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Haun tulokset 97 - 120 / 151

Battletech: Strategic Operations -Advanced Aerospace Rules
Battletech: Strategic Operations -Advanced Aerospace Rules

Forces In System Liftoff planet and conquer an entire solar system! Deploy kilometer-long WarShips as escorts, first for JumpShips bridging the gulf between stars, then for detaching DropShips that burn in system to drop troops onto any battlefield. New aerospace tactics will allow you to gain air supremacy to match your grasp of ground tactics. Yet the war for a star system is more than a single battle and a commander that utilizes his supplies and personnel with skill will survive the numerous battles to come. Strategic Operations is the one-source rulebook for advanced rules aerospace assets that open the entire conquest of a solar system. It includes new aerospace movement, combat and advanced aerospace unit construction rules, as well as comprehensive maintenance, salvage, repair and customization rules. Finally, a complete game system–BattleForce–allows players to use their existing miniatures and mapsheets to play quick, fast-paced BattleTech games, from companies to battalions and even regiments. Tactical Operations is recommended for enhanced play. * A complete game system—BattleForce—allows players to use their existing miniatures and mapsheets to play quick, fast-paced BattleTech games, from companies to battalions and even regiments * Includes new aerospace movement, combat and advanced aerospace unit construction rules * Comprehensive maintenance, salvage, repair and customization rules allows players to map out extended campaigns * Includes miniature rules for playing without gridded map sheets, in a way that is familiar to MechWarrior: Age of Destruction players

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48.00 €
Battletech: Technical Readout Dark Age
Battletech: Technical Readout Dark Age

DARKEST BEFORE THE DAWN From the star-spanning devastation of the Word of Blake Jihad arose the Republic of the Sphere, a new nation dedicated to breaking the centuries-long cycle of warfare plaguing the Inner Sphere and creating new innovation and prosperity for all. The ideals of the Republic worked... for a time. Then in 3132, hyperpulse generators across thousands of worlds went offline, enveloping the Inner Sphere in silence. Paranoia and opportunism ran rampant as age-old hostilities reignited and chaos ruled the day. The Republic, the grand experiment in hope, was torn asunder by hostile forces on every side. The Republic Era—better known as the Dark Age—was a time of upheaval and opportunity. Fortunes rose and fell, nations crumbled and others reconstituted. And at the center of the whirlwind lay Terra, the crown jewel of the Republic, a prize waiting for the warrior strong enough to seize it. Technical Readout: Dark Age expands on Technical Readout: Succession Wars, Technical Readout: Clan Invasion, and Technical Readout: Jihad by combining the ’Mechs previously found in Technical Readout: 3075, Technical Readout: 3085 (and its Supplemental), Technical Readout: 3145, Technical Readout: 3150, Technical Readout: Irregulars, Technical Readout: Prototypes, and more. This volume features some of the most common ’Mechs from the Dark Age. Each machine is accompanied by an illustration, a description of its history, capabilities, and game stats.

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48.00 €
Battletech: Time of War Companion
Battletech: Time of War Companion

Näytettä. Launch yourself into the universe of BattleTech with new technologies and prove your heroism to House Lords and Khans alike! Visit strange and distant worlds, and battle alien beasts beyond your wildest dreams! Demonstrate new combat techniques both in and out of the cockpit while navigating the intricate layers of neo-feudal politics! Whether your are a House regular, a pirate smuggler, a noble scion, a deep space explorer, or just a thrill-seeking adventurer, bring your experience to a whole new level! A Time of War Companion introduces advanced rules for BattleTech role-players and gamemasters alike. This core book expansion showcases advanced gameplay options including Advanced Tier martial arts, “heromode” gameplay, metaskills, Trait Checks, and more! Use character design templates to quickly generate new characters and NPCs, or even convert older characters from previous MechWarrior rule sets! Gamemasters, use the world-building rules to bring your players to exotic new locations, introduce them to equally exotic fauna you have created to greet them there, and give them the chance to fight for—or against—a host of new technologies rarely seen in the field! The tools to enhance your role-playing campaigns are here for the taking! Offers several rules expansions designed specifically to enhance the basic game play experience of A Time of War campaigns, while retaining compatibility with the rest of the core rules line. • Expanded rules for general role-playing play, including expanded character skills, traits, and combat options. • Character creation aids, including pre-created character templates and conversion rules for previous editions of the BattleTech role-playing system (specifically, the MechWarrior First, Second, and Third Editions). • Rules and guidelines for creating authentic BattleTech-style worlds and nonhuman creatures from scratch. • Advanced equipment, including weapon customizations, enhanced bionics, and other exotic gear. • Additional game master guides for a variety of campaign types, complete with new adventure seeds and supporting rules for common challenges like contract negotiations and interactions with high-powered characters.

