your disposal, allowing you to field a generic commander unit and add personnel upgrades to other units in your army, including a clone commander unit leader, clone medic, clone engineer, and a clone comms technician. No matter which of these troops you choose, you can always make use of the Republic’s signature strategies with the three new command cards exclusive to the Galactic Republic faction found here.

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41.30 €

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