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54.00 €
Battletech: Total Chaos
Battletech: Total Chaos

A Universe Ablaze In late 3067, the Word of Blake unleashed its Jihad, fanning the flames of violence and spreading it across the Inner Sphere. Three mercenary commands struggled to find their footing and profit from the all-encompassing warfare. As they navigated their way through the conflicts erupting on hundreds of worlds, these mercenaries grew in power, prestige, and character. Facing adversity, victory, defeat, and enemies within and without, they were typical of many commands touched—for ill or for good—by the Jihad. As the Jihad unfolded through the Jihad Hot Spots plotbooks, players were introduced to the Chaos Campaign, a new game play system that gave players the opportunity to craft their own games around specific battles and events of the Jihad. Now that campaign, spanning fourteen years of conflict, has been collected and updated. Presented here are all of the Chaos Campaign tracks from the Hot Spots plotbooks and interwoven with select tracks from the Jihad Turning Points e-publication series and several all-new tracks and mini-campaigns. This volume also includes detailed reports on nearly forty planetary campaigns, providing context and details previously clouded by interstellar media, local reports, and personal journals. With an updated and streamlined core ruleset for the Chaos Campaign and new Jihad era Random Availability Tables for the Word of Blake, Mercenaries, and Militias, this book has everything players and gamemasters need to recreate the pivotal campaigns of the Jihad and lead their forces to victory. • A campaign-driven sourcebook reviewing the most recent epic conflict in the BattleTech universe: the Jihad Era • Combines elements from previously published PDF exclusive Jihad Turning Point products, covering some of the major battle sites of the war. • Adds dozens of all-new Tracks designed to help players lead their own homegrown forces through the Jihad. • Fully compatible with the Tracks used throughout the Jihad Hot Spots series, enabling players to combine campaign events in dozens of new combinations.

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36.00 €
BattleTech: Total Warfare (HC)
BattleTech: Total Warfare (HC)

The Future of Warfare! It is the 31st century, a time of endless wars that rage across human-occupied space. As star empires clash, these epic wars are won and lost by BattleMechs, 30-foot-tall humanoid metal titans bristling with lasers, autocannons and dozens of other lethal weapons; enough firepower to level entire city blocks. Your elite force of MechWarriors drives these juggernauts into battle, proudly holding your faction’s flag high, intent on expanding the power and glory of your realm. At their beck and call are the support units of armored vehicles, power armored infantry, aerospace fighters and more, wielded by a MechWarrior's skillful command to aid him in ultimate victory. Will they become legends, or forgotten casualties? Only your skill and luck will determine their fate! The product of more than twenty years of gaming experience, this corrected second printing of Total Warfare presents the rules of the Classic BattleTech game system as never before. For the first time, all the rules for various units that have a direct impact on the deadly battlefields of the thirty-first century appear in a unified rules set. Interwoven and meticulously updated, Total Warfare provides the most detailed and comprehensive rules set published to date for BattleTech—the perfect companion for standard game play whether in a canon in-store event, at a major convention, or just for a argument-free evening of gaming fun. • The core rules set for the entire game line including infantry, vehicles and BattleMechs • Includes all tournament aspects of board game combat, stream-lined and unified into a single source • 7th Printing, All new presentation, including hard cover, full-color 312 pages, hardcover.

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48.00 €
Battletech: Wars of Reaving
Battletech: Wars of Reaving

The Clans Descendants of the Star League Defence Force, they returned to the Inner Sphere in 3050 with violence and honour. Stalled by the combined might of the Inner Sphere, the Clans have been waiting for the chance to strike for Terra once more. But fractures within Nicholas Kerensky’s Great Society have widened. A new enemy threatens to destroy the Clans once and for all: themselves. The resulting Wars of Reaving touches every Clan: some will be destroyed, all will be forever altered. As the Word of Blake unleashed their Jihad, one enemy of the Inner Sphere remained in the shadows, riven by internal strife and dissent. As political and military alliances among the children of Nicholas Kerensky are broken and forged, the Clans turn inward as one Clan unleashes the unthinkable upon the rest. A war that reaches deep into the bloodlines of each; none are untouched. Those who survive will not speak of it. A war of Reaving. The Clans will never be the same. The Wars of Reaving sourcebook details the Clans from 3067 through the end of the Jihad era and includes detailed reports, faction updates, personalities, units, and equipment that have a hand in this widespread orgy of war. Essential gameplay statistics, maps, and a complete campaign allow players to immerse themselves completely within these Wars of Reaving. • The current over-arcing plotline of the BattleTech universe. • The first products in this plotline, Dawn of the Jihad, and Jihad Hot Spots: 3070, were so well received they were reprinted and re-released in the Blake Ascending compilation. • Includes illustrations, game stats and record sheets for several new units, including the experimental Ultra-ProtoMechs and enhanced Elementals. • Provides a behind-the-scenes look at the events in the Clan Homeworlds, which fell silent at the peak of the Jihad and have become a mystery for Clan fans.

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42.00 €

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